Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 282: Skulu Empire situation (4)

The light in the ground was very dim, and Johnny's hands burst into flames, illuminating the entire space.

The Skullur turned his head in surprise, nodded and said nothing, motioned to follow him.

After turning left and right for a long time, the guy came to an iron gate and twisted it hard.

A cool wind blew in. Behind the iron gate was a neon gorgeous underground city, and a floating boat was stopping under the iron gate.

Li Mo jumped up without a word, just as Captain America hesitated, there seemed to be a rumbling sound in the distance.

"Come on, the guards may conduct a large-scale search at any time!" The Skullour quickly reminded.

The crowd no longer hesitated and jumped up, but when the stone man followed up, the floating boat's center of gravity was unstable, and it smashed against the wall.

"I am!"

Li Mo's avatar has extraordinary qualities, so the first one jumped out and caught on the wall. Then came the thunderbolt, Reed, who stretched his body, and the superb US team. Even Luke Cage, who was a bit heavy, stuck his arm on the wall to stabilize his body.

The stone man, with a grim expression, crashed into the brightly lit underground city with the airship, and stopped through several prominent eaves ...

The Skulu seemed to be a little dumbfounded, and he repeatedly contacted his organization with a communicator after repeated reminders from Li Mo.

The energy of this mysterious organization seems not to be small, and another airship was mobilized almost instantaneously, and someone was responsible for salvaging the stone people, and guards were responsible for cover.

The new airship carried Li Mo. They kept flying to the depths of the dungeon, passing through areas that were lively or chaotic, and eventually came to a place like a homeless relief center.

This is a vaulted hall in the ground, guarded by Skulus in shabby clothes but with firm eyes.

"Welcome to you, Mr. Li Mo, the distinguished star powerhouse, my name is Doris." A woman turned slowly.

She has a completely different appearance than the Skulus, with pink skin, golden pupils, and two antennae on her forehead.

"The Kotati people ..." Li Mo was a little strange. "Did you not die out long ago?"

No wonder Li Mo was surprised that this race involved the grudges of Skulu and the Kerry Empire.

A long time ago, when the Crees were native to the Large Magellanic Cloud, the Skullurs had built a huge empire.

The Skulus at the time were far from being aggressive today, trying to foster a civilization that could be friends from the Large Magellanic Cloud.

They picked the two races on the planet Hara at the time, the Cree and the Kotati, and held a trial.

The situation at that time was unknown to outsiders because of its age, but it was only known that the Skulu finally chose the Kotati.

The Crees were furious when they learned that they killed Kotati overnight, and when the Skuru came again, the Crees raided them.

At that time, the Skulus were not yet martial, and they were all destroyed on the spot. The Cree got the spaceship and used it as an opportunity to start learning the Skull civilization.

The Skullu mother didn't know about it, thinking that the team had experienced a spacecraft crash. Until many years later, the Crees also established a huge power, and they did not know how to start attacking the Skulu Empire, so the two sides started a protracted battle.

So far, it has become a complete mess.

"Looks like you know a lot," said the Kotati woman with a smile. "The wise Emperor Dorek helped us find the last trace of blood, and we served the royal family for generations."

"I'm not interested in your race." Li Mo shook his head. "What do you want us to do?"


Doris replied, "You came here thousands of miles to save your companions. We know the place, and the people who are there are also detained there."

"There is no sincerity for this reason." Li Mo shrugged. "Although I appreciate your warnings, we must figure out who you want to save and who you are!"

Doris hesitated and closed her mouth, and the atmosphere seemed to freeze.

"Let me do it."

A tall Skullour came in from the door, and it was the king of war, Carter.

"I'm a Super Skulu who has been genetically modified for your earth. My name is Carter." Carter said as he used several capabilities of the Fantastic Four.

"Susan!" Reed exclaimed, trying to rush up.

Li Mo stopped him and shook his head, then watched Carter motion to continue.

"Our organization is called the Star of Dawn and is the descendant of the royal guards. After the destruction of Emperor Tanakos by the planet devourers, the entire Skulu Empire is in chaos. Our goal is to find the blood of the royal family and end the unrest of the Skulu Empire. "

Carter watched the crowd continue and said, "Your friends are being held in the Academy of Sciences in the Golden Crown Plains, and we get the news that the last trace of royal blood was also hidden there."

