Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 271: Peace

The moon, the dark side of the moon.

Because of the tide lock, the moon is always facing the earth. On its back, craters of various sizes are densely distributed, and the rest is the ground like a gray sandy beach.

Two white lights flashed and Tony was teleported. Tony's newest armor has the ability to survive in the universe, while Stranger casts an energy shield to protect himself and the Black Batman.

Tony talked as soon as he came, the sound of the radio was transmitted to the other two people's ears, "Limo and I have found your city the last time I passed, but I'm sorry to disturb you.

"The moon has always been a place I was curious about. It was formed much older than the earth. In 1950, a map of the back of the moon was even found in the Mayan temple."

"Did they visit you, and what aircraft did they use?"

Black Bat King looked at Tony Stark with a confused face, not knowing where to start.

"Ok." Tony remembered that Black Batman couldn't speak and shrugged. "Let's talk later."

Subsequently, Tony's detector continued to scan, and soon found a huge invisible energy shield located 100 meters to the side. They brought Strange to the energy shield.

"Is this Kerry?" Tony nodded with his hand, and ripples quickly formed in the void. "How should we get in?"

Black Bat King heard that he pulled a metal necklace from the collar, and took the two of them into the energy shield as if through a wall.

And just after they left, a three-meter-high bald man in a wide blue robe suddenly appeared not far away, silently watching where they disappeared.

Unlike the outside environment, the inner wall of the energy shield emits a light source like a blue sky, and the visibility is very good. In front of me is a city with the size of ten Manhattan islands. It is located on an inverted tower-shaped mountain, and the towers of the Kerry-style high-rise halls stand solemnly and intricately.

Under the leadership of the Black Bat King, the three avoided each of the seemingly ancient suspension monitoring towers and dived into the ancient city of Atiran along the corner of the mountain.

They are located on the periphery of the city. On the stone streets with metallic luster, a few worn pedestrians can be seen.

Although it has a good energy shield technology, it is different from all the interstellar cities Tony has seen. There are no colorful neon lights, no hustle and bustle crowds, and even the street vendors are quite rare. There is no glory in the eyes of those pedestrians, only numbness can be seen.

"Wow." Tony's voice hesitated. "Here ... it doesn't look very good."

Black Bat King quickly raised his tablet. "This is a slum area. They are all inferior people of impure bloodlines and unawakened ability."

"The caste system?" Tony's tone was a little bad immediately. "Although this is the internal affairs of your country, I still want to say that these are terrible!"

Black Bat King didn't answer, but there was a gloom in his eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense," Strance said as he looked into the distance. "As planned, we go to the palace first."


Attilan Palace.

Above the ancient and solemn hall, there was no guard, a young man with dark curly hair and a gloomy and mad face sitting on the throne, holding the cheeks and wondering what he was thinking.

Dense footsteps suddenly came, and a group of old men in white hoods came in. The head was a little bad, and they asked the young man directly, "Maxim, why do you send people to dig a lot of Terry root crystals. "

Maximus gave them a glance, "I am the king of the alien race now. Do you have to inform the gene management committee if you want to do it?"

"Don't forget this inferior race!" The old man, headed by a flame, slowly burst into flames. "You only successfully ascended the throne with the help of our gene management society. Although Black Bat King whimsically tried to reform the system, but After all, he has a noble blood. And you ... just inferior people who have no ability! "

"Want to know what I'm going to do?" Maxims flashed a madness in his eyes. "There are still countless bloods of aliens scattered on the earth. They may not be able to wake up for life. , The alien race will usher in unprecedented prosperity! "

"You rebellious lunatic!"

The elders of the gene committee were shaking, "I want to spread the God-given power casually ..."

"God gives power? Hahaha ..."

Maximus laughed wildly, "It's been thousands of years because of this lie, you know that we are just experimental Kerry empires, and we ... are just weapons for war."

The elders of the genetic committee narrowed their pupils. "Who told you?"

There was a hint of jokes in Maximus' mouth, "Of course ... the enemy of the enemy."

