Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 289: wake up!

"Uh ..." Sol paused, then looked at the chains that were tied to him, grinning bitterly, "Am I supposed to be a cocoon?"

"What do you say?"

Sultel snorted. "You're so stupid and cute than the rest of Odin's family."

Seeing that Sirte didn't start immediately, Sol breathed a sigh of relief, letting go of the hammer that secretly summoned the hammer, and continued to ask unwillingly, "What are you going to do to make the gods dusk?"

"It doesn't matter to tell you, this is destiny, you can't stop it at all." Surteer said lightly.

"Perhaps ... you can talk about it?" Saul was pleased.

Surtel: "This is a long story ..."

Saul: "I like listening to stories the most."

Sirte nodded, "Well, when the universe exploded ..."

"Stop!" Sol called out quickly. "Can you omit the previous part and talk about the key points directly."

Suulter's face pulled down immediately. "What do you say?"

"Okay, okay." Sol was helpless. "You speak."

Surtel nodded, "When the universe exploded, everything in the world began to be born ..."

Ten minutes later, Sol pursed his lips.

Half an hour later, Sol yawned.

An hour later, Sol closed his eyes and snored.

"Are you listening?"

Sulter was on fire all of a sudden, slashing over with the Twilight Sword.

Thor awoke with a spirit, and quickly broke the chain and fell to the ground. He reached out and began to summon Thor's hammer.

At the same time shouted, "Stop, I must listen to the story."

"It's late!" Sulter slashed several swords in a row. "How dare you humiliate me."

Sol rolled over several times in a row, hiding his grief: "The story you told is too watery."

"Go to death!" Surteer was even more fierce, and growled loudly from heaven, countless younger brothers and several flame-throwing dragons making iron chains rushing towards Thor like tide.

Just then, Thor's Hammer broke through the obstacles in Sol's hands.

Thor threw the Thor's hammer directly, drawing a large arc.

Bang ... bang

After smashing a group of soldiers of the Fireland in succession, they flew towards Sol again.

Sol took the hammer and leaped high, hitting the ground fiercely with the sound of lightning and roaring thunder, and a shock wave emptied the surrounding soldiers.

Just then, a white light flashed, Li Mo appeared in the center of the venue, and shouted: "Give me a face, you all stop."

Surtel stopped and looked at them both coldly.

Li Mo nodded awkwardly to Sirte, "Lao Su, the matter of the elves is troublesome, and I will come to see you when I have time."

After that, he grabbed Sol's arm, "Follow me."

Saul was anxious. "I haven't finished the story yet!"

"What other story to listen to, Asgard is in trouble."

A white light flashed, and Li Mo said nothing, and took Sol to leave the Lava Hall.

Sultel watched the two men leave, waved his hands to step down, and then slowly walked up to the throne, sitting down again with his cheeks.

"I'll wait for you to come back and listen to the story."

"This time ... more water!"


Golden Palace hall.

A white light flashed, and Li Mo dragged Sol and teleported back.

"What you brought me back to, that matter is important ..." Sol was still complaining to Li Mo, and then turned around to see the dwarven king with a sad expression on his face, angry Friega and a little awkward Rocky.

"Hey, Atelier, what's the matter with you?" Sol asked, and found that the Dwarf King ignored him and suddenly felt something wrong. "What happened?"

Li Mo shook his head and told the story again.


Sol was furious and walked aggressively towards Loki.

Rocky quickly took a few steps back and twitched his lips. "You haven't done your duty to protect yourself, so you're not qualified to say me."


Friega stopped the two with an expression of hatred for iron and steel. "The important thing now is to wake your father up."

Thor took a deep breath, calmed his anger, nodded and strode toward Odin's bedroom.

Others followed, and only Loki quietly took a few steps back and seemed to want to slip away.

"Prince Rocky, where do you want to go?"

Li Mo shouted loudly.

