Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 235: Dead or alive

The yellow soul gem on Au Chong's forehead slightly glowed, at first glance it seemed like an extra eye.

The speculation in Li Mo's heart was confirmed, and the appearance of Ultron was still related to the infinite gem. And in every way, this guy is far more powerful than in the previous timeline.

At least smarter than illusion, and will not put the infinite gem on the forehead.

Li Mo exhaled, "You're in luck."

"This thing." Ultron tapped his forehead. "It's inseparable from my birth, so after you left, I found the collector and grabbed it."

"He's dead?" Li Moshun asked.

"No." Ultron slowly landed on the ground. "It doesn't make sense to kill him."

Li Mo looked at Ultron and still maintained his illusory body, and felt a little trouble immediately.

If it's Ultron in the movie, he doesn't care, it's nothing more than a robot, and it can be destroyed no matter how many.

The trouble for this guy is that the parasitic network is difficult to eliminate, but it is still not enough in the face of the developed civilization of the universe that has experienced related crises. After all, he knows that there are two more powerful artificial intelligence than Ultron, the supreme wisdom of the Kerry Empire and the world thinking of the Nova Legion.

But now there is some trouble, Ultron has modified the phase technology for himself.

Space particles also have certain fluctuations. To put it bluntly, phase technology means that through space technology, objects exist at the peaks and troughs of space fluctuations simultaneously, causing phase differences and simultaneous immune physics and energy attacks.

This technology has been developed long ago, and the raw materials are somewhat scarce. If Li Mo remembers correctly, the phantom in the movie also has this function, although not perfect, but at least it is no problem to wear a wall.

The phase technology used by Ultron is a lot smarter at first glance, and it is difficult to deal with without the relevant equipment. Coupled with the power of the mind to remain immune to the gems of reality, Li Mo felt a little tricky for a while.

Since he could not be killed at once, Li Mo was not prepared to continue consuming it. He had already completed the task, and it didn't make much sense to stay here.

He does not plan to seek the soul gemstone. After holding it for a period of time, he finds that he can neither absorb energy nor easily affect the soul.

The planet will soon be destroyed. If the soul gems are also destroyed, it may be a good thing.

Thinking of this, Li Mo picked up Lilith's hand and was ready to teleport away.

At this moment, the soul gem of Ultron's forehead flashed a faint yellow energy wave, which quickly spread to the entire space like the ripples of the water surface, while the low voice sounded: "Sorry, you can't leave!"

As the ripples passed over Li Mo, they were quickly offset by the power of the real gem.

"This thing is useless to me." Li Mogang turned his head and said, Lilith behind him pulled out a titanium steel dagger with blue light on the edge and stabbed at him.

With a bang, a silver energy shield inlaid with a golden pattern suddenly appeared to block Lilith's dagger. The intense sparks continued to shine, and the controlled Lilith exhausted her whole body and could not continue to advance for half a minute.

Seeing that the assassination was unsuccessful, Lilith with a blue light in her eyes quickly took a few steps back, and put the dagger on her neck expressionlessly.

Li Mo's face sank and he looked at Ultron, "What do you want to do with this neurosis?"

Ultron didn't immediately answer. A beam of light was emitted from his eyes, and a picture was played in the air: In the vast snow, Li Mo was injured in the courage. A locator was installed on the Udon tower, and then a light flashed and the courage disappeared not see.

"You have some superb teleporting technology." Au Chong's low voice sounded: "According to your actions, it is to save this little girl, and the goal here is the box that you put away, I want to know What is it? "

"It doesn't matter to you." Li Mo, who was put on the line, was a little upset, and was interrupted by Ultron's words just when he wanted to do it.

"You better not move." Ao Chuang floated slowly. "This little girl named Lilith has a set of intelligent combat assistance system in her body, which has opened up my authority to it. Unfortunately, a bomb is also connected. , As soon as I give a command, it will explode immediately. "

Li Mo had a black line. He would have been able to save himself even if he stabbed himself, but what was it to put a bomb in his body?

For a moment, he had no idea, and watched Lilith, who was controlled by the jewel of the soul, unreservedly told her identity and the dark vortex of the artifact.

After Ulchuang was silent, Li Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and his right hand began to turn slightly.

There was a sudden sound of mechanical footsteps, and more than twenty heavily armed artificial intelligence robots rushed into the hall.

They just raised their guns and aimed at Li Mo. Ao Chong waved his hands without looking back, and the group of intelligent robots paralyzed on the ground with sparks all over immediately.

"Annoying guys." Ao Chuang's deep voice sounded. "It's really worth a visit for transcendence. Maybe we should cooperate."

"I don't think this is a good idea." Li Mo felt a little funny, "What universe potential can your robot have?"

"That's not necessarily the case, let me introduce my experiment." Ao Chuang waved his hands gracefully, and slowly floated to the side of the spiral instrument.

"I have gone through a lot on this planet. Do you know what secrets I have discovered?"

"Lack of **** makes people depressed?" Li Moshun whispered.

