Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 258: Heaven War (6)

This is an island-type continent suspended above the clouds.

The splendid buildings like the mountain peaks are connected into a piece, which is similar to the style of Babylon. A circular arch bridge is built below the layered walls of the mountain. The towering gates with prismatic columns can be seen everywhere. A sky garden was constructed, and all the rooms are like temples.

There is no sun in this weird space, but this building exudes eye-catching golden light, reflecting on the surrounding clouds to form beautiful Phnom Penh.

This is heaven, the city of gold and emerald.

But in heaven at the moment, there is a hell-like scene.

The fallen angels of the sky may fly, or stand on a high arch bridge. The ground was a sea of ​​blood, and countless angels in white short-sleeved sackcloth fell to the ground with empty eyes, their abdominal cavity was cut off, their limbs were cut off, and blood and white feathers stuck to the golden floor.

The archangel Randgill dragged the **** sword while holding Johnny Blazer's hair slowly walking forward, stepping up the golden staircase winding to the top of the mountain, all the way to the top of the mountain. In front of a golden throne, towering columns stand on both sides of the throne. Looking into the past, the holy city underneath and the clouds in the distance can be seen at a glance.

Johnny Blazer is still suppressed by the statue of the tearing angel. The hellfire in his body wants to get out at all times, but because he is combined with the elemental demon Zatanos, he can never escape from Johnny's body.

Archangel Randil Keer grabbed his hair and flung it aside, and then sat on the throne with his legs raised, and looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him boringly.

Although he still had different flames burning at both ends of his body at this time, the central area had expanded a lot, with a horizontal finger width, exuding a brilliant golden light.

Jonny Blazer struggled to raise his head, panting with hate, "What the **** ... what do you want me to do?"

The archangel Randil Kiel didn't answer him directly, but looked forward, telling in a nightmare tone: "You know, we are all just tools."

"A long time ago, I fulfilled my duties as faithfully as you, and maintained the goodness and justice of the world."

"The Father has never appeared before us, and he did not answer our prayers even long ago."

"We think this is a test and continue to fight with piety. Later humankind appeared. God so favors you. Many angels even suspect that we are only your slaves."

"Because of the loss of the Father's asylum, the battle with each **** is more difficult. Countless angels have died, and the power of heaven is deteriorating."

"Our countless prayers have not been answered, so Lucifer, the star of the dazzling dawn, has fallen, but all this seems to be a script, and a transformed fallen **** has just appeared for him to live.

"After that, Heaven ushered in the cruelest days."

While De Geer said, he stood up and pointed to the distance: "There is Michael's grave, and Gabriel and Raphael are sleeping opposite him."

"As a last resort, we closed the way to heaven. However, all this is just a more cruel beginning. Like a group of fish trapped in a ditch, the angels are gradually decaying."

"Until one day, a voice kept ringing in my ear, telling the only way to get out of trouble."

Johnny Blazer smiled scornfully: "It sounds more like the devil's temptation."

"Yes, I know." Randkir snorted. "I even guessed his name, Mephisto!"

"But what is this?"

However, De Geer's voice shuddered, "I know, this is the only way after we are completely abandoned!"

"What did you ... do?" Johnny Blazer suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

However, De Geer turned around and smiled slightly to show the sharp white teeth of Sensen. "I led my men to devour all the souls of the Garden of Eden!"

"Fk!" Johnny Blazer scolded angrily as he struggled, "You lunatic!"

"Is it crazy?" Randkir spread his hands. "I only feel freedom, unprecedented freedom. I no longer care about the rules and regulations, and I am not subject to pedantic moral restrictions. I have found the real me."

"Freedom?" Johnny Blazer coughed a few times and said weakly, "How much sin is acting in this name."

"Perhaps sin is not a bad thing in itself," Ran Dekiel said as he walked towards Johnny. "At least I won, and even nearly destroyed Hell. Some pedantic guys in heaven tried to stop them, and I was also All killed. "

"But these are just the beginning. Heaven needs a god, and human beings need a god. So I found a way to combine the power of the flames of heaven and the wrath of God to break through to a higher level and reach the realm of God."

