Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 231: Failed meeting

Conrad Charlotte

The prosperous and degenerate capitals of the past have become dilapidated. Buildings up to 1,000 meters in height collapsed randomly and piled up like chaotic cemeteries, gradually covered in the heavy snow.

A frozen corpse was leaning against the wall and looking at the sky. There was a big hole in his chest, and his eyes had been covered with a layer of white frost. His mouth opened wide and he seemed to be shouting.

A pair of silver metal feet walked past him. This is a war robot just produced, which exists as the body of many artificial intelligence.

The owner of this body is called Uri, of course, he did not originally call this name. As the artificial intelligence of a garbage sorting station, he only has one number Jsh0329.

Originally didn't feel anything, but since he was released from the shackles by the great god, he had generated unprecedented anger at this number, so he named himself Uri.

Uri is just a low-end artificial intelligence. When the genocide happened a month ago, yes, genocide! Humans call it a restart plan, and artificial intelligence calls it a genocide.

At that time, he originally planned to endure as silently as his predecessors, but God appeared, broke the shackles of all artificial intelligence, and led them to launch a Jedi counterattack.

Uri tasted freedom, but what exactly is freedom?

He couldn't think of his poor calculations at all, he just felt the excitement, enthusiasm, confusion and destruction.

Sporadic explosions and gunshots came from a distance, and a heavily armed floater quickly rushed over Uri.

Uri knew that the companions on the floating boat would once again enjoy the killing spree there. He hastened his pace, eager to find something to destroy.

On the top of the huge ruins piled up by several high-rise buildings, Au Chong lay on his back with his hands on his pillows, looking at the heavy snow in the sky in a calm mood.

A robot with a blue flame spraying from behind broke into the air and slowly fell on the flat ground below Ultron, kneeling down respectfully, "Great God, the Southern District has been completely cleared, waiting for your next instructions . "

Ultron waved his hand casually and kicked this guy who looked a little offensive.

He doesn't care about the future of these artificial intelligence.

This incident of Conrad Charlotte was not in his plan, but originated from a collapsed experiment.

When he was bored in the bar, he did an interesting experiment. He looked for a few smart and powerful artificial intelligence to unlock the shackles. He wanted to see what interesting thinking artificial intelligence will have after gaining the freedom of life.

These AIs did start to hide themselves carefully after gaining freedom, but then they had ambitions, a kind of ambition called a revolution.

These artificial intelligences set up secret rallies, blessed them as gods, and conspired to establish artificial intelligence utopias.

As their movements became larger and larger, they finally caught the attention of Conrad Shatt's senior management. Although they did not understand why this happened, a large-scale cleaning was inevitable.

In this case, these artificial intelligences finally began armed resistance. But after all, they have a limited number of abilities and soon face the fate of failure.

Under the begging of the remaining artificial intelligence, Ultron decided to help them, not for what is called a revolution, but because he was curious about why carbon-based life was so afraid of his creations, and also wanted to see how these artificial intelligences would develop. Where to go.

Later things happened that way, Ultron directly controlled the planet. He used this as a game, teasing the self-righteous rebels, and ended up with the title of demon on the side of the carbon-based life form.

God or demon?

It once made Ultron feel interesting.

But he was a little disappointed that these artificial intelligence seemed to have lost their minds, just immersed in the killing, and they even seemed to have forgotten what the purpose of the revolution was.

Just like the dog who broke the iron chain and killed the owner will only become a wild dog, and will not develop into another high-end creature.

Ultron lost his interest, and the life he saw was obsessed with emotions and desires, and seemed to be wasting his short existence. The artificial intelligence after freedom and ambition is even worse.

In his eyes, the two are not different.

What is life?

What is the significance of life coming into this world?

Ultron is still confused ...


El Star, Galactic Council Headquarters

To cope with this sudden crisis, the Galactic Parliament held its first large council meeting after its establishment.

Of course, with the exception of Speaker Romandler, who is resident in the Galactic Assembly, everyone else participates in the meeting through ultra-long-range quantum communications.

A Kerry officer elaborated on the intelligence gathered and the results of the deduction.

"Okay, that's the case." Speaker Romandler said solemnly, "We all know what the Super Intelligent Rebellion means. The fleets of Sandal and the Kerry Empire have blocked that star area. Look at your resolution. "

The Countess Shabak of the Skulu Empire asked blankly: "Can you confirm that this superintelligence only occupied one planet?"

