Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 320: Genetic warfare (3)

Survivor flagship, command capsule.

"She calls herself Carol Danfoss?"

Luo Nan was a little surprised at first, then looked out the window and ordered: "Send a shuttle to send her over."

"Who is she?" Caesar asked.

Ronan paused. "Do you know the original Empire Star Team?"

Caesar nodded. "Of course, they were my idols as a kid."

"She is the strongest of them, and a Kerry is half-breed with the Earth."

Luo Nan said as he glanced at Black Bat King.

Black Batman also showed a faint expression, and immediately became curious about this woman named Carol.

Suddenly, red light flashed in the cockpit. On the three-dimensional earth map, the dense red dots outside the star system began to move quickly to the center.

Luo Nan shouted immediately: "They attacked, all the ships, and organized the defensive formation!"


On the survivor ship, Carol was led by the soldiers to the shuttle passage.

The Cree soldier behind looked at the woman curiously, guessing its origin.

At this moment, a sudden red light flashed in the channel, and the sound of the central intellectual brain came along with the alarm: "Everyone's attention, they are being attacked! They are being attacked!"


Before a few people could react, the entire cabin was shaken violently.

The two soldiers were shaken up and down, and helped Fu Helmet and yelled at Carol, "Go back, the operation is terminated, now is not the time to leave!"

"I know."

Carol replied calmly, then clenched her fists, and the flame-like energy immediately spread from her arm to her body.

In the flashing light of red and white, the two soldiers widened their eyes and watched the woman's suit turned red and blue. The turbulent energy made her eyes glow, her blond hair floated, and a layer of armor was attached.

Later, the woman emerged through the wall like an unreal shadow, disappearing from the passage.

The two soldiers looked at each other.


The Farwolks launched a large-scale attack. Such large-scale siege battles rarely occurred in the interstellar era, because there were too many directions to choose to escape in three-dimensional space. Most rely on advanced spacecraft technology to track and hunt.

There are naturally other plots for the wolves to choose such a laborious act.

Countless French wolf clan spaceships appear outside the array of survivor spaceships, like a swarm of bees, covering the airtight surrounding the sky.

The survivor's camp immediately launched an attack, and missiles sprayed around like a waterfall, and the laser light continued to spread around.

In this case, choosing the attack direction has become a joke, because the enemy is up and down, left and right, and the survivor fleet burst out with the maximum attack fire almost instantly.

The brilliance produced by the continuous explosion of missiles lit up the entire space, but the loss of the Falcos was not large, because the heads were all heavy protective transport ships with excellent protective force fields.

The strange thing is that the Farwolks don't seem to be in a hurry to attack, but they are constantly approaching the survivor fleet.

At the survivor fleet flagship, Caesar frowned, looking at the glorious sky. "What the **** do these guys want?"

Luo Nan opened his mouth. "They, want us ..."

The black batman looked stern and turned out of the command cabin.


The McQueen launched an attack the first time, and a blue space shield emerged from the hull of the ship. The upgraded laser module concentrated on the bow of the ship and shuttled the Phantomx fleet at a phantom speed. Behind him was a series of bursting spacecraft.

However, Li Mo did not have a trace of joy. Although McQueen was invincible, there were too many enemies. The entire starry sky looked at all the spaceships of the Falcos.

"McQueen, how long will the dimension portal take?"

"According to estimates, it will take 15 minutes, but this number may be extended, and the strength of spiritual prayer here is weakening."

"what happened?"

Li Mo frowned, waved a hand, the scene changed suddenly, and a real-time scene of the survivor fleet appeared.

It turned out that those heavy transport ships of the Farwolx tribe immediately split and sprayed numerous small shuttles after approaching the survivor fleet.

These shuttles dodge the laser guns flexibly with irregular curved movements, and attach themselves to a large transport ship like parasites.

The shuttle machine then activated the laser fuser to dissolve a large circular hole in the hull of the transport ship, and the Fawolks who had transformed into a metal profile poured in like a tide.

These transport ships have long been in hell, and countless soldiers have formed a line of defense to fire wildly, trying to stop these demons, and behind them are horrified screaming crowds.

These Farwolks had powerful metal bodies. Although they were partially destroyed by the set fire, the follow-up troops even surged up.


A soldier fired a bomb, destroying the entire passageway, and the nearly 100-meter-long chaotic steel frame collapsed to block the enemy's attack.

They can no longer care about the safety of the spacecraft, and can hold on to the hope of surviving for a while.

As these soldiers breathed a little sigh of relief, several other walls of the cabin suddenly burst, and more foxes came in like ants.

They jumped towards the survivors like crazy dogs, and changed into a slimy silvery white liquid in the air, spreading like rain on the survivor crowd.

The horrific transformation began, and the crowd went crazy ...

About tens of thousands of survivor carriers are going through the same scene.

