Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 238: Eve of premiere

Kerry Empire Capital Star Hara.

Magnificent and solemn, towering in the middle of all kinds of buildings, a uniform floating boat in an orderly shuttle among them.

No one here does not follow the traffic rules. Iron blood, discipline, and stereotypes have been deeply imprinted in the genes of every Cree.

There is no so-called ground in the city, countless buildings shade the sky, and further down are the people at the bottom living in artificial light all year round. The criss-crossed three-dimensional building does not know how many meters deep into the ground, but can only see the lights like the sea of ​​stars in the night sky.

All pedestrians who go out are wearing special respirators. After hundreds of thousands of years of development, despite the Kerry Empire ’s technological level has reached a peak, the poor atmospheric environment is still a problem, and the nitrogen concentration in the air is far beyond the standard. Therefore, the Cree's standard outfit is a rigid, tight-fitting uniform and a respirator covering the entire mouth and nose.

Because of the atmosphere, the sun in the capital Xinghara always brings a kind of desolate yellow, sprinkled on the layers of mountains and hidden in the misty building, reflecting the golden light edge and an epic beauty at the same time.

In the middle of an upright zigzag building, Old Woody retracted his gaze out the window, took a sip of the water, and slumped with sweat on his chair.

The capital, Xinghara, has about 1.8 times the gravity of the Earth, so even though the body has been strengthened, the crew of the camera crew still have some difficulty in moving.

"Oh, **** it!" Grint, who was bad-tempered, grumbled, "It reminds me of when I first entered the army that I was carrying weight training every moment."

Then he looked at the bathroom that was constantly making strange noises, and said enviously: "It is indeed a **** domain person, so energetic."

At this moment, the weird voice in the bathroom stopped, and Scolch, who looked dissatisfied, came out, and threw the inflatable doll on the ground fiercely. "I don't want to spend a day like this ghost day, I want Go home, immediately, immediately! "

Scolzi was ordered by Li Mo to come and protect the crew members. He didn't take it seriously. He also wanted to see the beauty of Kerry by the way.

As a result, after entering the Kerry Empire, they went more and more wrong. It is not that Noah's Empire did not have a brothel, but that they did not accept aliens at all!

The women of the Kerry Empire are very charming and powerful, and they have a strong desire to rule men. And the customs of this country are to maintain the purity of genes and prohibit women from having relations with other races.

This can ruin Skorch. In the frontiers, women of other races can also be found on the chaotic interstellar space station. The closer to the capital star, the less chance there is, and she has not contacted women for two months.

In the film crew, in addition to the former **** boss Lady Kenlas, there is also a Sandal girl who is the heroine, but the two have no interest in him at all, and helpless Scolzi had to customize a inflatable doll to vent.

The old Woody sighed. "Wait two more days, and if that doesn't work, we'll leave."

As the leading character of the Cree boy, Caesar closed his mouth and did not speak, he has decided not to leave even if he cannot, or to enter the Resistance Army, or to establish an underground organization, in short, to complete his father's will to change this country.

At this moment, a voice of the hotel's smart housekeeper sounded: "Mr. Uth is visiting."

Everyone looked at each other. Uzbek was the official of the Kerry Empire to receive them, saying that the assistance was actually more surveillance.

After the sliding door of the hotel opened, he wore a traditional green uniform with a serious face, and came with a rigid look. "By order of the highest wisdom, a publicity ceremony will be held in the Hara Empire Arena in 1 week, and at the same time the Empire The planets will also play, please be prepared. "

After speaking, immediately turned and left without turning back.

Everyone else couldn't help but rejoicing, but the stubborn look of Scolchi seemed a little serious. "This thing is a bit wrong. I didn't expect it to succeed. From now on until we leave Kerry. Empire, no one can leave without permission. "

"I smell the storm ..."


With the release of the Supreme Wisdom Order, the atmosphere of the Kerry Empire became a little weird.

In the eyes of politicians at the top of the empire, this may be an omen of a reorganization of power and is more likely to mean a major purge.

The hard-liner is very unhappy. The empire has always opposed any form of entertainment culture. This time, it is actually holding such a grand event for a movie, which is shaking the tradition of the empire. However, due to the imperialist discipline system, no one dared to speak for a while.