As soon as his words fell, a large number of green-skinned Skulu warriors suddenly appeared from the dark, holding a huge explosive gun against the elders of these genetic committees.

Although the elders of these genetic committees have super powers, they were caught off guard by the laser light like a waterfall. The only elder with the energy shield survived but was quickly broken down by several The radiation bomb extinguished, and there was a scorching smell in the hall.

These Skulus and Maximus only cooperated and did not talk nonsense with him. They nodded and quickly left and entered the palace.

There was a sneer of laughter from Maximus in the hall.


With the help of Strange Stealth, the three successfully entered the palace and caught a single guard.

The guard originally wanted to use the power to resist, but when she saw the black bat queen, she was so shocked that she threw her weapon and knelt on the ground.

The Dark Batman frowned, and Tony asked the guard about the current situation in the palace.

"King, no, Maximus and the genetic council control the entire palace, because they claim that your life is in their hands, so the queen, princess and all loyal officials are captured and locked in the dungeon ... The guard told the situation one by one, and peeked at the expressionless black bat king, and his heart went up and down.

There was a flash of worry in Black Bat King's eyes, then he looked at Tony.

"Okay." Tony shrugged. "Let's save people first."

Under the leadership of Black Bat King, the three quickly went to the dungeon located on the side of the palace.

Tony thought he would go through a brutal battle, but he found that almost all the guards were scared to see the expressionless Black Queen, throwing their weapons and surrendering in place.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Black King, "Is this guy really strong?"

The dungeon of the alien race has special rooms for restraining abilities. After Tony used high-energy lasers to break through them one by one, the guards and generals loyal to the Dark Batman followed him excitedly.

After opening another room deep in the dungeon, Tony was so scared that he quit the room immediately, "! How come there is such a big bully dog."

In the room, a calf-sized fat yellow bully was being held in place by several blue beams. When he saw the incoming Black Bat Queen, his eyes were sobbing with tears.

And on the wall next to it, a slim, blonde girl with a tall figure and elegant temperament was tightly fixed by a light-emitting instrument. After seeing a hint of joy flashing in the eyes of the black bat queen, aggrieved, Save me! "

There was a distress in his eyes, and he looked at Tony Stark quickly.

Tony first broke the blond girl's shackles with a laser, then looked at the big dog, and hesitated, "Are you sure ... won't it bite?"

"Of course, it's the most loyal royal dog. Its name is Tetanus." The girl said quickly, then gently stretched her hands and knees gracefully. "Hello, I'm a princess of the alien race, Crystal."

"Hello beautiful princess, my name is Tony Stark." Tony raised his mask and gave a gentleman's kiss, then said, "Rest assured, I'll rescue this ... uh ... cute dog."

Finally Tony walked towards the big dog and muttered, "Tetanus ... What is this ghost name, worse than Li Mo who likes to call Wangcai ..."

After destroying the ground device with a laser, the huge bully first rushed to the front of Black Batman and Crystal and sprinkled it for a while, then slammed Tony and licked it.

"Oh, shut up." Tony quickly pushed away the dog's head. "Okay, okay, I admit you're a good dog."

As he made his way to the last cell, Black Batman's mood became obviously a little excited.

Tony opened the cell and couldn't help but open his mouth. "Okay ... good long hair."

Inside the wall is also fixed with a special device a beautiful woman wearing a black-purple skinny leather jacket, with a graceful figure, with flaming red hair draped straight down to the ground one meter long.

"This is my sister, the queen of the alien race, Medusa." Princess Crystal quickly introduced.

"It's a decent name," Tony muttered.

After destroying the instrument, Queen Medusa's red hair suddenly twisted and floated like a snake. She and the Black Bat King looked at each other in an obsessive manner, and took two steps to hug each other tightly and kiss deeply and deeply. .

Tony couldn't help but whistle, and Strange shook his head and walked up, "Sorry to disturb you, but our time is tight, we must find the Stone of Gravity immediately!"

Black King looked at them embarrassed, and then gestured at Medusa.

