Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 304: Thor's Premonition

? As Wanda gets rid of her lonely fear, her soul seems to have been injected with strength, and thrives at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

With the help of Li Mo, Wanda regained control of her chaotic magic bit by bit, and the original dark soul space was gradually occupied by the purple-red light.

As Elder Agatha, the High Priestess of the Earth, said, this time when Wanda regained control of her power, she would be completely free from the influence of Weston.

The real soul of the big demon shadow West Thorne felt all this, trying to break through the blockade of the real gem power, and once again exert influence on the soul of Wanda.

The entire soul space began to tremble violently.

"Brother, don't struggle, no chance!"

Li Mo laughed a little, increasing the input of real gem power.

The purple jewel power held the real soul of the big demon shadow West Thorne firmly in place, and he would modify that power whenever he wanted to break through.

Finally, Wanda regained control of her chaos magic.

At the reminder of Li Mo, she directly cast the expulsion spell on the real soul of West Thorne in her own consciousness.

The power of chaos magic is manifested at this moment, and it can be transformed into any power, whether divine power or dimensional energy.

The golden magic circle appeared instantly, shrouded in the black real soul that Sisorn's regiment kept bumping left and right, and soon stopped it, and gradually became transparent ...

Just when Li Mo and Wanda were relieved, West Thorne's true soul suddenly spun in place, drawing a huge circle and breaking apart fiercely.

At the same time, a strange mark imprinted on Li Mo's soul, breaking through the limitation of space.

The aggressiveness of Li Mo's face followed by boundless anger.

"Your grandma! Would you rather give up this soul, and draw a circle to curse me? How stingy!"

Angrily, he returned to his avatar, and immediately used the power of the real gem to try to dispel the cursed mark.

However, this thing is just as bad as the nougat. Under the blessing of Weston's soul power, it is no longer the power of real gems to shake.

Immediately, a whisper, if any, rang in his ear, which was an indistinguishable language, such as the sound of torn paper in the night.

Killing, violent ... the darkness deep in all souls is constantly being amplified.

Li Mo stood in place, his face was unpredictable, various expressions continued to appear, the strange breath on his body became more and more intense, the surrounding space was obscure, and the tentacles began to stretch out ...

At this moment, a round light ball suddenly appeared, isolating Westorn's curse mark, and Li Mo quickly recovered to normal.

He breathed a sigh of relief. This was the soul-protection method that the Queen of Dreams gave him at the time. It originated from the last universe. At that time, it was to prevent this situation. Now it finally comes in handy.

However, the curse of Weston's seems to be too powerful. Although the soul is no longer affected, the whispers in his ears continue to sound, and the mark of curse is still eroding the soul protection circle.

Li Mo shook his head upset, then looked around.

Wanda had been awake and sat on the ground, but her soul was traumatized, and her tired upper and lower eyelids were fighting, and she kept nodding and lethargic.

There were corpse fragments of dark creatures everywhere, the Air Force Regiment was faithfully guarding it, and Sol was kneeling in the muddy water with his head down and wondering what he was thinking.

Li Mo frowned, walked over and asked, "Hey man, what's wrong with you?"

Sol looked up at him blankly, "My power is gone ..."

"Impossible, you are the Asa Protoss and have inherited the power of Odin."

Li Mo shook his head. "Probably the reason why I'm not used to it. Then we will go to the dwarf king Aicui to rebuild a thunder hammer, maybe we can reintroduce the divine power."

There seemed to be some light in Sol's eyes, "Can you do it?"

"It should be okay." Li Mo patted his shoulder, then came to the space crack left by Sisorn.

You can still feel the slightest spatial fluctuation here, just like a scar is hard to heal.

Li Mo-Leng continued to modify with the power of realistic gemstones, and soon repaired the crack completely.

This guy in Weston is so powerful that he must not leave a trace of trouble.

Nodded in satisfaction, just ready to leave with Sol and Wanda, Li Mo suddenly turned his head to a vacant lot in the distance, "Who is there!"

As he spoke, he summoned a dozen tentacles to block the surrounding space.

A figure gradually showed his figure. He was wearing a black cloak in the infrared, pale and handsome features, a wisp of moustache on the shiny back, a classic vampire look.

He coughed and said absently: "I am a wanderer in the dark, a deserter of God, a blood king ... Dracula!"

"Emmm ... I'm just passing ..."

The famous Dracula?

To be honest, Li Mo had a slight interest in research, but was immediately upset by the cursing sound of Weston in his ear, and couldn't help shouting at the side: "Shut up!"

