Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 221: breakthrough

"Fear comes from nature."

The King of Nightmare turned slowly, but he was tall and thin but leaned on his back, and the ominous black lines on the green robe were slowly twisting. His skin was a kind of deadly grayish white, dark circles, white pupil , Dark lips, messy and oily black hair gently dancing in the breeze.

A green smoke flashed, and the King of Nightmare had appeared before the cross, holding the Queen of Dreams by the neck. "My daughter, do you know why you always fail?"

The queen of dreams blew blood on him with a whistle, but splashed to the ground as though walking through a phantom.

A smile appeared on the corner of the nightmare king's mouth, and her right hand was gradually forced to make the queen of dreams look purple.

"In the country of nightmares, fear is everything. And when I feel your heartbeat in the mother's body, I can't help but to plant fear, even if you escape by chance, you will live under my haze forever!"

Talking, he sniffed, and the smile on his face was even worse. "I smelled the fear, and all your anger and murderous intentions are gradually turning into fear, and you will never be qualified to challenge me. "

The Queen of Dreams began to tremble, and scarlet glowing blood flowed out of the seven holes, but she still gritted her teeth and looked at the void ahead.

"Oh, you're still resisting?" The King of Nightmare smirked, "Let me help you."

After speaking, he reached out and waved, a few green apertures in the air began to appear distorted, and then pictures were presented in front of the Queen of Dreams.

First image:

Although Strinch was still moving forward, cold sweat on his forehead, trembling hands, and rapid breathing sounds had shown that he was in a state of anxiety.

The nightmare king smiled. "Fear comes from uncontrollable. When the situation develops beyond control, even the most powerful person will have anxiety, and fear will be born."

Second image:

The evil knight incarnate by Johnny Blazer was braving the blazing hellfire, waving the iron chain in his hand wildly.

The streets were blown up, the subway was overturned, all the pedestrian illusions looked at him in unison, indifferent and indifferent.

The Nightmare King continued: "Fear comes from being unrecognized and disgusted with yourself. You choose to be alone just because you are afraid of losing."

Third image:

The crimson witch Wanda wandered alone under the lonely starry sky. She was already in tears, and she kept muttering: "Dad, mother, Pietro ..."

"Fear also comes from being alone, confused about the future ..."

Fourth image:

Dum continued to fall in the endless ocean of abyss and seemed to have lost his will.

The Nightmare King even laughed, "When hope is slim, the first thing that comes to mind is fear!"

"This is human!"

The nightmare king's eyes narrowed, and his hands were slowly twisted, and a huge force of fear was continuously drawn from Strangi's body.

After taking an intoxicated inhalation like drug abuse, the King of Nightmare exhaled softly, "This is human beings, small and humble. Even they themselves admit that they are only the Lamb of God, then they are only pigs to demons."

The King of Nightmare touched the Queen of Dreams' cheek with pale hands again, and the dark and sharp nails scratched the bloodstains. "Dear daughter, find these humans to deal with me, you have lost our devil's face."

The Queen of Dreams sneered weakly, "Why don't you talk about Li Mo?"

"Is that Summa's Summoner?" The King of Nightmare shrugged. "He was trapped in my endless cage and waited until the artifact was successfully refined. I would peel his skin and let him live in eternal pain. ! "

"I think you are scared," the Queen of Dreams said mockingly. "You are scared to face him, not even the image. You are afraid to evoke memories of your fear."

"Let me guess ... Um," dreaming of a joke on the corner of the queen's mouth, "What the **** did Shuma Goras do to you? Dear father ..."

"Did you display countless tricks?"

"Or is the buttock still faint?"

The words of the queen of dreams completely angered the king of nightmare, the space began to tremble, and green thunderstorm clouds appeared in the sky, swarming and pressing directly towards the ground, as if the end of the world.

The King of Nightmare reached out and lifted it. The Queen of Dreams, crucified on the cross, was torn apart by a force and invisible force, and slowly flew to the eyes of the King of Nightmare with the broken limbs and blood.

Those nails are the product of magical strengthening, and wounds to demons are difficult to heal.

The irresistible pain caused the Queen of Dreams to feel a little bit frustrated, and she seemed to remember the time struggling in the abyss of pain.

She resisted the painful screams, because that would only make the opposite pervert happy.

She closed her eyes calmly, because fear only fuelled the opponent's arrogance.

"No hope ..."

The Queen of Dreams is desperate for death.

The King of Nightmare, who was about to kill his daughter, suddenly stopped, and the various visions of space suddenly disappeared.

A vicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "You want to die? Hahaha"

"You forgot we were demons?"

"Even if I die, the soul is in my control!"

The Queen of Dreams ignored him, because he had already carved a magical array of destruction in his soul beforehand.

Even if this **** can't be harmed, he will splatter his blood.