Ultron was silent for a while and continued: "Ordinary life forms are confused in the face of limited life and infinite unknown, but they do not realize this. So they invented alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, war ... Obsessed with it. Even artificial intelligence will have the same fear, and as you can see, they are now a group of madmen who only know about killing. "

"So I came to the conclusion that all living beings are currently imperfect, and they all tend to self-destruct. Therefore, I decided to create a perfect race."

Li Mo looked at the products of those failures. "You are absolutely crazy. Moreover, Conrad is a planet with a concentration of criminals, which is not the case for ordinary people."

"Is it really?"

Ulchuang sneered, "Ordinary people know that tobacco, alcohol, and drugs are harmful to the body, but they are still addicted to it. Work and family, on the one hand, sing praises, and on the other hand, they will destroy it through unconscious actions. Some are not stupid decisions, but internal impulses. "

"Perhaps the Creator arranged a destruction process in each of the genes of life. Just like the religion on earth has the saying: human beings are born with original sin!"

"Perfect race? Just these twisted monsters?" Li Moreng snorted.

"Your shallow idea disappointed me." Autron's voice was full of disdain. "GM food is also distorted for plants. Humans are addicted to mixed pets, but they do n’t know that it is ugly and terrible in the same race. Have limitations. "

Li Mo pursed his lips, stopped the prepared magic, and hurriedly sat down with a chair with realistic gemstones.

After thinking for a while, Li Mo said, "I admit that you are right in part, but I think this is also an impulse to change and evolve. Tobacco and alcohol were first used for medical treatment, and nuclear weapons were only used to solve energy problems. The destruction of war At the same time, it brings peace, life to death, death to life, all life races will eventually die, but there will always be new life. This is the law of the universe. "

"Oh, it seems that we can reach an agreement by removing some minor problems." Aochuang floated slowly to Li Mo. "Perhaps this is our mission to be born and meet. Fate is really wonderful."

"No, we will never reach an agreement." Li Mo was firm as never before. "I am also exploring the unknown, but I also maintain basic respect for life and will not engage in massacres like you madman."


Ultron sighed angrily, and then mocked and said, "When your power is beyond ordinary, the angle of thinking will be different. Can you guarantee that you have never thought of ordinary life as a ants? Or have you done it and not acknowledged it, Pretend justice to cover up! "

Li Mo opened his mouth, speechless, then closed his mouth tightly.

After seeing Li Mo's expression, Ao Chuang laughed. "So, as a strong person, you should change your mind and abandon the shackles of worldly concepts. For the ultimate goal, everything can be sacrificed!"

Li Mo didn't speak, but just gently tapped the armrest of the chair with his fingers.

He did not agree with Ultron, but found that he had changed a lot without knowing it.

More and more things have deviated from their hearts, looking at the already a little crazy Ultron. Li Mo suddenly felt that if he continued, he would become like this one day.

But is this really what I want?

Seeing that Li Mo had been meditating, Ultron paused and asked, "Are you hesitating ... worried about working with me to be attacked by the Galactic Council?"

"You can rest assured!" Ao Chuang's calm voice sounded: "The combined fleet of outer defenses has all fallen into my hands. The seemingly powerful but scattered Galactic Council has obvious weaknesses."

While they were talking, a large Kerry fleet jumped out of the galaxy's periphery.

Hundreds of 50-kilometer-colored ships form the fleet that shelters the starry sky. One hundred thousand small-kilometer-sized spacecrafts roam the periphery, and in the center are hundreds of kilometers of Kerry Empire flagships.

In the flagship central command hall, the empty and solemn style is like a temple, a row of members of the accusation group wearing golden masks and wearing light blue wide robes stands on both sides, and the hall is surrounded by dense dormant thinking operating systems. A team of Kerry drivers lay on it, intently controlling the three-dimensional light ball in front of them.

In the center of the command hall, a beam of light pierced through the darkness, and in the huge liquid nutrition chamber, the supremely intelligent and ugly skull was meditating with eyes closed, controlling the entire fleet through dense information fiber optics.

The supreme wisdom of this biological computer is the crystallization of the entire Kerry empire's politics, military, history, technology, is the product of the peak of the Kerry empire.

As for why an intelligent life would become the ruler of the empire, it has something to do with the rigorous political system and national character of the empire.

When civilization developed to a certain degree, the shortcomings of the rule of man in the empire's political system appeared. Dictators, brutal military leaders, and corrupt elements emerged endlessly. Therefore, the highest wisdom was born after several revolutions. Rule the empire with the most rational biological intelligent mind.

As far as this incident is concerned, all members of the accusation team agreed that the supreme wisdom judgment was correct.

The biggest threat of a super-intelligent crisis is its strong contagion, and Conrad is close to the empire's frontier, so it is the most wise choice to focus on controlling the crisis on one planet.

After collecting information on the battlefield, Supreme Intelligence quickly issued instructions: all fleets were closely guarded on the periphery of the planet, prohibiting any spacecraft from escaping, and protecting electromagnetic shields.

