Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 217: Cause of Nightmare

Just when Tony was staying in ignorance.

Li Mo was staring nervously at the three-dimensional three-dimensional rune array in a secret room.

This is a sphere-shaped French matrix with a honeycomb-like hollow structure inside. It is made of layers of complicated and mysterious runes and looks exquisite.

This is the soul protection formation that the Queen of Dreams handed over after reaching an agreement with him.

After research, Li Mo found that this set of arrays, like the monument of life and time, is a mapping of the four-dimensional space array, and it is estimated that they belong to the previous universe.

After getting enough magic metal, Li Mo immediately started making. After all, this is a life-saving gadget, which can prevent him from inadvertently infecting his soul with which dimension.

I do not know how many times failed, after scrapping tons of magic metal, finally relying on the power of realistic gems to refine one. But whether it will ultimately succeed depends on the response after the injection of energy.

After taking a deep breath, Li Mo put his hands on the magic circle, and the roots of the vampire vine parasitic in the void of other extra dimensions began to shine, and the huge dimensional energy was continuously extracted. After filtering through the vampire vine, it slowly Into the magic circle.

This special magic array looks like a black hole, no matter how much energy Li Mo inputs, there is no movement.

At first Li Mo thought that he had failed, but later he didn't feel like it, so he simply kept it for a whole day and night.

Just when he felt tired and ready to rest, the magic array took effect, like a awakened soul shining with golden light constantly, and his heartbeat became brighter and brighter.

After a dazzling golden light, Li Mo appeared in front of a golden ball similar to a three-dimensional three-dimensional image. Complex and intricate runes kept flashing in it, and then the magic metal had become ash and dropped to the ground.

Li Mo was taken aback. No wonder the power needed was so huge. This magic array has been separated from the current level of space, but it can not be seen at all.

After using astral projection, this feeling is even more intense. According to the steps, the matrix method is gradually started. This golden light ball quickly flew into the forehead of Li Mo's soul, and then showed a golden aperture behind his head.

Li Mo scratched his head and felt a little bit aggressive. He suddenly thought of many religious murals, which seemed to have this thing behind those powerful heads.

Do they have the same thing?

Fortunately, this thing can be hidden, but then Li Mo felt a bit funny, maybe he could pretend to be a fairy when needed.

After the soul returned to the flesh, Li Mo easily smoked a small cigarette and slept beautifully before leaving the closet.

As soon as he came out, McQueen's three-dimensional image appeared in front of him. "Boss, Tony and Reed are here."

"Want to see your masterpiece?" Li Mo smiled, "Take me to see them."

However, after arriving at the makeshift camp, Li Mo was startled. "Pepper and Susan, you are here too, welcome and welcome."

At this time, another person came out and said respectfully to Li Mo: "Boss, it's been a long time."

"Barrett?" Li Mo opened his mouth wide and immediately felt wrong. "You all came to take refuge, has the earth exploded?"

"Not yet." Tony stepped out of a tent and shook his head. "But it's not much better."

Subsequently, Tony elaborated on the nightmare events that occurred on Earth during this time.

Li Mo frowned, "Is anyone dead in a dream?"

"No," Tony replied after thinking about it, "but there are a lot of suicides after a mental breakdown."

"I know who's doing the trick." Li Mo smiled and shook his head. "The King of the Nightmare in the dimension of dreams, only he has this ability. But it is strange that although he depends on absorbing the fear in nightmares For energy, but it usually does n’t do that. "

"Why?" Reed asked strangely.

"Will you **** all the cows out for a lot of milk?" Li Mo asked back.

"Of course I wouldn't do that." Reed shook his head. "But the cows will only be lacking, and they won't die from overdrawing."

"It's just a metaphor." Li Mo waved his hand, his expression was a little dignified, "You don't care about this, if I guess correctly, it will be far-reaching, I will investigate and deal with it."

"Now that we know why, we will not hide." Tony shook his head immediately.

Li Mo wanted to refuse, but turned around and thought, maybe these guys will have some wonderful creations, so he explained the dimensions of the dream, the extra dimension of the demon, and all of them.

Tony and Reed seemed to have opened the door to a new world. These unheard of things were as mythological as they were completely beyond their imagination.

"I didn't underestimate your wisdom." Li Mo shook his head. "But this is a soul-level war. Weapons such as steel armor are completely useless, and in the nightmare kingdom of the nightmare king, he is almost invincible. Yes, as long as your soul is pulled in, life and death are completely under his control. So, stay here with peace of mind. "

Immediately after speaking, Li Mo started the cortical transmission, and the white light shone and disappeared.

"Wow, we seem to be underestimated." Tony shrugged.

"Do you know what I think of?" Reid asked suddenly.

A smile appeared on the corner of Tony's mouth. "Dark energy!"

"That's right." Reed nodded. "Let's go, hurry up, maybe we can make something interesting."


Earth, New York.

At this time in the evening, after arriving here, Li Mo didn't rush to find Strangy, but instead came to the Times Square Hotel in a hurry.

