Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 218: Build a team

Latvia is a small Eastern European country located between Hungary, Romania and Serbia.

There are no plains in the country, and most of them are desolate mountains. Lack of materials and inconvenient transportation make this place a wild place since ancient times. Even their lords are called country lords in other countries.

Because of the lack of strategic significance and no important resources, even during the drastic changes in Eastern Europe, the major powers in East and West did not pay attention here.

Until Dum's return.

As soon as he returned to the motherland, he killed the ruler at that time, and ended the warlord separatist regime in the country.

Relying on superb magic and scientific knowledge, Dum transformed Latovinia into a powerful country within a short period of time.

Not only is the military strength strong, there is no war, no famine, and a perfect social security system has been established. Citizens have been allocated housing benefits and enjoyed free education and medical care. Compared with the poverty before, Latovinia is now a paradise.

In this situation, several surrounding Eastern European countries have become dependent on Latvia and have become an independent small political group. At the United Nations conferences, he voiced himself firmly several times.

This simply violated the inverse scale of the Western world, so they began to use their usual tricks to discredit leaders, talk about the human rights crisis, economic blockade, and send troops to attack.

In this case, the title "Doctor Doom" was placed on Dum's head.

Although Dum was disdainful of discrimination, the powerful brainwashing power of the western media was reflected.

Western people don't care what Dum did. The horrible and powerful image and strong unwillingness to compromise are not the villains.

But Dum still didn't care.

Economic blockade? Doesn't matter! Several surrounding Eastern European countries will secretly trade resources and technology with him.

Send troops to attack?

The Western countries directly threatened, and on the battlefield in Serbia, their aircraft tanks encountered a robot army holding an explosive gun.

Just like treating the former Oriental dragon, Western countries have no choice but to negotiate and recognize your various political status, but also put forward a series of conditions.

One of them is that Dum must abdicate.

Dum directly agreed that he had achieved his father's ideals, and the rest of these things did not matter to him. I can just concentrate on researching magic technology, and go to **** to save my mother when I am strong.

Although Dum abdicated, he is still God in the hearts of the Latvian people. Even the newly appointed Prime Minister and a pioneering leader who is as tough as Dum speaks directly: In Latvia, even Dum's breathing is It will become law!

Li Mo really admired Dum, not to mention the character of this guy's affection.

Who would be willing to pay all the costs to save a mother who is only in the memory of a baby after gaining such a powerful power?

Who would dedicate love to their first love only, and would not be close to women for life after the death of the lover?

Only Dum, even Captain America, mourned his lover Carter, and turned to Carter's niece.

Dum's residence is a huge castle on a desolate mountain. The name "Doomsday Castle" is probably his silent irony to the Western media.

Although the architectural style is an ancient Eastern European castle style, it is full of various black technologies. Li Mogang fell outside the castle, and several laser cannons suddenly protruding from the castle's outer wall aimed at him and ran to count Mechanical dogs.

But after only two seconds of identification, all these defense measures were returned, the castle door opened slowly, and an elderly housekeeper in a tuxedo nodded gracefully: "Dear Mr. Li Mo, King Dum is in the living room Waiting for you. "

Li Mo nodded and followed the housekeeper to the main gate of the castle.

As he walked and looked around, Li Mo found a strange thing. The huge square was full of masonry buildings, not planted with any green plants, let alone fancy things such as bush mazes and fountain sculptures.

"Why not green?" Li Mo asked curiously.

The steward said with reverence: "The king believes that indulging in enjoyment will only corrupt the mind."

Li Mo shook his head silently after listening. Dum was just not good at this point. He was too stubborn and almost cruel to himself.

Hearing Reed said that when this guy was talking at the State University of New York, he attracted the attention of many girls because of his handsome appearance. When one of the schools took Yodum out to kiss him, he was almost strangled to death.

The reason is that Dum thinks this woman is trying to corrupt her mind!

The decoration inside the castle is still simple. From the perspective of Li Mo, it is just a rough house. At most, several animal heads were put on the walls. They were also sent by hunting mountain people.

Still in iron armor and iron face, Dum in the green cloak waited in the parlor, and met directly with the sentence: "What are you doing?"

Li Mo rolled his eyes. "Can't you meet an old friend?"

Dum shook his head. "I have no friends."

Li Mu was stunned, and quickly raised his hand to surrender, "OK, OK, partner! Really think he is a lonely star."

"Speak straight," Dumm said afterwards, and said to the steward with hot coffee, "you go down first."

"Do you know the latest thing?" Li Mo asked with a sip of coffee.

"Know, it should be the King of Nightmare." Dum nodded, and then snorted, "But having a nightmare, it will not die, just to exercise the mind of the people."

"There is a story behind this," Li Mo continued. "It's like this. Marduk is dying. A new round of battle for the demon king is about to begin. The king of nightmare wants to participate."

"What does this have to do with me?" Dum's voice was still cold, then he paused and asked, "You said you asked me to help the King of Nightmare, is it now?"

"Not only that," Li Mo said with a smile on his lips. "As far as I know, Mephisto is a popular candidate for this Satan name fight!"

