Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 236: Dare to Release Movies

The AI ​​crisis triggered by Ultron is over, at least for now.

In this incident, a formation of 70,000 members of the Sandal First Fleet was killed. Fortunately, the spacecraft was saved after taking control of the Supreme Intelligence, and it was given back to the Sandal First Fleet after a mockery.

This is not to blame them, even if the relationship between the two countries is not mentioned, the loss of the United Fleet Empire makes them very upset.

In the combined fleet, the formations owned by the Kerry Empire were completely maimed. Not only were most people dead, the fleet also suffered heavy losses. Fleeing spacecraft members feared the harsh laws of the empire and simply chose to defect, or became star pirates, or simply joined the Kerry Empire rebels.

The 300 million people of Conrasat's fallen capital only escaped tens of thousands under the leadership of the Star Eagle, and the entire planet was completely destroyed.

Although it looks like the loss is heavy, almost everyone thinks it is a major victory. After all, compared with the two previous AI rebellions, which affected half of the galaxy, the loss was almost minimized.

Not to mention Conrad is a gathering place for the famous interstellar criminals and pirates. Some people think that the scum is dead, and it is a curse to stay anyway.

Although the Galactic Council kept the incident confidential, there was still a lot of gossip spreading. People lamented the power of the Supreme Wisdom, but no one knew what Li Mo was doing at Conrad Charlotte.

Sandal Star, Hydra Building.

A 700-meter-long semicircular spacecraft landing on the semi-central center of the floor stood densely and stood a few people.

Princess Lilith has changed back to a silvery white, magnificent and dreamy royal gown, with a sculptural and clear face showing a distinguished and inviolable temperament.

A team of members of the Royal Guard arrived, guarding them vigilantly, and the sword came, and he was a fierce man who had overcome the psychological obstacles.

At this moment he is looking forward to seeing Li Mo and can prove himself again duel.

The recovered courage stood with a smile on the face of Princess Lilith, completely disregarding the vigilant eyes of members of the Royal Guard.

"Braveness. Udon Tower." Princess Lilith said expressionlessly: "Because of your contribution to the royal family, I allow you to join the Royal Guard under my direct command, why not agree, you must know that this is a good opportunity . "

"Thank you very much for your appreciation." Yongdu smiled, showing his big golden teeth. "I'm a predator, let me be a master of the rules, that's really my life, you give it to My spaceship is enough for me to re-recruit members, and it is my destiny to continue to drift in the universe. "

Princess Lilith drew her lips, "I know, you can leave, um ... take care."

Yongdu made a nondescript bow, turned and laughed and walked towards a small shuttle boat. He will go to the Star Harbor in outer space to receive his own spacecraft.

After Lilith watched Yongdu leave, she turned around and took a gorgeous silver box from the maid next to her, and came with Stephanie and Ophelia waiting beside her.

"The Empire of Shia thanked Lord Li Mo for his contribution to the royal family this time, so he was awarded the title of Noble of the Shia Empire." A gentle voice like Princess Lark was issued from Princess Lilith's mouth, which is a royal language.

Because the universal translator was installed, the two women, Ophelia and Stephanie, could understand. They gave a graceful gift and solemnly took the box.

After the two women took the box, Princess Lilith continued: "In addition, the Empire will also give a combat formation as a thank you gift, and send professors from the Imperial Academy of Sciences to the Hydra Academy for teaching."

"Thank you very much for your generosity and your generosity." Stephanie and Ophelia looked at each other and said politely with excitement.

Princess Lilith looked around and couldn't help asking: "Did Sir Li Mo say where he went?"

Stephanie and Ophelia were a little embarrassed. "This ... isn't quite clear."

Princess Lilith's forehead jumped. She originally wanted to ask Li Mo to go look for the artifact. As a result, the guy disappeared when she came back. If I find it, I will notify him as soon as possible. "

After speaking, he turned around and boarded the spacecraft with members of the Royal Guard.

Watching the Hia Empire royal spacecraft leaving the sky, Stephanie and Ophelia shrugged, and turned around and walked back to the building.


Alfheim, Ravendale, the elven capital.

Several falling waterfalls turned into a beautiful rainbow under the sun's rays. The gentle wind blows, and the white petals flying in the sky are accompanied by an elegant fragrance.

On a large lawn next to the canyon, Li Mo leaned asleep on a white delicate wooden lounge chair and let the sun warm his body.

Suddenly, he felt an itchy nose, and couldn't help rubbing it, and there was a silver bell-like laughter from the children immediately.

Li Mo sat up all of a sudden, a few elf little girls in silver and white costumes ran away with a laugh.

"A bunch of tricksters." Li Mo shook her head with a smile as she looked at the little lollies who ran away quickly.