Dracula swallowed and raised his hands: "Okay, I'll leave now."

"Who told you to leave, just hiding behind and preparing for a sneak attack!" Li Mo Leng snorted, and the tentacles dancing like a python around him instantly squeezed towards Dracula.

Dracula turned into a bat colony for a while, and then became scattered blood, but was trapped in the center by the power of real gems and couldn't escape.

Seeing that it was going to die, Dracula yelled quickly: "Stop it, you demon, I know how to solve the curse of Sisorn!"

As soon as Li Mo's eyes lighted, he waved his hand to stop the tentacle group, and said with some suspicion, "Would you not lie to me, just on your ability?"

Dracula regained his breath, "It's a bit complicated. To be honest, it took me hundreds of years of curse to find a way."

"What's the way, tell me!" Li Mocing asked, he was almost annoyed by the curse of the soul reaching his ear.

"I said it was complicated, can we leave here first." Dracula's expression was bitter. "As soon as he woke up, he was rushed here by Sisorn, turned into a bat and flew across the ocean, and you got hit again. I'm really starving. "

"so troublesome!"

Li Mo shook his head, first opened the door of dimension to allow the Air Force Regiment to return, then rolled up the absent-mined Sol with the tentacles and Wanda who had fallen asleep, and flew towards the crack in the space at the entrance.

Dracula turned into a bat with a flat stomach and followed closely.

Li Mo didn't seem to care, but actually sensed Dracula's position, as soon as he showed signs of escape, he immediately shot him.

However, it is strange that Dracula did not leave at all, but was afraid of losing it.

Li Mo is thoughtful. Perhaps this guy really knows how to solve the curse, but he needs cooperation.

Just as they had just arrived at the crack in the space, a sparkling portal suddenly opened, and Strance came out with a little embarrassment, his face pale, and a few small openings on his cheeks.

Seeing that Li Mo and his team were safe and sound, Strinch breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I didn't expect the dark creature riots around the world. We were all dragged and we couldn't come to help."

"It's okay, it's resolved." Li Mo patted his shoulder.

Just then, Dracula, who was a step behind, rushed over and recovered human form from the bat.


Stranger was about to start as soon as he saw it.

Li Mo stopped him quickly. "I got the curse of Sisorn. He has a plan to lift it, right ... this guy is the famous Dracula."

"The curse of Weston!" Strinch was startled.

As the source of dark magic, sometimes even Domam and Mephisto relied on the power of Weston. His power is conceivable.

Strinch frowned. "Or, I can ask for the power of Emperor Vishan. They are the nemesis of black magic."

"Don't waste your energy." Li Mo shook his head. "How many times will your request be answered?"

"They are concerned about the balance of the magical powers of the earth, and they shouldn't impress me well, because I never get a hint of power in their spatial dimension."

Strinch was silent, and he knew that Lee Mo was right.

Later, he looked at Dracula aside and said to Li Mo softly: "I have seen Dracula's records in some ancient books. He is the same as Exterminator, even if he dies, he will be resurrected at a certain time. ... so you have to be careful. "

Dracula not far away waved. "Sorry, I can hear you."

However, Li Mo ignored his words and nodded to Strance: "Relax, the vampire should be afraid of the sun. If this guy dares to lie to me, throw him into the sun."

Dracula snored and stopped talking.

Later, Strange took the unconscious Wanda to Scotland and gave it to his mentor, Mrs. Agatha.

After contacting McQueen, Li Mo opened the door to the dimension of nothingness and said to Saul, "I have contacted the dwarven king Aicui, let's go."

After that, he brought Sol and Dracula to the door of dimension.

After entering ignorance, Li Mo blew a whistle, and the devil wolf, Fenrir, who had turned into a little milk dog, immediately stunned out, jumped into Li Mo's arms and was savagely rude.

Sol shook his head silently.

Behind him, Dracula admired, and a dark energy beam of light isolated him.

Dracula glanced at Li Mo, and he slumped to the ground with a weak forehead.

"Why are you playing with tnd, all the thousand-year-old monsters are shameless!" Li Mo said impatiently.

Dracula stunned his body for a moment and stretched out a trembling hand. "I ... I am anemia."

Li Mo rolled his eyes and dragged Thor to teleport away immediately, but before he left, he instructed the guard: "Give him a tube of pig and scorpion blood."


After bringing Sol to the upper part of the skull, despite the depression in Thor, he was attracted by the sight in front of him.

