Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 244: Netherfire, Randkir

Ignorantly, the laboratory of truth.

A circular semi-transparent golden energy protection ball with a diameter of ten meters is floating on the alchemy operation platform. Ten members of the surrounding Nether Mage are relying on mental power to continuously operate.

In the center of the sphere are a number of purple flames reunited and scattered. With the continuous influx of dark energy, the color gradually starts to darken.

The boss is temporarily transferred to the second group. At this moment, he is staring at dozens of three-dimensional three-dimensional display screens with the second group leader Perus, constantly adjusting the wave energy parameters.

Li Mo stared aside, thoughtful.

What is fire ...?

The irresponsible preaching and burning of the textbooks in the middle school textbooks is a kind of energy phenomenon that emits light and heat.

In fact, ordinary flames are a mass of gas. But unlike ordinary gas, it is a group of plasma in an ionized state.

In addition to following the general gas rules, it also has certain luminous heating and electromagnetic phenomena.

After bringing Johnny to ignorance, the Nether Masters relied on powerful alchemy techniques to conduct a detailed and detailed analysis of Hellfire.

The conclusion is that hellfire is a product of alchemy technology and has added the power of more complex rules.

The purpose of alchemy is to extract spirituality from complex materials, recreate it, and sublimate itself.

Hellfire is such a spiritual flame that even changes the physical normality, between liquid and gas.

It is because of spirituality that it constantly generates itself. In addition to its incredible ability to repair and transform, it can also attack the soul.

Of course, because of spirituality, it will also have a certain effect on the spirit of the host, resulting in irritability.

After understanding the characteristic structure of Hellfire, the next step is continuous experiments to ignite dark energy and extract spiritual flames.

After hundreds of failures, the Nether Masters finally found the right direction. This is the 807th experiment.

The more purple flames in the protective circle gather, the darker the color becomes and the darker it is, and from time to time a small thunder light comes out.

These flames seemed to be a group of naughty children, sometimes huddled together, and then suddenly dispersed.

Just then, the space around the flames became psychedelic, as fickle as the colorful shattered glass.

The red alarm of the monitor suddenly lighted up, and the boss said with anxiety, "Not good, the energy reached the threshold, a fierce quantum reaction was captured, and it was about to explode, and fully exerted the protective method!"

The members of the Nether Masters were a bit alarmed. During this time, dozens of members have been injured. Although they were quickly repaired, they were severely damaged in spirit and required long periods of rest. Therefore, one by one, the protective magic array was displayed.

Li Mo doesn't think so, and can't say it in detail, but he feels that this time is different.

"Give me all the way!" Li Mo shouted, floating to the huge protective cover.

More than a dozen tentacles penetrated the void and entered the spherical protective cover, and the power of the real gem poured in like a tide.

A large number of purple and black dark energy flames are slowly converging, and continue to compress toward the center, eventually becoming a basketball-sized purple and black crystal.

"Start Alchemy!"

Li Mo shouted, gritting his teeth.

The members of the surrounding mage corps immediately gathered all their spiritual power and injected it into the alchemy array that was previously portrayed on the alchemy console.

On the circular alchemy array of hundreds of meters, a complicated magic pattern began to light up in turn, and a golden alchemy array projection appeared in the volley. Under the power of mystery, the solid spheres formed by the fire of dark energy began to emit wonderful changes .

After 20 minutes, the exhausted members of the Nether Masters retreated, and the alchemy magic circle gradually calmed down.

Li Mo retracted his tentacles and floated silently, watching and looking forward.

Although the ball did not explode, there was no movement after ten minutes.

Just when the members of the Nether Masters began to hold back their disappointment, alas, a heart-beating voice was in everyone's mind.

Then the center of the sphere began to shine, flashing like a heartbeat.

On clicking, a crack appeared on the surface of the crystal-like ball, and then more and more, small pieces continued to fall and merged into the air.

In the end, a fist-sized black-purple liquid flame appeared in front of everyone.

Li Mo swallowed, carefully approached, and began to touch with mental strength.

Real spiritual fire!

Li Mo felt the same power of creation and repair as Hellfire, and knew the character of the flames, proud, calm, and vast as the universe was empty.

This flame was only a spiritual fire, and did not give birth to a soul. Li Mo's spiritual power soon merged with it.