Survivors in these cities will certainly not continue to pray, and as a result, their overall mental strength has diminished.

"You must stop these guys immediately!"

Li Mo cut off Ding Tietie, and then looked at the sword.

Dou Jian nodded solemnly, turned and left the cabin.

"Can we win?" Princess Lilith was a little dazed by the severe situation in front of her, and couldn't help asking Li Mo.

Li Mo looked at the constantly smashing French Wolfs in front of the cabin and said firmly, "I can win! Only 15 minutes ..."


As soon as Captain Carroll Danfoss came out of the transport spacecraft, he saw the densely-packed Faulquex shuttles on his face.

Although they don't know what these shuttles do, Captain Marvel decides to stop them.

Her entire body was burning with dazzling energy, and a sharp rush suddenly turned into a meteor beam.

A turbulent mass of light appeared in the sky in an instant, connecting all the shuttles rushing to this spaceship. This was an energy trace left too fast.


Almost all shuttles exploded at the same time.

Carol calmly turned her gaze to the other side, and the survivor carrier, two kilometers away, had climbed like a parasite over the wolves shuttle.

She immediately understood the role of these shuttles, and rushed into a streamer, bursting all the shuttles in an instant and rushing into the spacecraft.

The survivors on this spacecraft were already in dire straits, and a large number of the wolves were surrounded by them. Just before the transformation, Captain Marvel rushed in.

Dazzling light spots and explosions kept ringing. In just a few seconds, all the wolves were turned into residues.

The survivors looked at this woman who was like a **** of heaven, and couldn't help cheering in tears, deliberately venting the joy of the rest of the life after the disaster.

Carol nodding in the air nodded and turned to leave.

Suddenly a voice came from the crowd, "Ma'am, can we survive, what should we do?"

"I do not know."

Carroll was helpless, and despite her strength, she felt a little powerless in the face of such a huge cosmic war.

Then she thought of something, her face shrugged strangely, "Maybe, I can only pray."

After saving the next ship again, Carol flew into space.

All eyes were full of horrible laser light and missiles, apparently she had become the target of the Falcos.

However, Carol stayed in the void without blinking, letting dense laser beams hit her.

After the dazzling light, Carroll's energy was more surging, and it seemed that the attack just recharged her.

As she turned to fly to another ship at a faster speed, all shuttles on the ship also exploded at the same time, and a red and blue light and shadow appeared in front of her instantly.

Dou Jian looked at Carol and nodded with satisfaction, and seemed to appreciate her strength, then turned around and flew to other ships.

Carroll's face turned black, and he rushed towards another spacecraft not far from the sword.

She is the most determined feminist. Of course, it is not the kind of feminism that requires men to raise and does not want to assume obligations, but the character that is stronger than men.

It had something to do with her childhood and was therefore unheard of, no matter where she was.

But it is also because of this tough character that has contributed to her current achievements.

The sword is not malicious, but such a rare expression of such a powerful woman makes Carol very unhappy.

The bucket sword had just solved the Farwolx clan on a ship, and when he flew out, he saw Captain Marvel who solved the battle easily, and shrugged at him, saying that it was normal.

Dou Jian's face rushed into another spacecraft, and Carol was close behind.

The two men fought like crazy, and actually gradually slowed down the offensive of the wolves.

After solving the unknown number of enemies, the two met again, and actually produced a feeling of being a hero.

Numerous shuttles sprayed in the sky, and just as they were eager to try to rush up, the black bat king flew over.

"Go to death!"

After roaring, he turned away in the explosion ...

The fighting sword and Carol looked at each other, and focused their eyes on the Black Bat King.

The poor Black Bat King suddenly had scalp numbness. He didn't know what happened, he just wanted to solve the battle as soon as possible.

Just then, a green light sphere suddenly appeared over the galaxy, and then quickly expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon reached more than 3,000 kilometers.

This amazing vision attracted both sides on the battlefield, and the entire battlefield seemed to be quiet at once.

In the eyes of everyone, a huge horror skull appeared, covering the sky, and the right eye exuded a horrible light.

Even more frightening is that this skull is surrounded by ocean-like purple and black flames, composed of countless small skulls.

Like a demon came ...

Because McQueen came in response to the call of 2 billion Cree survivors ~ ~ So they felt the coming of God at the first time, and knelt down on the ground with tears in prayer.

On the survivor's flagship, Luo Nan was frightened. He had seen ignorance, but he did not expect to be changed by Li Momo.

Caesar's lips trembled, apparently bringing back many memories.

Carol and the sword looked at each other,

Is this Void Lord?

The corner of Li Mo's mouth bent slightly, "McQueen, give them a cool first!"

"Okay, boss."

In everyone's eyes, the huge ignorance slowly turned, and in front of the right eye, a two kilometer thick neutron star beam began to condense.


The entire galaxy is instantly illuminated ...

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