Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 210: Opportunity for the earth

Neural network communication is only the first step, but it is also the most critical step.

After linking the neural network of Tenjin's head in ignorance, you can first know which parts have completely lost the possibility of repair and which parts have rescue value.

Secondly, the light energy of life can be transmitted through the neural network, which can not only be used to repair inactivated tissues, but also to build materials, just as Igo did on his planet.

In the cortical transmission hall, Li Mo watched a clearer and clearer ignorance three-dimensional image of the skull appear in front of his eyes, and his face couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

"McQueen, do a search and see where there is value in rescue."

"The brain was damaged by 9.56% and completely inactivated by 31.27%. The remaining brain function after repair: unknown."

"23.63% of the ocular nerves are damaged, the eyeball is missing, and the function after repair: unknown."

"The nasal cavity is completely inactivated, there are traces of abnormal energy activity in the ethmoid sinus, and the function after repair: absorbs dark universe energy to provide power."

"93.6% of oral muscle tissue is inactivated, and naturally occurring energy-spraying organs are detected, with a 83% probability of repair."

"The remaining tissue has no repair value."

"No?" Li Mo was a little disappointed and relieved himself: "Forget it, I am greedy, it is not bad to keep these after such a long time. McQueen, calculate the time to complete the repair."

"Time to complete repair: 23217."

"You're kidding me!" Li Mo exclaimed, "isn't it the same as nothing?"

"Insufficient light storage and the need to absorb a large amount of energy to recover, it is recommended to repair the ethmoid sinus energy extraction power source first."

"This startle scared me." Li Mo was dissatisfied. "It's completely upgraded. Why is this still wrong?"

"Captain, this is the personality trait after my personality was formed. It is not a personality defect. There is an essential difference between the two ..."

"Okay, I still learned to break my mouth, and I don't know who infected you with this problem, really, it's very irritating ... yes, send me to the ethmoid sinus site to see, and I tell you Yeah, the problem with broken mouth is not good at all ... "

Li Mo and McQueen stunned while watching a white light covering his whole body.

The ethmoid sinus is located between the upper part of the outer wall of the nasal cavity and the inner wall of the orbit.

In front of Li Mo, there are spaces as large as 50 floors one by one. Below the mucous membrane that has condensed into a glassy substance, countless shale plate-like structures can be seen.

Li Mo curiously touched, "You said this thing can be used to absorb dark energy?"

A group of stars and stars composed McQueen's three-dimensional stereoscopic image. He helped the glasses and said, "According to the existing organizational structure of ignorance, the celestial nasal cavity has no special function. They absorb the dark energy seen everywhere in the universe through the ethmoid sinus , Stored in muscles and other special tissues and organs for daily activities. "

"It's no wonder that 70% of the universe is dark energy. They breathe dark energy just like humans breath oxygen ..."

Talking about Li Mo, he stopped, his eyes began to glow, "You said, would this be the key to the life of the universe in the void?"

"Calculated inference probability is greater than 80%." McQueen quickly gave the answer.

"Quickly, include this in the research topic." Li Mo was a little excited. "The first results after the completion of my alchemy laboratory have been booked. TM will not need an oxygen mask in the future and just happened to go to school in" The Book of Darkness ". A lot of magical biology reform, no, you have to find some volunteers ... "

"Captain, is it time to repair the ethmoid sinus now?" McQueen interrupted Li Mo's craving.

"Wait a minute, don't worry." Li Mo shook his head. "I have an idea. If I transform it here, can I absorb the dimensional energy to supply my magic tower at the same time, so the legendary element pool will be available? . "

"It can be tried." McQueen nodded. "We need to solve a series of problems such as energy interference, energy path reform, energy divergence and pollution."

Li Mo looked at the ethmoid sinus rooms that were hundreds of meters high and swallowed. "My eyes are a little dizzy. Can't you help me design one?"

