Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 303: lonely

"You are against the dark creatures of the world!"

As Carulu's words fell, some black spots began to appear from the cracks in the space on the other side of the desert, and then more and more gathered, and the tide was pouring in.

These dark creatures are strange, but most of them can be found in the fantasy stories of various countries.

Werewolves with **** eyes ran on the ground, vampires flashing like phantoms, in addition to tauren, lizardmen, hawks and ugly western poisonous dragons flying in the sky ...

The great demon shadow West Thorne is not only the ultimate source of all black magic, but also obsessed with transforming human beings. Almost all dark creatures are derived from his creation, so they are all subject to him.

"It seems Strang's job is not good ..."

Li Mo chuckled, "But do you think that it can do anything with these rotten fish?"

After speaking, with a light wave, a dozen tens of kilometers of tentacles suddenly appeared, squeezing the dark creatures with overwhelming momentum.

Looking at the horrible tentacles in the sky, a horror of panic appeared in the eyes of these dark creatures scattered around the world, spreading at an alarming speed.

To be honest, many of them don't want to come.

On weekdays, they all hide in the city like humans, enjoying human life during the day and feeding on humans at night.

Although it is a modern society, it will not be discovered when the prey is selected deliberately. At most, some legends appear.

It can be said that life is very smart.

But they had to come again, because the horror that Sisorn, the source of bloodline power, came from his soul made them irresistible.

In front of Li Mo's horrible tentacles, followed by Weston's soul curse, many dark creatures can only rush forward with their heads daring.

Thousands of kilometers of tentacles bombarded the ground and splashed a large black charcoal mud, but because of the dispersion of these dark creatures, not many were killed.

Li Mo is also a little helpless. In this case, summoning big eyeballs is a good choice, but the hot rays cannot be used, because it will turn this place into a real flame **** by accident.

The dark creatures quickly entered the dense forest of Mount Wandag, but were later ravaged.

Here is the world of ancient giant worms. Li Mo and Saul flew up, and some dark creatures walking on land were under siege.

Ancient horses, large poisonous scorpions, and daisy-like teeth-like mottled monsters pounced on these dark creatures.

Although the hard shells of these giant worms can be easily broken by dark creatures, the number of them is too large, coupled with their huge size, it quickly causes huge casualties to scattered dark creatures.

The most terrifying thing is the giant mosquitoes like black clouds. In this period, there were already a large number of ancient pupae that prey on insects. The mosquitoes reached 40 cm in size. The huge number made them nightmares.

A werewolf just smashed a few three-meter-long giant ancient puppets and screamed and ran out. In a few steps, he lay on the ground without any movement. Behind him was a series of giant mosquitoes that were full of blood like basketball ...

Li Mo almost didn't laugh when he saw it. He joked to Karuru: "Are you guys here to deliver food?"

Wanda, who belonged to Carulu, snorted and did not speak. Suddenly the chaos magic in the whole body burned like a flame, and gradually pushed away his tentacles.

Li Mo suddenly felt wrong. He only knew that the magic of chaos was very powerful, but it was not clear which step he could take.

Suddenly, the tentacles were empty, and Wanda, who was attached to Karuru, suddenly moved into the space crack, all the chaos magic flowed out, and the gap in the space that had been blocked was opened with a gap, and his hand was extended in.


Li Mo was taken aback and dragged Wanda around with a tentacle, but it was late ...

An extremely depressed dullness appeared in the space, as if the fear of walking alone in the darkness alone.

From that crack, black magma like living creatures began to appear, and the surrounding ground seemed to be polluted, and it soon became completely black.

"Get back!"

Li Mo roared, and the flames of the flames next to it instantly grew larger, emitting a thin beam of arms from one eye.

This is the neutron star ray of McQueen. Although the clone is far less powerful than the body, its temperature has reached 6000 ° C on the surface of the sun. The emitted light instantly illuminates the entire mountain top, and the glacial snow starts to melt rapidly.

Those dark substances are just the breath of Sisorn's body just before entering, and by the way, corrode and expand the entire space crack.

But even so, McQueen's powerful neutron star rays can only destroy the irradiated parts, and do not have much effect at all.

Of course, Li Mo will not only do this. The three tentacles are immediately blocked on the entire space crack. The power of the real gem is constantly being extracted from the body. Under the change of the space rules, this crack is slowly closing.

However, he felt that a force of absolute darkness was also emerging from the opposite side. Although it became a little weak after countless space barriers, it still offset the power of most realistic gems and closed the space very slowly.

