Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 321: Genetic warfare (4)

It's like skylight that traverses the whole universe.

Two kilometres of neutron star rays spurted out and instantly penetrated the entire galaxy.

McQueen's goal is to command the flagships of the Farwolks to hide behind millions of warships.

Each of these flagships is forty kilometers long, and all of them are behemoths in the interstellar combat sequence, and people can't even see the margins when standing on it.

However, compared with ignorance of almost 10,000 kilometers, it is like a small fish around.

When ignorance appeared, they were shocked, but they were not afraid, because the large size meant that they were slow, like elephants falling into the lake, after all, they would be framed by a large number of piranhas.

However, with the start of the neutron star rays of McQueen's right-eye starburst weapon, a great fear instantly enveloped all the wolves.

Yes, this race is cold-blooded and cruel, but when Ultron gave them free thought, the instinct of fear was born.

The five flagships of the Farwolks clan frantically tried to turn around to avoid, but everything was too late.

The neutron star rays instantly penetrated a central flagship, and all the spacecraft along the way were gasified. Even the spacecrafts within two kilometers were sprayed into residue by electromagnetic storms caused by the rays.

It's not over yet.

With the turning of McQueen's neutron star's eyes, the neutron star's rays began to sweep and move. The remaining flagships that it was trying to avoid were destroyed and destroyed, and destroyed a large number of Frankish-type spaceships along the way.

It's like a flaming soldering iron reaching into a dense ant colony, destroying everything irresistibly.

The wolves were finally scared. In the case of losing the central flagship command, their heads and heads were insanely dodging, and a large number of loopholes suddenly appeared.

But the people on the survivor's battleship had long lost their minds about running away, leaping and cheering wildly with tears in their eyes, and made up their minds to fight with their gods to the end.

Carol and Dou Jian were stunned. Although they were both Superman, one without fear of any energy, and one who could explode the star with his bare hands, he felt the fear of death in a moment.

Princess Lilith took an incredible look at Li Mo. She did not expect that this guy who usually looked dangling as a man actually had a system that compared or even surpassed the power of the star-eating starburst weapon.

Caesar connected to the McQueen communication and asked tremblingly, "Teacher, what is this ... what weapon is this?"

The corner of Li Mo's mouth crooked,

"If you want to kill 000, stare at who died!"

After a full minute, the neutron star rays stopped ejecting, and it took ten minutes for the cooling to start again.

The siege circle of the Farwolks has long been disturbed. In the case of losing command, I don't know what to do for a while.

Ultron, who was far away from the capital Harasin, knew the situation here and immediately took over the command.

On a heavy sequence ship, the central intellectual brain was twisted for a while and turned into Ultron's skull.

The spaceships of the Farwolks began to regroup, and the number was still huge, covering the sky.

"Transmit signal infector," Ultron ordered.

The reason why he is powerful is that he has a terrible infection ability, and most electronic equipment will easily become his body.

Tens of thousands of fastest destroyers sprinted out, while flexingly avoiding the firepower of the survivor fleet, they sprayed a cloud-like signal infector.

Each of these little things is about the size of an adult forearm, and comes with a flexible jet device that shoots wildly towards the survivor fleet and ignorance.

However, the surviving fleet has long been prepared to deal with it. Each spacecraft is equipped with large electromagnetic interference devices, transparent ripples are emitted, and these signal infectors suddenly become scrap iron.

Ultron pinned his hopes on the infectious device that rushed to ignorance, but before these small things approached, they were burnt by the fire of the void in the Youquan system.

Ultron immediately decided to abandon the idea of ​​speculation. "That weird battleship weapon needs time to recharge, disperse the assault, and attack fully!"

Under his command, the remaining millions of wolves were focused on McQueen's ignorant body.

It can be seen from the three-dimensional star map that the dense red dots of the Farwolks are scattered into more than 20 strands instantly, and they circle in different directions to approach ignorance.

On the central flagship of the surviving fleet, Ronan immediately analyzed the situation and commanded loudly: "All fleets, immediately focus their firepower on interception."

At the same time, the temporary trio formed by Black Bat King, Captain Marvel, and Doosan did not idle, and rushed into the Farwolx spaceship camp like arrows.

The sword opened the way, and the streamer-like figure kept piercing a spaceship. As a great killer, Black Batman kept expanding range attacks, while Captain Marvel responded in the middle, using his ability to stop shooting at Black Batman All firepower.

In terms of ability, they are already the top of the superheroes, but both the trio and the survivor fleet are a little helpless when facing such a large number of spaceships.

However, Li Mo was not in a hurry. He drove McQueen while watching a show, and leisurely made himself a cup of coffee.

"It looks like you are confident." Princess Lilith glanced at him and asked curiously.

Li Mo shrugged. "How to say, my base was designed to save lives at the beginning of design, so the defense function is absolutely unparalleled in the world."

"You also know that Star Wars does not compete with many people. A civilization with high-dimensional weapons can easily destroy an ordinary interstellar civilization."

"In this kind of war, the power of technology is infinitely amplified, and an advanced weapon can instantly reverse the situation or even easily crush it."

"The asymmetry of information has caused the inevitable result of this war, that is, I win. Do you know why?"

Princess Lilith shook her head.

"They play with technology." Li Mo pouted his lips.

"And we are magic technology."


The Farwolks soon approached ignorance, approached from 20 different directions, and at a distance of 2,000 kilometers, all fleets fired at the same time.

