Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 260: Faith and Premonition

Vatican, St. Peter's Square.

Rows of machinery are cleaning up the collapsed building, the square is full of photos of victims, flowers and candles, and the pastor is praying deeply beside the sad relatives who came to mourn ...

This sudden disaster has severely hit this thousand-year-old religious shrine, and the deaths of many high-level Holy Sees have also created a major gap in the center of power.

Many people are already questioning what caused the fall of the angel of justice in mythology, and why was the church blinded?

Chaos doesn't stop there. Some people choose to give up their faith when they are disappointed. Some people take the opportunity to make amazing speeches to gain attention. The fallen angels who ran away have caused many secret organizations and nations to compete, and some were caught After the experimental bench, some were bought and became thugs.

When Li Mo and Strange came out of the dimension door, they found that Tony had already rushed to Las Vegas.

In this incident, the superheroes first encountered global skepticism, and then they turned the tide and won a lot of praise.

However, they did not have a good mood at all, after all, Las Vegas had a more fierce wait for them.

A Vatican press conference on the incident is being held on the square, which not only gathered a large number of journalists around the world, but also attracted the attention of a large number of believers.

When Li Mo was preparing to leave, he saw the figure of his old man Marcus. He was dressed in a clean and neat black priest suit, and his bearded face was carefully taken care of. His face was dignified and sad under the protection of a group of Vatican police. .

After making a call while standing in the dark corner of the square, Marcus quickly pushed away the crowd and trot over.

"All right, man." Li Mo patted him on the shoulder. "What are you going to do?"

"Press conference." Marcus looked at the crowded square. "The Holy See has appointed me as the spokesperson for this time."

Li Mo immediately understood, after all, in this incident, the Holy See only Marcus stood up bravely to face the fallen angel, so he became the most suitable candidate.

"How is it over there?" Marcus asked with hesitation, knowing that Li Mo was chasing to heaven, after all, he also did the liaison with the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

"Rest assured, that guy was killed by me." Li Mo said with a wave of his hand, and roughly described the situation in heaven.

When hearing that angels such as Michael were long dead and Eden was turned into wasteland, Marcus couldn't help choking and said with a trembling voice: "Thank you ... though ... the Lord should be in people's hearts , Heaven is the same ... I'm sorry, my thinking is a bit confused. "

Afterwards, he blinked slightly with red eyes. "The press conference is about to be held soon. Be careful where you go."

"Wait a minute, I haven't finished my words yet." Li Mo rolled his eyes. "Ask you something. Even if this happened, do you still maintain your faith?"

"Of course!" Although Marcus was bitter, his voice was exceptionally firm: "Faith is not for the benefit. Kindness, justice, forgiveness, and love are the goals. God is in my heart."

"Well, let me tell you something." Li Mo said as he put a little bit on Marcus' forehead, imprinting the last thing that happened in heaven in his mind.

"That's ... that's ..." Marcuston burst into tears, nodded gratefully to Li Mo, and strode to the news release.

Under the watchful eyes of many journalists and believers, Marcus carefully talked about the incident.

"Was the fallen archangel enjoying the goodness of heaven?" A reporter asked with a mocking tone.

"No one will escape the crimes committed, even if he is an angel." Marcus solemnly said, "I just got the news from my friend Li Mo, and he chased to heaven to get the fallen man. punishment."

There was a sudden uproar in the crowd. Some people marveled at the strength of Li Mo, while others curiously asked what it was like in heaven.

Marcus was silent, "It doesn't really matter what heaven looks like, because the real paradise only exists in our hearts."

"We are not pursuing faith to escape sin, or to attack and mutilate others on the grounds of faith."

"We are all ordinary people. We will encounter all kinds of temptations, desires, pains, and losses in our short lives. Whatever we believe in East or West, no matter what kind of faith, what we can give you is to face these. Strength, and ultimately peace of mind. "

"Humans are actually very small. We are in awe of the unknown universe and the magic of creation. Therefore, we are in awe of God and dedicate our faith."

"Sin is like the most seductive poppy flower. It always seduces human beings, but in the end it only brings destruction. Law is the line of defense of social order, and faith is the line of defense of the human mind."

"You want to know what heaven looks like, so first ask yourself if you are strictly guarding the goodness and love of your soul."

Markus looked at the crowd with calm eyes, and drew a cross firmly on his chest.

"God is with me!"


Just while Marcus was giving a speech, Li Mo was already in Las Vegas.

Because of the "Convent of Saint Vincent Gonzales", this land actually belongs to Mephisto, and the dimensional energy of the dark **** is constantly infiltrating and transforming the city.

Of course, it wouldn't be that the magma-filled, enchanting landform of **** would immediately become. This change is subtle, and the first is the erosion of the human soul on this land.

On the neon flashing streets, as long as women with a little bit of beauty have given up the ordinary work of hard work and little money, they changed to **** and exposed clothes and started a new career.

The streets were full of men who brazenly peddled drugs, and the police cars did not hide when they drove. They paid a certain amount of protection and sent away the big-bellied policemen.

With a loud noise, several gangsters ran out of the exploding jewelry store, jumped into the car with a big swing, and drove recklessly with an automatic rifle.

Everyone completely let go of their own desires, and moral restraint became a joke. Even the beggars who couldn't live can go to Mephisto and exchange their souls for 1 million dollars to enjoy the last time.

Everyone knows that there is something wrong with this city, but no one wants to leave, but more people are coming in, because the sin of corruption is so fragrant and charming.

After seeing another robbery in the chaotic streets, Li Mo looked back from the window, lighted a cigarette and shrugged. "I like this city, at least it looks lively."

