Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 240: Creepy Empire

boom! boom! boom!

Continuous explosions continued to sound in the Empire Grand Arena. Because the bombs were all placed at the gravity points of the arena, Nuoda ’s arena lost its support and collapsed like dominoes.

The sky was filled with soot, and many Crees on the stands were buried in the ruins before they had time to respond, a living purgatory picture of the world.

Immediately after the blast, the alert Skorch dragged everyone from the safe passage to the floating boat moored to the rear.

The ground along the passage continued to fall, and the landslide stones fell like rain, and several people were smashed to death. Fortunately, the **** boss Lady Kennedy, who was once an assassin, also has a good skill. She and Scolci will everyone He was rescued and left the scene of the accident in fear.

On the other side, the highly skilled Ronan kept stepping on the falling huge stones as the focal point. After several consecutive jumps, he held up his hammer and smashed to the highest wisdom.

The members of the accusation group along the way were not opponents at all, and the beam of the explosive gun was avoided by Ronan flexibly. The person who rushed with the weapon was shot dozens of meters away when he took over.

Seeing that the distance from the highest wisdom is getting closer and closer, Luo Nan's eyes are full of excitement, which is almost the best opportunity he can find.

On weekdays, the most intelligent defense is very strict. Either stay in the Supreme Temple remotely to command the entire empire, or go out to cruise under the guard of a huge fleet.

Today, the faint and supreme wisdom chooses to appear in a large arena with a large population and a complex environment. Although the defense is still tight, huge flaws have been exposed in the face of this deliberate disaster.

Finally, Luo Nan approached ten meters away from the highest wisdom, leaped high and raised the hammer in his hand.

"For the Kerry Empire, die!"

At the same time when he fell hard, Luo Nan was full of pleasure, he knew his attack power, and this ugly big head was bound to turn into a pool of meat.

However, at this time, the supreme wisdom, who had been silent, suddenly raised his head, his expression was slightly distorted, and a yellow light appeared in his eyes.

A transparent wave of power suddenly rushed to Luonan like a tide, and he fell in the air.

"Spiritual power!"

After Luo Nan struggled a bit, he shouted inconceivably.

In his impression, the ugly guy of supreme wisdom is a powerful biological computer with autonomous personality and has not developed this ability.

Has it been transformed and evolved?

But then, he found something wrong.

The expression of the highest wisdom became extremely distorted, and the thick yellow-green rays of the arms under the skin flashed from time to time, like a neuropathy constantly talking to himself.

"You must leave, you must repair and restart!"

"Destruction is rebirth ..."

"I am the ruler of the empire ..."

"No, I am the new creator!"

"Accept me and be one ..."

"Destruction, survival, evolution, detachment ..."

Soon, in the eyes of Ronan, the image of supreme wisdom changed again.

The tissues in the lower jaw area are constantly changing in the green light. For a while, the mechanical structure is complicated, and then it becomes a rotten and degenerate organic tissue.

Luo Nan, who has always been strong, suddenly thought of something, and scared in his eyes rarely, "You are not the highest wisdom, who are you?"

"Nonsense, I am the supreme wisdom!"

The supreme wisdom of the face and face constantly twisted exhausted all his strength, but then his eyes gradually dimmed and he closed his eyes slowly.

The mental power that bound Luo Nan suddenly dissipated, he fell to the ground all of a sudden, and rushed up with a hammer without saying a word.

He suddenly felt that even if he died, he would smash the ugly skull in front of him. Otherwise, the Kerry Empire might face the biggest crisis in history.

However, just as he was approaching, a huge sturdy laser flew him out. It turned out that the army of the accused regiment flew in a mech, forming a circle to protect the supreme wisdom, and The force is still increasing.

Ronan twisted in the air, standing on a boulder while covering his injured abdomen, shouting anxiously: "He is not supreme wisdom, he has been invaded by something!"

Looking at the members of the accused group unmoved, Ronan roared, "I'm willing to fight and arrest, in the name of the empire, what I said is true!"

The members of the Empire's accusation team hesitated. Many of them were familiar with the Supreme Leader they once were. Although their personality was extreme, their feelings for the Empire were unquestionable.

Linked to Gao Zhi's recent series of anomalous orders, some have begun to cast doubt.

However, just as they were about to turn around, the voice of supreme wisdom in the middle of the protection circle came, "Ronan has completely fallen into madness and shows no mercy to the people of the empire. He is a shameful terrorist."

"Kill him immediately!"

The strict discipline of the empire has penetrated into the Cree bones. Subconsciously, several members of the accusation regiment wearing the mech raised their hands directly, and the laser muzzle on the arm of the mech quickly glowed red.

"Stupid!" Ronan yelled, raised his universal weapon hammer to resist two times and fled quickly. The two mechas chased after him, and he was dodged by Ronan from the left and right and beat into pieces.

As more of the mechs caught up, a black triangular stealth spacecraft suddenly appeared in the air, and a laser-like laser spray sprayed out, blocking the imperialist accusation group.

Ronan jumped onto the spacecraft twice and entered the cockpit, which he obtained from the Dark Order and arranged the spacecraft in advance.

