Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 270: Where the Gravity Stone Goes

"What happened?"

Everyone was frightened and asked worriedly.

"Rest assured," Li Mo said indifferently. "It's just that my true body has been asleep there. Now this one is more like a projection clone of the dimensional demon, and it's impossible to use power for a while."

"That's good." Tony breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand. "You pay attention, we will bring things back as soon as possible."

With that said, he turned around and the others walked into the portal, while Skye and two young scientists from Coleson's team were left behind.

Skye saw the others gone, hesitated a bit, came up a little embarrassed, said in a low mood: "I'm sorry, it's all my reasons ..."

"No need to apologize." Li Mo raised an eyebrow. "Instead, I want to thank you. You helped me break through that barrier of thinking. In Chinese terms, you are my chance."

"Chance?" Skye was a little confused. "Sorry, I don't understand you."

"Looks like you have Chinese ancestry." Li Mo smiled and shook his head. "You can learn Chinese culture when you have time, which is good for you."

"Also, your power really has a lot of room for development." Li Mo's face took a serious look. "If you can master the extreme, you can even achieve high-level capabilities such as space transmission and energy material transformation by affecting quantum space. But the premise is that you have a strong body and almost immortal soul like Hulk. "

After speaking, Li Mo pointed to Skye's forehead, "Here are some of my ideas, you can slowly study later."

Feeling the tide-like information suddenly flowing in his head, Skye's eyes widened. "You ... didn't you say you can't use power?"

Li Mo shrugged. "Power and ability are two different things. They look amazing, but it's just that I send you a wave with my soul. For me, wisdom and knowledge are the source of strength."

Leaving the confused Skye standing there thinking, Li Mo approached the big boss waiting beside him, took a transmission watch and nano terminal from his hand and put it on again.

He has reconnected with McQueen, and transcended space to achieve a soul resonance effect similar to the entanglement of quantum information.

"You all go back and leave ten magic puppets." Li Mobai said to the members of the Nether Masters: "The next phase of the task is to transform after the dimension development and upgrade, I will control everything in the base through McQueen . "

"Okay, boss." The boss nodded, and quickly teleported back to the city of truth with the members of the Nether Mage.

At this moment, the black starlight curtain where Li Mo's body was suddenly shaken, and two violent tentacles were stretched out, and Sahuan hit a huge ice lake next to it hundreds of meters high.

Li Mo shook his head silently. "Why am I asleep?"


Washington, Capitol Hill.

Outside the Democratic Party's headquarters, a large number of people have gathered densely at this time. Some people are holding signboards and some people are holding national flags, but no surprise, they are all excited expressions.

Dr. Rosanne, who is far ahead in the campaign, is standing on a temporary stage and speaking.

"Thanks, thank you very much."

"Thank you for coming here thousands of miles, my colleagues for their hard work and meticulous work, my opponents and opponents, and all those who have worked hard for this election."

"When your daughter casts her first ballot, you can say to him: Look, you can do anything if you want."

"Maybe she will be the second woman president ..."

A clean appearance, a warm smile, and just the right words. Most people in the country believe that the first female president in the history of the United States can bring about some different changes, at least not by the already rising China. .

On the lawn in the park in the distance, Tony, who had walked out of the portal, looked a little weird. "Wow, I just realized that what we were doing seemed to be a little big, and it was going to cause crusade."

Nick Fury said expressionlessly, "I suddenly remembered Li Mo's words. Many people on the planet discovered that their leaders were all aliens after they were annexed by the Skulu Empire."

"Our time is tight!" Strinch was a little impatient. After becoming Supreme Master, his pressure increased day by day, and he no longer paid attention to the rise and fall of the country.

"OK." Tony shrugged his shoulders and stretched his arms. The nano-armor instantly poured out of the body like mercury, forming a beautiful set of silver-coated gold armor. The triangular dark energy engine on the chest issued a purple Light, flew out and flew out.

Dr. Rosanne, who was speaking, was a little weird. She found that her voters were all looking at the sky, and then the voice of Iron Man Tony Stark teased, "Don't move, you **** big green chin."

Dr. Rosanne turned his head wrongly, and Iron Man Tony Stark was floating in the air with his palms facing her.

"what are you doing!"

The black bodyguard next to him rushed up quickly, pointed his gun at Tony Stark, and the distant police quickly rushed here.

"Calm, guys." Tony's voice came from the armor. "I have enough clues to show that this friendly and smiling Mr. Rosen is an alien invading the earth."

The bodyguards looked at each other. If ordinary people said so, they would think this guy was a lunatic, but speaking out of Iron Man's mouth would have to cause doubts.

"Don't panic." Dr. Rosanne pushed away the bodyguard and walked out with a smile. "Mr. Stark probably received false information. I have been living in your eyes and see me."