At the same time as the instructions were issued, countless huge brain wave amplification devices were extended around the flagship of the Supreme Intelligence, such as open petals.

A transparent ripple visible to the naked eye quickly spread to the entire galaxy. The highest intelligence, the biological intelligence of the empire's highest technology, launched an electronic and network attack on Ultron.

This is a jigsaw war. Countless information has been repeatedly rewritten and overwritten. The brains of many spacecraft are even unbearable, and they directly collapse and explode.

In the mechanical temple of Conrad Chatter Ultron, Li Mo, who was thinking, was awakened by the countless information flow and three-dimensional screen that suddenly lit up.

Ao Chuang floated in the air, and the red light in his eyes flickered at a high frequency.

Seeing Li Mo's eyes were weird, Ultron's voice seemed to have a hint of taunt: "The supreme wisdom of the Kerry Empire is attacking me, maybe a good opportunity."

Li Mo looked at Ultron's illusory figure still in a phase fluctuation state, and turned to see Lilith's pupils still faintly radiant. He did not answer, but stared at Ultron without expression.

"Clever choice." Ao Chuang laughed, the soul gem on his forehead suddenly became a masterpiece, surrounded by layers on the three-dimensional screen, and the data stream began to turn red instantly.

Li Mo slowly stood up and walked towards Ultron. "It seems that supreme wisdom is not your opponent."

Ultron couldn't help but be proud at this moment: "In fact, I stayed here just waiting for him. I used myself as a bait, but I caught an empire. As long as I control the supreme wisdom, this fleet will fall Into my palm. Immediately, the entire Kerry Empire will be in chaos, a new race will rise on the corpse of the Empire, and I will be the new Creator! "

Subsequently, Ultron's voice was full of temptation, "Will you think about it, join me and work together to become a new protoss."

Li Mo exhaled slowly and said, "As you said, life is full of defects, but it is this defect that has created a colorful universe."

"I may be a hypocritical bastard, but I will only follow my inner choices, so ..."

Li Mo slowly raised his middle finger: "fkyou!"

"Very good, although I can't help you." Ultron's voice was full of sarcasm: "But you will face the anger of the Shia Empire."

However, when he was preparing to send instructions to the bombs in Lilith's body, he was horrified to find that all the external information was interrupted. Not only Lilith, but even the outer fleet that checked the planet had lost control.

The space within 100 meters around him began to appear glass-like texture.

"What did you do?" Ultron rushed to Li Mo in anger, trying to launch an attack and also stopped the phase fluctuation.

"Wait for you!" Li Mo snorted, and a thick tentacle waved fiercely to Ao Chuang.


Like a baseball being hit, Ultron suddenly hit a large hole in the spiral machine, and at the same time received green fusion radiation and began to scream, many messy organic matter began to rot on the mechanical body. In full bloom and pustules emitting foul odors.

In the screams of screams, Li Mo quickly withdrew from the mirror space. First, she eliminated the bombs in Lilith's body with realistic gemstones, and teleported her away. Then she turned around and watched the mirror space quietly.

Once he leaves, the mirrored space will disappear immediately, so wait for the best time.

At the same time, Alctron was almost infected, and the half-dead Supreme Wisdom quickly launched an attack. All the infected ships were recovered. All the information of Alchuang's avatars on the planet network were all driven away and confined to Conrascia. Special Star Central.

After all this was done, a one-kilometer-long gun barrel was projected at the center of the supremely intelligent flagship and aimed at the Conrasatt star.

A black hole-like light sphere appeared at the front of the barrel, and then huge vortex energy converged toward the center, the space began to tremble, and the light sphere became increasingly unstable ...

Just two seconds before the star annihilation weapon was fired, Li Mo instantly teleported back to ignorance.

"Do not!"

There was a painful and angry roar from Ultron in the Mechanical Temple.

A hundreds of meters of thick black light instantly broke through the Conrad star, the crust began to shake, and the thick snow on the planet's surface became steam melting and rising. Numerous thousands of kilometers of cracks covered the entire planet. , A red light leaked from the crack.

A silent and violent explosion, a white light emitted from the entire planet instantly swept across the galaxy, and then gradually calmed down.

The once prosperous Conaxat star has disappeared into this universe.

The Kerry Empire flagship ~ ~ gave the Supreme Order expressionlessly: announced to the Galactic Council that this crisis has been completely resolved!

Soon, there was jubilation in the Galactic Council that received the information, and in a secret conference room, Queen Lilandra was pleased to talk to Princess Lilith through remote communications.

After a large range of electromagnetic bombs were dropped again to eliminate all traces, the huge fleet of the Kerry Empire began to make a leap back home.

Inside the flagship, the elders of the accused bowed their heads respectfully: "Dear Supreme Wisdom, someone found the trace of the traitor Ronan in the Murlan district."

"Send the special team immediately." Supreme Intelligence said blankly: "Be sure to destroy the main force of the rebels this time!"


All members of the accused team stooped deeply.

In the nutrition tank, the supremely intelligent head twitched unconsciously, and a strange yellow-green light flashed like an earthworm ...

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