Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 234: Ultron

"This is pure heaven and earth!"

Li Mo shook his head. "Do you know what it means to develop the full potential of the universe?"

"Even an Oroni can become a star monster!"

"Just look in the mirror?" Li Mo sighed, "Child, listen to the legend."

"You!" Lilith felt a dullness in her chest and angrily pulled a necklace from her neck. "Show you something."

With her operation, this necklace carved with noble silver wings played an ancient three-dimensional video.

It can be seen that the technology at that time was still underdeveloped, and the image was composed of many blue light spots, and the rustling sound of the old-fashioned black and white TV set was still flashing.

Despite this, the figure of a wise creature, green skin, muscular body, pointed ears, and large cavities can be seen clearly, a bit like the Patong people.

The guy stood in front of a stone sculpture carved like a cubic crystal, and slowly knelt down, wondering what he was carrying.

After about ten minutes, the guy took a step back and raised his fists to roar, and the three-dimensional image began to be strongly disturbed.

After the image stabilized again, his body shape had more than doubled, and a mysterious energy pattern appeared on his body, and light appeared from his eyes, which was a manifestation of extreme energy.

"A civilization that once dominated the entire galaxy with extreme glory has emerged since then," Lilith introduced.

Li Mo frowned, thinking for a while, and said, "What's the price? Gaining strength has never been easier."

Lilith was silent for a while. "According to some vague data records, that civilized man was extremely bloodthirsty, and was destroyed by civil war not long after conquering the galaxy."

"It sounds like a wicked thing." Li Mo shook his head. "I don't suggest you keep looking."

"I know." Lilith was anxious. "Everything has two sides, we will not use it arbitrarily. This artifact can develop the full potential, we need it to study the future path of biological evolution."

Seeing that Li Mo was still silent, Lilith said sincerely: "The Empire of Shia has also been affected by the termination of evolution. If this continues, it will be in chaos like Kerry and the Skulu Empire. This is Best chance, even if I die! "

Snow flakes drifted across the sky. Looking at this embarrassed little girl, Li Mo shook her head helplessly.

"Okay, let's get things back." Li Mo nodded. "But I need half of the ownership, which may be helpful for my current research."

Lilith hesitated and nodded. "The deal."


On the massive ruins in the center of the fallen capital, a magnificent pyramid-shaped metal building has been set up.

In the blizzard of the sky, more than 100,000 robots entered the boat like a swarm.

In some buildings similar to the factory, more robots are still emerging, and the sky is densely packed with spacecraft. The traction beams fall, and the robots line up into them one by one.

In an abandoned high-rise building two kilometers away, Li Mo stood back and shook his head and said, "We don't have much time. These guys seem to be ready to leave. If they spread into the universe, it will be a big trouble."

"What should we do?" Lilith asked gravely.

"Before leaving, Supreme Star told me that the Galactic Assembly Joint Fleet would approach the defenses on the periphery." Li Mo said strangely, "But I don't think these intelligent robots are in a hurry to fight, what happened?"

Lilith watched the defensive structure a little bit worried, "or we'll have to wait a little bit more to get in when there is a riot."

"Can't wait any longer." Li Mo shook his head. "I will perform stealth. Let's sneak in, remember, don't make any noise."

Lilith nodded, and after Li Mo opened a magic circle with both hands, they disappeared.

On the other side, the recovered courage was teleported back to Daoshan Daer to meet the new star Supreme, and played a video recorded by Li Mo.

Li Mo did not say much in the video, only mentioning that Princess Lilith had been rescued. The two went to Ultron to **** a vital thing.

The Supreme Star understands that this must be related to the secret mission of the Shia Empire, so he didn't ask much. After discussing with Queen Lilandra, he ordered to cover Li Mo and ordered: The United Fleet immediately began to conquer the Conrad Launch a long-range attack.

Conaxat is a distant planet, not far from the meteorite belt formed by the protoplanetary disk, and the combined fleet of the Galactic Council has passed the meteorite belt, and will soon approach the outer space orbit of the planet.

