Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 288: Dwarf tribe

Near a water-blue gaseous planet, McQueen suddenly jumped out of the void.

This is the galaxy where Nidaweiler is located. From a distance, you can see the dwarf's neutron star Dyson.

"And only magic can create this miracle!"

Within the McQueen, Perus said to Li Mo with emotion.

Several members of the Nether Masters team also kept admiring.

"I looked at your plan, and I always felt that it was almost something. In my vision, it should be more advanced than this one." Li Mo said with a chin.

"Our alchemy should be stronger than them. What's worse?" Perus was also a little strange.

Li Mo thoughtfully said, "Maybe ... it's about Odin."

"Speaking of which, I have another idea." Perus said bluntly: "At the Cristo Academy, we did some research on the starburst weapon unique to the Shia Empire. The biggest guess is that they will Egg-sized neutron star material shoots at stars and explodes, maybe we can learn from this. "

"It can be considered." Li Mo nodded, "The eyeball weapon system will be the biggest attack output of ignorance, and you can complete your idea as much as possible."

Just looking for them to chat, McQueen had approached Nidaweiler slowly.

Originally they could teleport directly, but Li Mo went to buy a spaceship spirit as a gift for the dwarves, so it took a lot of trouble.

Immediately after approaching Star Harbor of Nidaville, Li Mo's pupils shrank, and the others exclaimed, looking at each other.

What happened to Nidaweiler ...

All the ships originally docked at the Star Harbor were blown up into pieces, and some of the frozen dwarf corpses and the fragments of the spacecraft were scattered in the void.

Many holes in the space orbit of the Dyson ball have broken through. The space orbit that used to be brilliantly lit and noisy has become cold and ghostly. Even the neutron star Dyson ball in the center of the orbit was completely closed.

Li Mozhen stood up and said, "McQuan, immediately send the Virtual Air Force Regiment to see what happened."

As soon as his words fell, the tail of McQueen opened quickly, and hundreds of magical voids burning with black and purple flames flew out, divided into ten teams and entered different areas of the space orbital station.

Through the real-time images of the magical maggots, Li Mo and they saw that many places inside the space orbital station had been completely destroyed. There were many corpses lying on the ground, including dwarves and some aliens wearing dark gold armor.

"Zitari ... Destroyer!"

Li Mo frowned, how did the dwarf provoke that crazy guy?

"Boss, the Air Force Regiment has detected some residual energy responses, which should be a long time ago." Perus said beside him.

"Search for survivors immediately!" Li Mo decidedly. "Let's go."

After receiving the order, the Void Magicians immediately opened the life search device and quickly flew around the entire space orbit.

"I found a survivor ..."

"Second, third ..."

The magic wanderers kept reporting data, and soon found 23 seriously injured unconscious dwarves.

"Come here for me."

Li Mo has taken the members of the Master League into space orbit, found an open space and took out a box of Hercules.


Just as a void puppet walked across the aisle holding the unconscious dwarf, a tall dwarf rushed out from behind the box, carrying the shield and hitting the puppet.

His power was so great that the ten-meter-high magical maggot was knocked over by him.

"Warn, warn, find the enemy!"

Immediately after standing up, the magic puppet turned on the floating gun on his shoulder.


At first glance, Li Mo stopped the Nether magical urn, and shouted to the figure, "Echo of the Dwarf, it's me, Li Mo."

The dwarven king who was about to continue attacking became stiff, turned slowly, his eyes were confused, "Li Mo ... Moradin's friend ..."

"Yes." Li Mo said as he walked anxiously, "What about Moradin?"

"Dead ... all dead ... ah!"

The dwarf king raised his arms slowly, his hands had been cut off, his eyes were covered with a bandaged wrist, and a wailing sound like a lone wolf.

"Exterminate the tyrant ..." Li Mo's face was gloomy and terrible.

Moradin was his first partner after he entered the universe, and from the beginning of his embarrassment, he gradually became a talkative friend.

Although later there were fewer contacts due to busy schedules.

But isn't that the case in the universe, where the vast starry sky meets a few years later, an old friend, a pot of good wine, comforts life in the vast universe.

