Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 232: Rescue alone

Ignorantly, the laboratory of truth.

On the silver-white metal floor and walls, the neat diamond-shaped wall lamp emits a soft light.

The one-kilometer-long starry sky giant worm has been finely sliced ​​into countless specimens for preservation, and members of the first group undertook the gene reconciliation experiment under the command of Li Mo.

Numerous genetic reorganizations have been carried out from the entire Orioni to primates on every planet.

The structural components of gene samples extracted from the cerebrospinal fluid tissue of the Tianshen group are too complex and cannot be reconciled with the existing species. The cloning technology is even more delusional. Therefore, the cosmic species, which also breathes dark energy, can only be selected as the original.

This is not only a problem of the respiratory organs, but also the operation of all muscle organs and tissues, which is almost equivalent to the creation, so the progress is quite slow.

Li Mo looked at the helplessness of the thousands of weird creatures in the cultivation tank, but he understood that this was a necessary process, learning from countless failures, and the technology was accumulated step by step.

With a flash of white light, he teleported to the second group of personnel.

This group of people is progressing relatively quickly, and they are working on the design of the magic puppet.

Relying on ancient puppet technology and combining the latest war robot design concepts, this group has completed a prototype.

The leader of this group is a Cree scientist Perus who originally worked at the Kerry Imperial Academy of Sciences and was framed by his superiors as a treason for some reason. After fleeing to a certain star port, he became an idle drunk. The boss was brought in because he was secretly tested for magical talent by Hydra agents.

Perus specializes in spiritual magic, because of the energy overflow, his eyes are constantly glowing with blood red light.

"Boss." Perus nodded and introduced, "This prototype is basically the best design that can be achieved at present. Not only can it serve as the base's guard, because of the magic circle, the space combat has far exceeded three. Great Empire level. "

Li Mo smiled with satisfaction, and carefully watched this magic puppet.

The silver-white body is about two meters high, and the streamlined armor blades are opened with various magic weapons. The simple and smart design has no trace of burden.

"What about the test results?" Li Mo asked.

"Absolutely meets the current needs." Perus sighed. "The energy source is a problem. It can continue to operate at the highest power near ignorance. But if it is elsewhere, the operation of the energy array will be difficult to keep up with. need."

"That's it." Li Mo stroked his chin and thought for a while, and said, "Keep this plan and continue to optimize, you start other projects, I will find a solution to the problem of energy sources."

Perus nodded, without doubting Li Mo's patience.

He waved a three-dimensional design drawing and said excitedly, "I thought of an idea about defensive design of ignorance."

"Although installing a large number of railguns on the outside is a sound solution, it is too conservative."

"I have referenced the idea of ​​a floating gun to design this multi-functional combat tower. Not only can it emit lasers and magic energy rays alone, but it can also form huge layers of magic shields for defense by arranging and combining."

Li Mo looked at it, this defense tower was about 10 meters, and its external shape was also a skull, which was like a dimly sized version.

With the further demonstration by Perus, Li Mo could not help but open his mouth wide.

In the design of Perus, such defensive towers will make more than 100,000 units, like a sea of ​​skulls, freely assembled around ignorance.

"Youquan is strange!"

Li Mo blurted out, and he couldn't help thinking of a domestic movie he had seen.

"What's that?" Perus asked strangely.

Li Mo has some eggs. This design is really good, but the image is a bit scary.

"Do you think it's bad?" Perus was nervous.

"Forget it, that's it." Li Mo shook his head, and he was completely insulated from tall in his life.

Just then, McQueen suddenly sent a message, and Stephanie had an urgent matter to look for him.

After an explanation, Li Mo directly transmitted to the headquarters of Sandar Hydra Group.

After entering the meeting room, they immediately saw the anxious star Supreme and the stepheny two daughters.

"Hello Dear Rising Star," Li Mo smiled. "It's been a while since I met."

"Lord Li Mo." The Supreme Star's face was very serious. "Please arrange now, we need a confidential communication."