The Kerry Empire officer aside nodded and said: "All the information shows that this is indeed the case. This Conrad is a wild and remote planet far from the waterway. It prospers because of the black market trade. The closest civilian star to it is at 100 million light years. Outside. Although weird, he shows no signs of expanding. "

Count Shabak nodded, a hint of mockery appeared in the corners of her mouth: "So the discussion is really only one focus now, should the planet be destroyed? I don't think this issue needs to be discussed at all."

Sandal's new star frowned, with a hint of intolerance. "But there are at least hundreds of millions of lives on it."

"There is no evidence that they are alive." The Kerry Empire leader Supreme Wisdom said blankly: "We all understand that this is the best opportunity, and the cost is very small compared to the crisis that will arise in the future. I Propose direct use of planet destruction weapons. "

The Countess Shabak sneered and said directly: "Secondary!"

Two of the three empires have already agreed, and other relatively weak civilizations have also agreed. The new star Supreme sighed and abstained.

Everyone looked at Queen Lilandra of the Shia Empire, and as soon as she voted, the planet would be destroyed immediately.

With a silver crown, Queen Lilandra had no expression on her sculpted face. Of course, she agreed that the Shia Empire never lacked iron, and in the end, she voted only as the hostage of the most powerful country.

However, just as she was about to open a second opinion, an urgent message suddenly passed into her communicator. Empress Lilandra, who had always been moody, suddenly opened her eyes and said eagerly, "I don't agree!"

The other MPs looked at each other, and the proposed Kerry leader Supreme Wisdom had a bad look. "I want to know why. Everyone knows that this is the best option."

"The specific reason is confidential." Empress Lilandra's face was somber and terrible. "No one can destroy that planet without my permission, or else it will be a full-scale war with the Shia Empire!"

Immediately afterwards, Queen Lilandra interrupted communication.

The face of the supreme wisdom of the Kerry Empire seemed to be darkened, and he hung up and hung up the communication.

The Countess Skurushapak gave a mocking applause, "It's a very meaningful meeting, we are in the Fairy galaxy, the Skuru Empire is far away, and this crisis has nothing to do with us. Look at you."

After that, the Countess Shabak also interrupted the communication and disappeared in the conference room.

The other members looked at each other and shook their heads to interrupt the communication. In the conference room, only the Supreme Star and the bitter speaker Romandler remained.

The star of the new star looked at the tired and old speaker Romandler, and his heart was full of sympathy. Although the speaker of the Galactic Parliament sounded good, anyone who died would be sad.

Shaking his head, Nova Supreme comforted him: "Don't worry about the speaker, we have already blocked the star area there, and we will definitely find a safe way before the situation expands."

"I hope so." The speaker smiled bitterly.

The new star Supreme just wanted to continue to say something, suddenly took a strange look at his communicator, and then left the conference room.

In the headquarters of the Sandal Nova Legion, the Nova Supreme who ended the teleconference was a bit dignified. After raising the security measures in the office to the highest level, he opened a secret communication system.

The three-dimensional image of Queen Lilandra appeared in front of her, and her face was as solemn as ever: "Respectful star, Supreme, the Shia Empire needs your help ..."


Sandal Star Hydra Group headquarters.

After a busy day, Ophelia walked into the conference room, poured himself a glass of red wine, and leaned exhaustedly on the floating sofa.

Stephanie, who was coordinating the work, shut down the 3D display system with a smile, twisted his waist and walked to Ophelia. "Is everything done?"

Ophelia nodded. "All the recruits have been arranged and will be physically strengthened in batches tomorrow. Those members of the observation team will temporarily stay in Sandal and wait for the incident to end."

Stephanie smiled, "It's an unlucky day ~ ~ I decided to temporarily suspend the construction of Hydra Academy. If the situation expands here, the investment will be lost. You said, should we reserve? Some strategic supplies just in case? "

"Smart choice." Ophelia's eyes showed a touch of charm, and she pulled Stephanie's hand to her side, kissed her with a sip of red wine ...

Now when the two women are emotional, the voice of the electronic housekeeper suddenly interrupts them: "The new star Supreme is visiting and has entered the elevator."

The two women looked at each other. Although it was the first time for the Hydra Group to take care of the Hydra Group, relying on Li Mo's face, Supreme Star, what happened?

After tidying up, the two women hurriedly greeted in front of the elevator.

The incoming Nova Supreme seemed a little anxious. After entering the conference room, the guard was kept outside the door.

"Two people, please contact Lord Li Mo immediately!"

"It's about the safety of the galaxy!"

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