Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 209: Myth Base Step 1

In the deep universe,

The huge Milky Way and the Fairy Galaxy collided. This is an ongoing process. Scientists estimate that a larger galaxy will be formed after this.

However, this process seems to be suddenly accelerated, countless stellar systems collided with each other like a drag racing, and countless supernovas burst out, shining like fireworks.

The huge black hole in the center of the galaxy began to emit horrible fluctuations. Under the action of huge gravity, all the space and time produced turbulence, and large planets were torn and torn ...

And this is just a scene of the universe, and such changes are happening everywhere.

As the line of sight continues to widen, the Milky Way subgroup ... the local galaxy group ... the Virgo super galaxy cluster ... the Rania Kea super galaxy cluster ... Pisces-Cetacean super galaxy complex ... a galaxy network formed by the Big Bang in the freeze ...

Finally, there was a shiny glass ball, which was gently rolled up by a tentacle.


Li Mo sat up suddenly, panting heavily and sweating all over her body.

"Shit! How did you have a nightmare?" Li Mo felt a little puzzled with the sweat on his head. Since becoming a magician and meditation for a long time, he has rarely dreamed.

"Probably too tired." Li Mo sighed.

Looking around, he found himself still in the seat of the McQueen cockpit, surrounded by silence.

"McQueen, report where you are now."

"Captain, we have returned to ignorance."

"Is everything going well?"

"Ego's brain in the cargo hold was normal."

"That's OK." Li Mo breathed a sigh of relief and floated slightly towards the cargo hold.

In the cargo compartment, Igo's brain wrapped in the bubble of the energy hood is still floating quietly, accompanied by the colorful light flashing on the brain circuit, like a heart beat.

Because there is no soul, this thing now relies on instinct to move.

Li Mo reached out his hand, and the eyes of the demon slowly floated out.

"Let me go." Li Mo was taken aback by the eyes of the devil, this thing was four or five times heavier than before.

Is Igo's soul so heavy?

Li Mo shook his arms hard, and a painful and miserable curse came from inside. It was a voice from the soul level, "I will kill you, wait, I will let you taste all the torture in the world. ! "

The soul cage itself does a lot of damage to the powerful soul, plus the dark nature of the devil's eye itself, Igo's soul must be uncomfortable inside.

"Fk!" Li Mo was shaking again with the devil's eyes, "Shut your beak and hang around! Otherwise I'll make a robot keep shaking for 24 hours."

The voice inside stopped immediately, Li Mo shook his head, and put the devil's eye into the carry-on space using the hidden object technique.

It is not easy to completely destroy a soul, let alone a **** like Igo. If you escape now, it will definitely cause big trouble, but Li Mo is not worried.

Such a high-quality soul is very sought-after among the demons. At least there is a bargaining chip at the cross-dimensional dimension of the demonic bazaar. It is a big deal that Igo's soul will be idiot or completely broken.

After putting everything together, Li Mo sat contentedly out of McQueen, holding a cigarette.

The spacecraft was parked on a high platform, and below was a built temporary camp. Members of Hydra Film and the Bald Gang had arrived two days ago. Now the camp is brightly lit and vocal.

The original city has basically been demolished, revealing a space like a stalactite cave. Here is the cavity exposed after opening the eye socket of Tenjin's skull. Things like drooping and towering stalactites are all petrified from brain tissue.

The **** in the camp are having a party, explosive music, flaming bonfires and rows of barrels, and everyone is celebrating the joy of coming to their new home.

The arrival of Li Mo caused a commotion. Both Stephanie and Ophelia stepped forward and held his arms, while the others held up their wine glasses. "Respect the great boss!"

Li Mo shook his head with a smile and said loudly: "You bastards, listen well. This is my base and your future home. We will build it better and better. No matter how chaotic the universe is, this It's a safe haven. Friends will be entertained when they come. What if someone wants to **** here? "

"Kill him!" All roared loudly with red eyes.

Li Mo nodded with satisfaction and waved to everyone to continue happy.

Stephanie took a sip and said, "Today is just a special case. In the future, there will be strict discipline. Everything must be organized."

"You just have to worry about these things." Li Mo shook his lips. "After McQueen has completely controlled the base, you don't have to worry about spy saboteurs and other things."

After Stephanie and Ophelia talked about the formation of the fleet for a while, they whispered something in Li Mo's ear, turned around and shook their hands and left.

Li Mo swallowed, "Wait, I'll be there soon!"

"Hey, man, let's not die." The sound of a rocket raccoon suddenly came next, and he took a sip of his drink. "It's a nice place."

"Stay good if you feel good." Li Mo said with a smile.

"Forget it." The Rocket Raccoon waved his hand. "Do you think I can rest in one place?"

"What about the rest?"

"Drink over there."

Li Mo turned his head and looked around. A group of Guardians of the Galaxy also yelled and drank drinks next to him. Xingjue came up with a glass of wine when he saw him.

"Prince of Stars, are you okay?" Li Mo asked jokingly.

Xing Jue already drank a bit, and said with a bitter smile after drinking a drink: "I'm fine, I finally found my father, but he wants to kill me, or kills my mother's murderer, I'm fine ... I'm really good ... "

Li Mo shrugged: "Don't think about it when things are over. Besides, don't you already have your own family?"

Star Lord was silent for a moment, looked at the Guardians of the Galaxy, and said softly, "Yes, I already have."

"Yes, there is one more thing." Li Mo patted Xingjue's shoulder: "Although it sounds bad, in fact, I will use your father's body to restore and build ignorance, because you also have life For the sake of light, as long as you stay here, you will have eternal life. Of course, most of the light of life will be used to restore the base and will not give you too much. "

Xingjue shook his head without hesitation. "No longer, I give up this right. I feel sick when I think of the bastard's energy still flowing in my body."