Everyone looked at a little awkward Loki, with an ugly smile on the corner of his mouth, "I'm right behind you."

Sol felt that something was wrong, and turned around and pulled Rocky's clothes together and walked towards Odin's bedroom.

In Odin's dormitory room, a huge, dormant carved gold dorm was placed at the center. Through the light transparent golden protective force field, Odin could sleep peacefully inside.

Sol opened the protective field, looked at Odin, who was getting older, and put the Thor's hammer slowly on Odin's chest.

However, with a bang, the hammer passed through Odin and landed on the bottom of the dormant cabin. A green light flashed and the whole person disappeared.

"Phantom clone!"

Everyone turned to look at Rocky.

"This ... I can explain." Rocky was awkward.

Li Mo shouted at Loki, "You murdered your father."


Rocky was in a hurry. "I just cast a sleeping spell on him and wanted him to sleep more comfortably. Who knows he is demented."

"King Odin, Alzheimer's?"

Li Mo pouted, "Are you insulting our IQ?"

When Sol heard Li Mo's words, he was even more angry, and rushed to hold on to Loki's collar fiercely. "Say, where did you get your father?"

"Rocky!" Friega was also angry, "Hurry up!"

Rocky quickly raised his hands. "Rest assured, I found a good place for him, there is a special person to serve, 24 hours of escort, and a group of old ladies ..."

"Where exactly?"

Sol interrupted impatiently.

"Don't you like the Earth." Rocky looked at Sol. "I sent him to a professional **** center in New York, and it was great there."

"In my hometown ..." Li Mo looked at Loki with a pained expression. "Only an unfilial son will throw an old man into a nursing home when he has a great career at home"

"Go to death!"

Sol threw Rocky to the ground at once.


New York, Long Island.

A white light flashed outside the gate of a company called the Big Tree Escort Center, and Li Mo took Rocky and Sol to teleport here.

This is a wealthy area. This **** center is also quite upscale and luxurious. Although it is in a busy city, it is also surrounded by green trees.

"Look." Rocky pointed to the **** center. "I said it was a good place."

As soon as his words fell, with a loud bang, a large iron ball directly smashed a hole in the main building of the **** center.


Sol was anxious and rushed in, but found none of them inside.

A worker in a hard hat quickly walked over and said loudly, "Danger, go away. Demolition is here."


Sull lifted the workers all at once. "Where is my father?"

"It's none of my business." The workers were frightened and struggled. "I heard that the old people here are almost dead, and the rest are taken away by their families."

Saul left the workers aside, turned slowly, and looked at Loki with a somber look, the anger in his eyes was hard to restrain.

"I obviously put him here," Rocky said, swallowing.

Li Mo shook his head. "It's important to first find God Odin. You should be able to find the relevant records."

After speaking, I opened the nano terminal and connected to the earth's network. After searching, I opened my mouth. "The above record shows that King Odin, lost?"

"Is Alzheimer's really ..." Li Mo also looked incredible.

Just then, a sparkling portal opened, and Strance stepped out.

He first looked at Rocky, and then said to Li Mo dissatisfied, "How did you bring this annoying **** to earth?"

"Mortal, you dare ..."

As soon as Rocky said something, Sol, who had been unable to restrain his anger, rushed up and punched him on the ground, and then struck his body fiercely.

Li Mo shrugged and said to Strance: "Bring these two uneasy guys to find father."

"Odin?" Strange looked at the two brothers still fighting over there. "I know where he is."

"Where?" Sol turned back in surprise, and Rocky shoved him away.

"He said he wanted to be quiet for a while." Strance looked at the crowd. "In Norway."


Norway, a country near the Arctic Circle, is known for its unique glacial landforms and beautiful coastlines.

On a cliff near the North Atlantic, Odin was sitting there watching the sky peacefully.

At this time, it was extremely night, and the black sea was deep and wide. In the bright sky of stars, a green aurora straddled the sky, making it feel like being in a fairyland.

