Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 251: conspiracy

Karma Taj.

In the dark old wooden corridor, Strange and Pharaoh talked to each other while walking, and the newly recruited magicians along the way saw Strand nodded respectfully.

The Pharaoh sighed, "As a new Supreme Master, you have been in Kama Taj for too short a time, and the new disciples are a little alienated from you."

Strange shook his head. "I don't have Master Gu's prestige in the multiverse. Now that the earth is in chaos, let Master Hamill continue to teach them."

Pharaoh sighed helplessly, "It can only be so. By the way, I have a question. Why do you say that the magic circle used by the angels appears in the Book of Emperor Weishan?"

Strinch stopped after hearing the words, first looked left and right, then pulled the Pharaoh to the library quickly.

After closing the door, Stranger said solemnly: "Many magicians who can travel in dimensions have peeped at heaven, but have never seen God himself, nor have any records of his actions. And about the origin of God, Li Mo and I once had a bold conjecture. "

"What guess?" Pharaoh was confused.

"Do you remember the origin of the goddess Osthur in Emperor Vishan?" Strangi asked.

"Of course." Pharaoh nodded. "The goddess Osthur is as old as Gaia and was one of the first four ancient gods born on earth."

"Where's her alias?" Strange said with a hint of guidance.

"Eastern Goddess, Virgin, Bird Goddess." Pharaoh quickly answered.

"What did the virgin make you think of?" Strangy's eyes were strange.

"Jesus ... born?" Pharaoh said with uncertainty.

"The evidence is more than that. It is said that the goddess Osthur created the orcish people to fight against two other evil ancient gods Seth and Sisorn. I suspect that they are angels. And the trinity of Visanti Contrast the Christian Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. "

Pharaoh felt his throat dry, "But the Bible says ..."

"God didn't write the Bible, it was written later." Strange shook his head.

"But why is this?" Pharaoh shook his head. "No, my brain is a bit messy."

"This is just a conjecture." Strange patted Pharaoh's shoulder. "Sometimes the fact is always covered by time. We don't have to go too far. It is imperative to find out what those angels really want to do. . "

After speaking, walked quickly to the "Book of Emperor Weishan" in the seal. Pharaoh shook his head incredibly in the back and followed.

After taking off the Book of Emperor Weishan from the sealed iron frame, Strangy quickly flipped through it.

"I've seen this ... it should be here ... Oh, I found it." Strangu turned over one of the pages and whispered: "Soul Praise, a large cluster magic circle. You can collect arrays. The soul power of all living beings within range, shaped by the Holy Spirit. "

"The Holy Spirit?" Pharaoh's eyes widened. "They want to create a god!"

"I don't care what they want to do, this thing must be stopped." Strance looked serious.

"Any powerful magic has a price, even the white magic in the Book of the Emperor Weishan."

"And the power of this soul's praise depends on the number of people in the formation and the devotion of faith."

"The more devout you are, the more soul power you give, the soul will break when you exceed the limit. Think about how many devout believers will gather that day?"

Pharaoh swallowed, "The city of Rome has a population of 3.8 million, plus tourists and believers swarming from all over the world that day, bringing together at least 5 million people."

Strinch clenched his fists. "Almost half of them will be devout believers. This is a terrible massacre, and we must stop it."

"This time is different." Pharaoh felt a headache. "There are 3 billion Christians all over the world. Do you say they believe in angels or in our dark magicians?"

"Be careful!" Pharaoh said gravely.

"Of course." Strange nodded. "This time the impact has been too great, and the angels' fighting ability is not clear, so we need help."

"The Crimson Witch left contact information last time. The evil knight Johnny Blazer can also think of a way to be informed, but Li Mo doesn't know where to float and needs you to find a way to conduct magical messaging." Pharaoh said seriously.

"Rest assured." Strange stood up. "With the Eye of Agomo, I can reach him as long as he is still in this universe."


New York Stark Building.

In the central laboratory, Reed and Tony stand on two corners of the laboratory and operate on a three-dimensional screen.

In the center is a huge three-dimensional image of the solar system. It can be seen that some small red dots are intermittently distributed in the space orbits of the major planets. A dotted line connects them, covering the entire solar system.