"You've been signing for a long time!" Tony poked his lips. "I don't know if I too ... um ... well, the sign language you use is probably not a system with me."

Black Bat King and Queen Medusa exchanged quickly. Medusa turned to look at Tony and Strangy and nodded gracefully. "Thank you for saving Black Bat King. Rest assured, we will go to the traitor Maximus, you will definitely find what you want. "

Subsequently, under the leadership of Black Manta and Medusa, a group of people walked towards the palace hall.

There were hardly any obstructions along the way, and all the rebel guards were scared to see the Queen of the Black Bats throw away their weapons and kneel on the ground.

They quickly entered the palace hall. Maximus, who was sitting on the throne, was a bit surprised, then walked down as if he had accepted his fate, and looked at the Black Bat King without a word.


Queen Medusa's voice was full of anger. "Why are you betraying your brother, you know that he has spared no effort to protect you!"

"Protect me?" Maximus sneered at the corner of his mouth. "Although I'm just a deserted man with nothing, I don't need his maintenance at all. What I want is a tough king who can lead aliens to the light, not A hypocrite who listens only to women. "

"This is the kindness of the king!" Medusa was furious. She kept watching this gloomy little uncle, and when he heard him call his husband, he suddenly used the power. His thick red hair was like thousands of steel snakes. Just curl Maximus in the air.

There was a flash of pain and pity in the eyes of the Black Bat King, and he quickly stopped Medusa and shook his head at her.

Looking at her husband's begging face, Medusa suddenly burst into an upset on her chest, and threw Maximus to the ground in annoyance. "I know you feel bad for this younger brother who was looked down on by everyone, But what he did was intolerable. "

But no matter what Medusa said, the Black Bat King was unmoved, and still looked like a poor brother.

Medusa trembled with anger, then inhaled deeply, exhaled, and stiffened, and said to Maximus, "Then I will say later, I ask you, you got a strange piece of earth Where is the stone? "

"Gross Stone of the Universe?"

Maximus lay sideways on the floor and raised an eyebrow. "I want that thing to be useless. It was made by the Scullus."

"What do they want to do?" Tony asked quickly after listening. "Where is it now?"

Maximus pouted his lips, "I overheard their conversation. According to them, another big dimension of the moon is hidden in the heart of the space, which seems to be a weapon or something."

"They used to dig a tunnel in the underground space for testing. But now, you should have seen the wind sound wrong."

Just then, a crack suddenly opened in the ground near a square, and a 200-meter-long Skulu diamond warship slammed out and flew to the sky.

The crowd was about to catch up, but Maximus suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Medusa frowned.

"I don't care what kind of broken stone." Maximus laughed a little crazy. "I installed a Terrygen crystal bomb on their spaceship. As soon as the earth arrived, it would quickly explode throughout the atmosphere. By that time all Sleeping strangers will wake up, and strangers will usher in a great revival! "

"You lunatic!" The princess Crystal on the side was full of fear, "People with impure blood of the alien race will die if they come into contact with them, but there are hundreds of thousands of souls."

Maximus shrugged. "They sacrificed for the future of the alien race."

"Fk!" Tony couldn't help but stun him with a punch. "Teach you something for your brother."

Subsequently, Tony's armor increased power, and he was ready to go out and stab the ship.

However, Black Bat King stopped him ~ ~ and quickly walked to the external corridor beside the hall.

Looking at the Skulu spacecraft that had taken off and was about to burst out of the energy shield, both Tony and Strance had a strong dissatisfaction, "What are you doing!"

The Black Bat King ignored them, watching the spacecraft open his mouth gently, "Ha ha!"

A shock wave visible to the naked eye instantly ejected from his mouth, tearing the space along the way and hitting the Skulu spacecraft.

As if a balloon filled with water was hit by a heavy boxing with an iron hook, the Skulu spacecraft suddenly twisted and shattered, scattered in countless fragments and crashed to the ground in the sound of a loud explosion.

"Ahh ..." Tony grew his mouth and couldn't help turning his head to look at the Black Bat King.

"Sure enough, you are going to die ..."

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