Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 230: Spaceship rescue

"There are 100,000 refugees here. The spacecraft's life support system has been damaged. Please answer when you receive ... please answer when you receive ..."

Signals for help kept ringing in the Hydra flagship central command hall.

All the crew stopped their work and looked at Ophelia quietly, waiting for her order.

Ophelia, who has always acted decisively, closed her eyes for a moment, and then opened her eyes firmly: "Close the signal channel immediately, contact the Galactic Council, and report the situation here!"

Most of the crew breathed a sigh of relief and then started their operations.

No wonder they are careful, there have been two large-scale super intelligent rebellions in recorded history. The war has spread across many planets, and many weak civilizations have become the dust of history.

Ophelia also has her own considerations. Although ignoring the distress signal violates the rules of the Interstellar Convention, what if it is a trap?

Some super-intelligent life can easily invade the central brain of the infected spacecraft, which is their most powerful place.

So even if it is true, Ophelia does not plan to participate. She is not a soft-hearted Virgin.

It is most appropriate to leave it to the Galactic Council.

The Galactic Parliament was established at the time to cope with the increasingly serious war crisis. As the scale became larger, it also played a huge role in mediating regional disputes and interstellar trade frictions.

As a well-known interstellar powerhouse with voting rights, Li Mo certainly has his own dedicated signal channel, but he has no time to deal with Stephanie and Ophelia.

Ophelia, sitting in the captain's seat, directly opened the operation panel next to her, entered a long password, and pressed the send key.

Soon, a three-dimensional image of a young girl with pink skin and a uniform appeared in front of Ophelia.

"Hello, Miss Ophelia, can I help you?" The correspondent girl asked politely.

"Contact the Security Committee, the channel is encrypted, the orange level crisis." Ophelia said solemnly.

"Orange ... orange, okay, right away!" The correspondent was stumped with fright, and began to operate in a hurry.

Al Xing, Galactic Parliament headquarters.

In the silver ring-shaped conference room of the Security Committee, a dozen people in various military uniforms were arguing.

They are military representatives from the major forces in the galaxy, and the three empires account for the majority. Their main job every day is plainly to mediate the friction between the three empires.

For example, the focus of the quarrel just now is whether to deal with the internal Skulu Empire and provide local warlords who armed the Kerry resistance groups.

Just as they were preparing for the second round of negotiations, an orange light flashed in the room with a siren.

Everyone looked at each other. Orange represents a galaxy-level crisis. Has the war started?

After quickly opening the signal channel, Ophelia's three-dimensional head appeared in the huge hall of the security committee.

Without much nonsense, Ophelia directly explained the situation and broadcast the intercepted distress signal.

Almost all members of the Security Committee stood up with serious faces. The experience of the two super-smart rebels was almost painful, and no one dare to ignore even the fake ones.

Conrad Charlotte is a well-known three-no matter planet, where many black market transactions are conducted, and of course, the great powers also have their own industries there.

Every piece of information was quickly brought together, and all their personnel there had lost contact, and the spacecraft recently flying there had never heard back.

All the evidence suggests that what really happened there.

An officer of the Shia Empire said solemnly: "Miss Ophelia, please find the refugee boat immediately. Remember, only conduct peripheral investigations and restrictions, do not have any contact with them, once the other party behaves abnormally , Destroy it immediately, we will be here! "

On the three-dimensional image, Ophelia nodded. "Okay, but hurry up, we have no experience in dealing with such events."

After turning off the communicator, under the order of Ophelia, the entire fleet began to turn around to the star area where the signal was located.

Half an hour later, the Hydra fleet found the target.

This is a huge spiral-cone civilian spacecraft. The hull has been damaged in many places, and the power engine has broken a big hole. It floats in space like space trash.

The other party seemed to detect the arrival of the Hydra fleet, firing a distress signal even more frantically.

However, Ophelia ignored it and directly ordered the fleet to deploy electromagnetic shielding, and aimed the muzzle at the ship.

On the distressed spacecraft Kaixingxing,

Most of the spacecraft area has been damaged. After closing the sealed doors, 100,000 people were crowded in several huge cabins.

Fortunately, the artificial gravity device also had problems, and many people were floating in the air, barely making enough space to accommodate everyone.

But unfortunately, the life support device also had problems, and oxygen supply became very difficult. In addition, so many people got together, and the cabin was extremely hot. Many people had hallucinations and coma due to lack of oxygen.

In the cockpit of the spacecraft, many people saw that the Hydra fleet was ecstatic at first, but then the actions of the fleet directly made them feel cold, and could not help yelling.

Basically here are predators and interstellar pirate leaders. The nature that can stand on the Conrad is not a good person. Under the threat of life, the stigma is getting worse and worse.

"Shut up!" The predator leader Star Eagle Stark roared in a low voice, and the cockpit was quiet immediately.

No one dared to speak anymore, not only because Stark brought them out, but also because of this person's great strength.

"I have explained to them that the intelligent life rebellion, so their current move is very correct." Stark said expressionlessly.

"You shouldn't say the reason first, anyway, after we are rescued," a black market businessman couldn't help complaining.

Stark twitched his lips and said in a low voice: "We don't have a good reputation, but remember, we are not crazy beasts."