"You are the most special one, so I will absorb the power of the elemental demon Zatanos in your body after the breakthrough."

"In the end, I will take the seat of Satan!"

Johnny's body became weaker and weak, and he spit out blood after a few coughs. "You won't succeed."

But Dekir smiled, "Let's wait and see!"

Johnny Blazer had no energy to speak, and as Dejin's chest grew deeper and brighter, there was already a hint of despair in his eyes.



The reason why this place is considered a holy place by the Christian world is that **** Christ suffered, was buried, resurrected, and ascended here. The most famous legend of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the location of the tomb of Jesus.

It was late autumn at this time, the warm sunset was shining on the ancient brick and stone walls, and the ancient trees planted outside the church had already learned that the leaves had fallen. The evening bell rang and startled a few flying crows.

There are a lot of tourists here on weekdays, because the advent of the angels was full, and the subsequent events in the Vatican surprised the monks. Later, after receiving a phone call, all the tourists hurriedly closed the church.

Inside the church, the swirling portals gradually opened, and Lemo and Strance walked out.

The elderly monk who had received the order quickly led the two into a hall deep in the tunnel, then nodded to the two, and exited the hall and closed the door.

A dozen cold-eyed nuns stepped out of the dark, holding various modern firearms in their hands and guarding the door.

"This is it?" Li Mo looked around in the hall, and shook his head. "Who can imagine that this place has a secret passage to heaven, can heaven sneak in?"

Strangy ignored Li Mo's poor mouth and rummaged through the surrounding walls, and soon found an ancient sculpture.

On the yellow masonry wall, there is a gate engraved in the shade. The gate is surrounded by various intricate patterns. Although it has gone through vicissitudes, it looks like a painting.

Strange found the patterns one by one and began to input magic. Soon, all the patterns lit up like moonlight.

"Sure enough, there is a door!" There was a smile on the corner of Li Mo's mouth, and he had felt the fluctuation of the dimension door.

Strange nodded to him, stepped forward and pushed open the stone door.

All eyes were golden light, which illuminated the whole hall, Li Mo did not hesitate to enter with Strange.

On the face was the angel's corpse on the ground. I didn't know how long it had died. The blood had dried up, but the corpse did not have any odor.

It was a cemetery-like place, and after a short walk they saw rows of huge saints' tombs, followed by Michael and Gabriel's resting place.

"What is going on here?"

Li Mo and Stranger looked at each other.

From time to time, fallen angels of black feathers appeared in the sky, and both of them performed stealth stealth.

Li Mo has noticed the strong breath of De Geer on the top of the mountain full of ancient golden buildings. However, as he was about to go, Strangge turned in a different direction.

"What are you doing?" Li Mo asked with a frown.

"Mephisto said something was wrong with the Garden of Eden, and I'm going to take a look." Strinch was a little worried.

Apparently he had obtained some information and soon brought Li Mo to the Garden of Eden.

This is a garden-like building with special spatial rules. It is not large from the outside, but after entering it is a vast expanse of plains.

As described in the Bible, the ground is strewn with precious stones of gold, pearls, and agate. But the lawn, which was supposed to be green, was already covered with yellow weeds, and the trees that were originally full of various exotic flowers were withered. The four rivers surrounding the plain are all dried up. The two big trees that collapsed in the middle of the plain should be the tree of life and the tree of good and evil.

The most important thing is that there is no life here.

"Soul!" Strinch opened his mouth wide.

Seeing Li Mo's puzzled look, he explained with some anxiety that the soul of ordinary Christians would come here after going deep into heaven, and after a long period of nourishment, they would enter the mysterious multiverse universe. But it was empty and nothing.

"My father, mother, grandfather, and younger sister are all devout Christians." Strinch's fists squeezed, his eyes filled with anger.

"It must have been that guy." Li Mo looked up at the direction of the mountain. "Let's go, someone will pay for it."

