Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 307: origin

? Outside the window is a hellish scene.

The sky was filled with heavy rain, showing a dim orange-red color.

The undulating black stone thorn-shaped peaks stand like black monsters, and there are scattered irregular waters between the peaks.

From time to time, there were rumbling vibrations in the ground. Within a kilometer, two volcanoes erupted at the same time.


A huge meteorite suddenly fell from the sky, splashing thousands of meters of smoke and dust, the weak crust was penetrated, and the smoke and dust rushed over the sea, and the screen was blurred ...

The time shuttle landed on the plain on the side of a mountain peak. After being impacted, the protective energy shield was activated immediately. Although it resisted the shock wave, there was still a sharp shake in the cockpit.

"Are we in the wrong place?" Dracula could not help asking.


Li Mo shook his head. "This is the most turbulent moment at the beginning of the formation of the earth. The surface of the earth has just cooled and solidified. The original atmosphere and ocean are forming. There is no oxygen in the air and it is constantly being bombarded by meteorite."

"In this environment, even the ancient gods don't want to stay, are we here early?" Dracula said.

Li Mo touched his chin. "We explored in a spaceship, and if we didn't find it, we went down the time."

After speaking, under the driving of Li Mo, the silver butterfly time shuttle quickly flew up.

From time to time, huge meteorites will fall, but they are smartly avoided by the butterfly shuttle. A streamer flashed and had reached outer space of the earth.

Viewed from a height, the earth has no subsequent water-blue appearance, showing a dark color that alternates between black and red. Black is land and a large number of lakes, while red is an uncooled magma river.

None of this matters, because they caught the eye of another thing.

"This ... Is this the moon?" Dracula stammered. "What a ghost!"

In their sight, the moon showed a weird oblate shape, as if a huge donut was shrinking towards the center.

"What was strange at the beginning of the moon."

Li Mo shook his head. "The celestial matter suspended in orbit began to converge towards the center. You see, there is still a lot of vaporous matter on the periphery."

"Some say it comes from the separated structure of the earth, and some say it comes from the collision of heaven and earth, but if you want to know what's going on, you need to go back to an older age."

Li Mo started the planetary scanner while explaining, and was surprised ...

Scans show that in the center of the forming moon, there is a huge spaceship outline, two kilometers in diameter, with a weird style.

Even more surprising is that the spacecraft is still continuously launching gravitational waves, pulling meteorites from the ancient solar system to bombard the earth.

"What is this?"

Li Mo could not help but swear.

He quickly activated the largest level of protective cover, and it was strange that the ship did not seem to find them, and the energy like dying struggling was very weak.

Although Li Mo temporarily relieved her heart, all kinds of questions came to mind.

When did this spaceship come to Earth?

Is the formation of the moon related to it?

What did it attack the earth for?

With doubt, Li Mo scanned the earth again.

A strong signal appeared near the equator.

Will it be an ancient god?

Li Mo did not hesitate to press the 3D imaging system ...

After seeing the image presented, Dracula opened his mouth wide. "Is this ... is this the Creator?"


Li Mo shook his head, his face was a little serious, "This is the body of a **** group!"

In the three-dimensional image, there is a corpse of the Tenjin group. He is wearing weird primitive armor, his head is deeply covered by a mask, and only a row of electronic eyes can be seen.

This Tenjin group knelt on the ground on one knee without any energy response around it. The brown and black armor still looked smooth and shiny.

Li Mo thought about his chin.

Why did the Earth of the Pluto period have a corpse of the Tenjin group?

What is the cause of his death?

What does it have to do with the spacecraft on the moon?

With various questions, Li Mo drove the time shuttle to land near the body of the Tenjin group.

Because they are both extraordinary lives, there is no such thing as a mask even without oxygen.

You can feel the height of this corpse only when you get closer.

Some data indicate that the erect height of the Tenjin Formation is 600 meters. Even if you bend to kneel, there are almost 300 meters, which is equivalent to a hundred-story high-rise building on the earth.

The earth in the flood days, the corpses of the mysterious Tenjin group in the universe, the meteors and boiling volcanoes that cut through the sky from time to time, formed a picture full of vast mystery, which left them unable to speak for a long time.

Li Mo has always been curious about the creatures of the Tenjin Group. Of course, he will not miss this kind of good thing. After approaching, he investigates carefully.

