Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 220: fear

The dimension of dreams is a scattered and ethereal dimension, which depends on the existence of the main world, and is a dimension that is unconsciously linked and constructed by the entire universe.

As its name suggests, this dimension is complex and chaotic, but it can be roughly divided into low and high astral layers.

The low astral layer is on the outer layer of the dimension of dreams, and the dream map of ordinary people will be here. The high star layer is located in the center, with complex dimensions and spatial characteristics, and the country of nightmare is the most dangerous place.

Although the extra dimensions are called pocket universes, many of them are even larger than the main universe. The dimension of dreams is not clear how big it is, only know that one galaxy will have an aggregation point, and two remote galaxy aggregation points will even show fault space.

In other words, the King of Nightmare is not the only lord of the dimension of dreams, which determines that he is not a fraction of a star away from the first-class deity of Setorak who dominates the crimson universe.

After Li Mo and his team performed astral projection, they quickly came to the periphery of the Nightmare Kingdom through the low and high astral layers in turn.

This is an irregular area with a diameter of 3,000 kilometers. It is shrouded by a lot of thick and pale mist. Although it looks a little small, it has a honeycomb-like composite space. Adding to the surface world from time to time, the complexity is difficult. Imagine.

The Queen of Dreams has led two demons waiting at the intended location.

One of the two demons standing behind her was a nightmare elf, like a cloud of black smoke. The other is the strong **** devil, with red skin and long horns, and blood-red flames in his eyes.

Because Li Mo passed in advance, the two sides did not have hostility, but looked at each other with a little vigilance.

"OK, please relax." Li Mo clapped his hands and caught everyone's attention. "Our goal is the same this time, so we must cooperate wholeheartedly. Let me explain in advance. I and the Queen of Dreams have signed a treaty with very severe punishment. , So everyone does not need to guard against each other this time. "

The Queen of Dreams also smiled and said, "If this time succeeds, I will prepare a great gift for you."

Several of Strange nodded and didn't speak. They wanted to end the matter earlier than any gift.

After each area was allocated, Li Mo and his team of five people, together with the two powerful demons brought by the Queen of Dreams, entered the country of nightmare from eight different directions.

The space of the nightmare kingdom is really complicated. After entering, Li Mo finds himself in a desolate canyon.

Although the visibility was less than 50 meters under the shroud of fog, Li Mo's powerful spatial sensing ability still noticed an anomaly. This canyon actually has a retro-projection above it, which means that there is also a Li Mo looking up.

The canyon is deep and desolate, and the granular black sandy land is undulating, craggy and quaint boulders like melted plastic can be seen everywhere, and the white moisture scattered on the ground.

Some scientists in Germany have found that fear has a taste. The human body can secrete this pheromone through the skin, thereby transmitting the fear to those around it.

But when he came here, although he was in a state of soul, Li Mo still smelled a kind of cold, a little odor of camphor ball, and his heart jumped wildly for a while.

The soul protection matrix behind my head suddenly flashed with golden light, and this feeling disappeared.

This is the country of nightmare, which is formed by the fear of collective life consciousness. As soon as the soul of an ordinary person enters here, it will start to fear unconsciously. Soul shock will emit the power of fear, and many demons live on this power.

Not long after moving forward, Li Mo's eyes lighted up. 8 meters in front of him, a strange and horrible plant appeared on the desolate ground, like a cannibal flower inside a plant vs. a zombie. The fangs had a large mouth, and from time to time licked it with a huge tongue, as if eating something.

"Dream-eater!" Li Mo smiled and stretched out his tentacles. This rare plant would have a high medicinal value as long as it was taken out.

However, when its tentacles touched the plant, a dream sounded, and the herbivorous grass disappeared into a cloud of white smoke.

Li Mo's face turned black. It turned out to be a fake.

The reason why dream eating grass is expensive is that this thing has a weird phase characteristic and can be stored in several places at the same time, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Shaking his head, Li Mo decided to abandon the search, but it was important to do the business first.

The reason why he is willing to invest such a large amount of cost and energy to help the Queen of Dreams come to power is because of the irreconcilable conflict with the King of Nightmare, and the other is the stimulus at the demon market.

Coming out of the lava demon, Li Mo also strolled around the market for a while, and what he saw and heard opened his eyes.

Each pocket universe has its own unique output in extra dimensions. In contrast, the main universe is really a barren wasteland.

He wants to vigorously develop his alchemy laboratory, and these magical materials are essential.

Mass killing to obtain the soul is certainly not something he would do. Therefore, even if it is disgusted by the dimensional demon, it is inevitable to enter other dimensions to obtain supplies in the future.

He remembered the stories of the powerful mages who had developed in the multiverse in the novels he had read in order to obtain materials to help him improve his magic practice.

This gave him some inspiration, and the dimension of dreams was the first experimental subject.

Thinking of this, Li Mo decided to speed up the search, floated quickly, relying on space induction, and flew towards the end of the canyon to accelerate.

And on the ground he flew over, an animal the size of a mouse, with eyes and tongue covering it, got out of the sand all of a sudden.

This is a kind of nightmare in the Kingdom of Nightmare, which is also created by the fear of life. As the little scorpion looked around, a sudden large mouth swallowed it like a lightning bolt, and another Dreamweed began to be beautiful. Pouting.

The fog continued to burst, Li Mo's speed was getting faster and faster, and he rushed out of the valley about ten minutes later.

The fog seemed to fade a little, and his eyes suddenly opened up. When Li Mo looked at the situation in front of him, he suddenly felt a bit big.