In front of it is a huge plain, with a fantastic city in the center, and huge alchemy buildings suspended in the sky.

The sky is a blue vein of energy, and it looks like the Milky Way across the sky from a distance.

On the other side of the eye socket, the former Nidaweile neutron star Dyson ball has become a huge eye. Behind the eye is a huge dwarf castle. A thick neutron star beam has entered a building in the center of the castle ...

"It's a miracle city ..." Sol couldn't help but sigh.

Li Mo also nodded holding Fenrir in his arms, "The big house has a bad dog at home, which is basically complete."

After the two entered the dwarf castle, the dwarven king Aicui had led a group of people waiting there.

Although he was separated from Asgard, his relationship with Sol was still very good. He bowed his head and gave Sol a hug and stretched out his right hand. "Dear King, my friend Sol, welcome to ... Ironforge. "

Apparently the dwarven king Aicui was very satisfied with the new home of the dwarves, and he continued to introduce him.

Although Li Mo was also very satisfied with his design, the cursing sound like a fly in his ear really made him feel unhappy.

The dwarf king Aicui saw that both of them had snacks and they were not in a trance. Apparently there was no interest in continuing to introduce them, and they took them directly to the forge furnace.

He picked up a huge square module like a brick. "Sor, my friend, you have good luck. Thor's Hammer is unique and we can't forge it anymore. But I still keep the powerful King Weapon Module, Storm Tomahawk! "

After seeing the surprise in Sol's eyes, the dwarven king Aichaha laughed, "Don't worry, let's forge now."

As he said, he ordered a dwarf to pour several large stars Ulu into the furnace. As the neutron star heats up, the alchemy array around the furnace emits dazzling brilliance, and Ulu alloy soon begins to melt.

The dwarven king stood beside the furnace and observed it for a while, and laughed at Sol below. "The furnace designed by the laboratory of truth is simply awesome. The quality of the forged weapons is better than before."

After finishing speaking, the handle was turned at once, and a stream of viscous molten iron slowly flowed down like a paste and poured into the King module.

Later, he personally broke the module, took over the metal axe handles made in advance by his men, and inserted them in the middle of the two axe blades.

Li Mo blinked, "Is this over?"

What about the good artifact, why is there no abnormal movement?

What surprised him even more was that the dwarven king Aicui lifted the axe and handed it to Sol.

Seeing Li Mo's surprised look, the dwarven king Aicui explained: "The king's weapon must cooperate with the divine power to play a powerful role. Because there is no Odin's spell, everyone can pick up the Storm Tomahawk."

"But compared with Thor's Hammer, Storm Tomahawk has a stronger magical guidance ability. Not only has it strengthened the lightning attack, it can even lead to a space shuttle ability similar to the Rainbow Bridge."

Li Mo shook his head, and the protoss body was really strong.

He knows that some people are qualified to pick up Thor's hammer, but without the cooperation of the divine power in the body, I am afraid that they cannot exert such powerful power as Thor.

Everyone looked forward to Sol.

However, Sol held a Storm Tomahawk for a long time and looked at the crowd with a bitter smile: "It doesn't work at all, I still can't feel the lightning power in my body."

"Impossible!" Dwarf King Aicui took the axe and frowned, and looked left and right, and said with certainty, "There is no problem at all, this is arguably the most outstanding weapon since Gunnell!"

"Not because of weapons." Sol's voice was bitter. "It's my own reason."

Li Mo didn't expect this to happen, and he pulled Sol aside and asked, "Hey man, what's going on?"

Saul was silent for a while and said, "I had a pre-screened picture of the solar system when it happened, and it was the scene when I died. Then Cissone's mental attack on me turned into this look."

"Is that because of this?" Li Mo was a little weird ~ ~ Maybe it was your cranky thoughts. "

"No, I know it's about to happen." Saul squeezed his fists. "It's exactly the same as the gods at dusk."

"Can you see what the enemy is?" Li Mo asked.

Sol shook his head.

"It's difficult." Li Mo touched his chin. "If you know the reason, maybe you can stop it in advance ..."

Saul was silent for a moment. "I'm not afraid of death. Death in battle is the best place for soldiers. I just worry about the future of my mother and the Asgard people."

"Can you do me a favor?" Sol looked at Li Mo. "If I really die, help Asgard have the hardest time until the new king appears."

Li Mo looked at Sol. "No, you don't need my help ..."

"What you need is a psychologist!"

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