Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 283: Skulu Empire situation (5)

"Damn, actually lied to us!"

Thunderbolt Johnny froze for a moment, angrily, and then went to Calt to settle the bill with a flame all over his body.

"No, he didn't lie to us." Reed picked up a ring from the ground, eyes full of worry. "Susan was here, but just moved."

Li Mo and Captain Steve didn't speak, they have another level of worry. From the situation along the way, this may be ... a trap.

The crowd didn't stay much, and chased in the direction of Carter after coming out.

It didn't take long before they finally came to a special hall on the lowest floor.

There is only a few pieces of furniture in the hall, which seems very empty, but all the walls, beds or tables show a clean white, and all the furniture shapes are also a minimal geometric structure.

A little Skuru girl in a long white dress was standing timidly against the wall. Tall Kult was kneeling in front of her on one knee, comforting softly.

Hearing the sound, Carter turned to look at Li Mo them, "Did your friends be rescued?"

"You lied to us, there was no one there!" The hot-tempered Johnny said angrily.

"How could that be ..." Carter was a little puzzled after hearing the words, "All the Super Skurus are made here, and they have no reason to transfer people away."

"Of course there is a reason." Li Mo shook his head. "This is a trap."

After speaking, he didn't pay attention to the sullen expression of Carter, turned his head to the surrounding and said, "If I guess correctly, someone is watching us."

Carter stood up quickly after hearing the words and kept the little girl behind him. "This is just your guess. If it is a trap, why should they leave the royal bloodline here instead of transferring it away?"

"This is also my question." Li Mo touched his chin. "I guess they want to get you together, but what is the purpose, maybe you can give me an answer ..."

Carter narrowed his pupils, apparently thinking of something, but didn't speak, but closed his mouth tightly and clenched his fists.

"I can tell you this answer!"

A sharp voice suddenly came from outside the channel, and dwarf scientist Mondir led a large number of Super Skullours in.

"Who is this short goblin?" Li Mo asked Carter.

"Mundil, the Empire ’s most brilliant scientist," Carter said with gritted teeth. "It was also the culprit that brought your friends over."

As soon as Johnny heard it, it turned into a blaze of flames and rushed towards Mondir.

However, with a slam, a Super Skullou behind Mondir extended his hands, an energy field immediately blocked Johnny's attack, and formed a ball to wrap him inside.

Oxygen was quickly exhausted, and Johnny's flames dimmed and extinguished immediately, covering his neck with breathing difficulties.

Another Super Scullus stunned him with a strong electric current.

"Matchstick!" The stoneman yelled anxiously and rushed forward.

"If I were you, you wouldn't do that." Mundell smiled sharply with a sharp shake of his fingers. "Rest assured, I won't hurt him for the time being."

Then he looked at the crowd and said, "Don't worry, I can answer all your doubts."

"A long time ago, the Cosmic Tenjin group experimented with the Skulus and created three distinct branches of genes, one of which is called an anomaly and can be arbitrarily transformed into various organisms. The other is the eternal, not It will deform, but its own power is very strong, and the rest are the original Skulus. "

"In the racial civil war, because of the large number of anomalies, the powerful but scarce number of eternal people were eliminated. They became the ancestors of the contemporary Skulus with the original Skulus."

"But no one thought that two of the Eternal survived, Klebune, and Slugult. They broke the boundaries of life and became protoss, and launched a fanatical spiritual brainwashing of the Skulus. And rule. "

"The Emperor Doric II wanted to end this situation, so he created the world shaper through unknown technology, but the situation was out of control. Although the seal of the two gods in a different space dimension could no longer directly affect the Skulu. But also It led to the intervention of the Planet Devourer, and the entire capital star was destroyed. "

"Since then, the Skulus have fallen into civil strife, while the influence of the dual theism has continued unabated and they are already trying to unlock the seal."

"It is said that the world shaper is not destroyed, but is buried in the blood of the royal family. But I did all the analysis on this little guy and found nothing abnormal. Eventually I thought of your organization, the Star of Dawn, Maybe the secret will be revealed only when you get together. "

"So you set up this bureau?" Li Mo asked, touching his chin.

Mondir shrugged, "I didn't want to take this risk, but time is running out. With the end of the civil war, the dual theism will rely on huge influence to regain control of the Skulus, and have enough time and strength to release Their god. "

Carter heard some taste, squinted his eyes and said, "Listening to your tone, it seems to be dissatisfied with the two gods?"

"Look at me." Mundell spread his hands and smiled wildly. "My **** is a **** deformity, but my parents are devout believers, knowing that under the twisted doctrine I am How did you live? "

"The science of this world is the law, you don't need those **** false gods!"

Carter stared at Mondial for a while. "I think we can work together to bring the royal family back to the end and end this **** chaotic world."

Mondir shrugged. "This is the difference between you and me. Your organization is too naive. Just this little girl like a fool?"

"Without a huge army and a strong influence, even with the shapers of the world, it is impossible to maintain the rule of the empire, so the Duke of Brent who is about to win is the best choice."

"No way!" Carter roared. "I have been taught the greed and violence of these warlords for a long time. I won't let you succeed."

"Stop, two!"

Li Mo made a pause gesture, and then said to Mondir: "This is the internal affairs of your empire. We as foreigners really don't want to interfere. If you return our friends to us, we will stay out of the matter immediately."