The dwarf has a long life. Li Mo thought this old friend would stay with him for a long time, but he forgot about life and death.

Under the guidance of the dwarven king, Li Mo quickly found Moradin's body. This guy still had a smell of not taking a bath all year round, but he was always timid and he cut off a Zittari before he died. Neck.

The surviving dwarves all saved their lives with the help of Dalimaru, but the huge sorrow made them all lose their souls, sitting on the ground blankly without the noise of the past.

All corpses were converged in preparation for cremation.

"Thank you, this guy is called Moradin ... hmm! Don't know to stay away ..." Li Mo scolded and put the old friend's body into the incinerator with his own eyes, and his eyes couldn't help turning red.

Watching the ashes still with the embers scattered slowly in the universe, Li Mo dumped a jug of wine on the ground, turned and looked at the dwarf king behind him, "Why did Tyrant find you?"

The dwarven king's hand has grown back after taking Dalibol, pointing to a glove model not far away. "He wants to create infinite gloves."

Void Master Perus shrinks his pupils, "You helped him forge successfully?"

"I thought this would save the lives of the children." The dwarven king Aicui's voice was a little bit angry, "but the lunatic still ordered to do it."

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "I moved my hands and feet on the gloves, and they would be damaged once the full power load."

"Collect all infinite gems?"

Li Mo said coldly, "With me, don't even think about it in this life!"

"That's right." Li Mo suddenly thought of something, like Dwarf King Eicui asked: "This is the realm of the Nine Realms, why not ask Asgard for help?"

"Asgard, ha ..." said the dwarven king Ai Cui indignantly. "According to the ancient agreement, they will always guard the dwarf family. We sent a signal at that time, but no one paid attention."

Li Mo expressionlessly took out Asgard's signal badge, and shouted loudly after pressing it: "Haimdall, are you TM blind? The tyrant has hit the door!"

But after yelling for a long time, no one answered at the end of the communicator.

Li Mo threw the communicator to the ground and shattered. "McQueen, teleport us to the Asgard Rainbow Bridge!"



Bathed in the rainbow bridge in the dazzling stars, white lights flashed, and a large crowd appeared.

Members of the Nether Masters were left in Nidaville, and Li Mo took all the dwarves and more than 20 magical menacing men into the semicircular Rainbow Bridge launch pad.

The scene inside made the dwarf's angry eyes flushed. A guy wearing a beautiful armor lay on the ground and fell asleep. Bottles were scattered all over the ground.

Li Mo gave a cold glance, "Catch him, we go to the Golden Palace."

The impatient dwarf rushed up, stomped a few feet, and tied the guy with a rope.

The guy came to his senses, struggling and said, "What are you doing, Prince Uno ..."


The dwarf king stunned the guy with a slap in the face, "Fk Rocky!"

Two dwarves dragged the new guardian to the ground, and a large group of people walked across the Rainbow Bridge towards the Golden Palace.

As they passed the Hwagmir River, the guards on the Giant's Wall quickly spotted them, several airships quickly rushed over, and the muzzle aimed at everyone.

"Who dares to break into Asgard!"

Exclaimed a well-dressed guard general.


Li Mo asked coldly.

The general frowned, looked at Li Mo, who seemed familiar, and hesitated. "He was fired in violation of Prince Rocky's order."

"What about Vandal and Hogan?"

"Similarly the ban can only be at home."

"What about Sol?"

"Prince Sol hasn't been back in a long time ..."

Li Mo rolled his eyes. "I'm Li Mo, a disciple of Friega, please tell me I want to see her."

The little captain finally remembered who Li Mo was and swallowed: "Wait a minute."

After that, hop on the airship and head straight to the Golden Palace.

After a short while, he returned here in an airship, but did not come down. He stopped in the air and shouted, "On the orders of Prince Rocky, expel everyone in front of you."


Li Mo was so angry that he directly transmitted McQueen to the crystal palace of Fenthalil in the Queen of Heaven.

In the magnificent hall, Tianhou's maid Gina was startled by the sudden appearance of Li Mo. "Li Mo, when did you come in?"

"I want to see the Queen of Heaven." Li Mo's expression was very serious, "something happened."

Without Loki's obstruction, Li Mo soon met Queen Frigga and told what happened to Nidaweiler.