Ophelia has a long-registered presidential suite here, and Li Mo came to the front desk to find it particularly deserted.

The front desk manager said with a pair of dark circles a little surprised: "Mr. Li, do you want to stay? You also know the current situation, and may not be able to provide you with the best service."

"It doesn't matter." Li Mo shrugged and smiled. "Just find a place to sleep."

"Uh ... well, this is your room card." The front desk manager shook his head helplessly.

After entering the room, Li Mo didn't even turn on the lights, sat directly on the bed and used astral projection, and slowly spoke a spell.

In the dimness, a tall, charming figure slowly broke through the fog and came out slowly. It was the Queen of the Succubus Dream. Her rosy tongue licked on her lips, "You are finally here ..."

Despite being in a state of soul, Li Mo still felt the tightness of his crotch, shook his head helplessly: "Don't you come here, would you like to strangle your partner?"

"You don't need to bear it." The Queen of Dreams twisted her waist and came over. Her height was about 1.99 meters. She wore a long tube that could kill people. A light stoop bent his hand to his chest.

Li Mo rolled his eyes and stepped back. "If you really want to come with me, how about going to the real world?"

The Queen of Dreams stopped talking and sat smiling in the void. The demons of the dream dimension, including the king of nightmare, have a fatal weakness. As soon as they come to the real world, their strength will be greatly weakened immediately. Some unlucky succubus in ancient times were even caught by the mage as the slave.

Li Mo smiled and shook his head. "Say, what is the situation now, is the nightmare king crazy?"

"Crazy? No, he's not crazy." The Queen of Dreams teased from the corner of her mouth. "It's just fear and ambition that made him do such crazy things. In the end, it's about you."

"It's my shit." Li Mo shook his head. "I haven't done anything at all during this time."

"Hahaha ..." The Queen of Dreams laughed, "You summoned the avatar of Schuma Goras, which almost scared the Nightmare King to death. No one knows what happened to him while serving the mighty demon. But I Knowing that even now he has become the Lord of Dimensions, the fear of Schuma can't be eliminated. "

"Coupled with recent events, Marduk with Satan's name is about to fall, which has given him the ambition to win this name in order to fight against Schumacher."

"On him?" Li Mo sniffled. "The powerful Sisorn and Setorak don't even think about it, but no matter which one is Mephisto, Satanish, Zum, Belasco, Lucifer, Can easily kill him. Is the nightmare king's head caught in the door? "

"That's why he has to make a crown of nightmare." The Queen of Dreams looked serious, "With this artifact, not only all the fear and emotional power of this universe will be blessed on him, even the fear power of other universes will be If inhaled, he will become a multidimensional dimensional demon. "

"Shit!" Li Mo was startled. "Now the vision on the earth is caused by his refined artifact?"

The Queen of Dreams nodded.

"You can't make this **** successful!" Li Mo was anxious. He thought it was just a deal and saved the earth by the way, but he didn't expect that there was a reason for it.

If the Nightmare King successfully crafted this artifact, I am afraid that he will come to find himself who can summon Shuma Goras.

"Where is he making the artifact? How long do we have? How should we deal with him? Do you have a plan?" Anxiously Li Mo asked a series of questions.

"Don't worry, it takes a long time to refine the nightmare crown." The Queen of Dreams shook her head. "The nightmare kingdom is now shrouded in mist. We must first find his hiding place, but it's too dangerous and I send After several waves of people have gone back, so it is best for powerful people to start searching from different directions at the same time and figure out the situation before making the next step. "

Li Mo nodded. "How many people can you find?"

"Count me, three."

"It's not too late, I'll find some helpers." Li Mo's soul floated directly, turned his head before returning to the flesh, and asked the Queen of Dreams: "I heard that the King of Nightmare is you Father, why did you kill him? "

"Nothing, many people know about it." The Queen of Dreams smiled gracefully. "My mother is a devil in **** and was raped by him after an encounter. I was just an accident."

"Um ... understandable." Li Mo nodded.

"The next thing is more interesting." The Queen of Dreams smiled, but her eyes filled with hatred. "He killed my mother, took me out of the womb, and threw it in the most chaotic and evil place, I grew up there from a baby until now. "

"Then he really **** it ~ ~ Li Mo opened his mouth and had nothing to say. He didn't expect the devil to have such a tragic fate.

After saying goodbye to the Queen of Dreams, Li Mo immediately returned to his physical body and teleported all the way to 177A Brick Street.

"Strange, where are you?" Li Mo shouted loudly as he entered.

"Why did you come here?" Pharaoh ran downstairs. "They are gone. Strinch suspects that there is something wrong with the dimension of the dream, so he has already investigated."

"They?" Li Mo was strange. "Who else?"

"Evil Knight, Johnny Blazer," replied the Pharaoh. "Strance wanted to find you, but time was too late."

"Hmm ... I see." Li Mo turned and walked to the door. "I'll find a helper."

"Where are you going?" The old king asked.

"Europe, Latvia ..."

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