Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 272: Little Spider Appears

After a **** rebellion, the alien city Attilan finally calmed down, the ordinary people were just worried that they were afraid of it, and those who had yielded to Maximus in the palace still trembled.

They don't know what the Black Bat King will do with them. After all, benevolent, after all, that is also a king who has just betrayed.

The wrecked wreckage of the Skulus damaged a street. Although the rescue was timely, many people were injured.

The Stone of Gravity is not affected at all. It seems that only a special method can be used, so it just falls into a ruin.

Tony packed the stone of gravity in a large iron box, installed the space beacon Li Mo gave him, and turned to the next Black Batman and said, "Ok, we need to leave. Welcome to Earth anytime. . "

Then Tony hesitated, "I have to say that sometimes the blind closure of the country does not bring security, and Atlan is too small, like the same backwater without vitality."

Queen Medusa frowned and seemed to want to refute, but the black batman stopped her with a sense of anger, and nodded solemnly to Tony.

Tony shrugged, then pressed his wristband bracelet, "McQueen, send us away."

As Tony and Strance disappeared into the light, Black Bat King turned to look at his queen.

Medusa reached out and stroked his cheek. "Dear, I know what you are thinking, rest assured, I will stand with you no matter what."



Ten tall magic magpies faced the periphery, and Li Mo stood in the middle with his eyes closed communicating through McQueen.

The Stone of Gravity was teleported back to ignorance as soon as possible, and Strangy and Tony stood silently waiting.

After a while, Tony couldn't help but ask Strinch, "How long will it take?"

"I don't know." Strange shook his head, then turned to look at Li Mo's body behind him, a little worry appeared in his eyes, "I only know that time is running out!"

Here is already an apocalyptic scene.

Li Mo's body has now expanded to more than 3,000 meters, dozens of hundreds of meters of stout tentacles are constantly flying around, and the energy of inadvertent movement has even caused space vibrations.

The sky was overcast with thunderstorms. The ground is even more messy, with huge collapse cracks like abyss everywhere.

Such a big movement can hardly conceal the world. Although Tony has repeatedly promised that Li Mo will solve it quickly, the United States has sent an army division to be stationed in the distance, and several submarines carrying nuclear bombs have also cruised in the waters of Alaska.

Despite the military blockade, many crazy and bold journalists also drove helicopters to conduct aerial photography in the distance. The images transmitted back have caught the attention of all countries, and ordinary people are even more frightened.

Rumors of the end of the world are raging.

At the moment, in ignorance, Li Mo is observing the change in this dimension with McQueen through soul perception.

The three cosmic stones of space, time and gravity are fused together like a liquid, forming a simple and thick ink gold boulder, and then integrated into the heart of the dimension.

The dimensional rules were completed, and the original orange-red sky quickly became as deep as the universe. Gravity returned to stability, and huge pieces of hanging stones hit the ground in the sky, stirring up thousands of kilometers of smoke.

The ground was rumbling, and the measurable boundary quickly extended outward and stopped when it expanded to the same area as Eurasia, but the space seemed to be expanding, so an island-like continent like Asgard was formed .

Unlike the main universe, the spatial rules of extra dimensions are not constant, so a layered structure is formed. In the center of the island is a huge mountain range tens of thousands of meters above sea level. The rest of the island is three-dimensional, and the center of the mountain has a four-dimensional space.

All visions disappeared and the space finally stabilized.

Li Mo then opened his eyes and nodded at Stranger, who was already anxious.

The Supreme Master finally breathed a sigh of relief, almost almost, the magic barrier of the earth would be destroyed, and the influx of demons would completely destroy the earth.

He apparently followed his own affair in this matter, but to be honest, he would rather fight with the demons.

The demolition magic weapon and magic array have been prepared for a long time. After setting the coordinates, Strange starts the magic array. Under the huge golden aperture, the space has a strong repulsion, pushing the body of Li Mo's teeth and claws into the void. in.

At the same time, McQueen, who has become the first demon of artificial intelligence dimension, also pushed Li Mo's ontology into the four-dimensional space in the center of the huge mountain range through the teleportation array.

The black starry sky where countless tentacles have grown seems to feel a touch of security in this place, the violent tentacles become quiet, and the roots parasitized in other dimensions simultaneously extract massive dimensional energy, nourishing Li Mo's body constantly.

At this point, Li Mo was completely relieved.

I am very fortunate to have successfully evolved this time. After being inspired by Skye ’s explanation, the huge energy of the past and the cosmic cognition engraved in the soul were activated, which was the first step to become a high-dimensional creature.

Energization is necessary because the atoms that make up the body in the three-dimensional world rely on electromagnetic forces to aggregate together, and in the higher dimensions there is no electromagnetic force, so no matter how strong it becomes an obstacle.

Although all of this was a bit laborious, Li Mo could barely cope, but the bad thing was that he still carried the power gem with him.

After everything collapsed, the box that isolated the power gems also disintegrated, and the huge and endless energy burst out instantly, turning Li Mo into a dizzy and expanding fat fat energy entity.

In this case, it is very dangerous, either to fall into an eternal slumber, or to be absorbed by other dimensions of the devil. Fortunately Strange woke him up.

After a series of methods to put the ontology into the expanded dimension, McQueen, who is also strong, has the ability to protect him until the ontology wakes up again.