Just then, Wanda, who was pulled around, suddenly made a voice that was not human, and a smoky figure emerged from his body.

At first glance, Li Mo knew that it was the soul of the dark mage. He grabbed his eyes quickly and smashed into the netherfire of McQueen and burned it clean.

At this time, a large group of dark creatures that could fly also came to the top of the mountain, no matter the hawk banshee, poisonous dragon, or bat vampire all swooped up in a crazy gesture.

Thor jumped to Li Mo with a roar. Because there was no vegetation on the mountain top and there was a lot of melting snow, he could use the power of thunder and lightning.

Li Mo asked McQueen to open a door of dimension, and a team of thousands of virtual air forces flew out. With Sol's cooperation, the dark creatures in the sky disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing victory, Wanda, who was already in a coma, suddenly gripped Li Mo's neck and dragged him up.

Li Mo instinctively looked into Wanda's eyes, but as if he saw a black hole, his soul gradually became addicted ...

The tentacles of the sky suddenly disappeared, but the space crack was also re-blocked by the force of a large number of realistic gems, and the black liquid of McQueen's neutron star evaporated all the black liquid.

There seemed to be a little impatience on Wanda's face, and the chaotic magic that had turned black instantly poured from his arm into Li Mo's body.

McQueen on the side was about to launch a hot ray of neutron stars at Wanda, but was dispelled directly by the magic of chaos.

When Sol looked anxious, he felt an unprecedented unimaginable evil descend on Wanda, and immediately thundered with thunder and thunder.


Wanda stopped him with the other hand. The black chaos magic and Sol's thunderbolt constantly offset the splash, and barely maintained the balance.

Wanda turned his head indifferently, and looked at Thor with horrific eyes like a black hole.

A heroic Sol never experienced this feeling.

When the solar system was just formed, the same hunch as the gods at dusk appeared again.

And this time, Sol predicted his death.

At what instant he was confused, to be honest he was not afraid of death, but when the future of Asgard's hundreds of thousands of people was on his shoulders, he was afraid of death.

Li Mo, who felt he was in a bad mood, asked a question, but Sol didn't want to be distracted and dealt with the past casually.

But now when looking at the black hole eyes of Wanda, Sol's fear was magnified infinitely, and suddenly the power of thunder and lightning disappeared, and he screamed and fell into the mud.

Wanda slowly turned her head back to Li Mo, but her eyes were covered directly by a pair of big hands, and her body was wrapped around by the tentacles that suddenly appeared, and she fell to the ground with Li Mo.

The moment Moore was distracted by Sol, Li Mo awoke.

He shouted to Sol, who was struggling to climb over, "Don't come!"

"A trace of Weston's soul is attached to Wanda, and I will find a way to expel it. You protect me from being disturbed!"

After that, he looked at Wanda intently.

The power of real gems kept pouring in, but it barely suppressed the soul of Weston.

Because this is a true soul of West Thorne, who has controlled the magic of chaos in Wanda's body.

Li Mo knew that he had to let Wanda regain control of his body before he could be expelled from Weston, so he bit his teeth and rushed into Wanda's head ...

Not far away, Sol climbed up with mud all over him. He wanted to go to see it, but he had great fear in his heart.

"I can't let Li Mo be disturbed!" Sol gave a half-hearted comfort to himself, but his heart was angry with his fear.

He turned to look at the dark creatures that were about to be wiped out in the air, and squeezed his fists to rush up.


"My divine power!"

Sol was dumbfounded, he couldn't feel the lightning power in his body, and after working hard for a long time, he knelt in the mud weakly.

On the other side, Li Mo's soul has entered the sea of ​​consciousness in Wanda.

He saw a group of evil figures shining with the black asphalt, seemingly wearing a cape, and seemingly a boundless dark universe, which was constantly contending with the power of real gems.

Li Mo quickly turned his head, avoided Sisorn's soul, and continued to move deeper into the ocean of Wanda's consciousness ...

I do not know how long, he saw a faint aura of light in the boundless darkness, and quickly approached the past.

The light of Wanda's soul had shrunk, and the faintness was almost extinguished. When Li Mo approached, he hid as if frightened.

Li Mo knew that Wanda's spirit was very unstable, but he didn't expect it to become like this, he could only continuously convey warmth and kindness, just like stroking the frightened little rabbit.

Gradually, Wanda's soul no longer avoided, Li Mo wrapped his flame with his own soul.