"Then what do you say now?" A star pirate leader showed his bad teeth. "I don't really care. I will be executed after being caught anyway, but there are many civilians behind them. They even breathe now. It ’s all difficult. If you wait any longer, it will be the body of a cabin. "

Stark frowned, and then gave the order: "Inject hypnotic gas immediately, and the consumption of oxygen in the resting state will be minimized, and you can stay a little longer."

"And then?" The black market businessman sneered.

There was a trace of sadness in Stark's eyes, "Wait ... pray."


On the Hydra fleet transport spacecraft, because Ophelia did not ban Earth Observation Mission operations, they also saw what was happening in the observation capsule.

"This is ... a rescue mission?" The German observer asked hesitantly. "But it doesn't look like the fleet seems to treat them as enemies."

"Come on, man." The members of the US observation team shrugged. "In almost all movies, such distressed ships are accompanied by huge dangers, terrifying alien alien species, and the Star Pirates or something."

"Don't bother ..." The British observation team member stopped his mouth just after saying a word, widening his eyes and looking at the upper side: "holyshit!"

A huge fleet suddenly jumped out. The golden fuselage, the symbol of the eight star, they had recognized that it was Sandal's fleet.

In comparison, the Hydra fleet is a doll army. Their flagship is 50 kilometers long. Countless spacecraft cover the entire starry sky above the side.

It didn't take long for the nearest Kerry Empire to send in a fleet. Most of the fleet's ships were black, with serious edges and corners, larger than Sandar's fleet.

Everyone shut up, they realized that something might have happened.

With the arrival of Sandal and the Kerry Empire fleet, the Hydra fleet quickly retreated under Ophelia's order.

However, the fleet did not go far, but observed it aside, they had to learn how to deal with this situation.

I saw a flagship of the Sandal Star Fleet ejecting many room-sized aircraft.

These aircraft relied on the surrounding jets to adjust their directions, and they all sprayed blue flames and flew towards the distressed Star of the Apocalypse, and soon formed a surrounding circle.

The golden particles of energy are connected to each other between the small aircraft, and soon formed a large ball emitting golden light and wrapped the star.

There was a chaos in the cockpit of the Star.

"What are these **** doing?"

"What is this?"

Many people asked in panic.

Stark, who had been watching the window, turned his head back, a smile on his stiff face, "We were rescued, but ... we need to get rid of poison first."

As soon as his words fell, a violent electromagnetic shock wave was generated in the light sphere. The cabin was constantly vibrating, all electronic instruments sparked at the same time, and the life support device completely lost its function.

Most people no longer spoke, but instead slowed down their breathing, they had to try their best to survive before the rescue came.

A huge transport and rescue ship from the Kerry Empire slowly flew past, and when it came to the top of the Star Star, the abdominal door opened, and the huge robotic arm dragged the distressed ship into the hollow part, then closed it slowly Hatch.

The spacecraft did not return to the fleet immediately, but stayed in place to launch a rescue operation. A team of guards and medics carrying live ammunition stood outside the distressed ship, waiting for the giant robotic arm to finely cut the ship.

When the spacecraft was carrying out rescue activities, both the fleet of Sandal and the Kerry Empire opened up electromagnetic barriers and aimed their muzzles at the rescue spacecraft.

In the Hydra fleet command cabin, Ophelia nodded. "Recording all this, it seems that in this case, strict isolation measures should be implemented like dealing with infectious patients."

After seeing things over, Ophelia said hello and led the Hydra fleet away. She was not prepared to participate much, and planned to return to Sandal immediately to discuss with Stephanie how to respond to the incident.

And on the Kerry rescue ship, all the victims from the Aviator were also rescued, although ... some people died.

Stark, the leader of the victims, was also taken to an interrogation cabin.

He sat on the chair with handcuffs and anklets, a beam of light shining down from the top, and the surroundings were dark.

An electronic voice without any emotion suddenly sounded: "Stark, nicknamed Starhawk, leader of the Marauder faction, once ..."

"Shut up, idiots!"

Impatient Stark interrupted their words directly, and broke his handcuffs with both hands. "The reason why I am here with you is nonsense because a message must be conveyed. A superintelligent with a sense of freedom is born. He has already Takes control of Conrad Charlotte. This must be stopped! "

The electronic voice was silent for a while and continued: "The fleets of the three empires have gone there to block the entire planet, and we need to know what happened."

Stark was relieved, and his eyes were dimly recounted: "About a month ago, some people discovered that the artificial intelligence of the urban navigation system was abnormal."

"Although the inspection by the engineer did not find any problems ~ ~, for safety reasons, the City Management Association decided to restart all artificial intelligence in batches."

"Not long after this operation began, there was a large-scale artificial intelligence rebellion. Traffic accidents are frequent, and some people were even suffocated by oxygen in their homes."

"The City Management Association used electromagnetic bombs to destroy most of the intelligent robots in question. However, before the further restart plan began, nightmares appeared."

"A super-intelligent took control of all the network systems of the entire planet. The spacecraft could not leave and could not get in touch with the outside world. There were many black market materials on the Conrad Charlotte. He used these to build an army and launched a **** campaign against all forces. revenge."

"Successfully failed, and I led a group of people to escape on the Star Star, and one of his psychic abilities blocked the central intellectual brain of the spacecraft, and then escaped."

"That super-intelligent life is the most terrible enemy I have ever seen. He knows everything and even human weaknesses."

"He claims to be ... Ultron!"

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