In front of me is a foldable space. The weird stone buildings form an endless city. The sky, the ground, and the left and right sides are all such city buildings, just like the mirror space.

The Queen of Dreams mentioned it to him, the endless cage, the most annoying part of the country of nightmares.

There is no boundary here. The exit of the space may be located in a corner of the room, or in the basement of a room. You can only leave if you find it.

The good thing is that there are countless exits to the space, which may disappear or appear at any time. The only way is to try your luck.

As for why it ’s called an endless cage?

Li Mo soon learned that as soon as he entered this desolate and broken city, a human soul appeared on the street.

This is a fat, middle-aged woman, she screamed loudly, as if there were monsters all around, her face became a bit distorted by fear.

A stream of green air constantly emerges from her soul, misty into the void, and those are the power of fear.

Li Mo was a little helpless, and he couldn't do anything about this situation. Fortunately, the woman's soul screamed and disappeared for a while. Li Mo knew she had woke up from a nightmare.

There are more and more such souls along the way, such as batteries that provide the power of fear, and they will leave quickly after being squeezed out, until the next nightmare.

"Shit!" Li Mo was really upset by what he saw and heard, and he quickly relied on powerful space sensors to search for his exit.

Li Moyi hovered at supersonic speeds over the city and soon lost his way. What surprised him, however, was that no exit was found.

After half an hour, Li Mo stopped and sat on a 100-meter-high building.

He felt something wrong. According to the Queen of Dreams, there were a lot of space exits, but he didn't find one after searching such a wide area.

There are only two possibilities for this situation. One is that the Queen of Dreams lied to him, and the other is that the King of Nightmare has found it and wants to trap him here!


Strinch finds himself in a cave, he has explored before, knowing that the honeycomb space structure of the Nightmare Kingdom has been changing constantly, so it is not surprising.

A layer of water accumulates under the cave, and there is almost no light. The sound of dripping water from the stalactites is clearly audible in the quiet space, but there seems to be a whisper of murmur in his ears.

Strinch frowned. This time it seems different from before. There are no endless nightmare monsters, and no scary monsters roaming around. Do you want to rely on this space to trap yourself?

The Nightmare King is too self-righteous!

At this moment, he suddenly felt something. He waved his hands and crossed them to make a magic handprint. He pushed his right hand forward, and a fiery light instantly emitted from the tip of his hand, illuminating the entire cave.

The darkness, like the monster who bit him strongly, began to be slowly retreated in the light, gradually retreating to the depths of the cave. It seemed that something was hovering in the dark, staring viciously at him.

"Who's there!" Stranger yelled, and began to fly along the cave, relying on the power of the levitating cloak.

But he soon had to fall to the ground, because the space began to narrow, and gradually only one person could pass.

Strangy didn't hesitate and kept walking. In the tortuous passage, he had an illusion, and the thick walls seemed to be eager to press him.

There never seems to be an end ahead ...

After half an hour,

Even though the source of spell power in his hand was still strong, Strange had already felt a sense of depression.


Johnny Blazer entered a city with an impression, and he frowned, the most annoying New York.

The streets and subway stations are full of people. This huge city is packed like canned sardines.

All pedestrians, men, women, and children, were all robot-like indifferent faces. They looked numbly and walked forward, and they did not see Johnny Blazer at all.

He reached for his hand and swept across the pedestrian's body as if through the mist.

"Illusion?" Johnny Blazer sneered scornfully, strolling leisurely.

He was almost immortal possessed by the evil knight, so he was not worried.

After half an hour,

Johnny Blazer was already irritable, and didn't try to attack his monsters, but no matter where he went, there were crowds everywhere.

Originally accustomed to loneliness, Johnny Blazer went crazy, and the blazing **** flames began to burn throughout his body, and soon became an evil knight.

"Give me all to die!"


The crimson witch Wanda entered a mighty grassland.

Here is the night, the sky is a dim star, and the dark and dark in the distance never seems to end.

Without the smell of grass,

There is no sound of wind,

No bugs,

Just a silence ...

The Scarlet Witch relied on chaos magic to fly forward, but to her surprise, there seemed to be no danger here.

Again, half an hour later.

Wanda started to feel a kind,

Terrible loneliness ...


As soon as Dum entered the country of nightmares, he found himself in the ocean.

It is surrounded by blue water, without seaweed and without any school of fish, and there are endless abyss of the sea at the foot.

After taking a magic breath, he swam toward the dim sea with some light sources.

The same half an hour later, Dum gave up.

He noticed the anomaly in this space and simply let his thoughts go and began to think about cracking.

He suddenly felt that this place was like his own life. Hope was just a phantom, and hard work was just a more desperate struggle.

The sea is getting farther and farther,

The dim light source is getting darker,

Dum sinks into the endless abyss ...


Deep in the nightmare kingdom,

Beside a cave with a diameter of 2,000 meters and endless stepped down ~ ~ countless dread monsters standing, chanting vicious spells in a stern voice, and the soul will collapse when heard. Hong Loud sound loud and clear.

A quaint gold-green crown floats up and down in the center of the large pit, and countless green fears gather in the center like a vortex.

The Queen of Dreams was nailed to a cross, the blood of the demon flowed to the ground, and the glamorous face had become pale.

Beside her, the Hell Devil had no breath, holding his terrified face like a melted wax man, like the cry of Van Gogh.

The other nightmare elf knelt on the ground shivering, daring not to lift his head.

"Dear daughter, you are too disappointed."

On the tall altar, a sloppy green back said in a husky voice: "Although most of my energy is taken up, it is only useless by these small humans."

"You don't understand what fear is ..."

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