Li Mo's smile gradually converged, and he nodded, "Please follow me."

After speaking, Li Mo opened a hidden door next to the meeting room and walked in with the new star Supreme.

This is an empty room. Although there are no furnishings, the mezzanine design isolates all surveillance possibilities, and a confidential quantum telecommunications system is installed.

Immediately after closing the door, Nova Supreme connected, and a three-dimensional bust of Empress Lilandra appeared in front of them.

How did she find herself?

Although Li Mo was a little strange, his expression did not change at all, and he waited quietly for the following.

Queen Lilandra's face was a little heavy. "Lord Mo, I believe you know the incident of Conrad Charlotte."

"Wait a minute, what happened to Conrad Charlotte." Li Mo interjected strangely. "I just came out of the laboratory and got no news."

"That's it, a super smart rebel ..." Nova Supreme played a row of video files while explaining.

"You said ... that guy is called Ultron?" Li Mo swallowed.

"Well ... what happened, have you heard of it?" Nova Supreme asked, turning his head back.

"I knew it for the first time." Li Mo smiled ugly. "This is a weird name."

"This super smart thing is easy to solve." Some anxious Queen Lilandra interrupted them, "The following thing I want to say is about the safety of the empire, please keep it secret!"

"No problem, please." Li Mo waved.

Queen Lilandra waved and a girl's head appeared in front of them.

This is a Shia girl with blond hair in her hair. She looks like a human being fifteen or sixteen years old. It's not that kind of beauty, but Meiyu is full of nobility and majesty.

"Lilith, the first heir to the royal family, my niece." Queen Lilandra's face was a little heavy. "Two weeks ago, I sent her to perform a secret royal task."

"But ..." There was boundless anger in Queen Lilandra's eyes. "There were insurgents inside the empire, and her ship was attacked. When the imperial royal guard arrived, they only found some spacecraft fragments."

"Because of some secrets from the royal family, I know she hasn't died. She has been sent in search of it secretly, but there seems to be a force constantly obstructing it."

"Just while attending the Galactic Council meeting, I received a message from her that Lilith was trapped in Conrad Chatter."

"Dear Lord Li Mo." Empress Lilandra's face was dignified. "In the case of Conrad Charlotte, in order to ensure Lilith's safety, I cannot send a large force to land and fight, so please ask the interstellar strong secretly. Rescue is the best option. "

"Do you mean ... let me go?" Li Mo asked: "Isn't a sword more suitable? And I heard that you still have a stronger Vulcan."

"There was something wrong with the sword." Queen Lilandra's face was a bit ugly: "As for Vulcan, I suspect he was involved in the rebellion. Lilith's actions are absolutely confidential and can be sniped by the insurgents. The problem is more serious than I thought. I can't believe any of them anymore. "

"Lord Mo." The Supreme Star is also a dignified face: "The Milky Way is currently in a delicate state of peace. If there is a problem with the control of the Kyrgyz and Skulu Empires. galaxy."

"If the rescue is successful," Empress Lilandra said solemnly, "you will become an absolute ally of the royal family of the Shia Empire."

"I'm not the kind of person who sees money and opens his eyes." Li Mo waved his hand and said with compassion on his face: "For the peace of the Milky Way, I'll go!"

"Thank you very much." Queen Lilandra nodded her head. "Lilith has a special necklace, and the signal transmitted cannot be detected by any technology. I will let people send a special locator to Sandar over time, because the cross The cause of the star gate takes an hour. "

"Okay, no problem." Li Mo nodded. "I'll get ready and come over an hour later to get things to save people immediately."

Immediately after sending away the Supreme Star, Li Mo teleported back to ignorance, and then ran to Earth.


Stark Building.

"What?" Tony's eyes widened. "It's impossible!"

"Will it be the same name?" Reid was also incredulous. "The robot had been completely destroyed at the time, and didn't you say the collector's spacecraft had exploded?"

"The ghost knows what happened." Li Mo smiled helplessly. "Anyway, if it's the Ultron you made, congratulations, a planet has been destroyed, and I don't know how much trouble it will cause."