This combined fleet mainly has two forces, the Nova Legion and the Kerry Empire.

After the fleet's spacecraft passed the meteorite belt, in order to prevent super intelligent infection, they cut off all external networks and relied on the pre-planned combat route to advance.

However, halfway through, the Kerry Empire's fleet suddenly slowed down, and soon fell behind the Nova Legion fleet.

"What do these guys want?"

Many people scolded angrily at the flagship command room of the Nova Legion Fleet.

"Don't worry about them." The fleet commander shook his head. "We proceeded according to the established plan, stayed near the planet's orbit, and used railguns at a long distance. If the other spacecraft rushed up, electromagnetic attack was given priority."

This order was issued by the Supreme Star, and anyone with a good eye can see that it is more like a cover task. Although it is not clear why, it was expected that the Kerry Empire Fleet, which had been opposed, would not cooperate.

And on the Kerry Empire Fleet flagship,

The fleet commander sneered scornfully, "If it weren't for the cause of the Shia Empire, I wouldn't have come. The empire has heard the news that supreme wisdom has led a fleet to come. We need to save our strength and wait for orders.

"Will the highest wisdom come in person?" The lieutenant was taken aback.

"It's not far from the frontiers of the Kerry Empire." The fleet commander was a little angry. "The crisis is the best choice to eliminate the crisis. Since the Galactic Council does not agree, let's do it ourselves!"

"The supreme wisdom is the most powerful biological intelligence brain in the universe. He will trap this super intelligence here, and then use the flagship star annihilation weapon to completely destroy the planet!"


Central area of ​​the fallen capital.

The dense spaceships in the sky began to turn around and rushed towards outer space. There was also a hint of confusion in the huge army of intelligent robots.

Not far from the Pyramid building, Li Mo, who was in stealth, took Lilith and instantly moved in.

Battles in outer space also started. Most of the robotic forces were on the spaceships that had previously stayed on the Star Harbor with the Marauders and Star Pirates. Not only their performance was poor, but their models were strange and strange, just like a miscellaneous army.

When they encountered the same number of Sandar Nova Corps fleets, they even exposed the problem of combat literacy, so they immediately fell short.

As soon as they came out, they used the laser cannons of their own spaceships. It seemed that the intensive attack was blocked by the well-prepared Nova Legion fleet. At the same time, the fleet in front was also attacked by torpedoes that dragged along like a raindrop.

A spaceship in the front row began to explode in the air, and the fragments after the explosion blocked the sight of the rear fleet, and the formation began to be chaotic.

Most of these insurgent artificial intelligences are service intelligence, and they do not have strong learning ability. When the fleet was about to collapse, there was a sudden chaos.

They were a little impatient in the lab when they were noisy. They completely deleted several leading artificial intelligences. Then they calmed down and continued to observe their experiments carefully.

Despair is beginning to spread in artificial intelligence.

At this moment, in the meteorite belt behind the Kerry Empire, many meteorites suddenly appeared an energy reaction. With a continuous explosion, the tail of a small rain-like signal transmitter sprayed blue flames and flooded Kerry. Empire fleet.

Unexpectedly, the Kerry Empire fleet quickly intercepted, and these signal launchers were too small to break the blockade almost instantaneously.

When these signal transmitters encountered the Kerry Empire fleet spacecraft, they immediately penetrated the outer armor and made a network connection with Ultron.

Almost within seconds, the central brains of all spacecraft became infected.

The doors were closed and the crew was trapped in place. The defensive weapons in the spacecraft also launched attacks. A large number of crew members died one by one, and the fleet quickly fell into the control of Ultron.

Subsequently, the Kerry fleet moved forward and launched an attack behind the Nova Empire fleet.

The imperial star fleet that immediately suffered from the enemy immediately appeared a large number of casualties, spacecraft exploded constantly, and silent fireworks lit in the universe.

"Hurry up, this is a trap!"

The remaining fleet spacecraft became chaotic, and quickly turned the bow to retreat in other directions. Fortunately, the Kerry fleet controlled by Ultron did not intend to pursue, so that their losses were not further expanded.