Ordinary people have no concept at all. What is a movie? Poor they have never even enjoyed music. With a little guilt curiosity, I look forward to looking forward to the premiere one week later.

The distant western border of the empire, a poor planet with scarce resources.

The sky was covered with goose feathers and snow, and the whole world was long and vast.

The top of an old half-collapsed abandoned castle has been covered with a thick quilt by heavy snow, and the exposed huge bluestone slab tells a long story.

Several Crees with explosive guns and shabby capes watched vigilantly, opened a secret passage on the side of the castle and walked down.

After a few strict levels, voices gradually came, and they entered a spacious hall, a secret base of the Imperial Resistance.

At this time, leaders of various resistance groups have been gathered inside, and many of them have been injured and disabled and replaced with machine prostheses, scars on their faces, and their embarrassed faces appear to be aggressive.

They talked to each other, wiping the weapons in their hands, and at the same time looked at the foremost bluestone platform.

A tall figure slowly walked up the high platform with a long hammer, and everyone calmed down.

An iron armor with a green cloak and a face painted with a strong pattern of religious rituals is the long-awaited accused Luo Nan.

Since Li Mo's destruction of the plan to capture the power gems, Ronan reluctantly returned to the Kerry empire. His massacres in the frontier battlefields have accumulated huge popularity. Therefore, once he returned to the country, the iron blood in the resistance army was tough. Pie immediately gathered to his Majesty.

Luo Nan looked coldly at the crowd and said slowly: "The economic depression, the decline of national strength, the failure of the war, the shameful peace treaty signed, the Kerry Empire has lost its glory."

The hardline rebel leaders under the stage were full of anger in their eyes, holding the weapons in their hands tightly.


Ronan smashed the hammer to the ground and continued: "All this is caused by the supreme wisdom and his corrupt running dogs!"


"They failed the Empire!"


"They are guilty!"

"They ..." Ronan raised the hammer suddenly, "must be tried!"

"Trial! Trial! Sentence!"

Many of the rebel hardliner leaders raised their arms and echoed loudly.

"I got the news." Luo Nan's eyes narrowed. "The supreme wisdom is actually preparing to host an event for the movie in the Empire Arena. This is a shameful fall, and we must learn the lessons of blood."

"You guys want to spoil the premiere on other planets, and I ..." Ronan paused, saying, "will sneak into Hara that day."

"Teach a profound lesson to the fallen!"

All the hardline leaders raised their weapons and cheered madly ...

In the huge noise, Luo Nan raised his hands, glanced at the crowd under the stage, turned around and walked down the high platform, and came to a secret room at the rear.

"What a sensational speech." In the dark corner of the back room, a man in a black cape slowly stood up, revealing a pale wrinkled face.

It is the dead blade general in the Dark Order under Extermination.

"What are you doing here?" Luo Nan's face was a little bad.

"Owner's daughter, Kamalla, came to the Kerry Empire." General Deadblade said expressionlessly, "I can need you to pay attention to her news and notify us as soon as there is a clue."

"Just a former ally." Ronan's eyes were filled with coldness: "Thanos has no right to order me."

There was a hint of sarcasm in the mouth of General Deathblade, "Really? Well, a fleet of the Dark Order has secretly entered the Kerry Empire, and we will release a large number of Shadow Vanguards to find for themselves."

Vanguard is the product of Titan's biochemical technology, which is the monster without eyes and four arms in the compound three wars of Wakanda, crazy and powerful.

The shadow vanguard is more special. Although they are thinner than ordinary vanguards, they have powerful stealth, reconnaissance and tracking capabilities.

The only drawback is that it is more bloodthirsty. If you release it in the towns of ordinary residents, the entire town will be torn apart in sleep.

"Dare you!" Ronan's eyes were full of anger, and he used a universal weapon hammer to suddenly hit the forehead of the dead blade. "This is the Kerry Empire, my country!"

The dying general smiled, with a strange red light in his dark pupils, "What do you say?"

The two were deadlocked for a while, and Ronan lowered his hammer slowly, and said with a calm face, "I will pay attention."

Death Blade general chuckled and turned to leave. Luo Nan was expressionless, and the hand holding the hammer handle was tight and tight.


