Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 259: Heaven War (7)

This world actually has a very simple standard of distinction for God, endless life and creative power.

Endless life means breaking through the levels of ordinary and even extraordinary creatures, while the power of creation is different from equally powerful creatures.

It's like Igo who has been hung up, because he has the above two points at the same time, he will call himself the **** god.

Although he has become a god, De Geer still knows it. God also ranks, and there is no doubt that Shuma Goras belongs to the top wave.

Therefore, after seeing Big Eyes coming down, De Kilton was drowned in boundless fear.

Just when he was a little overwhelmed, Schuma Gora swung his tentacles and flung him up, like an octopus, entangled him, the unknown dark energy constantly twisted the space, the thick black The liquid dripped on Randkir's body, corroding small holes.

Suffering from severe pain, De Geer pulled out of the boundless fear, and he finally awoke, and the whole body of hysterical glowed with golden flame.

What surprised him a bit was that his own fire had taken the disgusting tentacles back a little.

Is this just a summoned projection clone? !!

Ran Dekiel, who had just become a god, was a little ashamed first, and then boundlessly angry.

"How dare to fool me!"

However, De Geer realized that this avatar had less energy than himself, and immediately struggling violently, trying to destroy the avatar in front of him.

However, he miscalculated. As a new god, he didn't know that under the circumstance that the controlled energy difference was not too large, the understanding of the rules of the universe was the key to determining the power of the devil.

Compared with Big Eye Meng, he is still a little tender.

No matter how much power he uses, he will always be trapped in the strange black twisted space, and the magic of various attributes will always be destroyed one step in advance.

Grievance and weakness are a portrayal of his mood at this time.

Subsequently, Ran Dekir's head was firmly fixed by several tentacles, and he was forced to look directly at the large eyeball with a diameter of hundreds of meters, and his eyes became a little blurred after only a few seconds.

He seemed to see an endless warm light, with a hand stretched out, with kindness and tranquility.

"Almighty Father ..."

But Dekir groaned first, then suddenly woke up, "This is fake! Let me go ..."


A tentacle reached out, and his forehead was slammed, leaving Venus in his eyes, his soul trembling, and he was forced to start a new round of hypnosis.


However, De Geer struggled to wake up again.


"Ah ... let me die!"

Bang Bang!

In Li Mo's and Stranger's eyes, the big-eyed Meng Shuma Goras, like a child, kept knocking on Randgill's head.

A bite of old blood sprayed out of Li Mo. "Brother, stop playing. I can't support it for a long time. Kill him quickly!"

However, he couldn't control the actions of Shuma Goras at all, and could only clenched his teeth and insisted.

Trouble doesn't stop there. The countless fallen angels in the sky have rushed over. Li Mo can't make any shots at all. Johnny can't help but fainted. It can only be strangled there. Defend.

The attack was so intensive that Strangy, who had used several large-scale magics in a row, was already pale and his spirits were getting weaker and weaker.

Just then, De Geer finally couldn't take it anymore, and after screaming frantically, he chose to expose himself.

啾 ——Boom!

A dazzling white light first shrank into a small point, and then suddenly expanded around.

Big Eye Meng was collapsed and flew hundreds of meters away, and the fallen angels in the sky were directly turned into fly ash, while those farther away were completely stunned. In the black feathers of the sky, it generally fell down. Ground.

Before being submerged by white light, Stranger quickly protected the three with the shield of Seraphim.

The strength of this magic is determined by the user's magic power. Although he barely resists the shock wave, Stranger has completely withered, his pale eyes are straight, and he is floating in the air with the magic cloak.

Li Mo is also uncomfortable at this moment. Although he can bear the power gems for longer and longer, he always endures the kind of power that can tear the soul and body.

"Is that **** dead?"

Stranger asked weakly.

"Killing a **** is not so easy, unless his soul is completely destroyed." Li Mo shook his head. "You must immediately find the core of his soul."

At this moment, the fallen angels who fainted on the ground began to wake up, but Big Eyes Meng did not mean to protect them at all. Instead, they dropped countless tentacles, shattered a large golden temple, and broke the ground and drilled underground.

"The core of his soul is underground ..."

Strangi just said something, he and Li Mo were in front of each other, appeared ten kilometers away from Paradise Island, and Big Eyed Moe appeared next to them with a tentacle.

"what happened?"

Strinch was a little dazed. "Isn't it impossible to teleport here?"

Li Mo twitched, "This guy merged his spirit with Paradise Island, and mastered the space rules of Paradise Island like a spaceship and expelled us."

Big Eye Meng seemed a little angry, a huge black light hundreds of meters thick shot out from her eyes, and twisted the space and shot at Paradise Island along the way.

On the periphery of Paradise Island, there appeared a huge golden energy defense sky curtain. In the rumbling explosion, it was in constant stalemate with the black beam of light.


Li Mo's eyes turned black for a while, and the sudden increase in attack by Big Eye Meng made him almost crushed by the Power Gem, quickly interrupting the energy introduction of the Power Gem, and stopping the Eye Demon Summoning.

Big Eye Meng seemed a little angry, waving her tentacles and slowly faded away.

"Is it time to call?" Strange asked weakly.

"Not yet." Li Mo's face turned pale for a while, "Just let this guy keep going crazy, I'm afraid the first one is me."

Big-eyed Meng just disappeared, but De Geer's voice appeared in their minds, with a hint of fear and rejoicing, and more of anger, "Very well ... you are fine ... I will burn your soul 1000 years! "

"What are you proud of, it will take a few days to rebuild the body of God." Li Mo gritted his teeth and smiled. "Enough for me to find and kill you."

