Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 306: Back to the ancient paleontology

4 billion years ago was the beginning of the formation of the earth.

Although Li Mo has a way to travel through time and space, returning to that era is totally two concepts.

We say that 10,000 years is too long, and we only fight for it.

One hundred million years is 10,000 10,000 years, and it takes 40 such processes to return to the ancient paleontology.

The universe is flooding, the world is evolving, and time is the scariest thing in the universe.

At this moment, even with Li Mo's current strength, he felt a great fear, which was the awe of the universe.

Li Mo was silent, the air in the living room seemed a little quiet, and he could only hear the sound of boiling water in an iron teapot not far away.

To be honest, Li Mo was a little persuasive, and the cursing sound in his ear seemed to be less unbearable.

"It's too dangerous. Do you think I should go back?" Li Mo couldn't help but ask Old Lady Agatha.

The old lady smiled holding the black cat in her arms. "I don't think this question needs to be answered at all. Why did you become a magician, just for strength?"

Li Mo opened his mouth and didn't speak. He remembered why he went down this path.

In addition to power, they are more attracted to the infinite unknown.

"Isn't it enough to attract you to explore the truth of myth in a long unknown time?"

The old lady smiled. "As for the danger, why have we been safe since we set foot on this road?"

There was a smile on the corner of Li Mo's mouth, he didn't talk much, nodded to the old lady, and walked out of the door.

The old lady Agatha watched Li Mo's figure disappear gradually, sitting peacefully on the lounge chair and stroking the black cat in her arms.

And no one knows that the earth center connected to her consciousness, a huge conscious energy group, is slowly turning ...


Ignorantly, the laboratory of truth.

In the huge conference room, Li Mo leaned back on his chair and looked at Tony, Reed, and the boss and Velos of the Nether Master.

After he made up his mind, this time trip entered the preparatory stage.

He currently knows two ways. The first is Strange's time gem, and the second is his former time traveler's hut.

The time gem scheme has been ruled out for a number of reasons.

The first is that Stranger, as the guardian of gems, certainly will not hand over the gems to him casually. This is a matter of principle.

Secondly, even if you get the time gem, it takes a long time to familiarize and use it.

Most importantly, he cannot hold three gems at the same time under the gaze of a higher order existence.

So only the time travel hut is left.

The three stones have merged into the cornerstone of the world. The good thing is that McQueen can be separated again. Although it will affect the void dimension to some extent, it will not be a big problem in a short time.

So the most important thing now is to remake the time travel hut.

To be more secure, he called Tony and Reed to help.


Li Mo knocked on the table and interrupted the conversation. "You know everything, but this time I plan to go in a separate place, but the security can not be ignored."

"If the time travel hut is damaged, the time stone will be left in the long past, and it will be very troublesome."

"So, please, everyone ..."

With the mobilization of Li Mo, a design plan was continuously formed in the discussion of the people.

A month later, a spacecraft with a diameter of 100 meters and similar to a flying saucer has been roughly outlined.

Unlike the previous one, which had no mobility and combat capabilities, Tony designed flight and weapon systems, and Reed was responsible for the energy information center.

Under the technology reserve of Alchemy Technology and Truth Lab, this time shuttle has quite excellent defense and stealth functions, and even added phase technology and Pim particles, which can be zoomed in and out at will.

The shell is forged by the dwarf using magic metal, and even a little vibrato is added.

Li Mo had a hunch that this time shuttle machine would definitely allow him to complete the operation smoothly.


Los Angeles, USA.

In a small convenience store, a beautiful dark-haired girl, about nine years old, wearing a large coat, looked around, and stuffed a bag of potato chips into her clothes.

"Catch you!"

A white man next to him suddenly grabbed the girl's hand. "Damn thief, I've noticed you for a long time."

"Stop! She's just a poor child!"

A middle-aged lady next to her could not help but said, "I will pay for her and let go of your dirty hands."

"You don't know ..." The big white man was a little angry, "She just took me here as her home and took everything from me."

"That's not why you treat a child this way," the woman said indifferently.

Just as they were arguing, the dark-haired girl punched the vital part of the white man.

The white man screamed, his eyes straightened, and he collapsed and fell to the ground.

