Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 222: Scuffle

As the Lord of Dimensions, the Kingdom of Nightmare is under the control of the Nightmare King. Even if he didn't observe it, Li Mo sitting on the top of the building was dumbfounded in his mind.

"Oh, my daughter, there is still a glimmer of hope in your heart." The King of Nightmare smiled, and gently stretched out his hand, an image slowly appeared with the green swirl, "Are you looking forward to this fool? ? "

The Queen of Dreams had widened her eyes, and her eyes were unbelievable. In her impression, Li Mo has always been sly and ghostly. How did she become like this?


It should not be like this,

What must have happened!

The Queen of Dreams is thinking hard,

Maybe Li Mo was thinking of a way out of there?

Maybe he already has a plan?

But the **** **** was there in a daze!

The Queen of Dreams was finally desperate, and she seriously suspected that she had been pitted.

The King of Nightmare enjoyed looking at his daughter's expression, shook his head with a narrow squint, "I won't let you die easily, come and witness it all!"

After speaking, his hands were lifted up again, the whole space began to rumbling, and the gravel on the ground slowly floated as if losing gravity.

The deep pit that drew the power of the soul's fear also began to tremble, and the cloaked dread monsters screamed one by one, peeling off the skin and turning into a green spirit-like creature. Unidentified fireflies usually fly towards the center of the big pit, and begin to spin with the green vortex of fear.

With the sacrifice of those dread monsters, the power of the vortex of fear power became more powerful, not only the Earth, the entire life planet of the Milky Way, all the same situation.


Sandal, Nova Plaza.

Large pedestrians twitched, and an occult starship crashed out of control and crashed on the ground, triggering a huge explosion.

A team of special commanders with Nova helmets flew from a distance in blue light.

"What's happening here?" George, who had become part of the Nova Project, was surprised.

"Perhaps ... is some kind of large-scale virus?" Little Lucas scratched his head first, then widened his eyes, and fell to the ground all of a sudden, the blue light burning like a flame, "I feel ... a power ... I'm trying to resist! "

"Oh, **** it!" Their good friend Jesse Alexandra also fell to the ground all of a sudden, fainting with closed eyes.

Galactic Council Elsing, Soverin, Conrachatt ... the same thing happened.

Ignorantly lingering around the faint blue light of life, all people inside were unaffected.

Tony frowned, looking at the bright walls around him. "McQueen, what happened?"

"A peculiar dimensional power ..." McQueen's three-dimensional image appeared. "But rest assured, I can resist it."

Tony looked at the void in the distance, and suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Asgard also emerged with a golden magic shield to block everything.

Countless residents looked up at the sky, whispered to each other without knowing what happened.

In the Hall of Courage of the Golden Palace, Rocky had a meaningful smile on his face.


The space of the Nightmare King's crafting artifacts is a place similar to the void universe, and they are on a huge meteorite. Further afield, countless broken meteorite floated.

The Queen of Dreams was completely desperate, and she closed her eyes in preparation for the tragic fate.

The Nightmare King, who was trying to make artifacts, stopped suddenly and looked gloomily in one direction.

The space barrier there was suddenly opened by a red energy, and the crimson witch Wanda flew in slowly around the red light.

She looked at the Nightmare King indifferently, raising her hand as a chaotic magic ray.

The nightmare king waved his hand gently, and the magic ray that hit him suddenly disappeared.

There was a hint of mockery in the corner of his mouth, "There is a powerful force in the sky but a mind without control, you can only reshape a personality, and you will eventually go to self-destruction."

It turned out that Wanda, the crimson witch, also knew her fragile psychological weakness, and intentionally or unintentionally created another personality, which would appear in crisis. Even her teacher, the witch Agatha Axon, did not find it.

This character, born purely for battle, ignored the mockery of the Nightmare King, pressed her hands to the ground with the power of the red chaotic magic, and her long hair began to dance, without dozens of meters of stone thorns. With the whistling, pierced the nightmare king.

The nightmare king waved his hand freely, and all the stone spines suddenly turned into powder.

A green smoke flashed, and he had already appeared behind the Scarlet Witch, and pressed one hand on Wanda's head with a smile on the corner of his mouth. "Sleep softly, child, feel the power of fear ..."

The crimson witch Wanda's fighting personality was quickly suppressed, her face showing a painful expression, her eyes began to turn white.


A burning chain suddenly flung over, breaking up the figure of the Nightmare King into a cloud of smoke.

The controlled Wanda fell to the ground fiercely and awoke, and the figure of the Nightmare King reunited in another place.

The evil knight Johnny Blaze also arrived in time. The burning skull suddenly opened his mouth, and a 20-meter-long hellfire spurted out. He wrapped his face and wrapped the King of Nightmare.

The Nightmare King is a little bit embarrassed. Most of his power is concentrated on the refinement of the Nightmare Crown, which has reduced his ability to the minimum. No matter whether it is chaos magic or hellfire, it can hurt him.

As a last resort, the King of Nightmare regained a small part of his strength and lifted his hands. First, the ground sucked the crimson witch and the evil knight tightly like mud, and then the sky fell like countless green energy rays. .

The crimson witch Wanda hurriedly opened a protective shield, while the completely undefensive evil spirit knight was beaten around and roared constantly.