After doing all this, McQueen controlled the ignorance to slowly float over the mountains, and the sea of ​​skeletons formed by the huge quiet spring system surrounded the area, protecting the place.

Looking at all this, Li Mo laughed a little. If he was on the immortal plane, this look would be a lair of the old devil.

The Nether Masters quickly got busy, launched a survey of this dimensional space, and made plans for future development.

All of these are not planned by Li Mo. If he is responsible for everything, what's the use of training the Nether Master.

From coming to this universe all the way, Li Mo has finally reached a new level. The study of magic relies more on the understanding of rules, and all this will be continuously improved in the self-growth of the ontology.

At this time, the avatar was idle, and for a moment was a little confused and didn't know what to do.

All countries in the world were relieved and stopped paying attention here. Stranger complained fiercely and then left. The tension caused by the battle for the devil made him extra busy.

Li Mo waved his hand, and the ten magic puppets were quickly teleported by McQueen back to ignorance.

Tony stepped up and asked strangely, "Aren't you temporarily unable to use your energy, why not let these guys continue to protect you?"

"Protect me?" Li Mo smiled. "I don't need protection. This is just a walking avatar. As long as the identity is still there, it can be recovered quickly even if it is disabled."

"Wow." Tony opened his mouth. "I don't know what to say. What are you planning to do next?"

Li Mo shrugged. "The awakening of the ego is a long process, and I don't know how long it will last. So now my idle egg hurts and lingers."

Tony shook his head silently. "I have a lot of things to do, so I'm leaving."

After speaking, the silver nano-armor quickly covered the whole body, whistling away after making a salute to Li Mo to the US military.

Except for Li Mo at the scene, only Skye and two young scientists remained. Skye stepped up and said gratefully, "Thank you for your guidance, and Mr. Coleson asked you to stay on the earth for a while. After all, we are suffering from the invasion of the Skuru people. Sometimes you need to consult your opinion."

"No problem." Li Mo nodded with a smile.

After the three men left in a Kun-style plane, Li Mo pressed the wrist-type transmitter, and a white light disappeared here.


Three days later, Central Park, New York.

On the trail between dense forests, two long-legged beauties in hot pants running shoes ran over, and saw a healthy Chinese man on a park bench staring at them admiringly. He nodded and said hello, then ran and joked while joking.

Li Mo looked back and said with a smile, "This kind of beauty doesn't look tired at any time."

The old black Ben Eureka wearing a checkered short-sleeved shirt beside him smiled and shook his head with a smile. "If you let them know that this dumb-faced guy is the famous Li Mo, maybe he will be around immediately. Unfortunately, you are in the universe. It's been too long. People have become unaccustomed to remembering your presence, plus you are completely changed now. "

"Forgetting is sometimes not a bad thing." Li Mo looked at Ben Yurik's already old face, remembered the scene of the first acquaintance, shook his head and said, "You guys, already retired and still not idle, I also became a personal column blogger.

Ben Yurek smiled bitterly, "I have worked my whole life and thought that work was a burden on myself. After I retired I found nothing to do alone. No wonder some people say that career is as important to men as marriage to women."

"Otherwise, I'll get you into the Alien Observation Mission." Li Mo suddenly thought, "Looking at the different civilizations of the universe, it hasn't worked in a lifetime."

Ben Yurek thought for a moment, and smiled brightly, "Hahaha, it sounds good, I feel I can write another Pulitzer Prize news."

After the two talked for a while, Ben Yurik left, looking at the old man who was already a bit shy back, Li Mo shook his head.

As his strength grows, eternal life doesn't seem to be an unattainable thing. But the sad thing is that all familiar friends and things will eventually dissipate.

For all of this, even though Li Mo was already mentally prepared, it was a bit sighing after all.

After sitting leisurely on the bench and watching the scenery for a while, Li Mo got up and walked towards the park exit. He planned to see his former subordinate, Barrett, who had become a Harlem star from a wretched arms dealer.

Immediately after leaving the park, the crowd next to them screamed and screamed, running away.

In the roar of the number of police cars, a Latino strong man with a physique that was obviously different from ordinary people jumped up and down on the top of the passing vehicle with a sack of money in one hand.

Li Mo laughed. Although he took the Hydra away, the story of the super criminal seems to be on forever.

At this moment, a red and blue figure swayed from the high-rise building. First, a white foreign body smeared the strong man's face, and then jumped onto the street light after the strong man fell.

A childish voice came out from under the mask, "Sir, I don't think you are holding your own things. If you are really difficult, I can contact a social welfare agency for you, and it seems more suitable for you with your strength. Working on the job site, I mean, people depend on themselves, don't they? "

Young Spider-Man ...

Li Mo laughed, always seeing this kind-hearted young man always makes people feel happy.

Just then, a somewhat obese silver robot flew crookedly, and the little spider immediately got up and waved, "Hey, electronic man, here!"

As soon as he spoke ~ ~ instead, he interfered with the silver robot, tripped over the billboard and slammed into Li Mo.

"Sir, be careful!"

The little spider exclaimed, immediately flew towards the silver robot, and then they rolled under Li Mo's feet.

"Hey Ned, are you okay?" Little Spider asked worriedly.

The silver robot's head cracked slowly, revealing a fat Asian face. At this moment, his face was flushed, his lips were blue, he kept nagging, and his mouth quickly bulged.


Ned sprayed a spider face.

"Hahaha ..." Li Mo couldn't help but smiled happily.

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