Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 281: Skulu Empire situation (3)

Runal Star, Golden Crown Plain.

Unlike the congestion of other parts of the planet, this plain, which covers an area of ​​more than 2,000 square kilometers, mostly maintains its original appearance and has large and small lakes.

Under the huge artificial light source of the planetary orbit, whether it is a grass field like a golf course or a forest with flowers, it presents a wonderful rural scenery.

A magnificent white castle with a distinct religious style is located in the middle of the plain. The complex and beautiful spires show a high level of artistic accomplishment.

This is the castle of the Duke of Brent. His ancestors started their business 20,000 years ago, and today they still maintain their original appearance, which is the glory and historical heritage of the family.

In the round hall of the castle, the Duke of Brent, wearing a white noble robe and wearing a gorgeous star and beast cape, sits on the throne, squinting his eyes and holding his cheeks with one hand, watching the argument under the hall Staff.

"Despite the power of Countess Shabak, she has always followed the ancient empire's segregation system and left a scourge from the beginning."

An aide explained on the 3D image while observing the reaction of the Duke of Brent. "The area under her generals has been conflicted for thousands of years, which has caused the current weak command. So I think We should reform the system at the right time. "

"Pure nonsense!" Another aide accused: "The empire spans the vast territory of two galaxies. In addition to the separation system, what can ensure the stability of the situation, is it necessary to learn the Cree to give fate to one Artificial intelligence ... "

Seeing the quarrel growing louder below, the Duke of Brent yawned and said, "You don't seem to have reached the point yet. Does the Empire need a King or a Pope? ? "

Seeing the nervous expressions of the aides, the Duke of Brent laughed, "Give me a bunch of brazen cowards!"

The staff members exited the hall one by one in horror, and the Duke of Brent also smiled, looking sorrowless and optimistic, looking firmly at the sky.

The chief dwarf Mondir of the Academy of Sciences stepped out of the shadows, watching where the aides retreated, and said disdainfully, "After all, these guys don't understand the meaning of this war."

He then bent down towards the Duke of Brent. "The success of the Super Scullus proves that our evolution is far from restricted, and I want to apply for a larger range of human experiments."

The Duke of Brent gave him a glance, "It doesn't matter, but you need to be clear that everything we do now is just a game in the eyes of those two. What they want to find on earth is nothing more than breaking It ’s just a shackle, and our only hope of living is to find a world shaper! ”

"My subordinates understand." Gnomish Mondir's face rarely showed a solemn expression.

"Skulus don't need God!"

And just as they talked, on the towering dome in the hall, five Void Walkers who had already used Pim particles became the size of an ant, and their bodies were still in the air. Seoul.


Outside the Lunar system, a spaceship belonging to the special forces of the army suddenly jumped out of the void, and then sprayed a blue flame at the end toward Lunar.

Just 45 minutes later, the spacecraft slowly descended to a star port in the orbit of the planet.

Warlord Carter led his Super Skulu troops down from the spacecraft. Several scientists immediately tested them under the protection of heavily armed soldiers and saw that the brain's control and destruction system still existed. Only then did I let go of these Super Skurus with satisfaction.

Several of Carter's men made a nasty gesture to the scientists, and then went back to each other in preparation for fun.

"Captain, thank you for saving me this time, and I want to invite you for a drink." A player with a flash of electric light in his eyes said respectfully to Carter.

"You go, I still have something to do." Carter smiled slightly, and then strode toward the observation deck of Xinggang.

"Really tm!" Another team member snorted.

"Don't say that," said the super-Scullus with sparkles in his eyes. "I always feel that the captain is attentive."

"Thinking about so much, we are just weapons, no need to think ..." The other team members persuaded to leave in groups.

Not long after Carter left, he put a signal jammer on his neck, and turned left and right to the slightly obsolete viewing platform.

Under the special light rendering, the universe stars here seem to be closer, showing the vastness and magnificence.

An old Skulu soldier in an upright military uniform was standing back to him looking at the view from the window.

Carter stepped up and looked out the window side by side, "This is an opportunity to find 'hope'."

"We can't be 100% sure that we are in the Golden Crown Plain," said the old Maiskuru soldier with a sigh.

"We've waited too long!" Carter turned sharply and stared at the old soldier: "Generations have died dreaming from generation to generation, in exchange for hopeless waiting. Now this is the case, no matter which side of them To win, the Skullurs will continue their serious and tragic fate, and I will never allow it! "

"What if the interstellar strongman named Li Mo is not going to attack the Golden Crown Plain?" The old soldier asked back.

"He has no choice." Carter turned to look out the window, a sorrow in his eyes.

"We ... also didn't ..."

After coming down from the observation deck, Carter didn't stop too much and took a small airship directly to the Golden Crown Plain.

Without permission, even as his super Skur captain, he could not enter the Golden Crown Castle and could only wait near an ancient bridge.

Carter stood there in the most standard military posture, but his eyes consciously or unconsciously turned to the nearby green lawn and blue lake.

He knew very well how terrible murderous power was hidden in this peaceful pastoral scenery, because there were too many friends sacrificed here, and he also became a dumb soldier from a **** boy.

While Carter was meditating, a biblical priest in a white-gold robe came from not far away and nodded kindly to him.

Carter knows this guy, Bishop Theo Bishop Clintinal, who is located in Lunar, although he doesn't seem to know anything about the world, has influence no less than that of the Duke of Brent and is one of the enemies of their organization.

What does this guy do?

Although he was full of doubts, Carter nodded expressionlessly, avoiding one side.

Not long after that, a lawn next to it suddenly opened to the sides, a levitating robot flew out, and a strange electronic sound sounded, "Captain Carter, please follow me."

Without talking, Carter followed the robot through a forest to a yellow pyramid-shaped building. Gnome scientist Mondir is waiting for him there.