McQueen shook his head. "After linking with Igo's brain, although my various computing capabilities can no longer calculate the upper limit, I lack a core element, creativity!"

"Let me design a magic circle with a bit of spectrum, but transforming this stuff involves a lot of disciplines such as engineering, energy science, anatomy, etc., and it is still unknown black technology." Li Mo shrugged.

"It's time to summon my think tank."



New York Baxter Building.

In a huge secret conference room, Tony is explaining, the participants are all three-dimensional stereoscopic images of faces.

Half a meter above the huge glass tabletop, a realistic three-dimensional three-dimensional image of the solar system is moving, and along the orbit of the nine planets, there are countless stars.

"Everyone, this is my initial idea." Tony said as he magnified a spot of light.

This is a bullet-like satellite with a horn-shaped round mouth at the front.

"The solar system alerter, it can emit high-energy particle rays, which is equivalent to the power of the Nova Corps main fleet carrier-based guns."

Another light spot is magnified to a starship with a streamlined appearance and a bulging belly.

"Limited by resources and technology, we ca n’t build a huge fleet. So I designed this spacecraft, which carries a large number of steel armoured troops, which can flexibly engage in outer space operations or suicide attacks. I named it Guardians of the solar system. "

"I calculated it. To achieve the effect, at least 500,000 guards and 100,000 guards are needed. The resources consumed can only be achieved by gathering the power of the entire planet. Everyone, the time for human unity has arrived ! "

The people around could not see their faces, but they were silent.

Tony sighed and said helplessly: "You also saw the information I brought back. The situation in the galaxy is not very peaceful. Before human development, we need to protect our strength."

"Don't we fight off alien attacks in New York?" Said a somewhat stubborn voice.

"You're probably a little confused." Tony didn't get angry. "I don't believe in the battle report. You know how to win, and compared to the real invaders, that's just a bunch of foolish. You Expect superheroes to battle the overwhelming Star Fleet? "

"Mr. Tony Stark, I think you are a little more concerned." Another tough middle-aged woman said: "From the current data, the earth is remote, lacking resources, and alien invasion of us is meaningless. "

"Don't let us face the entire universe slickly?" Tony patted the table fiercely. "At least we need to defend ourselves!"

"Tonysand, we think you are still focusing on studying spacecraft with long-distance capabilities." A figure said in a weird English: "Everyone, I want to discuss with you later about the development rights of other planets in the solar system. So be it."

This figure turned off the communicator, the others also looked at each other, and turned off the virtual 3D image in a similar way.

"Fk!" Tony kicked the table fiercely, exasperated: "I transferred the technology of the spacecraft unconditionally, not for you **** to grab the ground!"

"Tony, I told you earlier, this situation is not surprising now." A person said slightly ridiculously.

Tony looked up, and found two more virtual images. Frowning, he asked, "It sounds familiar to me, who are you?"

"Have you even forgotten your old friend? It's so sad for me." The face of the virtual image gradually became clear, revealing a halogen egg head wearing a blindfold.

"Nick Fury?" Tony was surprised. "You're not ..."

"Are you dead?" Nick Fury shrugged. "Someday I will die, but not now."

"Invading this confidential line will cost a lot." Tony frowned. "What do you want?"

"I'll talk about this later." Nick Fury turned his head and stared at the other figure with interest. "We need to figure out the identity of the silent gentleman first."

"Don't worry, Nick Fury, it's just an old friend." The figure's face gradually cleared, revealing an ordinary-looking oriental face.

"Zheng Xian?" Nick Fury stunned, then shook his head at Tony. "This gentleman is the leader of a special organization in the East and can be trusted."

"Everyone who shouldn't leave is gone, but someone who shouldn't be here is here." Tony said impatiently. "What's the matter with you, the two secret agents, east and west?"

Nick Fury looked at Zheng Xian.

Zheng Xian nodded and reached out to signal him first.