Tens of millions of missiles sprayed blue tail flames, shooting at ignorance at a speed of 2 kilometers per second. Under this overwhelming attack, even a planet will be instantly destroyed.

On the ground of ignorance, the members of the Hydra fleet have long been stationed on the continent of the void dimension, so only members of the upper level of the Nether Mage and the dwarven clan remain.

They don't care about the external situation at all, they still do experiments, hit the iron and drink alcohol, and they are busy with their own affairs.

They are even more confident than Li Mo in the ignorance of personally participating in the construction.

The purple spring system surrounding the purple and black flames began to move rapidly, setting off a huge wave.

McQueen's biggest change after becoming a dimensional demon is the soul. He has integrated with the entire ignorance, and can exert the power of various systems to the greatest extent.

Just as these missiles were approaching, hundreds of millions of skeletons in the Youquan system began to emit red light. From a distance, the purple-black flame ocean quickly began to turn red.


The rays erupted in the eyes of all the skulls at the same time, and the entire ocean of flames suddenly expanded several times. Tens of millions of missiles were detonated at the same time, and a larger flare burst immediately.

As if a sun suddenly appeared in the stellar system.

Almost most people blocked their eyes and blocked the sudden dazzling light.

After about five seconds, the flames gradually disappeared.

Be ignorant and safe.


The Crees on the survivor's fleet cheered wildly. To them, it was a miracle.

The spaceships of the Falcos group arrived immediately, no matter whether the laser cannons on the small spacecraft or the photon railguns on the large fleet, they attacked madly at the same time.

Youquan system quickly wrapped up ignorance, one by one huge magic shields appeared suddenly, learning Sandal's energy connection system was activated, and ignorance was enveloped in a round golden shield of light.

No matter how intensive the attack of the wolves, they were all blocked.

This unprecedented technology not only cheered the surviving Cree, but even Ultron was surprised.

Just when they were stunned by the gods, the Youquan system changed again. Countless skulls with purple and black flames began to disperse and rushed towards the enemy spacecraft at a terrifying speed.

Each skull has a powerful magic shield and energy ray firepower, and will automatically repair even after being attacked.

This caused the Fawolks to fall into huge trouble. Each of their ships usually faced an attack of several or even a dozen skulls, and soon suffered huge casualties.

The Air Force Regiment then dispatched. These tall magical maggots were burning with the fire of the void, walking freely in the universe, and flexing the use of the sword destroyer to destroy a spaceship.

The battle was caught in a stalemate. Although the Youquan System and the Virtual Air Force Regiment were powerful, the fleet of the Farwolks was too large, and a strange balance formed.

Circular blasts of light constantly appear in the void. Most of them are spaceships of the wolves, and even if the skulls of the Youquan system cannot withstand being blown, they will quickly absorb the energy and materials on the battlefield and reproduce them. .

At this time, Ultron has had a bad hunch. This huge siege war may end in failure.

The last straw that crushed the camel appeared.

The neutron star rays in McQueen's right eye were fully charged, the Youquan system and the Virtual Air Force Regiment were instantly recovered, and the horrible rays began to sweep up and down, instantly destroying countless French Wolfs, and continued to expand the results.

"Enough!" Ultron was annoyed a bit, "regrouped."

The entire battlefield calmed down at once, and the wolves who had lost at least / 4 troops gathered near a blue planet orbit. The number was huge, but it looked very embarrassed.

Li Mo also made McQueen stop the attack, and continued pursuit did not improve the whole situation.

The people on the survivor's battleship hugged and shouted at each other, venting the joy of life in despair.

Ultron feels terribly overwhelmed, and FM is linked to all ships.

"Very well, you guys escaped by accident, I can't help but want to applaud."

Talking, Ultron on the three-dimensional image really applauded.

"But what can this change?"

Ultron's tone suddenly became gloomy. "I have taken control of this galaxy. You are all dogs. I can arm dozens of fleets at this level at any time."

"Too lazy to entangle with you again, I will attack the galaxy directly, and then move towards the entire universe, and you will always be homeless."

"The civilization of the wolves is bound to become the ultimate civilization of the universe and will continue forever!"


Li Mo suddenly interrupted Ultron's words, "Are you afraid that you have misunderstood the concept of civilization."

Ultron looked at Li Mo, "It's you!"

"No wonder ... that thing is your masterpiece."

"I told you last time that I would create a special ethnic civilization, and now I have done it."

Li Mo smiled scornfully, "I admit that you created a bloodthirsty race, but civilization is far from being talked about."

"Civilization is a collection of all social and natural behaviors. These collections include at least a lot of things, family ideas, tools, languages, words, beliefs, religious ideas, laws, city states and countries, etc ..."

"And none of these things, you just build a bunch of weapons."

"I don't agree with you!" Ao Chuang countered.

"All these things take time, and under my guidance, they will slowly build."

"You see, our goals are actually the same, they are all pursuing the ultimate rules and mysteries of the universe."

"Suggest you again, cooperate with me!"

Li Mo looked at Au Chong, a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Ultron was annoyed ~ ~ I laugh at you and you are a fool! "

Li Mo's ridicule was at its best.

"Creating a bunch of monsters is still so proud that they haven't even known they have become fertility machines."

"You are their god?"

"I feel more like a slave!"

"Nonsense!" Ultron remembered what he did every day at Harasung, and was suddenly extremely angry.

"Don't be angry ..."

Li Mo hippie said with a smile: "All the genes of the French wolfks are completely the same, and you know that all civilization genes have differences."

"Try to make races that are slightly different from their genes."

"You dare?"

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