Mondell's sharp voice sounded, "Through smart calculations, the guy named Li Mo is likely to have arrived at Lunar Star. We have mobilized enough defense forces. The key problem is not knowing where the guys are hiding. ... "

Although Carter listened to Mondell's puppet on the surface, he felt a terrible wave in his heart.

Not because of Li Mo's news, but because of the pyramid-shaped building in front of him.

This is the entrance to the academy of sciences buried deep underground. He only came once when undergoing renovation. Most importantly, after countless people's inferences, what they want most is hidden here.

Mondir saw the appearance of Carter, with a weird smile in his mouth. "Whether they want to save people or revenge, they will definitely enter the Academy of Sciences. Your task will be to guard this place. Come with me."

Having said that, he turned his head and walked in through an entrance that suddenly appeared under the pyramid, and Carter licked his already dry lips, striding up.

Behind the entrance is an oblique downward metal corridor. Various rings and geometric energy pathways emit a pale green light. It seems that it will never end.

Carlt felt wrong after walking for more than ten meters. This is not the entrance he used to visit. Just as he frowned, Mondir turned his head back suddenly and smiled evilly, "You're in trouble!"

Carter immediately burst into cold sweat, just as he clenched his fists to prepare for an attack, the channel behind him suddenly emitted a powerful stream of particles, and several screams came from behind.

Not talking about me!

Carter felt relieved and turned his head back quickly.

In his sight, five people wearing eccentric armor kept growing and shrinking, and their bodies alternated in flashes of fantasy and reality. Seems to want to escape, but is bound by a powerful particle flow and cannot move.

It was the void walker sent by Li Mo.

Although they possessed powerful stealth technology, it happened that they encountered the best sci-fi freak of the Skulu Empire.

"Phase technology, mass-volume conversion technology ..." Mundell smiled happily. "Very advanced equipment, but you shouldn't perform spectral detection on me. Come, let me see where are you spy ..."

The five Voidwalkers were all Hydra spies. Although Li Mo was not clear, they already mentioned what to do in this case during training.

They looked at each other and inadvertently initiated self-exposure procedures to prevent leakage of technology and intelligence.

"Stop them!"

Mondir stared and screamed loudly.

Carter ignored it and directly protected himself and Mondir with an energy field.

Boom Boom ...

Successive rounds of explosions completely destroyed this section of metal passage, and the smoke was dispersed, but Carter and Mondir under the energy field were intact.

Facing Mondir's fierce gaze, Carter said blankly: "It's too late to keep your life."

Mondir stared at him for a while, then began to look around the blasted channel, suddenly his eyes brightened, and he ran over a short leg to pick up a piece of brain tissue, "Haha, it works!"

Carter watched the dwarf scientist run into the rear passage, holding his brain tissue, and frowned and followed.

After passing through an elevator-like portal, they arrived at a large laboratory, where a team of Skulu guards were already waiting.

Looking at these guys who were full of fire or abnormal appearance, Carter sank in his heart, and a new team of Super Skulus had been created.

Mundell ignored the surprise of Carter, put the dead Voidwalker on a metal platform, and while he was busy operating, he muttered to himself: "Quantum energy channel construction, neuron signal simulation ... OK ! "

In Carter's gaze, under the irradiation of several particle beams, the fresh brain tissue slowly floated, and a beam of light repaired the virtual part to build the rest, and a laser beam soon appeared. Brain.

During the operation of Mondir, a 3-dimensional screen appeared the image that the Voidwalker saw during his lifetime, from the explosion of entering the channel to the golden crown plain along the trail, which was continuously played counterclockwise.

In just a few minutes, it seems that because of the gradual deactivation of the brain tissue, the image also began to become unstable. Mundell increased his speed in anxiety, and finally saw Li Mo's hiding place before the image collapsed.

"Xinggang Warehouse Logistics Area in District 13!"

Mondir smiled hesitantly, "Notify the guards there ... no, they will only fight against the grass and scare the snakes. When you mobilize the military spaceships, you will all follow!"

The Super Scullus turned around and left quickly, and Carter hesitated and prepared to follow, but behind him Mondial's voice suddenly sounded.

"Carter, don't let those guys run away ..."

"Rest assured." Carter turned and said blankly, "They can't run ..."


Inside the Starport Warehouse on the 13th.

Voidwalker closed the remote quantum communication channel for security reasons, so Li Mo didn't know that his men had been hung up, still waiting patiently in the warehouse.

No one spoke, closed their eyes and prepared themselves for the next move.

Just then, there was a small noise coming from the underground of the warehouse far away.

"somebody is coming!"

The most sensitive Li Mo immediately reminded everyone that everyone stood up and was ready for battle.

In their eyes, an iron plate on the ground was suddenly lifted open, and a Skulu, wearing a cloak and stuff like night vision, climbed out of it.

Steve took off his big shield, and just about to throw it away, the guy shouted, "Is it Mr. Li Mo, you are exposed, come with me!"

Everyone looked at each other ~ ~ and looked at Li Mo, and Li Mo frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

"There's no time, the spy you sent is dead, they've surrounded it." The guy said anxiously, "I'll give you an explanation when it's safe!"

Li Mo didn't answer immediately, his eyes suddenly turned into a black starry sky, and after seeing this guy's past, a funny smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

After that, he took the lead in the tunnel, and other people in the fog were helpless to follow up ...

Three minutes later, a bang, the top of the warehouse was shattered by a thick laser, and several spacecraft floating in the sky pointed the muzzle here, and a pair of Super Skuru fell from the sky.

"Nothing here." Carter reported blankly to Mondir on the communicator.

"Waste!" The gnome scientist cursed fiercely, but a strange smile appeared on his face after hanging up the communication ...

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