However, just as she opened her eyes to prepare for the final curse, she suddenly paused, showing an inexplicable expression in her eyes, and laughed playfully.

"Father, you say that when things get out of control, fear comes into being. So ... why not look behind you?"

The nightmare king lost his smile, and his complexion gradually returned to gloom. You don't need to look to know what happened.

Dum, who was constantly falling towards the endless ocean abyss, suddenly opened his eyes!

The huge blue current began to condense, a large amount of seawater was vaporized and ionized, and a dazzling light began to appear on his iron gloves.

"Dare to try to corrupt my mind!"

Dum's eyes were full of raging anger, "All this ... destroy it!"

After speaking, his iron gloves waved forward, and a few hundred meters long iron claw light suddenly lit up in the dark abyss ocean, the space was suddenly torn, and the ocean vortex visible to the naked eye continued to emerge. Disappear.

"It just ran away with an ant." The nightmare king shook his head. "It was just an accident ..."

As soon as he said a few words, he stopped.

On the lonely starry sky prairie, the crimson witch, who had already collapsed, knelt on the ground and burst into tears.

A huge amount of red energy began to emerge from her, like a dream, constantly distorting the surrounding space.

The scarlet witch's eyes gradually began to glow red, and the expression on her face suddenly disappeared, floating slowly in the air as if she had changed her personality.

"I said, none of this is in sight ..."

The third image suddenly disappeared.

The Nightmare King frowned. "Chaos magic?"

The Queen of Dreams has begun to laugh wildly, because she saw a huge elemental demon phantom suddenly appearing behind the evil knight Johnny Blazer, punching the space barrier.

Strange also sat in the air with his eyes closed, constantly changing the seal of France, then he twisted his hands and suddenly opened his eyes, "Hoggs's ancient body!"

After a bang, the entire cave was turned into a boundless blue energy butterfly, and the image disappeared.

The nightmare king felt a little stiff.

"Hahahaha ..." The Queen of Dreams laughed even more crazy. She felt that she could see the sight in front of her, even if she died immediately.

Strange. They constantly shuttled through the weird spaces and came straight here.

They are all high-minded, and the Nightmare King draws their fear, but at the same time points the way for them.

As the dimensional demon, they did not kill them as soon as they came up. Instead, they used this kind of psychological warfare, which shows that the nightmare king has no time to look after him at this moment. This is the best opportunity.

"Even if they are here, what can they do?" The King of Nightmare gripped the Queen of Dreams' face and turned to the side. "I am the master of this space, and all listen to my orders!"

Four more pictures appeared in the air, and they all encountered obstructions, and strange weird beasts rushed towards them like a tide.

There were tiny twisted creatures like rats, giant insects like crickets, and ten-storey one-eyed nightmare giants carrying stone hammers, which soon drowned Strangie.

However, in the face of these creatures, the power of the four magic side heroes is manifested.

Strange first used the Aiken figure to incarnate tens of millions, and then used the Bossat Thunder at the same time. The orange powerful thunder and lightning continued to bombard the ground, and the pieces of Moonkin were ashes.

Although the state of the Scarlet Witch is not right, she seems more powerful without expression. With a wave of her hand, those scary-looking monsters are erased from reality.

Dr. Doom of Destruction is surrounded by a vast blue thunderbolt, smashing the pack of beasts like a dragon.

And the evil knight Johnny Blazer's side has already burned a sea of ​​hellfire.

There was a smile on the corner of the Queen of Dreams. She was very satisfied with the companions whom Li Mo had brought in, but where was the bastard?

The King of Nightmare turned gloomily and looked at the artifact nightmare crown still being refined, and frowned, his hands floating up slowly.

The huge pothole under the nightmare crown suddenly began to emit a strong green light, and the vortex formed by the power of fear suddenly increased several times.

"Are you crazy ?!"

The Queen of Dreams suddenly screamed, "You crazy creation of the power to draw fear will cause the death of countless people. The earth is not your place, and other demons will not let you go."

The nightmare king smiled Yinyin, "When I started to refine this artifact, all the demon kings are destined to be my enemies. Do you think I will let them go?"

"When I agree with the fear of the multiverse ~ ~ won the title of King of Satan, they will all be at my feet!"

At the same time, large groups of people on the planet suddenly fainted.

The driver was lying on the steering wheel with his eyes closed, his face twisted and shaking.

Cars started to collide, or entered the sidewalk, and the streets of the cities were chaotic.

However, there was a strange silence on the street, because pedestrians and policemen all lay on the ground, their eyes closed with frightened faces.

This situation is happening in many places, the United Nations General Assembly fluttered, the US aircraft carrier formation crashed and exploded on the deck ...

Endless cage,

In the endless city projection, more and more souls appeared, and the terrors and screams became a movie, and some even began to have soul collapse.

On the next hundred meters high building, Li Motuo sat there with his cheeks, expressionless like the same sculpture ...

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