Under the operation of McQueen, a five-meter-high magic puppet prototype was carried over. Li Mo carefully split a fingernail-sized ball of flame into the puppet power core.


The purple light glowed in his eyes, and then the dark energy visible to the naked eye began to converge on him.

Soon, the uncle's whole body began to burn a dark purple fire of dark energy, and one knee fell to Li Mo.

All members of the Nether Masters looked at Li Mo. He glanced around and raised his fist in the eyes everyone expected. "We have succeeded!"

The crowd immediately cheered wildly, everyone knew the significance of the success of this alchemy experiment, and even members of a group came over to join the celebration.

This is the first major achievement of the Truth Lab since its establishment. It has laid a solid foundation for future magic puppet troops, and will even have a profound impact on the future construction of ignorance.

"Come on, test, we need to know everything about it!" The boss stopped his excitement and arranged.

The test results came out quickly.

Like Hellfire, although the new flames also have physics, energy, and soul, their attack power is relatively not amazing.

Because of the dark energy repulsion, it plays a very good role in protecting the magic puppet, and it can repair the damage, of course, far less than the evil knight.

The biggest advantage of the flame is its endurance. Because it can continuously absorb dark energy, it is almost a perpetual motion, unless the core is completely broken and the flame is annihilated.

This is the most satisfactory result. Everyone doesn't care about the amount of attack power at all. The magic weapon and dark energy-driven laser weapon that comes with it can completely make up for it.

The evil knight Johnny Blazer was stunned and looked at Li Mo inconceivably.

Li Mo proudly opened his arms. "For this new Fire Babe, I named it Netherfire."

"Be careful, don't hurry to experiment. This little guy has just been born and needs a lot of dark energy supply. I have given McQueen a second permission, and will orderly divide after I have grown up completely. Yes, there will be the Youquan system. "

"To celebrate the birth of the Netherfire, I declare that I will take a three-day break and have a carnival!"

The Truth Lab cheered for a while, and the Hydra base under construction in the oral cavity also became lively. McQueen used holographic images to imitate the fireworks feast that illuminated the entire dome.

The celebration party was very lively, and a large number of new members from the earth gradually let go of their restraint and merged into the atmosphere of celebration.

Li Mo even ordered the magic puppet prototype to come out for a demonstration. The powerful functions immediately made all grassroots personnel feel at ease, and they were full of confidence in the future of ignorance.

Among the lively crowd, Johnny, who had made a great contribution to the birth of the Netherfire, was the object of siege, but he seemed to be absent-minded.

"Man, what's wrong?" Li Mo asked him to pour a glass of wine.

"I've been thinking about Mephisto." Johnny Blazer spread his hands. "Well, I'm not the kind of guy who wants to beat a hero. But I know the old **** of Mephisto, if it really is There is a big conspiracy, so you must stop him! "

"Things need to look at the big picture." Li Mo nodded. "The new battle for the devil is about to begin. I guess Mephisto is also interested in the title of Satan. Then all his conspiracy is to serve this, but We need to figure out what he wants to do. "

At this time, McQueen's voice sounded "boss, your agreement with the Vatican is today, should you transmit?"

"How long is it?" Li Mo asked.

"4 hours, 36 minutes, and 07 seconds."

"Go back later, I don't want to wait for a few hours in the face of a bunch of engraved faces." Li Mo squeezed Johnny's shoulder, "Go, drink two more glasses."


Inside the Vatican Sistine Chapel.

The most solemn mass has been going on for more than three hours. This ritual is actually a repetition of Christ Jesus' sacrifice to God on the cross.

On the altar, the wine and bread after the consecration symbolize Jesus' "holy blood" and "holy body". All the bishops and churches present were divided and eaten, representing the favor of the Lord and salvation.

The difference of this mass is that a new dedication ceremony has been added, the choir constantly chants the beauty of heaven, and eulogizes the coming angel Randgill.

Immediately after the scheduled time was coming, the anxious Marcus in the crowd felt his lips blistering.

Just then, a black priest came quickly to him and whispered in his ear, "They are here, just outside."

"Come in quickly, forget it, let me go." After Marcus finished speaking, he walked out of the church anxiously. Soon after, Li Mo and Johnny came to the VIP table.