The dark-haired girl ran out desperately.

Avoiding pedestrians, crossing the streets and alleys, came to an abandoned warehouse.

The girl curled up panting in the middle of several quilts, holding back the roaring thunder in her stomach, and looked out of the window in confusion.

She didn't know her name, she didn't know where she came from, she just knew that she had grown up from an abandoned baby in just one month.

Just then, a fragrant chicken leg suddenly fell from the top of his head.

The girl was startled, stood up, looked up, and sat on a tall container box with a blond hot cheek, Hu Zhuanghan, looking at her with a gentle eye.

The girl seemed to understand something for a moment, hesitated and asked, "You look for me again ... Do you know who I am?"

"Yes ..." The big man smiled. "My name is Sol, and you are the second prince Rocky of Asgard, my brother. Um ... now my sister."

The girl's mind flashed countless moments, and that was another person's memory.

"Why am I doing this?" The girl asked, frowning.

Sull jumped off the box and walked, saying, "When you reincarnated, you carried a part of the divine power, so it made you grow a bit faster. But it seems to have been used up."

The girl took a step back calmly. "Even if you are telling the truth, I am not him!"

"Of course ..." Sol smiled. "You have your own thoughts and you will have your own life, but that doesn't change the fact that you are Prince Asgard ... well ... princess."

"Well, come back with me, my mother is waiting for you." Sol walked over and held the little girl's hand, "what's the next question?"

The girl struggled for a moment without breaking Sol's hand, and said helplessly, "Where are you taking me?"

"Back to Asgard ..."

Saul looked down and said the little girl.

The girl no longer struggled, leaving Sol to walk outside the door with a small hand, where a spacecraft had slowly landed.

After taking a few steps, the girl suddenly said, "In memory, our relationship does not seem to be very good."

Saul was silent for a moment, "No, it's just a naughty younger brother ... he is my family."

Suddenly, Sol seemed to feel something and looked into the sky.

Outside his line of sight, seven meteors suddenly fell from the sky and fell across the globe, triggering a violent earthquake.

"What are you looking at?" The little girl asked.

Saul remained silent for a while, but looked down at the little girl. "Rocky ... I'll call you Rocky."

"Do you want to go to the amusement park?"

Thor asked softly.

In Hell, Mephisto, sitting on the throne, showed an inexplicable smile ...



After McQueen put the stone of time, the time shuttle was finally completed.

From the smooth dish-shaped silver case, the complex alchemy array flashes from time to time.

Because Li Mo participated in the construction throughout the process, he knew the power of the time shuttle very much, and thanked everyone for his satisfaction.

Just as everyone was cheering, Reid suddenly asked Li Mo: "What if the **** you are looking for is not in that time?"

Speaking of which, Li Mo is also helpless. "The time span of the ancient **** period is too long. When the time comes, you can adapt to it. You can wear it a few times."

"I want to remind you!" Reed's expression was a little serious. "Just shuttle back to 4 billion years ago will consume all energy, and then if you want to shuttle time span greater than 100 million years, it will take at least three days to recharge. Protect yourself at this time! "

"Rest assured, I will." Li Mo patted Reid on the shoulder. "As a high-dimensional creature, my power transmission is not affected by time, so there should be no major problems."

"Anyway, stay safe!" Tony said aside.

Then, a brief celebration, after sending Tony and Reed away, Li Mo took Dracula into the time shuttle.

The cockpit is very spacious and equipped with medical and dormant cabins, and even a small laboratory.

"Are you afraid?" Li Mo suddenly asked Dracula next to him ~ ~ No. "Dracula shook his head." I feel more excited than ever. "

Li Mo smiled and started the time shuttle directly.

The space in the cockpit began to twist, winding everything together like a vortex.

Outside the spacecraft they couldn't see, the space-time shuttle flew across the horrible universe, surrounded by countless huge cosmic mirrors ...

I don't know how long, it seems to be eternal, and it seems to be an instant, the space in the cockpit has returned to normal.

"This ... is this here?" Dracula was a little surprised.

"Hmm ... maybe."

Li Mo was also a little uncertain, and immediately opened an observation window.

The scene outside the window opened their mouths ...

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