Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 250: First close contact with Uncle Swallow

"what did you say?"

Li Mo's face was incredible.

The hidden place he chose for ignorance was a special star system named middle-aged disco, located in the middle of the galaxy's fairy arm.

During the formation of the star system, the central star suddenly died, and the protoplanetary disk did not have enough power to form a planet, and it became a special celestial system surrounded by a large nebula.

Because the nebula is rich in metallic materials, under the illumination of stellar flares, it can not only isolate and detect, but also form colorful and beautiful scenery. It is a very suitable hiding place.

Li Mo originally wanted to build this place into a permanent haven, but how was he stared at by the planet devourers?

Aren't he just devouring the planet?

Furious, Li Mo quickly traversed through the spatial beacons set in the main universe by ignorance.

As he drove McQueen out of the door of the dimension, the scene in front of him made Li Mo feel a little cold.

A huge, ignorance-sized purple butterfly-shaped spacecraft is floating in a colorful nebula.

Around the spacecraft, hundreds of kilometers of pipelines twisted and twisted like snakes, and large nebula materials were sucked into the pipeline like tidal water, and the space even formed a dark current.

At the top of the center of the butterfly-shaped spaceship, there is a throne-like device. The planet devourer with a bizarre bifurcated high hat sits on it, staring blankly at the front. Visually, the height is at least several kilometers.

From the records of many races, Li Mo learned that the Planet Devourer may be a legacy of the last universe. Some scientists have concluded through comparison and analysis that this guy is a combination of consciousness of the Mechanical Zerg.

The most important thing is that as long as this guy does not disturb his eating, he will not take the initiative to attack, after all, most of his life is just a bacterium on the cake for him.

Thinking of it, Li Mo, who was daring for a while, drove McQueen quickly approaching the spacecraft of the Planet Devourer.

Looking closely, the spacecraft is simply too large. McQueen was in front of it, like a small ant, not even one of those flying pipes.

Li Mo tried to ask McQueen to detect the spacecraft, and the result was quickly reported. The spacecraft used an unknown metal, and the technology contained in it could not find a corresponding one in the database. Record.

Now that the destruction of this galaxy is unavoidable, Li Mo did not continue to struggle anymore, but instead carried out scientific research on the planetary devourer's ship with interest.

After a few laps around the spacecraft, it was found that the Planet Devourer really ignored it, and Li Mo boldly drove McQueen directly into the spacecraft through an exhaust hole.

The scenery along the way is breathtaking, and many glowing facilities can only speculate about their general purpose, and strangely, there is no defense system. A lot of data and first-hand information were recorded while walking and detecting.

After zooming in on the buildings inside the spaceship, Li Mo discovered a secret.

The entire spacecraft is composed of nano-scale mechanical insects, and all units are entangled with quantum information exchange at the same time.

In other words, all mechanical insect units do not need to issue instructions at all. Tony's nano-armor also requires unified scheduling by Jarvis, and the entire 2,000-kilometer-long spaceship is simply a living body that operates through a sense of cluster.

"The universe is really amazing!" Li Mo sighed and drove McQueen back out of the spacecraft and came to the top planet devourer.

Looking at the eyes the size of the room, Li Mo swallowed and carefully sent a message through McQueen: Dear Planet Devourer, hello.

However, even with the McQueen in front, the Planet Devourer still looked ahead with nothing.

"What's going on, is he Alzheimer's?" Li Mo said in a loss.

McQueen gave the answer after more than a dozen detection methods: "boss, the planetary devourer's body is just a horrible energy hidden behind the armor, and it has higher-dimensional rules that we can't understand."

"What we see is only the impression shown in three-dimensional creatures. Like you see the Earth man, the Cree will only see that he is a Cree, and different races observe differently."

"So its biological frequency is not in the same band as ours. If we want to talk, we need to process the information in a quantum dimension."

"That's the case." Li Mo thought about his chin thoughtfully. "In this way, I just transcribed the message and sent it again, and at the same time prepared to escape."

"Good boss." McQueen quickly followed the instructions and sent another message.

After waiting for 20 seconds, Li Mo suddenly held her breath, those huge eyes suddenly and slowly glanced over, staring blankly at McQueen.

The air became a little heavy.

Li Mo could not help but swallowed his mouth. "McQuan, if you miss the chance, you will immediately slip away."

McQueen is strengthened by the Stone of Space and Infinite Gems. Hidden escapes and space shuttles are absolutely first-rate. This is the cost of Li Mo's death.

However, a few minutes later, the Planet Devourer stared at McQueen and said nothing.

"What's wrong with this guy?" Li Mo couldn't help thinking about it, "If you don't do it for the first time, you can communicate."

"Then did I kill God?"

"As such a great god-level creature, I say howareyou, he certainly won't say finethankyou, andyou?"

"After all, they are all face people. They must be a little proud ..."

"Yes, I'll just talk straight and see his reaction!"

Thinking of this, Li Mo transcribed and sent another message: Dear Planet Devourer, aren't you only interested in the planet of life, why did you suddenly absorb the nebula here?

Li Mo's interrogation worked, and the eyes of the planet devourer seemed to move, and then Li Mo instantly understood what was going on.

This is a communication method for high-dimensional creatures, which he once experienced at Da Yan Meng.

In our ordinary people's conversation, the brain first generates thoughts, and then the neuron directs the utterance system to speak the language. The person receiving the information must first hear the language, and then the brain translates the logical thinking before receiving the information.

And high-dimensional creatures will directly send information to the package, eliminating many intermediate links.

According to the description of the Planet Devourer, he does not want to devour the planet, but to absorb the planetary energy that can form the planet of life, similar to the green energy that Li Mo absorbed when he dealt with the Zerg in negative space.