Dum suddenly stood up, "What do you mean?"

Li Mo smiled with pride, "Maybe you can find an opportunity to make a deal with him and exchange it for your mother's soul."

Dum is also a person with high IQ. He immediately figured out the key. This time it is a huge muddy pool. If he finds a suitable handle, Mephisto will not lose greater benefits for a soul.

Of course, this is extremely dangerous, but there is no opportunity to create opportunities.

"I don't have any information about you." Dum asked after two laps. "What do you think you should do?"

"Take this matter first and overthrow the Queen of Nightmare. His daughter, the Queen of Dreams, will become the new lord of the nightmare dimension. I will recommend you to her at that time."

Li Mo took a sip of coffee and said quietly: "The next thing is your business. To find an opportunity, you must first get involved. How to stir the situation to achieve your dream depends on your ability!"

Dum didn't hesitate, and the iron gloves slammed on the table. "I did!"

With the depth of magic, he became more and more aware of the horror of the dimensional demon, which may be the best opportunity at present.

"Okay, the day after tomorrow I will gather in New York. I need to make some preparations." Li Mo nodded, without much nonsense, came to the balcony and flew up, and soon disappeared into the sky.

He did it in a win-win situation. Dum had a chance to fulfill his wish, and he could find something for Mephisto to keep him from staring at himself.

An incarnation of Mephisto is hidden by the annihilator. If Li Mo is not mistaken, he wants to pick a bargain after the annihilator gets the infinite gloves. He must have been secretly peeped by himself who owns two infinite rough stones. With.

But why was Mephisto so sure that the tyrant would succeed?

Li Mo was puzzled.


When returning to New York, it was snowing again in the grey sky, and Li Mo brought a cup of hot drink and waited at a newsstand not far from the Most Holy Place.

Just now the witch Agatha Huxson contacted him and said that his disciple, Scarlet Witch Wanda, would also join him in the operation.

I don't know how the old witch learned this information, but Li Mo didn't care, these witches always had some mysterious ability.

He was concerned that although the crimson witch Wanda had strong chaotic magic, her mental state was unstable and her willpower was a bit weak.

If it's normal, but in the nightmare dimension, the methods of attacking the spirit and soul can be described as strange and accidental.

Li Mo originally wanted to refuse, but under repeated guarantees from Agatha and Wanda, she agreed to participate in the operation.

Almost all the newspapers in the newsstand are covering recent events under various striking headlines.

Washington Daily: World Crisis!

Christ the Pravda: God's Punishment!

The Wall Street Journal: The unprecedented black swan!

Of course, there are others, such as his friend, Ben Eureka of the New York Gazette, which encouraged people to be more confident in difficult times, and the big mouth James of the Clarion Daily was questioning: those so-called superheroes What did you do

Li Mo smiled and shook his head. It was a miracle that the guy hadn't been killed yet.

Pedestrians on the street are obviously a little scarce. Li Mo looked at the owner of the white newsstand with black eyes. "This situation is still out for business now, aren't you afraid?"

The white boss smiled and said, "Do nightmares? What is it, my life is a nightmare. My wife and daughter are sick at the same time, borrowing everywhere causes bankruptcy and the house is taken away by the bank. What can I do if I do n’t come out and earn Every cent I get is good for my family. After all, life goes on. "

Li Mo smiled, "I bought all your newspapers, and go back with my family. Of course, if you think this is alms, you can't stand your pride."

"Thank you." The white boss shrugged. "Pride? That kind of thing isn't as good as milk and bread for wife and daughter."

"This is the man." Li Mo patted him on the shoulder. "Rest assured, things will soon pass."

Just then, a Rolls-Royce stopped in front of him, and Tony's fat bodyguard Happi stepped out of the door. "Mr. Li, I got it."

Immediately afterwards, the scarlet witch Wanda opened the door of the car and walked down, nodding toward Li Mo.

After Hapi drove away, Li Mo led Wanda to the Most Holy Place.

The boss of the white newsstand shouted in the back, "Sir, what about these newspapers?"

Li Mo waved his hands without turning back. "For the tramp to burn wood."

After entering the sanctuary, Pharaoh led them to the second floor. Strangie and Johnny Blaze were lying on a bed. Their souls had entered the dimension of dreams, the nightmare kingdom.

After waiting a long time ~ ~ both woke up.

"Fk!" Johnny Blazer cursed fiercely, while Strinch shook his head helplessly, obviously the result was not ideal.

"How's the situation there?" Li Mo asked.

"Mist is everywhere, space is extremely complex, countless monsters ..." Strinch sighed. "We don't even know where we are."

Li Mo nodded and played a holographic map of a nightmare country directly with nano glasses. "Say where did you go?"

"How do you have a map there?" Johnny Blazer was curious.

"Because there are acquaintances there, she will act as the internal response to our operation." Li Mo answered.

Stranger was a little happy, looking at the map and jokingly saying, "Aren't you professing to be a cosmic universe, how have all your connections been established to an extra dimension?"

Li Mo shrugged, "Because I'm going to be a multiverse person right away ..."

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