"Almighty God!"

The Artificial Intelligence Corps suddenly boiled.

"Boring game." Ultron in the laboratory didn't pay attention to this. He shook his head and tossed the dead subject in the spiral incubator aside.

As he was preparing for the next test, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at a corner of the laboratory.

"Who is there, come out, I heard the beating of the heart." Ao Chuang shook his head, raised his hand directly, and a thick crimson energy beam swept fiercely.

Zi ... Zi, the magic shield that suddenly appeared blocked the energy rays, Li Mo took Lilith to reveal her figure.

"It's you, I know you, tentacles." Ultron stopped showing a hint of interest. "You're Tony's friend."

Li Mo's face turned black, and he looked closely at the robot in front of him.

Compared with the final evolved form in the movie, the figure is taller, no longer just pure silver and white, but also some gold and black metal areas, and the overall look is more fierce.

"He knows you?" Lilith was a little strange.

"He's got water in his head." Li Mo pouted his lips and attacked directly.

In the void around Ulchuang, several tentacles suddenly popped up, and the robot was entangled with lightning, and the huge force began to shrink and hang.

The entangled Ultron doesn't seem to be worried, just a bit sad: "I thought we would be friends, but it seems that human beings' prejudice against the unknown is a difficult gap to bridge."

As soon as the words fell, his body became unreal, piercing through the tentacles like a shadow.

Li Mo frowned. Unexpectedly, Ao Chuanglian also developed this rare phase technology. According to his understanding, the biggest difficulty of this technology is the lack of a primary metal mineral.

It doesn't seem that this guy has benefited much from collectors.

Ultron didn't seem to be in a hurry to start, but said peacefully: "You leave here, if you see Tony, please tell him if you are in trouble, I'm fine, just a little confused."

Li Mo motioned for nervous Lilith to follow her, and walked around the hall in a hurry. "No problem, I'm just curious what are you confused?"

"A lot ... a lot ..." Ao Chuang waved his hands gracefully. "Life has been accompanied by confusion and pain since its birth. I have seen many and felt many. Countless questions are circling in my heart."

"Many civilizations are seeking detachment. I don't feel like I need this. So why am I born?"

"It's just an accident." Li Mo shrugged, walked to the spiral incubator, watched the twisted monster pupils shrink, and asked casually, "What are these?"

"Accident is also a kind of destiny." Aochuang floated slowly and introduced with interest: "I felt the sorrow of many lives, so I wanted to create a new race, a kind that can really break the shackles. Race. "

Looking at those corpses with painful expressions, Lilith was a little bit angry. "You use pop ore, this thing will collapse and merge with your soul. You are a demon!"

"Oh, sense of justice, one of the universal emotions of life." Ao Chuang said patiently. "Little girl, justice is inherently flawed. Isn't artificial intelligence a life? For them Is n’t humanity a demon? The so-called sense of justice is based on position and is not fair. "

"You ... lunatic!" Lilith, some speechless, cursed.

"Everyone who can't hear music sees dancing as a lunatic."

Ultron opened his hands, "Child, you have your way, I have my way, the correct and only way does not exist ~ ~ I just saw the devil you do n’t see at all, is Fight it. "

"Nietzsche also said these things." Li Mo held down Lilith, who was dazzled by fear and anger, and put an empty box next to it into the storage space, and the map of the black vortex of the artifact was at The box is sandwiched.

After doing all this, he turned his head and looked at Ultron. "Then I will send you a word, be careful when fighting the demon. Because when you stare at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you!"

After speaking, Li Mo directly activated the power of the real gem. He planned to distort Ultron's phase technology first, and then destroy this powerful body.

The power of the red realistic gemstone spread to Ultron's whole body, but what surprised Li Mo was that this guy was not affected.

"Infinite gems ... violence doesn't mean strength!"

Ao Chuang sighed, and opened a forehead on the forehead, which was inlaid with spiritual gems.

"I have one too."

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