She said as she turned around, "Do I have long tentacles or insect limbs, or maybe I have a villain in my head?"

This is a stubble in a recently popular science fiction movie, and many voters under the table were amused, followed by boundless anger.


A supporter threw a drink bottle in Tony's body. "You transvestites, get away!"

"The United States is ruined in your hands!"

"Captain America, fk!"

There was a constant roar from the crowd, and rainy debris slammed into Tony.

Tony's helpless face in the armor, at this moment he has matured a lot, and will not vent his anger on these people.

Seeing the police who had re-enclosed, Tony was going to take Mr. Roshan directly away. After all, the situation on Li Mo was more urgent.

Just then, the angry crowd and the police surrounding Tony were quiet.

"Look at it!"

"God ..."

In their eyes, Rosanne, a smiling blonde woman with white hair, was slowly changing her appearance, with green skin, pointed ears, and a wide chin full of wrinkles.

At this point she no longer spoke and her eyes became a little confused.

Not far away, Strance put his hands down. In such an emergency, he had no choice but to use the technique he never wanted to perform.

The onlookers have a sense of insanity. Although some people have whispered questions, most people are still a little afraid to slowly retreat.

"Okay." Tony pouted, "Seeing is believing."

Strance strode up to the podium and asked the fake Dr. Rosen directly: "Where is the piece of gravity you got?"

Mr. Fake Rosanne said with blurry eyes, "The dark side of the moon, Atlan, the alien city."

"!" Strange couldn't help but curse, "My teleportation spell is unreachable, and the spaceship is too slow."

"It doesn't matter, Li Mo has a way." Tony smiled. "This guy has the most brilliant transmission technology in the universe."

On the other side, Coulson, who had been watching the situation, breathed a sigh of relief, "finally caught one."

Nick Fury, however, was not a little bit happy, staring at the slowly dispersing crowd and saying, "Yes, but it also alarmed them. We don't know how many green guys are hiding in it, maybe it will be more in the future. trouble."

"I think ... it's not a problem." Reed on the side said, "I might be able to study a machine to make these cottage stars appear in their original form."

"Can you?" Nick Fury showed a hint of joy, "As far as I know, they will only return to their original appearance when they die."

"It should be okay." Reed touched his chin. "I preliminarily judged that these Skulus' somatic cells have the same characteristics as amoeba. As long as they use some method to block the cell signal, they need to study it. Their bodies. "

"There is one in another secret base of SHIELD." Nick Fury said eagerly. "We will leave immediately to study, and they will do other things."

"No no no." Reed quickly shook his head. "I still like to stay in my own home for research. You can take it to the Baxter Building."

"It seems a bit insecure," Nicole Fury frowned.

"Don't forget, it's the base of the Fantastic Four." Reed responded with a smile.

Although still a little uneasy, but after bitter persuasion, Nicole Fury agreed to Reed's request.

Just as they spoke, Tony's side had handed over the female Skulu, who turned into a member of Rosanne, to the approaching Federal Secret Service personnel. After all, a person who will become the president of the country is actually faked by an alien, which is really sensational.

Nick Fury blinked, and arranged for Coulson to give Reed the body of the Skulu in the secret base, and he was going to find a way to get first-hand information from the Federal Secret Service.

Reed was not good at fighting, so he told Tony and returned to the Baxter Building for experimental preparation, while Tony and Strange returned to Alaska through the portal.

"In Attilan?" Li Mo was surprised after hearing Tony's remarks. "What did they send that thing over to?"

"Unclear." Tony shook his head. "It is imperative to find something immediately."

He looked at the black star light curtain that had expanded to 1500 meters and stretched out eight tentacles. "Your body always gives people a feeling of infiltration. UU reading is not good to stay on the earth. . "

"Well, I'll let McQueen teleport you there." Li Mo shrugged. "But there was a rebellion there. So many of you are afraid that you two can't stand it. It's better to bring Black Bat King. "

Then he shouted into a tent next to him: "Dude, come out and take you home."

With a serious face, the Black Bat King wearing a delicate black coat slowly walked out from the shadow of the tent. It turned out that when Tony and they left, Li Mo had made Fiz detoxify Black Bat King's neurotoxin and made a Fan communication.

"Wow, alien king." Tony whistled. "But don't you have a name? I don't like to always call others kings."

The Black Batman nodded, picked up a tablet in his hand, and quickly wrote a few strokes and held it up. It said: You can call me, Black Card Burt.

Tony opened his mouth. "Good name, let me call you Black Batman, but man, aren't you dumb?"

"Of course he isn't," Li Mo explained with a smile: "But his ability will be dead as soon as he speaks."

"So what?" Tony had a headache. "No one knows what's going on. Does it make me turn my head to look at his tablet during the battle?"

After listening to this, Black Bat King quickly lifted up his tablet,

Rest assured, I type fast!

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