"The Golden Crown Plains is at the heart of the Duke of Brent's family. The defense there is unprecedentedly strong, so we need your strength."

Li Mo touched his chin, looked at the sincere Doris and Carter, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Well, I agree to cooperate."

"Very good." A smile finally came to Carter's solemn face. "My plan is like this ..."

With Carter's explanation, Li Mo and they finally got a certain understanding of the planet.

The warlord alliance formed by the Duke of Brent is not monolithic. Some of the royal family members have already joined the Star of Dawn.

Carter's plan is to make a raid on the Golden Crown Plain one day later. At that time, warlords belonging to the Star of Dawn will create chaos on the periphery of the planet and drag the Star Fleet. At the same time, large-scale conflicts will occur around the world.

Li Mo and Carter are going to break through the defense of the Golden Crown Plain at the fastest speed and enter the Academy of Underground Sciences to save people.

As long as people are successfully rescued, Dawn Star will quickly issue charges against the Duke of Brund to the entire empire and safely evacuate them ...

After discussing the details of the operation in detail, Li Mo and his party entered the lounge under the arrangement of Doris.

"Do you believe these guys?"

The black widow Natasha asked Li Mo as soon as she entered.

Li Mo didn't immediately answer. After scanning around with a nano terminal for four weeks without finding a listener, he pouted and said, "Part of it is true, but they absolutely hide the most important information."

"A royal bloodline that has been imprisoned for many years may have multiplied countless generations. Why do they believe that as long as they rescue people, they can end the turmoil of a galaxy?"

Captain America Steve frowned. "Will we still follow their plan?"

"Why not?" Li Mo smiled. "Don't we have the same hiding? They don't know that Lao Tzu is a soft-footed prawn now. And the magic circle that my two mages have built in advance, as long as they rescue Susan, Immediately slap and leave. "

The others looked at each other and said nothing. In this situation of being trapped in the enemy camp, only Li Mo's method seemed the most secure.

"I hope everything goes well." Johnny couldn't help but draw a cross on his chest.


one day later,

Runal Star seemed calm as usual.

After dinner, it is the traditional time for the Skulu to pray in the temple.

This ancient empire has a fervent religious atmosphere, and the doctrine of God is also full of tyranny and aggression. Abandoning all cultural entertainment, the only group activity is **** wrestling.

Religious activities have been deeply implanted in the blood of ordinary people. There is a long prayer event after dinner every day. The number of star-filled temples is overcrowded, and even many guards dare not miss prayers at will.

In a temple, many believers are turning their hearts to the sky, their foreheads are on the ground, and prayers are chanted quickly in their mouths. As soon as they were devoted, they suddenly murmured from a person's arms and rolled out a small cylinder-like thing, and then a large amount of green hypnotic gas was ejected, and a large group of people fell down.

When all temples in this area were in trouble, many military factories suddenly exploded, and various robots arrived were completely paralyzed by electromagnetic bombs. As a result, a large number of security personnel were frightened.

At the same time, a large number of super-electromagnetic shock wave bombs were suddenly sprayed out of several interstellar fortresses on the planet and the galaxy's periphery. Before the other fleet personnel had time to respond, the blue ripples spread to the entire fleet.

All electronic systems failed, and shock waves even caused explosions in many spacecraft power furnaces. Red alerts sounded everywhere, and the entire fleet was paralyzed.

Not far from the Golden Crown Plain, Carter closed the communicator and said to Li Mo: "This is the limit we can do, and soon the Duke's men will restore order, and all exposed people will face cruelty. Cleaning, we only have half an hour. "

At this time, the Golden Crown Plain had completely changed its appearance. A large number of green vegetation was automatically opened. Countless robots standing more than 20 meters tall and armed with teeth stood up. At the same time, a huge automatic laser was raised from the lake. Rail guns, the entire plain underground are actually superb mechanical structures.

"It's up to you now," Carter said to Li Mo. "Only absolute power can break through this defense. Your battle video gives me confidence. Use that horrible tentacle!"