Sometimes he encounters stellar galaxies that are forming and rich in free energy. At this point, he will interrupt the evolution of the star, let the energy of the planet continue to ferment, and it will not be consumed in the process of forming the planet.

And this process will allow the free planetary energy to combine with the nebula matter, which is more conducive to absorption.

It's like cooking a pot of healthy soup, and come back for a few million years.

After Li Mo figured it out, he suddenly looked black. This guy really didn't treat himself badly. In addition to being fragrant, he still wanted to drink spicy food.

Just when he wanted to continue the communication, a silver streamer passed through the stars, and in the blink of an eye came to the planet devourer.

This is a bald naked man covered with silver metal, about two meters tall, and stepping on a huge silver surfboard. It is the current star swallower, the silver glider.

After seeing McQueen, the guy launched an attack without saying a word. The silver energy shock wave continued to shoot out of him, hitting McQueen like a heavy rain.

The blue space shields around McQueen appeared automatically, blocking the attack easily.

"Is this guy a crazy dog?"

Although the attack of the Silver Glider was not even tickling for McQueen, Li Mo was a little depressed.

He didn't want to fight back. After all, hitting the dog also depends on the owner, and under the eyes of the planet devourer, the conflict will not end well.

Anyway, with this guy's interference, I can't continue to communicate. Some unhappy Li Mo drove McQueen and quickly left here.

However, something unexpected happened to him. Even if he had retired from the stellar system, the silver glider followed the buttocks relentlessly.

Li Mo had a feeling immediately, just like when he was a kid, when he ran into a neighbor ’s evil dog, you ran away to catch up more proudly, showing his loyalty and strength.

"Do you really think I messed up?" Li Mo's face suddenly darkened. "McQueen, fly slowly and draw this guy out as much as possible."

As a result, McQueen reduced the speed, not allowing the other party to catch up, but it would not disappear completely, so he has been tempted far away.

As he passed through a meteorite belt, Li Mo stopped McQueen and came out of the spacecraft. He looked at the silver glider who was catching up, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Dog, the owner is invisible!"

After speaking, a huge tentacle suddenly appeared in the void, and the silver glider flew out with a lightning flash, smashing numerous meteorites along the way.

Just a few seconds later, the innocent silver glider rushed up expressionlessly. However, as soon as he was close to Li Mo, he was dragged by an tentacle to his ankle again, and kept waving in the air.

After more than ten minutes of tossing, Li Mo was a little tired. This guy has been erased from his memory and emotions, and he has no sense of accomplishment.


It is unnecessary and the consequences are hard to predict.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Mo wrapped the silver glider with several tentacles, slowly output the power of the real gem, and sealed the guy in a purple crystal.

This guy is just the puppy that Planet Devourer uses to find food. As long as it's not dead, you won't remember it until the time for cooking.

And then a galaxy the size of a nebula at a rate just enough for the Planet Devourer to absorb for a month or two.

As for how to deal with this guy, let ’s talk about it, it will be a big deal to sell to the demon market, after all, this guy also has a pure and powerful soul.

After packing the amethyst of the seal silver glider, Li Mo drove McQueen to link with ignorance and passed. The abyss **** dimension has already been disturbed, and only by this method can he successfully reach.

After coming to the abyss **** dimension, Li Mo found that Ophelia had taken all the Lava Demon family out.

The members of the Nether Masters opened up a magma-filled residence near the head and throat of the ignorance imaginatively, and infused with strong dimensional energy.

The lava demons were pleasantly surprised to find that the living environment here is many times better than before.

After entering the war room with ignorance, Li Mo first gave the scientific research data obtained from the Planet Devourer to the Nether Mage, and then discussed with everyone what to do next.

After four hours of discussion, everyone agreed that this was a rare opportunity.

After all, there is rarely such a chaotic situation in a rich dimension, and the demon's combat power is not as powerful as expected.

In view of the current situation and predictions for the future, Li Mo made a decision: first plunder resources as much as possible here and speed up the construction of ignorance.

Evacuate immediately when the situation changes, and ignorance will stay in the main universe to avoid the attack of the dimension deities. Only a temporary base is left to continue exploration and build powerful portals for material transportation.

And future exploration of other dimensions will follow this approach.

After the plan was finalized, the crowd immediately began to execute it. With the help of the Lava Demon Kubaka, a local leader party, they ignorously set the coordinates and teleported to another resource-intensive planet.


New York Sanctuary.

A huge drawing was nailed to the wall inside Strange's bedroom. According to the nodes laid by the angels, he drew a magic map ~ ~, but its coverage area and complexity were far beyond Imagine.

Stranger was sitting in the air at this moment, and dozens of thick magic books were turning pages automatically. The two days of continuous sleeplessness have made him look a little shaggy and shaved.

"What exactly does this formation do?" Strinch scratched his hair anxiously. "Why is there always a familiar feeling ..."

After thinking for a long time without any clue, Strance stopped and came to the living room to prepare a cup of hot coffee.

At this moment, Pharaoh came in from the door holding a kraft bag of bread, and muttered as he walked: "What is wrong with this world, even children are out to be superheroes, and Emperor Weishan is on top. That kid's uniform is so ugly! "

When he heard Pharaoh's words, Strinch suddenly flashed a light in his heart, "I thought of it ... I remembered it ... No, I'm going back to Kama Taj."

"What are you going to do?" Pharaoh was weird, and immediately rejoiced, "Did you decide to train a new mage?"

"Those will talk later!"

Strange's face was a little serious, "I have seen the array of angels before, but I didn't learn because I basically didn't use it."

"Which book have you seen?"

Strangy's face was a little weird,

"The Book of Emperor Weishan!"

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