"Tune in again, set up the axes, make quantum signal connections ..." Tony said as he operated.

Ten minutes later, Reed looked away from the three-dimensional screen that was constantly refreshing the data, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "I think we need to celebrate with a glass of champagne."

"Haha, of course." Tony couldn't help but feel a little proud. "The solar system's defense system has been initially established, and we have at least a gun in the face of the threat of the universe. Jarvis, open a bottle of the one I brought back from the Galactic Council last time. A kind of golden sparkling wine. "

As soon as the two raised their glasses and touched them, a sparkling portal appeared in the laboratory, and then Strangi came out.

Tony and Reed looked at each other, and Tony shrugged. "Maybe we should also study the defense against magic. Well, Mr. Magician, what's the matter?"

"Can you contact Li Mo?" Strangy's face was a little bad.

"I know you are the Supreme Master, but why should I listen to you?" Tony rolled his eyes, somehow why he always looked at this guy a little unpleasantly.

"Be mature, Mr. Stark. The planet is in crisis and I need his help." Strance said, shaking his head.

Tony poked his lips and was stopped by Reed as soon as he was about to speak.

"What's going on, is it urgent?" Reed stretched out his hand to Strance. "At least tell us what happened."

Strange was silent, and suddenly asked a question: "Are you Christians?"

Tony looked at Reed, then shrugged. "We believe in science."

Reed got in touch with recent events and soon had doubts, "Is it about the advent angels? I think they are just creatures of another dimension."

"Yes." Strange nodded. "I found a conspiracy ..."

After Strinch finished, Tony and Rey looked at each other.

Tony's face was a little weird. "Wow, this is a big joy. What an angel massacre in front of believers all over the world."

Reed thought for a while and said, "This is a bit of a problem. We must have sufficient evidence. If it can be resolved quietly, it is better. If things come to light, how many of the 3 billion Christians will be caused by the collapse of faith. Great harm. "

"The trouble is more than that." Strinch felt a bit tired, "Hell demon Mephisto opened a casino in Las Vegas, and no one knows what he is planning. "

After listening, Tony covered his forehead with a headache. "Here human beings are celebrating the entry into the interstellar era, and angels and demons are coming down to engage in conspiracy at the same time. Is this trying to pull the earth back into the Middle Ages?"

"It really needs Li Mo's help." Reed said as he took out the communication bracelet from the box ignorantly.

However, after pressing the send button, I did not receive a reply for a long time.

"It's useless. He's not in this universe. It should be an extra dimension. Don't you have any other ways to connect?" Strinch was helpless.

Tony shook his head. "There is no way but to rely on ourselves."

"It doesn't have to be hard." Reed touched his chin. "If we can capture an angel and a demon, we may study its energy composition and create a corresponding weapon."

"I'll figure it out ..." Strinch nodded. Suddenly, he stopped talking and looked at a corner of the laboratory. "Who!"

Tony looked at the corner in confusion, then ordered Jarvis to perform various scans, and couldn't help saying, "You're hallucinating, there's no one there."

Stranger looked a little dignified. "Someone just spied on us with magic just now and can't drag on anymore. I will get you angels and demons as soon as possible."

After finishing it, turned around and opened a portal and walked in ~ ~ Tony stroked his chin, "It seems I'm going to develop an anti-magic armor."


Las Vegas, Soul Casino top floor.

Mephisto retracted the magic and smiled. "The power of the new Supreme Master is growing fast, but there is not much time left for you."

After that, he picked his finger, and a photographic device quickly floated into the air, playing the scene where Strangy and Tony talked in the laboratory just now.

"When all the conspiracies surface to the world, will people believe that the God in their hearts or the superhero in reality?" Murphy's face had a playful smile on his face.

"I'm really looking forward to it ..."

Then he called a demon disguised as a human and threw the camera over. "Post this thing online, I want everyone to know about it."

After the demons nodded and left, Mephisto came to the floor-to-ceiling window and squinted at the Violet Hotel across the side. He shook his head disdainfully: "Be brave, please, just give you another chance. "

After speaking, it disappeared into a black smoke.

Inside the Violet Hotel, the dark-hearted man stood up and said to Johnny and Dum next to him, "The old **** Mephisto is gone, let's move quickly."

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