First of all, this armor is made of unknown metal. After measurement, the strength actually reached the level of vibrating gold.

Li Mo does not need to devour metal evolution now, otherwise he will never let it go.

He then drilled through a gap in the armor, and unexpectedly nothing was inside. Li Mo noticed that there were a lot of black viscous liquid condensate in the gaps of many armors. It seemed that a jar of asphalt was leaking out of the armor.

Li Mo touched his chin, which was interesting ...

The first thing he thought of was his ignorance. Most of the previous rumors thought that they were the bodies of the Tenjin group, but they looked nothing like their body shape.

And ignorantly without armor, skeletal muscles are more humanoid.

Unlike the ignorance of being preserved for so long, the corpse of the Tenjin group in front of them has all melted.

What made him like this?

Li Mo carefully removed some of the condensate and was ready to return to the laboratory for analysis.

Just then, Dracula outside suddenly exclaimed, "Come, what is this?"

Li Mo flew out and found a beautiful scene in front of him.

This place has not undergone complicated geological changes. There are potholes like lakes everywhere, connecting the distant primitive ocean.

At this time, the sky was dark. The corpse of the Tenjin group was more than ten meters in the water. With him as the center, a faint green fluorescence appeared in the water, which extended the entire water system.

Li Mo measured it with a simple instrument that he took with him, and couldn't help but be a bit shocked: it was a large amount of raw organic matter, and cells had begun to form.

"Do you know what this means?" Li Mo couldn't help asking Dracula.

Dracula also swallowed, saying harshly: "Origin ..."

Li Mo stood up, unable to calm down for a long time.

The origin of Marvel's earth creatures is like this ...

He suddenly remembered how precious the Earth's soul was in hell, and perhaps that was one of the reasons.

Then again, will the gods be so great at sacrificing themselves and achieving a civilization?

The scattered data obtained by Li Mo shows that the Tenjin group is a race with its own laws. They have a unique judgment system and do not even do much to destroy civilization.

So how did this guy die?

Li Mo started to operate the eye of the dimension to the greatest extent, and sensed the pulsation of the whole earth with his soul.

In his eyes, the earth changed completely.

The appearance of the environment is as bad as hell, but the veins of the entire earth are full of vitality, like a huge seed that is sprouting.

And deep down in the earth's heart, he felt a splendid and huge body of consciousness, what seemed to be wrapped ...

Even with the soul of his high-dimensional life, he felt the majestic pressure in front of this consciousness, just like the same drop of water facing an ocean.

Li Mo swallowed, and retreated carefully.

He really didn't dare to explore it anymore. It was a kind of pan-consciousness, perhaps the source of the ancient gods of the earth, and it was definitely not a mess.

Dead **** group, mysterious spaceship in the center of the moon, the origin of life, the core of the earth far beyond imagination ...

This mystery constitutes a huge mystery, which makes Li Mo very uncomfortable and really wants to figure out what happened.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at the corpse of the Tenjin group, turning his eyes to observe the past.

But the time span is too long ...

10,000 years, 20,000 years ... the bodies of the Tenjin group have always stood there.

Li Mo gritted his teeth, infrequently infused the energy, and even forgot the length of time.

Finally, boom, some pictures appeared in Li Mo's mind ...

A few years ago, the earth's environment was even worse than it is now. It was a lava planet spraying steam.

A portal like a giant flame tornado suddenly appeared in the sky, and that **** group suddenly appeared and fell on the earth.

He walked a few steps, kneeling on the ground, and the black oil-like liquid slowly leaked out of the gap like the creek-like armor.

At the same time, there were also a lot of weird creatures like locusts, with pale blue fluorescence, and the body that appeared from time to time like a shuttle, covering a large area quickly.

They began to devour the ground quickly, but suddenly a suction came from the depths of the earth, swallowing all the locusts into the heart at once.

These weird locusts didn't seem to be powerful, they were shattered by the forces in the center of the earth, and the corpses turned into a faint aura of light flooding the earth's veins.

However, their eggs seem to be immortal, and they have been detained in large numbers deep in the heart.

The dying Tenjin Formation seemed a little surprised, and gathered its strength and waved its hands. An asteroid with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers suddenly appeared in the outer orbit of the earth and blasted directly towards the earth.