"Ok, Tony, I'm here to give you a warning." Nick Fury shrugged. "You said just fine, but one thing is wrong. The aliens are not likely to invade, but have already invaded. "

Tony suddenly stood up. "When and where?"

"It has been since the 90's, it's Skulu." Nick Fury passed a document and explained while saying, "At that time, they invaded many confidential agencies through deformation. Remember I told you that we were then Is there a powerful superhero? Thanks to her, we have survived that catastrophe. "

"Carroll Danfoss, nickname Captain Marvel, I found the clues long ago, but then I have no information about her." Tony poured himself a glass of water, "Where did she go?"

"Perhaps back to the Kerry Empire, who knows." Nick Fury shook his head.

"Isn't it resolved at the time?"

"I used to think so." Nick Fury looked a little dignified. "Until three days ago, an old man of mine became the green-skin clown unfortunately after being shot dead, and I investigated and found that he was dead ten years ago Now. "

"Do you know what this means?" Nick Fury grinned bitterly. "They're here again, and this time it's more secretive."

Tony drank a glass of water and thought, "I have seen the technology of the Skullours, and their engineering is second to none in the universe. The Skulu Empire is the hegemon of the fairy galaxy. ? "

"I think they're looking for something." Nick Fury said, "I will disappear completely until I find out what they are looking for. You have become the focus of the earth because of the research of aerospace technology, so I specially came to remind you . "

"Do not trust anyone!"

As soon as the words fell, Nick Fury turned off the communicator, and the three-dimensional image disappeared.

Tony sighed, a look of sorrow appeared on his face, and turned to Zheng Xian and asked, "Well, this oriental gentleman, wouldn't you also tell me bad news."

"We have friends in common, Li Mo." Zheng Xian smiled. "So we are also friends, and I am a sincere friend, Mr. Stark."

"Say something straight." Of course Tony wouldn't believe what a secret agent said.

"I appreciate your efforts for the development of the earth. Just like your solar defense plan this time, we think it is necessary and will support it," Zheng Xian said sincerely.

"Are you teasing me?" Tony shook his head. "This is something that can only be achieved by bringing together all human power."

"The people who talk to you now represent a fifth of the world's population." Zheng Xian's face showed a mysterious smile. "And sometimes to get resources from another world, you don't necessarily have to step outside the planet."

"What do you mean?" Tony frowned.

"Just finish the design, I will come to you then." Zheng Xian said a word and closed the communicator.

Tony opened his mouth. "I'm the most annoying to talk to the agent."

Immediately after leaving the secret meeting room, Reed came up. "How?"

Tony shook his head.

"Are they all stupid, why are they so short-sighted?" Reed was a little angry.

"They are all idiots," Tony said sarcastically, "just being blinded by power."

"What shall we do?" Reed asked.

"Oriental special affairs leaders let me finish the design, they will think of resources," Tony said with a frown.

"How could it be." Reed was clearly not convinced.

"He said he was friends with Li Mo."

"That's it." Reed was a little uncertain. "Then we'll finish the design before asking Li Mo."

Just then, the intelligent system of the Baxter Building spoke: "It was detected that someone suddenly appeared on the top floor of the building, and it was Mr. Li Mo."

Tony and Reed looked at each other, and as soon as they got out of the corridor, they met Li Mo with anxiety.

"Crap nonsense, hurry up."

Li Mo did not wait for the two to inquire ~ ~ and dragged them back to ignorance.

The boss has been waiting there.

Li Mo first took everyone to visit Igo's brain, and then teleported to the ethmoid sinus.

Looking at the hundreds of meters of sieve holes scattered in the neat shale structure, Tony couldn't help asking: "You say, this special part can absorb and use the dark energy of the universe?"

Li Mo nodded.

Reed and Tony all lay on the wall and watched like treasures.

"A completely strange way of construction."

"It takes long research."

"more importantly…"

Tony and Reed showed excitement on their faces.

"The opportunity for the earth has come!"

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