Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 243: Stop the demon

The Underworld is Murphy's son.

But don't take him as the prince of the demon world, even he doesn't think so.

Murphy wasn't the one who lay outside the window of the delivery room to see his son's name Daddy.

In fact, the Underworld didn't even have his mother. He was just the product of the resentment and impurity energy split from Murphyst, commonly known as garbage.

Every son of a poorly born royal family has a strong rebellion, like Rocky, Black Panther's cousin Eric, and Black Bat King's brother Maximus.

And the Underworld did not let go of the idea of ​​killing his father Murphyst for a moment ...

The third floor of the abandoned town hospital.

At this point the sky was dim, and Johnny Blazer turned on a camping lantern and threw a bottle of beer to Li Mo.

"Taste me." Li Mo took out a bottle of Asgard mead from the magical space, and passed it.

Johnny Blazer took it and took a big sip, his eyes glowed, "This wine ... great!"

After taking another sip, he wiped his mouth. "In fact, I once thought I had killed that guy."

"After I first became an evil knight, the Underworld robbed his father of the Saint Vincent Gonzalez contract, and absorbed many of its evil souls to become a powerful demon king."

"The old guy in Murfister has a weakness. The longer he leaves the ground, the weaker his avatar projection, so he made a deal with me to kill the Underworld."

"The Underworld was a little smug, so I used the eyes of judgment to ignite all the evil souls in him. I thought he was dead, but he survived without expectation."

"He found my ex-girlfriend Roxanne some time ago." Johnny Blazer's face was full of anger. "I stopped here and tracked all the way."

"There was a massacre in this land, and many souls were lingering. Later, it was unknown who was sealed in a tombstone. He seduced me to break the tombstone, and this large group of undead followed me. They are all innocent people. I don't want to do anything, so I'm stuck here. "

"Wait a minute!" Li Mo interrupted Johnny, "If I remember correctly, the Underworld guy is very greedy. How could it be that so many souls don't absorb it, but rely on it to trap you here? "

"This is also something weird." Johnny Blazer frowned. "I always think that guy is working on a bigger plot."

"Whatever his conspiracy, let's just kill him." Li Mo shook his head. "Do you have a clue for that guy?"

"That guy was hurt by me, and every so often he relied on devouring his soul to recover. Those who devoured his soul would shrink and become blue. I found him this way before." Johnny Bray Ze answered.

Li Mo nodded, activated the supercomputer on the nano-glasses to connect to the earth network, and invaded the files of police stations in various places to start intelligent retrieval, and soon got a clue.

"Thirteen people were killed at a highway motel in Texas and their bodies shrivelled."

"All the residents of an immigrant settlement in New Mexico died overnight ..."

"Utah Church Attack ..."

According to the murders, the underworld's course of action was clearly marked.

"This guy's next stop should be Nevada." Li Mo quickly said his inferences.

After some time calculations, the two were quickly teleported to Nevada, planning to stop the Underworld in advance.

Nevada Rocky Mountains.

At this time, the moon stars were thin, the cool wind was passing by between the valleys, and the roads winding around the mountains seemed a little cold in the pale moonlight.

A white light flashed, and Li Mo and Johnny Blazer riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle appeared on the road.

"I need to use a fortune-telling magic to determine its general orientation." Li Mo looked around and said.

"No, I can feel it, and even smell its disgusting demon atmosphere." Johnny Blazer said, and the flames blasted into the spirit knight form.

Accompanied by the violent giggles and the angry roar of the motorcycle motor, it smashed directly into the fence next to the highway, swept to the other side of the mountain, and dragged a long flame.

Li Mo stroked his chin. "It seems that I should pay attention to the impact on the spirit when researching. I don't want a bunch of crazy maggots ..."

After speaking, a loud bang flew out, and after a loud sound breaking the sound barrier appeared in the air, he had caught up with the evil knight who was soaring on the ground.


Paradise Manor is a luxurious leisure place nestled in the mountains, imitating the famous Moonlight Manor and offering wonderful services to customers in Nevada, the only brothel legalized state.

The manor house is fully equipped, hidden and luxurious, and has adopted a membership service. Not only are the girls all models in the industry, but also famous adult and Hollywood actresses come and go from time to time.

This is the moment when the lights are green, the wonderful body is driven by alcohol and money, and it is the story of desire.

Outside the manor, a handsome young man with pure black pupils took a deep breath intoxicated, "What a wonderful and depraved breath ..."

Immediately after speaking, she recovered and recovered her body. She was over three meters tall and had dark blue skin, such as furrow-like skin texture. Her hair was like lush and fluffy thorns. Her dark face could only see red light. Behind his eyes is a stout tail.

This guy is a dark heart. Because of the restrictions after coming to earth, and the fact that he has been seriously injured, he ca n’t shuttle in space. He can only fly in the air in the form of dark smoke.

As I passed the sky, I ran here with a smell.

The sinful soul is especially attractive to the demon. The black heart can't wait to rush into the manor, and soon screams and continuous gunfire sound.

About another five minutes later, a flame cut through the sky from the hill next to it and crashed into the chaotic manor.

With a bang, a crater like a meteorite was smashed on the ground, a large area of ​​hellfire sputtered out, and the scattered stones were burning fiercely.

There were no more living people in the villa, and there were messes everywhere. The dark heart was clutching the neck of a blonde girl in a black sm leather coat. The graceful body quickly shrank into a bluish blue.

In the sound of roaring and dull motors, the Underworld turned slowly, and an angry low voice came from his throat.

With a bang, the evil knight riding a motorcycle slammed out of the pit, dragging the mad burning hellfire and hitting the underworld fiercely.