Along with the green energy rays, a little monster like an octopus jumped onto Wanda's head, wrapped his head tightly and exposed a blood-red, large bowl of eyes.

This is the favorite pet of the nightmare king. It is reproduced in many places in the main universe. As soon as it is wrapped around its head, it will lose its resistance and fall into the deepest fear.

The scarlet witch Wanda screamed lying on the ground and completely lost her combat power.

When these little monsters wanted to wrap the evil knight, they were squeaked by the fire of hell. But even so, Johnny Blazer was bewildered by stormy energy rays.

Just then, a few scarlet energy chains suddenly appeared, tightly locking the limbs of the Nightmare King.

Strange also came, and immediately used the most powerful **** magic: Cetrak's Crimson Devil Band.

This magic has a strong rule of another dimension, so the nightmare king cannot be transformed into a phantom and is bound to the sky.

He looked at the bound limbs indifferently, a smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth, and he dragged fiercely, and the irresistible Juli immediately flung out the unexpected Stranger.

However, just as the Nightmare King was about to tear open the Crimson Demon Band, a green figure was severely chopped down with blue and white thunder, and the ground trembled and the stones were flying. .

The dust slowly dropped, and Dum, who was scorching white smoke, stood up, pinched the iron gloves, and turned a heart in his hand into coke.

Stranger quickly walked aside and pulled the little monster on the head of the crimson witch Wanda, holding her up.

"We killed him!" Dumm said blankly.

"Impossible." Strange shook his head. "As a feature of the Dimension Demon, it is eternal in his own place."

As soon as his words fell, ten meters away from them, the green smog began to condense, and the gloomy figure of the nightmare king soon appeared.

"How should we kill him?" Dum asked.

"There's no way here." Strinch looked a little bit bitter, "unless he can be pulled into the main universe."

"You ... these ... ants!"

The King of Nightmare was indeed angry. He felt that he had become a laughingstock. If other demon kings knew a dignified dimension, the devil would be so embarrassed by several human beings, even if something happened, it would become an eternal stain.

He regained 1/10 of his strength again, and grabbed his right hand fiercely in the void, and the four twisted energy devil's claws caught Strange fiercely, and began to rub constantly on the ground.

Strange, the most fragile of the body, was unable to use magic because he was bound, and he stunned when he hit a stone.

Jonny Blazer roared angrily, dragging long trails of flames on the ground.

Dum was struck by electric light, and his armoured Mars shot out.

The poorly performing Crimson Witch just made a contribution. Chaos magic wiped the green claws at once, rescued the other three by the way, and awakened Strange.

The four assembled again to fight with the King of Nightmare and formed a team, and gradually cooperated with the King of Nightmare.

Streams of magic ray scurry, flames, electric light, magical power of chaos, white magical power and green fear magical power are intertwined, bright and devastating.

The ground was rumbling, and a large two-kilometer-long meteorite fell off quickly, colliding with another meteorite and making a huge noise.

The Queen of Dreams, who was full of wounds, climbed up hard. She looked sad in the distant battle.

Although these people are very powerful, they can even draw a nightmare king with 1/3 magic power, but what use is it?

As long as the Nightmare Crown is completed, everyone will have a tragic fate.

"Wow, oh ... how terrible you are!"

The sudden sound from the side surprised the Queen of Dreams and raised her head, "You ... how do you ..."

She quickly looked at the images in the air, where Li Mo was still sitting stupidly on the top of the building, but why did another one appear in front of her?

"Oh ... that." Li Mo shrugged. "It's just a disguised clone."

Immediately he slammed his finger, the avatar in the image suddenly turned into a rainbow-like light and disappeared.

It turned out that when he felt wrong, he immediately used the power of realistic gems.

First, the clone was made to stay in place, and then stealthily ran out with a real gem to change the space structure.

He was only a little later than Strangy when they came. He wanted to make a surprise attack, but his eyes turned quietly to the side of the Queen of Dreams and showed his figure.

"No more nonsense." Li Mo stopped the doubtful Queen of Dreams and asked anxiously: "What should we do?"

The Queen of Dreams looked at the center of the huge pothole. The nightmare crown had appeared a beam of light directly through the sky. She said firmly: "You must destroy that artifact first, or we will all die today."

Li Mo nodded and stood up, looking at the crown.

As soon as I started, there was a voice next to him, "Useless little guy, the artifact is already in the process of formation, it is difficult to be disturbed. Don't resist anymore, welcome death with a smile."

Another King of Nightmare appeared beside him ~ ~ said mockingly.

Li Mo turned his head and looked, Tony and they are still fighting, so this guy in front of him must be a clone, not to be worried.

He waved his hand first, and dozens of large eyeballs suddenly appeared, sending a magical laser light to the center like a storm.

However, after the smoke was gone, Li Mo frowned, and the nightmare crown was not affected at all.

The nightmare king smiled, "No need for resistance, man, let me give you a kind fear."

Li Mo poked his lips, and a tentacle suddenly appeared above the nightmare crown.

Twisted, grunted and spit out the dimension bomb that had been activated, which was stuck in the middle of the nightmare crown.

"Well, I said, greenskin **** ..."

There was a smile on the corner of Li Mo's mouth,

"Still you first feel ... the fear of science!"

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