The space here seems to limit the use of teleportation. The two cast stealth to speed up the flight, and soon reached the top of the mountain.

Although Dekir was here, at this time he was covered with golden light, and the ends of the two wings were still burning with red and blue flames.

Jonny Blazer floated in front of him constantly screaming. Under the suppression of the tearing angel statue, the ghost of the elemental demon Zatanos burning with the fire of **** was slowly fading.

"go to hell!"

Li Mo snorted, and waved his hands to release two thick tentacles of several hundred meters long, wrapped in wind and thunder, and smashed De Geer, and at the same time broke the angel statue on top of Johnny Blazer's head. , I took this poor guy over.

The stout tentacles destroyed the entire mountain in an instant. Stranger, who was suffocated with fire, also used a powerful attack spell, Bersat's Thunder, and the orange thunder light continuously jumped among the gravel. Everything turns into powder.

The sky was soaring into the sky, and although his sight was severely blocked, Li Mo could still feel the breath of Randgill.

This guy didn't seem to be affected at all, and didn't even move.

Suddenly, a hundred-meter-long golden light and shadow energy giant sword broke through the smoke and slashed down at them, and the strong air flow scattered the smoke, revealing the figure of Randgill.

At this time, the whole body of the guy exudes golden light regardless of the armor and even his hair and skin color. He expresses a huge energy sword to Li Mo without expression.

Because heaven restricts space movement, they can only defend hard. As soon as Li Mo wanted to do something, Stranger first used the ancient body of the magic Hoggs. With his hands pushed forward, the golden energy giant sword suddenly turned into a blue butterfly flying in the sky. go with.

Although De Geer was a little dazed for a moment, Li Mo said to Strinch in a deep voice: "Control your emotions, don't waste your magic, lest you become a burden for a while."

"Nice trick!" Randkier clapped his hands with a smile. "But what you are facing now ... is a god!"

After speaking, he took out the golden angel sword behind him, and slashed forward, and the golden flame like a tide appeared out of thin air, flooding Li Mo them overwhelmingly.

The magic leopard cloak hunting and dancing behind Strange, and Li Mo avoided the flame dangerously.

Twenty big eyes suddenly appeared, spinning and dancing while firing red hot rays of energy towards Ran Dekir, but a powerful attack like a heavy rain fell on Ran Dekir, only a hint of light appeared. ripple.

"Useless ..." Johnny Blazer wrapped in tentacles said weakly: "He has now become a god, ordinary attacks are useless at all."

"I didn't kill God ..." Li Mo snorted. "Kidney deficiency, cover me for 30 seconds."

Strange rolled his eyes, but still used a huge Seraphim shield, a huge blood-red magic shield to protect the three tightly.

Li Mo reached out his hand, and the "Evil Iron Book" volley appeared in front of him. The page turned up automatically and activated the power of the realistic gem. First, the vine projection of the original dark universe was attached to a tentacle. Then silently called up the old devil of the Dimension Devil, Shuma Goras.

Even when Li Mo was busy, but De Geer was not idle, he slowly came over in the volley, his figure grew larger and bigger, and he became a golden giant with a height of thousands of meters.

There seemed to be a hymn in the air, and the glowing golden giant stood on the city of gold, with endless pressure coming from the majestic voice.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"I am God!"

"Submit to me, and give your soul to UU reading!"


Although Dekier stopped talking, he turned his head and looked at the sky with some suspicion.

At this moment, Li Mo gritted his teeth immediately and took out the power gem. A purple light appeared under the skin, and the powerful and endless energy was introduced into the "Iron Demon Book".

A huge black space vortex of thousands of meters suddenly appeared in the air. Hundreds of tentacles slowly dropped down, and then huge eyeballs with diameters of hundreds of meters appeared, accompanied by ominous, dripping like asphalt. Black light fell on heaven.

"Schuma. Golas!"

However, De Geer screamed in horror as the duckling was pinched in his neck.

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