"That's eternal life!" Li Mo said in a mysterious way: "It's not ordinary property. Most people don't have this opportunity. I can't get everything I want. Even as God's Igo, it only happened in millions of years. In your case. "

"Some say I'm a rogue, some say I'm a bastard."

An indifferent smile appeared on Xingjue's face. "But I don't care what they think. It's too tiring. Probably I'm just a silkworm in my life, but it doesn't matter. I just want to live happily with my friends. . "

Li Mo smiled and shook his head and said, "Let ’s do this. Your Milan is destroyed this time. I will get you a new one. Where do you plan to go next?"

"Last time Ronan ran away. Although Drax didn't say it, I knew he was suffering a lot." Star Jue's face showed a serious expression. "I plan to go to the Kerry Empire to solve this!"

"That is really not a good idea." Li Mo frowned. "As far as I know, Ronan has become the leader of the Resistance in the Kerry Empire, and the Rocket Raccoon has hung in many star regions of the Kerry Empire. High rewards, you will not be able to do anything. "

"Let them come!" Rocket Raccoon snorted suddenly, showing a sneer: "I once vowed never to go back to that **** place, but now I want to come, there are some things to be resolved after all."

Li Mo sighed, "Okay, but remember, if you encounter any problems, you can contact a Cree kid named Caesar from Hydra Film."

"I see, I know." Rocket said impatiently: "I know you are great, but don't underestimate us."

Li Mo pouted his lips: "It is said to be the Guardians of the Galaxy, but you really ca n’t be ranked in the galaxy, and that is the Kerry Empire, and you are not the Guardians of the Large Magellanic Cloud."

"Ohshit!" Rocket scratched his head. "You guys are so cheap."

"It's better to be cheap than to be cheap. Tony hasn't complained that you stole armored legs."

"He remembers it, hahaha ..."

The next day, the Rockets built a spacecraft and left early, without even saying hello.

Life is like this. It's impossible for everyone to be around you. They always have their own stories to write ...


Ignorantly, inside the cortical hall.

"McQueen, where do you think it would be appropriate for us to put our brains?"

Finally it was time to test the loot, and Li Mo was a little nervous, wondering how much Igo's brain could play.

And this will determine how far his ignorance base and envisioned magic tower can go in the future.

"After several calculations, I found that this is the most suitable part." McQueen said while showing a red area on the three-dimensional stereogram of the god's skull.

"Pineal gland?"

Li Mo thought about his chin, "Physiologically, this part regulates neurons. A lot of functions such as the biological clock, bone metabolism, and endocrine are related to it. From the perspective of mysticism, here is also related to the soul , Mental power. It is indeed the most suitable part! "

"That's it." Li Mo gritted his teeth. "Start working!"

This was a complicated project, and Li Mo had already determined the transformation plan before he could get Igo's brain.

Alfheim's Elf Phantom Rune Array is a good original. The World Tree in their Array can really communicate the entire planet and build a protective net covering the entire planet.

In addition to assisting Asgard's energy protection matrix and Kama Taj's space expansion construction principle, Li Mo's final plan was formed.

The pineal gland is located just behind and above the city. First, a laser is used to make a fine cut on the pineal gland. It must not damage any lines.

Ulu, dwarven Moradin from Asgard, and the fine gold obtained from the bribes of Nidaweiler were the main materials for building the magic circle. Both of these things must be formed at one time, and if they are destroyed, Li Mo will be distressed to death.

A week later, the final magic formation took shape.

This is a rune array that is close to the pineal gland and has an area of ​​100 square meters. It has a kaleidoscope of complicated magic lines. There is an eye-like platform in the center.

On this day, all the members of his staff were nervously vigilant on the periphery, and Li Mo stood on the pineal gland with the tentacles holding the circular energy hood around Igo's brain.

After taking a deep breath, Li Mo slowly injected the dimensional energy into the magic circle.

After all the magic lines were lit and spread to the entire magic circle, countless magic runes and patterns began to rotate clockwise, like a kaleidoscope.

The water-like light appeared on the platform, and Igo's brain gradually sink into the pineal gland.

"McQueen, it's your turn!" Li Mo shouted.

Bringing the Starling Stone from the collector allowed McQueen to have his own body, and after the Starling Stone split, he became a avatar.

McQueen's avatar has entered the McQueen, and its subject will enter Igo's brain to manage the entire ignorance.

McQueen, who had been prepared, did not hesitate, walked up the platform a few steps, and closed his eyes, his body began to appear a little bit of starry, such as thousands of shining diamonds collapsed instantly, into the pineal body.

The complex magic array is moving faster and faster, gradually forming inertia and starting to operate autonomously.

Li Mo stopped injecting energy and flew up and quickly backed away.

Gradually, a golden protective energy shield was formed around the pineal gland, and a flash of water-like light flashed through. The walls here gradually recovered, and the pineal gland was buried deep inside.

Li Mo's heart leaped straight. This law formation was created by him. Success or failure, he suddenly felt a little unsure.

After ten more minutes, when Li Mo was already desperate, McQueen's voice suddenly came from his mind ~ ~ Everything went well. Is the renovation plan started? "


Li Mo jumped up excitedly and waved his fists fiercely, "Start the transformation plan immediately!"

As soon as his words fell, he saw the blue and white veins of energy like spider webs spreading from the pineal gland, like the network of Igo's planet, with the light of life flowing in it.

On the empty ground in the original city, all of Li Mo's men grew up and watched the starry sky gradually appearing in the dark and deep dome.

These energy veins continue to spread deeper, connecting neurons in the head of the ignorance of God.

The petrified neural veins started emitting a faint blue light. A day later, the entire ignorant neuron was connected.

The first step in the reconstruction of nothingness,


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