"Don't talk bluntly." Tony rolled his eyes. "Let's think about how to deal with it. Mephisto has taken the city as an anchor point and may drag the earth into **** at any time."

“I do n’t understand how this magic contract works, but I ’ve detected its range of influence. I designed a plan if ... I mean if In the worst case, the earth can really blow Las Vegas out of the earth and make Mephisto's plan fail. "

"Wow ..." Johnny Blazer said in a somewhat sarcastic tone: "Kill 100 people and save 1,000 people, typical politician thinking."

"I don't want to, but it's the best choice at that time!" Reed was a little angry. "Do you think I really want to live in a nightmare for the rest of my life?"

Tony shook his head. "Don't make a noise, isn't Dum saying that Li Mo can modify the formation with realistic gems. Hey, green cloak, do you think it's okay?"

Dum didn't seem to want to talk on the sofa, looked up at the crowd and nodded.

"Don't worry," Li Mo said at this time, "wait for the results of Stranger's investigation."

The others nodded, and no longer had any mood to argue, the atmosphere in the room became dull.

Ten minutes later, the sparking portal suddenly opened, and Strance stepped out in the eyes of everyone. His face seemed a bit bad, and he handed a drawing to Li Mo without saying a word.

"It seems I think it is right." Li Mo shook his head after looking at the magic array drawings for a while. "This is a two-way array method, bound by contract, connecting two spaces. Hell and the magic here must be destroyed at the same time. Array, otherwise it will always take shape naturally. "

"And that means ..." Li Mo sighed. "I have to go to the dark **** of Mephisto. You probably don't know what this means. I have an nickname called Cancer of the Multidimensional Universe, Deeply disgusted by the dimensional demons and having some beams with Mephisto. "

"What then?" Tony was dumbfounded.

Just then, Dr. Dom, who had been silent, suddenly stood up, stared at Li Mo's eyes and said, "You can't go to the dark hell, Mephisto has set a trap for you."

"How do you know?" Johnny Blazer asked suddenly.

"Because ..." Dum said after a moment of silence, "I have reached some agreement with Mephisto and he is a participant in this project."

The crowd looked at Dr. Dum in disbelief in disbelief.

"I knew you were a bad guy!" Johnny Blazer sneered.

"You have to give us an explanation!" Tony's face was a little bad, and he started the Nano Armor directly.

Strange frowned and was ready to fight.

"Don't worry, everyone." Li Mo smiled and stopped the crowd, staring at Dr. Doom's eyes. "In fact, I noticed that you were a bit wrong, is it because of your mother?"

Dum ignored the scorn of anger and said calmly to Li Mo: "Since I became a consultant of the dimension of dreams, I have been exposed to a lot of multi-universe intelligence. But the more I know, the more I feel Add frustration. "

"You can't imagine how powerful Mephisto is, especially in the dark **** dimension. He even reached the level of omnipotence and omnipotence. Without his permission, I wouldn't be able to redeem my mother's soul. To be honest, I've been there. Hell has been there several times, but every time he returns empty-handed, even being hurt by Mephisto's ants. "

"Only one day, he suddenly found me, and proposed that as long as I lead you to **** step by step according to his plan, my mother's soul will be returned."

"I used to think that I could sell anything for this purpose ... but ..."

"Well, don't say it, I forgive you." Li Mo smiled. "But this time, not as an example. I really don't want to be your enemy one day."

Then he sighed and said, "But this hell, I have to go."

"Are you stupid?" Tony was anxious, and the others were in doubt.

"You don't understand." Li Mo shook his head and explained ...

"It actually started since I first got the infinite gem."

"The infinite gem is a powerful treasure that everyone in the universe is trying to get. The most positive one is the crazy Titan Thanos. I learned from Kamora of the Guardians of the Galaxy that this lunatic is trying to gather all the infinite gems to kill half of the universe s population."

"Why did he do that?" Everyone was taken aback.

Li Mo scratched his head, "I heard that it is to slow down the increase in the entropy of the universe and prevent heat death."

Everyone looked at each other, and such people?

"In short." Li Mo continued: "I will definitely be his target with the infinite gems, and I happened to find that Mephisto's incarnation lurks beside Thanos and is helping him collect infinite gems. "

"Knowing this, why are you going?" Tony asked everyone's doubts.

"How do you say ..." Li Mo scratched his head, "you are not in the realm, it is difficult to understand."

"As my strength continues to increase, the height of things I see seems to increase, which gives me some premonitions about certain things."

"Just like this time, when Dum came to me, I had a premonition of trouble, and if I didn't come, the trouble would be even greater. Sure enough, it was fulfilled."

"And in this matter, Mad Titan Thanos is notorious in the universe ~ ~ But to be honest, my reputation is not less than him now, and he is not a bird at all. As long as the infinite gem is in me He does n’t even think about it! ”

"What makes me wonder is why Mephisto helped him secretly? I used to think that this old ghost wanted to pick up the cheapest, but I don't think that's the case anymore."

"I feel like a stronger force is driving them, a ... desperate force."

Everyone looked at each other, they felt a little weird, and Tony rolled his eyes directly: "This is simply heaven and earth."

"Maybe I'm thinking wildly." Li Mo shrugged. "Someday the truth will be revealed."

"Anyway, there are some things to face after all. The old guy Mephisto remembers that I am not a day or two, and Matt is still in his hands, so I must go there. As for security issues, you can rest assured Anymore, am I a loser? "

Li Mo stood up and said, smiling at the crowd, "Just stay here with peace of mind and see how I can give this guy an unforgettable lesson!"

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