The smell of the wine made by them both frowned. Those who were secret family patriarchs who had a good relationship with the Holy See were very repugnant to this unscrupulous approach, but did not dare to say anything.

Li Mo and Johnny, who often deal with demons, don't feel much about seeing angels. To them, they are just creatures of another dimension.

"!" Johnny Blazer complained. "I hate the atmosphere here."

Li Mo waved his hand, "Stand on for a while, and wait until we've seen the birds ... um angel, ask what's going on and leave."

Time is getting closer, and the last few minutes, the atmosphere of mass in the Sistine Chapel has changed, and the attention of all believers and pastors and bishops is secretly concentrated on the holy vessels on the altar.

There was a gate to heaven that Marcus had used.


There was a bell ringing far from the church. The angel statue on the altar suddenly burned with a blue flame, and then a golden light burst into the sky. At the dome of the Sistine Chapel, a golden yellow The vortex gradually formed and became larger and larger.

A five-meter-diameter beam of light gold plummeted vertically from the center of the vortex. All the bishops, priests, and believers wept with joy and bowed respectfully.

A group of tall figures burning with blue flames slowly fell. The head of the person was over 2 meters 3, short golden curly hair, a handsome face like a sculpture, and a dazzling silver body armor, which stretched out for seven or eight meters. White wings.

Li Mo thoughtfully, this should be the archangel Randgill, the eight behind him and the wings obviously smaller than him should be the next angel.

However, after De Geer fell, he opened his hands friendly and kindly to the bent believers. "All believers are exempt, we are called by the Lord. We are just the Lord's servants."

The church then became slightly chaotic, and many believers and priests were crying and praising the praises of the Lord, even some Cardinals.

However, De Geer showed no impatience, and put his hands on the foreheads of the believers, gradually calming them down.

Then, at the direction of Randgill, the Pope ended Mass.

After the believers and most of the Cardinals left, only the Pope, Marcus, the angels, and Li Mo and Johnny remained in the church.

"Sorry to keep the two waiting for a long time," said Randgill, friendly to Li Mo and Johnny.

"Yes, I've waited a long time." Johnny's tone was a bit bad. "I just want to ask you why I call me a warrior of God. Obviously my power comes from the devil, and what do you want to see me do?"

However, Dekir explained with a smile, "Human beings are born with original sin. Ten thousand years ago, the rain of heaven fell, a living weapon for heaven, called the Spirit of Vengeance, was used to supervise the evil nature of mankind and to punish evil people. To punish. "

"In extra dimensions, the devil is watching the earth at all times. The sinful soul can provide them with the most powerful power. The cleansing of sin is the mission of the spirit of revenge, so you are also called the wrath of God."

"For tens of thousands of years, the number of fallen Vengeful Spirits has been increasing, and now it is less than ten digits, and you are the most special one. Mephisto combined the original Vengeful Spirit and the elemental demon Zatanno. Mighty power. And this power is actually inherited from your blood, Mephisto is just a shameful stealer. "

"So, I call you a warrior of God!" Randgill spread his hands with a smile.

Johnny Blaze stared at Randgill's eyes for a while, and combined his experience and the information he investigated, UU read the book www. uukanshu. com he knew what the archangel was saying was true.

After a pause, Johnny asked, "So, what are you looking for?"

However, De Geer looked up at the void, "The battle for the demon king is about to begin, and the war between heaven and **** will also start. If we fail, the earth will return to chaos. So I hope you can return to heaven and become the leader of an army By."

The air became a little quiet, the Pope and Marcus looked at Johnny with a look of expectation, while Li Mo kept looking at the two angel sisters behind De Geer, and finally got two eyes. .

After a moment of silence, Johnny waved his hand. "I'm sorry, I don't like being an official and I am used to acting alone."

After speaking, immediately turned around and walked out of the church without turning back. Li Mo shrugged to Marcus with a helpless expression and then followed.

"Your mission is coming, please hug instead of run away." Randell's groan echoed inside the church.

After leaving the Vatican, at the request of Johnny, Li Mo took him to Nevada.

Sitting on a high mountain, looking at the sunset in the distance, Johnny took a sip of wine and asked, "Do you think his words are true?"

"Really, I don't know?" Li Mo shrugged, a look of ridicule on his face.

"They definitely have another purpose!"


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