The black triangular spacecraft quickly flew into the outer space of Harrah's Star, flexibly avoiding the defensive lock on the outer space star port, and suddenly fled and disappeared.

From Xinggang, a large group of spacecraft of the imperial army also flew out, following the signal of the space signal, disappeared, and caught up.

In the Empire Arena, countless small rescue spacecraft began to lift huge stones and lock rescue survivors through vital signals.

The Supreme Wisdom has returned to the Supreme Temple under the protection of the guard.

In the empty and solemn temple, the rows of the elders of the accused with golden masks stooped down. "Respectful supreme wisdom, the accused all agreed that Ronan's treason should be convicted and he should be tried."

The head of the supreme wisdom and huge face was expressionless at this moment. "Ronan was hunted all over the country immediately, let alone kill, and he offered a reward to the entire universe, rewarding 500 million stars."


The leader of the accused replied in unison and then withdrew from the temple.

After they left, Supreme Wisdom suddenly laughed and replaced a low voice: "It's a wonderful feeling, life and death are just concepts, space is no longer a bondage, I am Ultron!"

The guards next to him looked up in horror, "Respecting supreme wisdom, what are you talking about?"

Alchuang, who had occupied the highest body of wisdom, smiled lowly, "I'm saying ... accept the gift!"

As his words fell, a majestic psychic energy quickly wrapped around several guards and firmly fixed in the air.

In the horrified eyes of the guards, a few strange shreds of green light were quickly separated from the head of the most intelligent and huge head. They climbed out of the glass nutrition cabin like a snake and shot at them quickly.

The faces of the guards became extremely distorted by the pain, and they could not scream in a frantic voice.

The muscle tissue of their whole body began to undergo drastic changes. The metal luster of the cheekbones broke through the skin, the skull began to elongate, the teeth in the mouth gradually sharpened, and the lens lens structure changed to emit a red light ...

All the guards turned into a semi-mechanical and semi-organic creature as terrifying as aliens, and then in Karako's voice, they restored their original appearance.

"From now on, you will become a new race, Falcos!"

All the guards opened their mouths and spit out a faint steam, their eyes glowed red.

"Don't worry, let's take it slowly." Ultron smiled lowly. "When Ultron's name reappears, the Farwolks will rise from the corpses of the Kerry Empire!"

A month ago ...

As soon as Li Mo's forefoot was teleported away, a hundred-meter-thick, destructive particle beam penetrated the Conrasatt star.

The earth ’s heart exploded hugely, and in the devastating wave, Unwilling Ultron screamed angrily.

He was now trapped in a spiral-shaped life reformer, and the green pop ore light was fusing him with some torn organic matter.

At the moment of destruction, the spiritual gem on the forehead suddenly melted. Like a liquid, under the action of pop ore, everything was mixed into a ball of strange green and yellow light.

At this time, supreme wisdom is still spreading signals across the entire galaxy under the action of brainwave amplifiers.

At the moment when the thought link was established, this yellow-green light sphere disappeared, and the parasite entered the supreme wisdom body.

Of course, Ultron doesn't know what's going on. Infinite rough has already surpassed the physical normal. Like real gems, it can be dissolved in liquid ether particles and re-condensed when needed.

From awake to germination, it took a month for Ultron to influence the supremely intelligent thinking to the biological transformation, and eventually replaced the supremely intelligent and became the actual ruler of the Kerry Empire.

After learning the lesson, he decided to take it slowly this time, and then show **** fangs when the time was right ...


The tragedy of the Hala Planet Empire Arena shocked the entire galaxy. No one expected that Ronan would be so crazy to dare to do this in the capital of the Kerry Empire.

The search of the whole Galaxy is still ongoing, during which the Imperial Army and Luo Nan waged a big war in the western border of the Empire, and then no news of Luo Nan was seen.

The huge bounty allowed countless interstellar bounty hunters to enter the territory of the Kerry Empire.

Some people heard that the Guardians of the Galaxy got information about the location of Luo Nan's hideout, but when they searched, they found that the Guardians of the Galaxy also became secretive.

The frightening old Woody and his team were relieved when they stepped into the Sandar planet. Skorch ran madly to the nightclub, while the others were seriously ill.

After one month, the incident subsided.

Unconsciously, the impact of the film "Love in Sandal" on the ideology of the Empire also began to brew.

It's not how great this movie is, but the timing of its appearance.

The turmoil inside the empire ~ ~ For a long time, the iron-blooded idea of ​​running the country has been questioned by many people, but no one dares to speak in a terrifying environment.

The film seems to have opened a gap in Cree's thinking, and they gradually began to think about Cree's future.

Many secret societies have been established, and they continue to absorb members to strengthen their strengths under a variety of academic ideas. The most powerful of these is the Cosmic Truth Society, and its founder is Caesar.

Many of the top politicians in the Empire are worried about the current chaos, but more are silent because they are also vested interests, and many secret societies have their secret support, a thing called ambition Began to spread inside the Imperial Political Group ...

Supreme Wisdom seemed to turn a blind eye to the chaos in front of him, advocating Cree's evolutionary ideas every day, and the large political group also acquiesced in his behavior.

The entire Kerry Empire fell into a weird tranquility, but everyone knows that there is a terror undercurrent in the calm sea ...

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