Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 239: Love in Sandal

Love in Sandal

When the movie's name came out, many in the Kerry Empire Arena frowned suddenly.

what is love?

Crees certainly have love, but no one puts it, because in their traditional thinking, love means weakness.

There was some minor disturbance in the auditorium, some people disagreed, and more people felt that it was exciting!

This is not to blame them, after all, this is the first time I have seen such a bold culture.

Secretly trying to forbid something is usually exciting, just like in ancient China, even with wives and concubines, hiding one or two illustrated **** novels in the study is also a joy.

Many Crees, though serious, couldn't help swallowing their mouths with a look of hope.

The film begins with Sandar Star, which has a dual star system.

The time was more than 100 years ago.

On the newly-decorated Nova Plaza, the residents of the aisle talked freely, the couples kissed each other, and the children ran and laughed happily under the care of their parents.

A scene completely different from the Kerry Empire attracted the attention of many viewers.

The pursuit of freedom in Kerry's civilization meant degeneration, but these fallen guys seemed very happy.

Happiness ... is another emotion that is hard to see in the Kerry Empire.

In the huge Star Harbor, many people are waiting to board a passenger spacecraft leaving Sandar. A little girl named Bella asks her father curiously: "Why do we move and why do you resign?"

The father hugged his daughter and smiled. "Maybe I'm not suitable for being a politician, but more suitable for being a farmer."

Looking at her daughter's still puzzled expression, her father's face showed a naughty smile, "Do you know how a politician can put a fierce dragon into the freezer?"

"It's impossible." The daughter shook her head. "The tyrannosaur is one story high, how big is the freezer?"

The father blinked. "The first step is to grab an Auroni, so that Auroni acknowledges that he is a tyrannical dragon under a strong political attack. The second step is to announce the plan to the nation: produce a kind of dragon The third step is to buy witnesses to prove that the fierce dragon has been packed into the refrigerator. The fourth step is to repeatedly emphasize the use of media advantages: the theory that Oloni is the ancestor of the fierce dragon, in case future trouble."

Seeing this, some Cree people couldn't help but grinned and laughed, and then quickly covered his mouth. Some people nodded heartily.

Young Bella, of course, could not understand the meaning of his father's words, and his eyes were confused.

At this time, it's time to get on the ship.

The father held up his daughter's hand and walked to himself and said to himself, "I don't want to lie, let alone be the Oroni."

Then they settled on an agricultural planet on the border.

In the Kerry Empire, a teenager named Wit was undergoing brutal military training.

The scenes of training camps everywhere in the Kerry Empire were displayed in front of the crowds, which made many Kerry people think of their youth.

After returning home after training, the mother saw the teenager covered with scars, and moved her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but then she silently nodded, and then continued to work in the military factory.

Juvenile Witt eats silently, cleans up the house regularly, and then climbs into bed, stares at the ceiling with eyes indifferent, and slowly goes to sleep.

A few years have passed and both have grown up. The young Witt entered the Kerry Empire army, and the girl Bella took over a large farm on the farm star after his father died.

At the same time, the friction between Sandal and the Kerry Empire began to intensify.

During a secret reconnaissance mission deep into the enemy's realm, Wit encountered an electromagnetic storm spacecraft crash, and forced a landing on a desolate planet with Bella, who was also unlucky to transport food.

The two went from being hostile to each other to abandoning prejudices to face the crisis together.

Bella is a good-natured person, Witer is a multi-talented student, and the two youngsters are gradually infatuated with each other, but no one tells.

Just when they thought they would always live on this desolate planet and were ready to confess to each other, a Kerry Empire rescue ship arrived.

The boy stubbornly blocked the hole and refused to go out to send a signal. He was afraid that he would never see Bella when he left, even if the girl pressed his neck against his neck to force him to leave.

Anxious and angry, Bella fainted and began to have a fever all over her body. The previous several injuries have left her roots, and her body can no longer continue to support her in the absence of medical assistance.

Helpless Viter boarded the Kerry Empire's rescue spacecraft and secretly sent a rescue signal and coordinates of the planet to the Sandal Border Guard.

Bella was rescued, but the two of them were separated from each other and didn't even have time to express their love.

In the Kerry Empire army, Vitus became more silent, just looking at the starry sky every night, and constantly meditating in his heart that long-awaited saying: "I love you, Bella."

Time flies by, the conflict at the border between the two countries becomes more and more fierce, and during several wars, Sandal obviously falls into the downwind.

Many planets have been destroyed, people have been displaced, Bella's agricultural star has become a gathering place for refugees, and large numbers of refugees have been taken in the pastures.