Captain America Steve frowned. "I feel like we should be on the side of justice."

"Shut up!" Li Mo turned and scolded, "Don't mess with the entire American standard, this is not the earth."

After speaking, he turned to look at Mondir, "What do you think of my proposal?"

"Well ... let me think ..." Mondell closed his eyes and then quickly opened, "I refuse!"

"Sorry, it's really difficult for me to give up the progress of Super Skulu research."

"And after a comparative analysis, you don't seem to have such a powerful force. It has been blocked by the starship and all members of the Dawn Star have been arrested. You have no bargaining chips."

"It's shameless." Li Mo took a deep breath, "You dwarf **** is absolutely dead!"

"Dwarf **** ?!" Mondir was so angry that his nose was crooked. "What opportunities do you have to come back?"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from outside the channel, "They have no chance, you have no more!"

Mondir was startled, and turned to look at it. A Skulu, wearing a bishop's white bishop costume, Shi Shiran came in.

"Criddy Noor!"

Mondell's pupils shrank, and he turned and shouted to the super Skullou team next to him: "Don't kill this stick!"

What surprised him, however, was that these Super Skullours who respected him weekly all looked at him with a playful look.

"Damn, you all **** it!"

Mundir was annoyed to rely on brainwave controllers to detonate the bombs in these Super Skulus, but found them useless at all.

"Someone took out the bomb for you." Mondir took a few steps in panic, then turned to look at Carter, "Go get rid of them, otherwise ..."

He stopped talking just halfway after Carter turned his head into slushy plasticine and reached out to pull the bomb out.

Mondir then turned his head and threatened the Super Scullus: "You dare to betray the Duke of Brent, don't you want to kill your family?"

However, the words of a Super Skuru made him thunder, "This is the order of the Duke ..."

"Why, why!" Mundial couldn't stand the blow, sitting on the ground with one buttock, and then completely mad, shouting to the surrounding walls: "Why betray our vows, the Skulus do not need God!"

On a flagship over tens of thousands of meters, the Duke of Brent looked at the surveillance video, a sorrow flashed in his eyes, "forgive my old friend, the family needs me to be a king more than that illusory wish ... "

"Wow ..." Li Mo couldn't help but clap his hands, "It's so wonderful, it seems you're too proud to be too short."

Mundell ignored Li Mo's sarcasm completely and murmured: "I was wrong, I was wrong, you guys can't believe it ... no, there is still a chance!"

He turned sharply and looked at Carter, "You must go out and find the world shaper to kill the false gods."

Then he looked at Li Mo, "to help them escape from here, I will give your friends to you."

"You **** brains." Li Mo rolled his eyes. "Purely knocking on our bamboo poles."

At this moment, the silent Bishop Bishop Clidinal shook his head and said calmly, "You have no chance, and you are ready to accept God's judgment."


Li Mo smiled and shook his head. "I have already killed two. I don't mind killing two more."

After speaking, I pressed the alchemy locator in my hand.

On McQueen, two waiting magicians immediately started the magic circle.

A huge portal suddenly appeared in the lobby. Hundreds of virtual air force corps of burning black purple void fire swarmed out instantly.

"Stop them!"

Bishop Credinor opened his eyes in horror.

The gang of Super Skullours rushed forward after hearing the order, and used their respective superpowers.

These guys are pretty good at telling the truth, and almost all of them combine both abilities at the same time.

Some have turned into stone men with burning flames, others can transfer instantly and discharge, but in the face of the virtual air force regiment, it has become a dish.

A round of fast-fired guns killed half of them at first, and melee was screamed by the fire of the void. After leaving a dead body, he dragged Cridinol and quickly fled.

Luke Cage wanted to rush up, but Li Mo stopped him. "Catch what, chase, stay here and wait for death!"

After that, he drove everyone to the portal.

But despite their speed, they were a bit late.

The Duke of Brent's flagship launched the planet orbiter directly, a beam of light more than ten meters thick passed straight down.

"Ohshit!" Li Mo, who was sensitive, lifted his head. He is not afraid of ruining this avatar, just take the time to create another one.

The unfortunate thing is to come out to save people, but toss a bunch of people into it.

Just when he had begun to mourn for the Reed and the Black Widow in front of him, a large protective force field suddenly appeared in the sky, blocking the laser light wave breaking into the ground.

"Come on!"

Battle King Carter bleeds blood in all seven holes. While overdrawing his full potential to use the force field, he shouted madly at Li Mo: "Bring the blood of the royal family to leave and save us!"

Li Mo looked at Carter, and then said to Reed, "You go first, hurry up!"

Steve felt something wrong ~ ~ turned to look at Li Mo: "What are you doing?"

"We're going to be apart for a while, and we will contact you through McQueen." Li Mo waved his hand impatiently, "Don't talk nonsense."

After everyone else entered, Li Moola walked to the Carter with the hand of the royal girl.

"What are you doing ..."

Carter was mad, shouting blood.

"Relax, it's a shame that someone like you is dead." Li Mo shrugged. "Let's save your own country."

Immediately after speaking, the pupils turned into a black starry sky, and turned and waved at the portal.

Led by the power of the soul, the dimensions of the portal changed, instantly covering the rest.

Without Carter's energy stand, the thick railgun beam suddenly turned everything here to ashes ...

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