This is the third batch of elves that have been cultivated, with a total of 150,000 people. Each one is only the height of a human who is four or five years old. Although they have inherited knowledge, it is just when they are naughty that they can't be troubled by messing up. Broke my heart every day. Fortunately, the first elves have grown up and have been able to help her share most of the affairs.

Li Mo looked at the sky leisurely with his arms folded, and a light green magic pattern covering the entire sky flashed from time to time with the naked eye.

With the joint efforts of Elf Tree Mela and Angelina, with the restoration of the ecological balance of Alfheim and the fountain of magic, the magic phantom magic circle that once covered the entire planet reappeared.

Not only that, the orbital black hole defense cannons that the Dark Elves once had were also arranged on the periphery of the planet. The grown-up Elf pilots divided into several formations and drove the Dark Elf invisible spacecraft to patrol the galaxy.

The powerful defense has ensured the safety of the newly-developed elves, at least after encountering a powerful enemy, they can delay the arrival of Li Mo to rescue them.

Taking the juice from the little lollipops, Li Mo took out an emerald jade slab from the magic space.

This is the original of the ancient Egyptian alchemy book "Jade Record" collected by Malik's family when he took Stephanie off the earth.

At that time, he felt that there was a huge mystery hidden in this thing, but it was limited to the lack of information and could not be solved. After all, although the universe was in its youth, after all, it has passed 15.6 billion years (limited to the level of observation, which is considered by earth scientists to be 13.8 billion years, But the theory of the Shia Empire was far greater than this).

The small and short-term development and destruction of intelligent civilization is just a dust for the grand history of the entire universe. Countless civilizations have left countless mysteries.

One of his agreements with Queen Lilandra was to obtain precious historical texts stored by the Shia Empire.

It is indeed the most powerful civilization. In the continuous exploration of the universe for tens of millions of years, the data obtained are simply vast.

After being stored and retrieved by McQueen, on the strange pattern around the jade plate of Jade Jade, information as small as nanometers was cracked.

This is a civilization text from the triangle galaxy near the Andromeda galaxy. According to records, this civilization was extinct 500 million years ago when the Feathers of the Shia Empire were birds flying by their mother stars.

The cause of the extinction is not clear. Only the tribe that survived by them came to the Milky Way and the Fairy Galaxy, and disappeared after being active for tens of thousands of years. Only scales and claws can be seen from the remains and data.

How advanced the science and technology of this civilization cannot be described in detail, only that they tend to use energy and live with the true God.

The good thing is that based on the deciphered data, McQueen can make a crystal reader, and this "Jade Record" is actually a data storage device.

Li Mo closed his eyes and opened them again. The nano-contact lenses that gathered a number of civilized technologies suddenly opened. A large three-dimensional screen appeared in front of him, linking all aspects of ignorance.

He first watched the truth laboratory.

The progress of the first group is still slow. After all, the cosmic evolution of species is a huge proposition. Everything is crossing the river by feeling the stones. Even the three empires may not have their progress fast.

If they get a dark vortex of artifacts, or if they can point them in the direction of their research, they can only explore now.

Li Mo did not bother, and continued to look at the second group.

The leader of the second group, the former Kerry Imperial Academy of Sciences Perus, is working overtime to create a skull-shaped suspension defense system.

At present, 20,000 have been created, and skull clouds are constantly flying around ignorance. This system was named by Perus: Youquan.

After the completion of the city of truth behind the eyes, the Hydra Group is relying on three huge industrial spacecraft to build a huge Star Harbor and Hydra base in the mouth and throat. After the magnificent three-dimensional city is built, it can hold and accommodate up to 100 million people.

In order to cope with the increasing demand for material transportation and the crisis of war, Hydra has been manufacturing and purchasing spacecraft. Currently has three fleets, mainly Ophelia leader.

Li Mo looked very satisfied. This is the state he wanted. Under the management of the powerful base intelligent McQueen, everything is well organized.

Of course, the most important thing is that he does not need to work hard, just need to point out the general direction, these savvy men will resolutely complete the task.

"McQueen, are things ready?" Li Mo asked remotely, linking to McQueen.

"Boss, it's finished. Does it need to be teleported to you?" McQueen quickly replied.

"Well ... get it over." Li Mo nodded.

With the assistance of the Void Master and McQueen's god-level computing power, the principle of the cortical teleportation hub throughout the galaxy ignorance has been cracked.

This is an ultra-long-distance transmission based on spatial overlap caused by brain waves and quantum entanglement.

After modification, the transmission capability is greatly enhanced, and even a spacecraft of a thousand kilometers can be transmitted through the galaxy.

With the gradual recovery of other brain tissues in ignorance, in the case of amplifying the brain wave effect, it may be possible to carry out intergalactic transmission in the future.