There is no doubt that he has evolved into a high-dimensional creature. He is far more powerful than Wanda's soul, so he easily entered the world of Wanda's soul.

Here is a vast lonely dark steppe, cold and windy. There were dim stars in the sky, and Wanda trembled sitting on the ground with her hands on her knees.

"Hey, girl, don't be afraid, cheer up!"

Li Mo sat beside him and whispered a few words, but Wanda didn't seem to be listening.

After shaking her slightly, she heard Wanda muttering in an obscure voice: "Mom, dad, Pietro ... don't leave me alone, I'm really scared ..."

Li Mo frowned, when he dealt with the nightmare king, he saw the fear of Wanda. It was a loneliness that lost all his loved ones. He thought he had been overcome at that time, but he did not expect it to be suppressed and hidden deeper.

"Cheer up, they don't want to see you like this!"

"You still care about your mentors and friends ..."

After a few words of persuasion, Li Mo persuaded that he had no effect, but he stood up and looked around.

This is an environment that makes people feel extremely lonely. It is also the inner feeling of Wanda. Unfortunately, only she can go out.

Time is running out. If this continues, Wanda's soul will inevitably annihilate, and Weston will completely control the body to reopen the cracks in space, and then he can only choose to destroy Wanda's body.

After frowning for a moment, Li Mo put his hand on Wanda's head, and then dark stars appeared in his eyes ...

Wanda felt that she had come to a Chinese city, it should be China, but she understood everything.

There is no supernatural power here. All people are struggling to survive in the dust. Wanda, under the guidance of Li Mo, enters different bodies and experiences their lives.


Under a dim light,

A thin boy is looking at his book, and the noise of parents' quarrel is heard next door, which is the property of the divorced family.

I think of the weird eyes of school classmates, the words of caring and mechanical like of the teacher, the ridiculous ridicule of relatives ...

At this moment, the child felt extremely lonely, and the book was gradually wet with tears.


Inside an office building.

A white-collar worker is working overtime in a lonely light.

His waist and cervical spine continued to ache, and he had to stand up and walk a few times from time to time.

The old problem of stomach pain was recurred, so I took out the painkiller and drank it with hot water.

Without a hint of inspiration, tomorrow is the deadline given by the leader.

Looking at the bright moon outside the window, the white-collar sighed.

It's great that parents can take care of themselves when they are old.

Intrigue between co-workers, girlfriend's arrogance and incomprehension, friends with small calculations ...

No one can understand all the suffering,

All the losses can only be tasted on their own,

At this moment, being in a bustling city is like staying in ice and snow.

He felt extremely lonely.


In a KTV.

A middle-aged man owner is sitting in the middle of the sofa.

The staff constantly complimented and drank the beer boldly.

The singing lady surrounded her, and kept talking about some false sweet words.

The middle-aged boss had a smile on his face, but his heart was indifferent. He knew everything was false.

The more money you make, the faster your surroundings become.

Once good friends began to be polite, and love and affection began to be mixed with the benefits of money.

At some point, he began to be quiet, because no one spoke.

The middle-aged boss took out a stack of hundred-dollar bills from his wallet, spread his hands, and fell like snowflakes.

In the screams of surprise,

With a smile on his face, he was lonely.


Shirtless migrant workers sleeping on the construction site, subject leaders in charge of the project, single mothers taking care of the children ...

Wanda realized that an individual was finally awake after he was born, and he looked at Li Mo who appeared beside him with some confusion, "Why?"

With a wave of Li Mo, they returned to the grassland under the dark starry sky.

"Ordinary people often lose their spiritual support."

"The pursuit of ideals is not understood."

"Geniuses and ordinary people don't have a common language."

"Everyone is afraid of loneliness, but loneliness is inevitable."

"Everyone has a unique heart ~ ~ is doomed to share, so everyone has a time of despair."

"But it comes from ourselves after all, and the outside world just amplifies this emotion. In the journey of life, everyone has their own way."

"Unaccompanied is the norm!"

Wanda was silent for a while, "What should I do?"

Li Mo shrugged. "You have to ask yourself. No one can pull you out."

Wanda stopped talking, and stood there for a long time, and gradually squeezed her lips, squatted down, covering her face, and tears kept flowing down ...

Although she was crying, a sun appeared on the prairie horizon, and Buddha Xiao pierced the darkness.

Li Mo looked at the light, and smiled on his face.

"Loneliness can ruin someone, and it can be a person. What you fear will make you full of power in the end!"

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