The Underworld had no time to stop it with both hands, and the huge body was knocked out and smashed by a small building next to it.

The evil knight got off the motorcycle with a grin, and drew his right hand, and a chain burning with hellfire whistled and flew towards the underworld lying in the ruins.

Li Mo floated in the air and looked at the battle scene below, touched his chin, and said with admiration: "Not to mention the attack power, this sound and light effect is cool enough. If there is a lot of such magic 傀儡 ..."

He couldn't help but fall into the wonderful imagination.

Underneath, the Underworld is naturally not a puppet that can be cleaned up casually. After closing his eyes to guard against the eyes of the evil knight's judgment, he was indifferent to Johnny for a while.

The huge body of three meters is scattered like a stream of mist. After avoiding the chain of hellfire, it is a punch to fly away the evil knight. If the long hair behind him is inserted into the ground, countless spikes will immediately cause evil. Spirit Knight performs skewers. You know, it is still in a state of serious injury and weakness.

It seems that the Underworld has the upper hand, but the evil knight is not known for his attack power. His biggest feature is that he cannot fight. No matter how many injuries he seemed to suffer from, hellfire always returned to normal, rushing up like a lunatic.

"Annoying asshole!" The Underworld could not help but yelled, turned and prepared to escape, and continued to do so, and he would be consumed alive.

However, as soon as he was about to fly away into black smoke, he found that his whole body was unable to move, and there was a complex magic circle with red rays appearing beneath his feet.

"how is this possible!"

The Darkheart exclaimed, this kind of magic array dedicated to forbidden can restrain most of the spirit magical creatures, and it is impossible for him to escape now if his strength is greatly damaged.

But this magic circle usually takes a long time to prepare. Why does it suddenly appear?

Is this a trap?

At this moment, Li Mo slowly fell from the sky, and lightly lit a cigarette and set aside.

With the increase in combat experience, he is now able to cope with many situations. Part of the power of the real gems and the correct magic formation, even the tentacles do not need to be summoned to solve the battle.

The evil knight who had just been shot and flew far away came over again, and the skull of the hellfire was laughing wildly, holding up the flame iron chain in his hand and pumping wildly towards the Underworld.

The immovable black heart screamed, and the strong body was continuously pulled out of the deep cracks by the iron chain. The wound could not be recovered and it was corroded downward with the flame of fire.

The unlucky Underworld keeps threatening and cursing with demon words, but he finds the wrong object, and the more excited evil spirit knight speeds up the beating.

After three full minutes, the evil knight stretched out his hand, and the iron chain wrapped around him like a snake, slowly approaching the Underworld, and planned to judge the eyes with the final big move.

The dying Darkheart was a little panicked, and yelled frantically, "Don't let me go. I'll tell you a big secret."

"Wait a minute, Johnny!" Li Mo shouted quickly.

The Ghost Rider stopped after hearing the words, and now Johnny can well control the spirit of vengeance. Unlike before, every transformation will lose your mind.

"After I say, you must let me go." The Underworld began to bargain.

"Kill him!" Li Mo took a sip.

Looking at the evil knight who came up with a crazy laugh, the Underworld screamed quickly: "The contract that was destroyed last time was a fake of Saint Vincent Gonzalez. Everyone was deceived by Mephisto. He's planning a big event! "

"What is that old **** going to do?" Li Mo stopped Johnny and asked the Underworld.

"I don't know, I'm investigating," the Underworld replied weakly.

Li Mo shook his head and stepped back, "This news is not enough to spare you a life."

The evil knight laughed, and slammed it. "Look into my eyes, asshole!"

Under the bright moonlight, among the burning manor ruins, the dark heart screamed out from his eyes and screamed out of hellfire, and soon turned into a pool of black ash like a scorched empty shell.

Johnny lifted his body, and knelt down on the ground, breathing hard.

"Did you kill him this time?" Li Mo asked.

"It should be." Johnny Blazer shook his head. "But this guy is weird. It was the same last time, but I don't know why he came back alive."

"Anyway, it's out of breath." Li Mo smiled. "Let's go."

Johnny nodded, a white light flashed, and the two teleported back to ignorance.

Just half an hour after they left, the silent night was broken, and a dozen police cars came here with sirens.

"Damn, what's going on here?" A fat white sheriff walked out of the car and said in surprise, "quickly explore the scene to see if there are survivors."

Ten minutes later, while the police were busy, a black policeman suddenly ran out of the ruins in panic, sitting on the ground and constantly backing, "shit! Shit! Hell!"

When other policemen were puzzled, there were transparent spirits floating from the surrounding ruins. There were **** and cool girls, and men in various robes, all converging to the center of the ruins with a look of confusion.

These unlucky eggs were not devoured by the soul, but were affected by the battle between the Underworld and the Evil Knight, and died in the ruins.

"What is this?" The fat sheriff's voice trembled a little.

In their eyes ~ ~ the souls gathered on a pool of black ash in the center of the venue, and the black ash quickly turned into a black liquid and began to wiggle like a living creature.

A few minutes later, screams and continuous gunfire sounded again in the abandoned manor ...


Half a month later, the Vatican.

At this time, the Vatican was already under high martial law. The Sistine Chapel, which had been reduced to a scenic spot, had been renovated at this time, and a crowd of people had stood in it.

Behind is a group of archbishops in red, while in front is the pope in solemn white robes.

In the majestic and holy choir singing, the entire church was solemn.

"There are only five hours left," the Pope asked quietly to Marcus next to him. "Are they really coming?"

Marcus also hesitated, "Li Mo has promised me, should ... probably come."

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