Galactic Council El Star.

Many nations feel a little incredible. Although it is to commemorate the peace agreement signed between the Kerry Empire and Sandar, in Kerry, where military dictatorship prevails, they will agree to release an entertainment movie.

Is it a political compromise or does it mean a change in the political system of the Kerry Empire?

If it is the latter, many countries are happy to see it happen. After all, among the three empires, Skulu was a fervent religious empire, and the Shia Empire regarded art creation as a signal of insanity and transgression. Everything that celebrates dreams will face the death penalty.

If the Kerry empire changes its climate, other small nations living under the three empires will feel a little relieved.

In this curious atmosphere, the Hydra Group is completely famous, and their leader is Li Mo, who once defeated the sword, and most countries in the galaxy know its existence.

Members of the Earth Observation Mission had originally submitted applications for inspections to many countries, but they were largely ignored.

But now I have been invited by most countries, and at the same time I am flattered and suddenly have an inexplicable sense of pride.

The world is even more upset. The Hydra Group has completely opened up a large number of civilian technologies such as 3D film technology to various countries on the planet. So it will be released at the same time as other planets.

"All Universe Release! This is the headline of the New York Times. As a representative of New York culture, Woody has made New Yorkers' nostrils skyward this time.

Film critics in various media continue to talk about the significance of this film, the first three-dimensional film shown on the earth, the joint investment of two interstellar powers, the bridge of peace ...

What many countries see is Li Mo's strong interstellar influence.

Stephanie was so busy that under her command, the Hydra Group tilted a lot of manpower into the event.

Some venues will perform centralized screenings, and those who cannot watch the scene will also receive signals synchronously through their personal terminals.

In this hustle and bustle, the time is approaching day by day, and finally the time for the film's release.


El Star, Galaxy Arena.

This large-scale circular building was jointly invested by several cosmic consortiums. It was originally prepared for the preparation of the Galactic Athletic Battle. I did not expect that the first event was for a movie.

Hundreds of floors of the rotunda stand were filled with curious spectators, which allowed business people to see Qian Jing. With the increasing population of Elstar, related entertainment facilities will also become very scarce.

Galactic Speaker Romandler, who was invited by the Nova Supreme, is giving a speech. In the box beside him, Stephanie and Ophelia are accompanying the Nova Supreme to speak.

Kerry Empire Capital Star Hara.

The Empire Arena was filled with Cree people who came to watch it. All of them looked solemn and silent, and there was strange weirdness in Nuoda's arena.

"Shit!" Old Woody couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead with a towel, and whispered. Psychological stress at this time has reached an extreme.

"Relax, old man." Clint patted his shoulder. "We have traveled far enough, we have seen enough. Let's consider it a strange dream."

In the dark workers' channel below the big arena, Luo Nan slowly took off his hood and took a deep breath.

Earth, Madison Square Garden, New York.

Most of the crazy warm-up activities have been going on. Under the explosive rhythm of Eminem's new single "Black Hole", many people chewed popcorn and waved their arms happily.

After the warm-up event stopped, Tony Stark, who had not been seen for a long time, took a microphone and made a few jokes and introduced himself and stepped back.

The lights began to dim, and a huge three-dimensional stereo image suddenly appeared in the center of the entire site.

The magnificent universe begins to rotate ~ ~ The splendid star sea is fascinating. The star-like Hydra logo gradually appears, and the letters of Hydra Film are reflected in the sound of the thrilling music.

The audience cheered wildly, and among the hustle and bustle, Captain America, wearing a baseball cap, was not in the heart.

Alfheim, Rivendell.

Fenghuan woods swayed in the cool night breeze, and the descending flowers and bones exuded a magical light.

The stars are like water in the night sky, and the lawn is full of little loli.

Li Mo, who woke up in time, was reminded by McQueen to install a player in the middle of the canyon to play synchronously. At this time, the magnificent Hydra sign was appearing over the canyon.

Looking at them still shaking their heads, chasing the troublesome Elf Little Lolitas, Li Mo, who was sitting on a lounger drinking fruit juice, stood up and said loudly with a loud magic.

"Watch a movie, all sit down for me!"

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