After the terrible collision between the heavens and the earth, the rotation speed and orbit of the earth changed, and numerous fragments splashed on the orbit of the original moon.

The center of the earth seems a bit unstable, and the eggs of the locusts are starting to move ...

The hanging God group suddenly took a step back, seeming to be taken aback, observed for a long time, and found that as the earth gradually stabilized, the locust eggs became quieter with it.

The Tenjin group thought for a long time, suddenly raised their hands, and a giant flame tornado-shaped portal appeared. An eccentric spacecraft flew out and directly entered the lunar orbit. A large number of rock fragments began to converge toward the center.

After doing all this, the Tenjin group also lost its last life, and suddenly kneeled on the ground on one knee, the black liquid in the body could no longer be controlled, and it continued to flow from the gap of the armor to the ground ...

Li Mo woke up suddenly, his consciousness was blurred, and he sat on the ground stumbled.

The personal terminal shows that the time has just passed one second.

After a while, Li Mo began to recall the pictures he saw, connected to the current situation, and gradually traced the context of things in his heart.

A Tenjin group member was infected by this locust-like life and came to Earth before dying.

The earth has its own special unknown point. It actually detained all locust eggs and absorbed the locust's body into the vein of life planet.

The members of the Tenjin group wanted to destroy the earth, but almost released the locusts. They could only helplessly create a spacecraft-like monitor and place it in the center of the moon.

While the spacecraft performed its monitoring duties, it continued to drag the meteorite to the earth, seemingly to attack, but in fact it was for reinforcement.

With his death, spirituality was also absorbed by the earth and incorporated into the planetary consciousness, making it rapidly expand and be able to better trap locusts.

The tissue fluid after his death, together with the planetary veins that combined the locust corpses, contributed to the origin of life on Earth ...

Li Mo patted his thigh,

"It turns out that Earthlings are cosmic locusts!"

"What locust?" Dracula asked amid the fog.

"You have a hallucination." Li Mo dealt with it casually, and he decided to hide this dangerous secret deep in his heart.

Dracula shook his head, no more questioning, looked around and said, "We are too early, the ancient **** has not yet appeared."

"You're right." Li Mo nodded. "We rested for two days and left after recharging."

"What time are we going to do this time?" Dracula asked.

Li Mo stroked his chin and said, "According to the crack in the space left by Sisorn, he inferred that he should have escaped earlier than the Devonian."

"Originally we should have gone directly to that era, but I found that there are too many unknowns on the earth. Legends and facts are seriously deviated. In order to ensure success, we must restore the true context of the ancient god."

"Well, you are the boss, listen to you." Dracula said with a shrug.

In the following time, Dracula, who was obsessed with film and television dramas, stayed in the shuttle machine, like a otaku.

Li Mo was extremely busy, collecting the solid body fluids of the Tenjin group and the original primitive life of the earth, these are the research materials of the truth laboratory.

In the end, the armor of the Tenjin group was shrunk with Pim particles and packed away.

In the last five hours two days later, a huge meteor-shaped light sphere suddenly struck the earth, causing a violent explosion near the South Pole.

An unimaginable earthquake happened. The ground ripped through thousands of kilometers of rifts, volcanoes erupted at the same time, and the rising smoke covered the sky, and then fell with the rain.

Li Mo knew this rain would last millions of years.

The earth will be in a world of water and fire.

"What happened?" Dracula, who felt the vibration, hurried out of the shuttle and asked.

Li Mo felt it again, and found that the pan-consciousness in the center of the earth had begun to slowly split. He pursed his lips and said, "The ancient **** of the earth has begun ..."

Dracula apparently raised his interest. "Shall we stay and take a look?"

Li Mo Leng snorted ~ ~ Do you know what the newly born life will do, instinctively chasing and devouring, seeking to grow. "

"Curious, you stay."

Dracula grinned. "That's fine, in fact, my curiosity is not that heavy."

Earth's vibration was getting stronger and stronger, Li Mo and Dracula rushed into the space-time shuttle to activate the protective cover.

Fortunately, the birth of the ancient **** did not happen overnight. Nothing happened until the charging was completed.

"Which time shall we go next?" Dracula asked.

"We need to avoid the time when the ancient **** grew up ... well, one billion years should be enough."

Li Mo said while entering the parameters,

"We go to Archaeology 1.5 billion years later!"

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