However, Dekier did not continue to talk nonsense, a dark cloud rose from the dark side of Paradise Island, there were countless fallen angels, rushing towards them with the flame of heaven.

Strinch opened his mouth. "Are you still strong?"

"About ... half an hour can calm down." Li Mo gasped.

"What should I do?" Strangy swallowed.

"Rest assured, isn't it just the tactics of the sea of ​​people." Li Mo smiled with a smug smile. "I am slipperier than them."

啾 —— 啾 ——

There was a roar from the rhythm behind.

Strange turned quickly, Li Mo did not know when he had released a huge five-meter-long, triangular machine that was spinning and glowing.

The space above thousands of meters in diameter began to distort, and a huge door of dimensions suddenly appeared.

A black-purple sea of ​​flames spurted out, and a few hundred meters tall skulls could be seen in the sea of ​​flames.

After the black and purple flames came out, they quickly blocked in front of and around Li Mo and Stranger, forming a dense flame defense array.

After thousands of skulls gushed out, it was followed by a line of magical puppets that also burned with black and purple flames.

Each of these puppets was ten meters high. As soon as they came out, they formed a formation. The floating cannons on their shoulders aimed at the fallen angel troops.

"These ... what are these?" Strange's words stuttered.

"My immediate unit, the Virtual Air Corps."

Li Mo patted Strange's shoulder. "The age of solo fighting has long passed, I'm a big boss."

After saying a stinky fart, Li Mo smiled at the corner of his mouth, "The virtual air regiment will follow orders, follow me ..."

"Capture Heaven!"

The battle against the fallen angels' legion became almost instantaneous.

Although the fallen angels also have the ability to project energy, their speed and range of attack are far different.

At a distance of two kilometers, the skulls of the Youquan system suddenly opened their mouths, and the dark energy cannons after magic transformation were launched together. Thousands of purple beams of light constantly bombarded the formation of the fallen angels.

Even with the fire of heaven, these fallen angels' defensive power could not resist the power of the dark energy cannon, and was instantly blasted into fly ash.

The dense formation became a failure, and after a momentary loss of a small force, the fallen angels dispersed widely, but this directly weakened the power of the legion's attack.

The magic puppet army formed a tight formation, while using a shoulder cannon to carry out a long-range attack, while wielding a large sword attached to the Nether Fire, smashed the fallen angel close to him.

What is even more frightening is that both the virtual air force regime and the Youquan system all have unified quantum signal links. Although the battle line looks huge, it is always performing the most reasonable tactical deployment.

In just over ten minutes, the casualties of the fallen angels had already exceeded 50%.

They are not the troops that once had glory. They chose to fall and lost their faith.

Therefore, a large-scale disintegration inevitably occurred. These timid guys desperately flew around to try to escape this terrible place.

They were not the target of Li Mo, so they abandoned the attack after capturing some research specimens as the Nether Mage.

The huge virtual air force regiment soon came to the periphery of Paradise Island. However, Dekier was also tough, and he had no intention of asking for mercy, but just desperately strengthened the space shield, hoping to be restored to the body of God.

Li Mo didn't make nonsense, he waved his hands, and the skulls of Youquan system flew up.

Dealing with things like energy hoods is the masterpiece of these skulls. While calcining with the fire of the void, they are eroded by dark energy. After only five minutes, this seemingly powerful golden defense hood was knocked like an eggshell. Broken.

Still a skull, smashing the golden temple that devoured the surface, constantly breaking open the ground, the black-purple void fire poured in like a tide, pulling Paradise Island out of a big hole, the surface continued to collapse, and huge cracks spread. , Part of the island started to slowly tilt ...

Just before the paradise island was about to be destroyed, the hiding place of the core of De Geer's soul was finally revealed. This is an ancient cave located thousands of meters underground, with numerous angels carved on the stone walls, and a circular sacrifice in the center. station.

Once the archangel had only a ten-meter-high golden angel soul left. Just when he wanted to explode, he was sucked into the eye of the artifact demon by Li Mo and imprisoned where the soul of Igo was once.

Divine angel soul, this thing is a good thing, Li Mo can't help but whistled proudly.

Strange rolled his eyes. "Are you planning to pay back the devil's eye?"

"It takes two more days ... you don't need it anyway." Li Mo took a haha ​​and dealt with it.

Strange shook his head, then looked around and sighed, "What are you going to do with this place?"

"Will it be completely destroyed after a search?" Li Mo asked, scratching his head.

"Please do not!"

At this point, Johnny Blazer also woke up and gasped weakly, "Although I hate it here, but ... I can't say ... I still don't want it ruined ~ ~ Li Mo see Lan Qi shrugged with the same expression, "It doesn't matter, just listen to you. It will probably be a ruin in the future anyway." "

After a simple search, everyone left the brink of paradise island. Ignorantly still in the abyss **** dimension, Li Mo used a special channel to send the virtual air force away, and opened a door to the dimension of the earth.

After Paradise Island was breached, the former dimensional blockade also disappeared, so there is no need to return through the secret channel.

But just as they were about to leave, a huge white cylindrical light pierced the void and shone on Paradise Island. The island began to re-integrate, and the dilapidated golden building complex was also recovering at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, re-radiating thousands of meters of golden light.

"Yes ... yes ..." Strange opened his mouth and stuttered.

"Shut up, don't worry!" Li Mo's face turned black.

"Let's get out of here ..."

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