Li Mo shook his head. "This kind of scene doesn't require me to shoot."

When Carlt heard that his head suddenly flickered, it was like this time, what kind of power to play?

As soon as he wanted to say something, he saw Li Mo talking to a girl next to him, "Skye, it's up to you."

Skye nodded and took a deep breath and walked up.

Carter's pupils shrink, is this girl also an interstellar powerhouse?

Skye first took out a powerful pill given by Li Mo and put it in his mouth, and then stood with his hands in front of him.

Seeing that Skye was ready, Li Mo's eyes suddenly turned into a black starry sky, slowly spinning, getting faster and faster.

A powerful soul force resonated with Skye's soul, the scene in front of Skye's eyes suddenly changed, countless rays of light formed a wonderful trajectory that made people headache, and the plain in front of them became countless. Layers can't see the head ...

The original evolution of Li Mo is currently a semi-high-dimensional creature state. It can already make this semi-owned state like some dimensional deities, allowing Skye to share high-dimensional vision.

But even with the resonance of Li Mo's soul power, Skye could not bear it anymore, biting his teeth in pain.

"Relax, observe the world with your soul." Li Mo's voice suddenly sounded in her ear. "As I told you last night, although the Skulu's mechanical technology is unparalleled in the world, after all, it belongs to the material level. Node, you can destroy everything in front of you with shock waves. "

Under the guidance of Li Mo, Skye suddenly felt different. Although everything in front of him seemed solid, he always had a discontinuous subtle feeling.

"That's it." Li Mo's voice sounded again. "Use your soul's power to attach to the shock wave, firmly believe that nothing is immutable, release it, and read along with me ..."

"Combining skills: the wave of oblivion!"

Skye had reached his limit at this time, and his musculoskeletons were shaking and shattering, but the effectiveness of Dali Pill was constantly repairing his body.

When the pain of life is better than death, the little girl finally yelled:

"I don't want to fit you!"

As soon as her voice fell, a red translucent vibration wave was released from both hands, expanding outward at an incredible speed.

In the incredible eyes of everyone, where this red vibration wave went, those seemingly powerful robots, the railguns all broke, and they were scattered all over the place like broken. The lake was constantly splashing like a boiling water, cracks appeared on the ground, and even the duke's castle collapsed in half ...

Others couldn't see everything Li Mo had done secretly, and immediately stared at Skye.

Skye slowly retracted her hands. Although she was dark at this moment and was about to bear the faint, she still clenched her teeth and supported it desperately.

Because Li Mo can't use her energy to be an empty shell, she must hold on anyway as a deterrent.

Carter didn't feel it was wrong, because the final goal was ahead, and there was a smooth road ahead.


The painful depression for many years finally erupted completely, and Carter roared skyward, ignited a flame all over his body, and flew to the pyramid building where the Academy of Sciences was located in the wildest gesture.

At the sight of the thunderbolt, Johnny quickly turned into a fireman, followed by others, and quickly took the airship to follow.

As Carlt flew higher and higher, he became a burning meteorite above the pyramid building and fell down severely. Because this building was also shaken by Skye's large cracks, Carter directly opened a deep tunnel .

Li Mo and they quickly caught up and jumped directly from the entrance of the tunnel. After 200 meters deep, the surrounding buildings gradually appeared intact. Broken robot.

Carter seemed to know where to look, and blasted out large holes directly on the wall.

Li Mo and they ran quickly afterwards, but gradually realized that everything was wrong. Why is there only a guard robot and a Skulu missing?

Captain America and the Black Widow first noticed each other, and a haze flashed through their hearts.

Soon at a corner, Carter stopped, pointed to a passage and said, "I've seen them push your friends into the innermost room, each went to save one, and then gathered here."

After speaking, he smashed a wall and continued to rush into it.

Li Mo did not hesitate to find a warehouse with a spiral door in the direction pointed by Carter. The stone man directly came forward and banged the door, and everyone rushed in.

Rows of sleeping cabins are neatly arranged in the warehouse. Anxious Reed and Luke Cage stepped forward to check, but through the transparent top floor, the inside was empty ...

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