Stranger positioned with Sol's hair and opened a portal directly to it.

Li Mo and Sol and Rocky came out.

Seeing Odin's back, Sol was excited, walked quickly, and Rocky hesitated to follow.

Li Mo shook his head and found a comfortable place, lying on the ground and admiring the aurora.

"Father ..." Sol called out anxiously as he walked beside Odin.

"You are here." Odin smiled and said calmly, "Come, come over, let's talk."

Sol sensed that Odin's look was a bit wrong, but said, "Father, let's go back, Asgard is in trouble."

Odin ignored his words, and still looked at the sky peacefully. "Look at this place. It's so beautiful. I didn't even notice it when I came hundreds of years ago."

"The Asgard thing is settled, and I will stay with you for a while," Sol said, looking at his father's pale-haired face and silent.

"I won't go back. I've gone the other way. The next thing is up to you." Odin said, shaking his head.

For a moment, Sol didn't understand what Odin meant, and said anxiously, "But something happened to the dwarves, and I foretold the gods at dusk!"

"Evening gods ..." Odin looked a little darkened, "Everything will pay for it after all."

Then he waved his hand slightly, and Li Mo, who was admiring the aurora in the rear, was teleported with a grimace.

"Nothing is eternal, even God ..."

Odin looked at the distant sky and said, "The gods are a reincarnation at dusk."

"When I took over Asgard, the Nine Realms were still separate. I am ambitious to end all this and lead the Nine Realms to let Asgard's light shine on the entire universe."

"You have an older sister, Hella, the goddess of death, who was the most powerful assistant at the time. We both surrendered the dwarven tribe of Nidavile, broke through the giant kingdom of Jordonheim, and watched the Warner Protoss destroy the elves of light The family remained indifferent, and when the fire giant Sirteel burned Warnerheim, he besieged and deprived him of the eternal fire. "

"At this point, the Nine Realms have settled."

"The word Ping Ding is inaccurate," Li Mo said in a ghostly voice beside him.

He suddenly remembered everything he had gone through ...

The stupid sea giant Buddha Moore and the little witch Case,

The fairy tale princess Simmara,

Fire giant with eternal pain.

Thinking of this, Li Mo stared at Odin's eyes and said, "You have caused too many tragedies."

"Li Mo, you!" Sol looked at Li Mo angrily.

"He's right ..."

Odin's words made Sol stumble.

"When I sit on the throne, under my feet are the bones and the scarred Nine Realms."

"I can't help but ask myself, is this really something a king should do?"

"After that, continue to stir up chaos throughout the universe?"

"I decided to stop it all, and I found my goal, to protect rather than conquer."

"Maybe it was the belief that I instilled in my childhood. I can't persuade Hella to let go of her ambition and helplessly imprison her in the kingdom of the dead in the underworld."

"I will soon leave this world. Hera will continue her journey of conquest after she is out of trouble. Her strength comes from Asgard. Only by destroying Asgard can she completely defeat her, but if she leaves it alone, she will take the whole Asgard is going to ruin. "

"This is the true dusk of the gods."

Sol and Rocky looked at each other ~ ~ Odin's words subverted their previous cognition, and they were a little confused for a time.

Li Mo breathed a sigh of relief and said to Lord Odin: "I said how you talked so well at the time, and let me go to the treasure house to pick things up. I was waiting here."

Odin smiled. "Forget it, just let it happen. You don't need to be responsible for my fault."

"No." Li Mo shook his head. "I will not give up on the promise, and Asgard means too much to me. There are girls I once loved, and teachers who lead me to the road of magic. . "

Odin smiled. "You are in the current state. If I read it right, you can't do anything?"

Li Mo was a little embarrassed. "The body has been sleeping, but I have a lot of people."

"Just save as many people as possible." Odin smiled, and suddenly put one hand on Li Mo's shoulder, staring at his eyes and saying:

"wake up!"

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