A shower of white light flashed, and a black hexagonal crystal-like reading system appeared in front of Li Mo. About one meter high, the surface is extremely smooth, shining with a strange light.

This is the civilization that tends to express and apply pure energy. It is probably the reason for energy operation and loss. It has a special love for crystals.

Fortunately, Soverin also has related materials, otherwise this special natural crystal is really hard to find for a while.

Li Mo touched the groove on the top of the hexagonal crystal and inserted Cuiyulu all at once.

A beam of light gradually unfolded, and a bird's head figure appeared first, speaking to Li Mo in a combination of long and short voices.

This civilized language has been deciphered, so Li Mo's universal translator can also be used.

According to this guy, he is the last deity named Saugen, named Tot. After all the people died, they floated in the universe. After falling asleep for many years, they came to earth and became the **** of wisdom at the time of the birth of ancient Egypt.

When the energy structure in the body was about to die, he combined the earth's ancient magic alchemy knowledge and the material energy conversion technology of the Sogan civilization, leaving this "Jade Record".

Carved on the surface is only a general outline of very vague concepts, and true inheritance knowledge can only be obtained after the reader is manufactured.

Li Mo whistleed proudly and watched in excitement.

Different from the previous myths of alchemy, here is a detailed analysis and interpretation of alchemy.

All the rules of the big universe are a united, harmonious, and mapped relationship with the small universe of individuals, souls, and souls.

The essence of alchemy is to use the transformation process of alchemy to liberate the spiritual spirit from the material. Recreating the material and reshaping the mind will recreate the miracle created by the universe, which is the Tao, and "all things."

The general outline at the end says that the ultimate purpose of alchemy is also detachment.

After Li Mo watched it, he couldn't help but nodded rhythmically with his fingers and began to meditate.

It is also a civilized detachment, which seems more reasonable.

During the fire in London, he obtained the information in the monument of time and life. The above idea is to first create a god, and then assimilate the soul of the entire civilization to reach the final leap.

Maybe the customs of civilization are different, but Li Mo doesn't think it is a good way to lose the freedom of the individual soul. What is the meaning of detachment?

So he kept that information deep in his heart and didn't tell anyone.

Of course, alchemy also has certain shortcomings, which are too external and internal. But the in-depth study of material conversion and soul is indeed worth learning.

Thinking about it, Li Mo has entered a strange state. Everything in the universe, previous knowledge and cognition are constantly colliding in his mind ...

A little loli wanted to ask him to have a meal, but found that within ten meters of Li Mo, the space became very wide, as if to span a planet.

The frightened little Loli quickly took a step back, all the illusions disappeared immediately, and ran to panic to tell Angelina.

Under the guidance of the old wizard, the ancient tree and the wisdom spirit, Melina, Angelina set the grass as a restricted area and forbid anyone to disturb.

Time passed like this, day by day, Li Mo kept his eyes closed thinking.


In the galaxy bordering the Large Magellanic Cloud, a huge circular star gate with a diameter of 1,000 kilometers stands in the void.

On both sides of the star gate, two small neutron stars with a diameter of 20 kilometers are restrained by a huge energy beam.

Such a small neutron star is not even clear to the Kerry Empire, whether it was artificially created or intentionally captured. Perhaps only the Shia Empire who built the star gate was clear.

10,000 kilometers away from the Star Gate is a huge Star Harbor. It is responsible for the daily maintenance of the Star Gate and has a fleet dedicated to protect the Star Gate. It is under the common jurisdiction of the Sandar, Kerry and Shia Empires.

Even at the height of the conflict between the borders of the two countries, it is calm. After all, if the star gate is destroyed, I do n’t know how much it costs to be opened by the Lion of the Shia Empire.

At the opening time of the star gate once a week, under the traction of the energy beam, two small neutron stars began to rotate, and a huge gravitational current continued to converge in the center of the gate.

First, a spiral light with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers was formed ~ ~ Then a transparent water wave characteristic began to appear in the space. Finally, the center of the entire star gate suddenly shrank and expanded, and an unfamiliar star field appeared. There is a large Magellan The star gate of the galaxy.

Under the guidance of the intelligent system, the spacecraft waiting on both sides began to enter and exit in an orderly manner, and instantly shuttled between the two galaxies.

On a Kerry Empire frigate returned from the Large Magellanic Cloud, one of the old Woody crew members who Li Mo took to the universe, Frank was lying quietly in his cabin, full of worry.

Suddenly his communicator lighted up. When he opened it, Stephanie's three-dimensional image was displayed, and he smiled elegantly, "Welcome back, Frank ... why are you alone?"

Stephanie's face sank. "Old Man Woody, are they in trouble?"

"No, they're safe." Frank shook his head. "We've finished filming the movie, but things are a bit cumbersome."

Frank smiled bitterly. "We dare not show it at all!"

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