In the end, the agricultural star also fell into the sight of the Kerry Empire's border army, was quickly broken and brought back a large number of slaves for the empire, and Bella was among them.

Just as the slaves were about to be transported to other planets, in the army's obscurity, Wit discovered that Bella was bought with all his military points.

They came to a remote planet on the border of the Empire and began a new life.

Wit claimed that Bella was his slave, but secretly they vowed to each other to become husband and wife.

"Bella, one day I will give you a decent wedding."

"This is not important, what is important is that our hearts are always together."

"No, I think it's very important ..."

The young man worked hard to support his family, and the young girl sat at home to prepare a love lunch for him. Despite their hard work, the two were very happy.

But the good days lasted only a few months, and they were discovered.

The local conservative forces were furious, and implemented the traditional sacred purification of Witt, which is torture, to heal his corruption from the soul.

Bella is about to be sentenced to death.

The crazy young man rescued the girl with pain and sent her to the neutral ship.

The two separated again.

The more silent Wit resumed the rigid life of a robot, because he has always been a person, without any material pursuit, but let him save a lot of money.

Someone persuaded him to perform a limb repair and start a family, but Wit refused, still just looking at the stars every night.

The girl Bella returned to Sandar and went to work in a welfare home, which also rejected many people's pursuit.

This time, it's a full 100 years.

Wit has become very old, and his long absence of communication with outsiders has made him very lonely.

Just when his body was about to fail, he saw the news on his personal terminal: the Kerry Empire and Sandar successfully signed a peace agreement.

As if the whole spirit was sent out, Witte replaced all the credits with Starcoins. First, the client paid Bila a clue. Then he boarded the spaceship bound for Sandar without hesitation.

Despite the signing of a peace agreement, the entry of an ordinary Cree man into Sandal was a bit incredible.

Holding a silver box, Witt ignored the people's pointers and curious eyes along the way, and found the orphanage with difficulty.

However, Bella died a week ago.

As the most prominent welfare dean, she was buried under a Fenton tree in the backyard garden.

The beautiful petals of the Fenton tree fell in the wind and sprinkled on the bluestone carved tombstone. The inscription was simple: Witt's wife, Bella's tomb.

Wit remained silent, but there was no pain or disappointment in his eyes, only deep love.

The old hand slowly put the silver box in front of the tombstone and pressed the open button. A 3-dimensional image appeared: Wit and Bella were wearing traditional Cree wedding dresses, standing hand in hand on the beautiful field. They were still young, with carefree happy smiles on their faces.

Old Witter sat quietly on the grass, leaning on the tombstone, looking at Sandal's warm sunset, slowly closing his eyes, a serene smile appeared on his face ...

Well, the story is a bit simple. There is no political conspiracy, no huge war plot, it is a simple and lasting love, but in the context of interstellar war, the timeline was lengthened by the signing of a peace agreement.

This is Woody's intention. A popular movie never tells a complicated story, but tells a simple story, like the Titanic.

Coupled with his masterful composition of the film, the love of two insignificant young people, on the contrary, has an epic beauty.

The film is over, with intense applause and whistle cheers from Elsing and Sandal in the Galactic Council.

It seems a little crazy on the earth, after all, this is an unprecedented movie viewing experience.

Ravendale, the elf capital of Alfheim, Li Mo looked at the little lollies crying all around.

"I'm going to take risks and find my eternal lover," said an elf little Lolly, crying and milking.

"No!" Li Mo panicked. "The movies are fake, and all the bad guys are outside."

"You lie ..." The little loli didn't believe it.

"I didn't lie!" Li Mo wanted to cry without tears.

In the Kerry Empire, the scene was a weird silence.

Some people's eyes are full of anger ~ ~ think this is rotten thought, trying to challenge the tradition of the empire. Some people are sad, others start to meditate.

The corner of the supreme wisdom in the suspended nutrition chamber twitched. He didn't know why he made this stupid decision, but his head kept showing a chaotic state.

He deliberately sent someone to overhaul himself, but the idea was often completely forgotten after three seconds, and he felt that some terrible change was taking place in his body.

One accused elder stepped forward and said respectfully, "Rebels have sabotaged in the premiere of many movies on the planet, and for your safety, we recommend that you leave here immediately."

boom! boom! boom!

As soon as his words fell, continuous explosions continued to sound, the ground began to shake and cracks appeared, and the entire large arena collapsed.

Ronan appeared in the smoke with a hammer, pointing distantly to the highest wisdom, "In the name of Kerry, I sentence you, guilty!"

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