"Impossible ... impossible." Of course Tony knew how many lives there was for Conrad Charlotte. A heavy sense of guilt came to his mind, and said for a while, "If it was really my creation, I would confess to the Galactic Council."

"Fart!" Li Mo scolded directly and then said solemnly: "Don't say it was inadvertent, even if it was intentional, you can't let people know."

"The star of Don LaCharter is the nest of countless predators and interstellar robbers, and the black market merchants and unscrupulous consortia are even more numerous. If you let them know, can you stop the waves of revenge coming to Earth?"

Li Mo patted Tony's shoulder, "This matter must be rotten in my stomach, never to mention it to anyone!"

After speaking, Li Mo teleported and left.

Tony looked at Reed, who was also silent, and grinned, "I need a drink ..."


After arbitrarily arranging things, Li Mo returned to Sandar.

After waiting for about 20 minutes at the headquarters of the Nova Legion, the Supreme Star personally sent a metal box with a complex pattern.

Inside the box was a double-winged Shia Empire royal coat of arms. Made of unknown metal, full of mystery and nobility.

Venus Supreme clicked the pattern on the badge, and a cloud-like hologram appeared in front of Li Mo.

"The green dot in the center represents you. When you reach Conrad Charlotte, you will receive Lilith's signal."

Nova Supreme then said: "I know you have a teleportation technology, so in ten minutes, the United Fleet in outer space will approach Conrad Charlotte to provide cover."

"No need." Li Mo waved.

"As long as it can increase the success rate, it is worthwhile." The sigh of the new star sighed, "Peace does not come easily, so please."

Li Mo nodded, a white light flashed and disappeared at the headquarters of the Nova Legion.

Conaxat has only one city, the Fallen Capital. For security reasons, Li Mo asked McQueen to set the teleportation location outside the city.

The sky here is still snowy, and in front of it is a white snowy field.

Li Mo exhaled a sigh of relief, performed the stealth method, and flew slowly towards the fallen capital.

This stealth from Karma Taj cannot be detected by the naked eye or radar, but there will still be a slight anomaly if energy detection is performed.

Li Mo didn't want to cause too much movement, so he deliberately slowed down the flight speed and was only five meters from the ground.

Nuoda's Star Harbor first appeared in front of his eyes. Ultron has already sent all the controlled ships to perform the task, so it seems a bit empty here, the cleaning robots have stopped working, and a thick layer of snow has appeared on the ground.

The fallen capital in the distance is long gone, and the ruins are everywhere. Smoke billowed in many places, and was particularly conspicuous in the heavy snow.

Li Mo clicked on the royal badge of the Shia Empire, and a red dot soon appeared in the cloud map, just somewhere southwest of the chaotic capital, still moving slowly.

It seems that Lilith, the first heir to the royal family, is not dead. Li Mo was relieved, and the continuous teleportation disappeared into the vast snow.

On the other side, the city center of the fallen capital. A huge metal fort has been built.

In a cabin covering an area of ​​a thousand meters, the red flames sprayed from behind Aochuang and floated to the front of a row of iron cages.

In the iron cage, there were many surviving Conrad Charlottes ~ ~ they all shrank to the corner of the iron cage with horror after seeing the arrival of Ultron.

"I understand how you feel." Ao Chuang said slowly, "Fear is the nature of every creature, but don't you think this meaningless life is more terrible?"

"Now a chance is in front of you, accept it, seize it ..." Ao Chuang opened his hands, "you will feel a new world."

However, all the prisoners were even more frightened when he heard what he said, and some even scared directly.

"Forget it, when I didn't say it," Ultron shrugged, a red laser beam split open an iron cage, and a blue light shone with the gravitational device in his palm, and a tall and strong predator screamed Fly into his hands.

The guy kept struggling, but Ultron's hands remained motionless, as he grasped his neck and slowly flew to a spiral instrument.

In the center of that instrument, a twisted monster with half of the machine and half of the carbon-based life body hissed in silent pain ...

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