"It's impossible!" Frigga stood up fiercely, with an incredible expression on her face.

"The dwarven king Aicui they are now blocked by the wall of the giant by Loki." Li Mo said in the direction of the Rainbow Bridge.

Friega's lips were a little squeamish, "You said everything was fine ... it turned out to be cheating again ..."

She pursed her wrist cuffs and said seriously to the maid Gina next to her, "Go to the Golden Palace and ask the dwarven king to come in. Rocky must give me an explanation."

With the order of Empress Frigga, the dwarven king and his party were quickly put in, while Li Mo followed the Empress to the Golden Palace Hall of Courage.

In Jinbi's magnificent hall, everyone looked at Rocky with a bad face, and Friega's voice was a little sad. "I thought you had changed, and you also got the right you want. deceive?"

Rocky looked at the crowd without changing his face, and then gave a graceful gift to Tian Hou, "Mother, I didn't deceive."

"Dare to quibble and see what these good things you do!" The dwarven king Aicui growled angrily.

"What did I do?" Rocky shrugged unclearly.

"You expelled the three warriors and Heimdal from Asgard, making Asgard too late to rescue the dwarves ..." The queen was so angry that he told me everything was OK!

Loki took a deep breath and spread his hands. "Asgard, of course, everything is fine."

"I have been working diligently for the Imperial Conference every day. The internal affairs are working well and the Star Fleet is organized to trade, which has enriched the lives of residents."

"I rebuilt the big library. There are fewer drunks and the people's hearts are more peaceful. Isn't this bad?"

"As for the three warriors in the fairy palace, ask them what they have done, drink alcohol every day to gather trouble, refuse to execute the order many times, why should I tolerate them to continue?"

"Heimdal didn't look good to me all day, and he must not continue to perform such an important task as guarding the Rainbow Bridge."

"And this guy." Rocky pointed at Li Mo at once. "I don't want to see him. Without the encouragement of this bastard, why would Sol have let the prince improperly and play a superhero game?"

"My only ... mistake." Loki nodded apologetically to the Dwarf King. "It was the appointment of a pouch and rice bag that caused the Dwarves to suffer such a large loss. Asgard will definitely help you regain your vitality. . "

Everyone stared at Rocky with a dumbfounded look, and this guy actually easily left himself alone.

Papa ... Papa ...

Li Mo applauded and said sarcastically, "You really are better suited to be a politician than Sol, but you never want to get people's respect."

"I don't need people's respect." Loki had a pitying expression on his face. "I just hope that the people of Asgard will be happy."

"You **** addicted!" Li Mo suddenly became angry.

"I can't say you." The dwarf king looked at Loki with an angry expression. "I only know that because of you asshole, the dwarves became what they are now. Asgard did not comply with the contract, so the dwarves will withdraw from Aspen. Gad. "

Rocky shrugged. "I'm sorry."

"Enough!" Frigga stared at Loki seriously. "Anyway, it's not up to you to do this. We need to wake up Odin immediately and let him decide what to do."

Rocky was silent for a moment, "Odin is sleeping, we can't wake ..."

"Thor's Hammer can wake Odin." Frigga interrupted Loki directly, and turned to the guard and ordered: "Go and call Heimdal, I need to know where Sol is."

"Neither of you, brothers."

Hemdar, who was suspended from office, quickly arrived. After using his abilities, he turned to look at the crowd.

"Sol is in ... Musbelheim."

"Land of Fire?" Li Mo frowned ~ ~ What did he do there, don't you know that Surtel and Asgard are incompatible? "

Musbelheim, Lava Hall.

Sol was hanging on the chain and swirling gently.

Sultel was sitting on the throne with his cheeks, "Sor, Odin's child, are you here to kill him?"

"Surtel, you old man." Sol twisted his body. "I have been dreaming since I entered the Fountain of Prophecy. You guy has ruined Asgard. Let us welcome it. The gods at dusk. "

"I want to know why, you don't have this ability, how can you do it?"

Sultel glanced at him coldly, "You want to tell me what to do, then act, what about your hammer?"

"Do you treat me as a fool, this routine ..."

"It's long outdated!"

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