Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 334: Interstellar annihilation (2)

After sending Ultron away, Li Mo turned around and disappeared from the small park, teleporting to his own quiet room.

This is the place where he meditates daily. There is nothing in the empty surroundings, only the gleam reflected by the silver metal walls.

Li Mo raised his right hand. Under the power of his own rule field, a green ball appeared in the air in front of him, constantly rotating and expanding.

But it seemed to be hindered by something. After reaching the size of the washbasin, the stagnation suddenly disappeared.

Li Mo frowned, he had just tried to open the portal to the new capital star of the Skulu Empire, but for some reason failed.

"Calter, what are you doing?"

Li Mo frowned and quickly contacted McQueen.

"Can you open the door of dimension to the Skulu Empire?"

McQueen's voice sounded in his mind, "Sorry boss, the space is disturbed by unknown factors."

莫 Li Mo thought about it and reached out with a wave. The floor of the quiet room slowly raised a silver platform. This is the ultra-long-distance quantum communication secret signal channel only for important figures of the Galactic Council.

Just a few minutes later, the silver-haired, iron-haired maiden star, the Supreme 3D image, appeared in front of him.

"What happened to the Skulu Empire?" Li Mo asked.

Nova Supreme is helpless, "there is no signal across the interstellar gate to the Fairy Galaxy, and the council has not received any news so far."

"Is the Skulu Empire the last time because of the civil war, has this happened again in the country?"

莫 Li Mo shook his head. "It doesn't feel like. I actually don't want to worry about their internal war any more, but this time there is always a bad feeling."

"Since I broke through, there seems to be a mysterious connection with the universe, so I believe something must have happened."

After listening to the Supreme Star, Supreme Star took a serious look. "Okay, I will immediately apply to Parliament to send a joint fleet to the vicinity of the Star Gate for defense."

Li Mo nodded, "I hope my feeling is wrong, but be prepared."

After speaking, I closed the remote communication.

At this moment, his personal terminal suddenly rang, and the three-dimensional head of Speaker Garrow appeared in front of his eyes.

喜悦 His face couldn't hide the joy, "Grandmaster, Sir Li Mo, the cocoons we have are about to mature and hatch soon. I hope you can come."

"Okay." Li Mo agreed and shut down the communication.

In the early days of his development, he signed a contract with the Soverin Council, which sponsored him a lot of resources, on the condition that they help guard when their biological cocoons mature.

Li Mo did not hesitate, and immediately teleported from the quiet room.

The delay in this contract has been long enough. Although he has a good relationship with the Soverin, he doesn't want to owe anyone any more.

Uh ...

The Sauvignonians have also taken advantage of technical exchanges with the Laboratory of Truth over the years, and their conjoined planets have been connected to ten.

These planets are large or small, half of them are even artificial planets, gathered together like dreamy and beautiful bubbles.

Li Mo can see the ambition of the Soverinians after the breakthrough. They tried to plan a huge energy vein in this way, and finally surpassed the dimensions, and let the entire civilization collectively enter the higher level universe.

If they continue to develop for two or three billion years like this without interruption, they may really succeed.

The golden tower-shaped parliament building is already heavily guarded, and countless unmanned spacecraft hovering around like swarms.

In the huge circular laboratory that occupies a large area, in the center of the concentric circular energy track, there is a cocoon from the collector.

At this moment, the cocoon has not returned to its ugly appearance, not only has become fat and swelled a few circles, but also has a layer of mysterious dark gold.

All the important people in the parliament gathered here, all of them seemed very excited, and the speaker of the parliament continued to introduce Li Mo.

李 Under Li Mo's perception, this cocoon indeed gave birth to a humanoid living body. Surprisingly, it was born to communicate with additional dimensions and continuously absorb the accumulated dimensional energy.

This tm is a born magic wizard!

Li Mo was a little bit crying. As an extremely high-tech civilization, the Suoweilin people somehow touched the unknown field of magic.

Technology and magic sometimes have a wonderful intersection.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the laboratory door, and a woman in a blue-gold robe walked in elegantly.

The guard did not point her at the gun but did not dare to move, but just stepped back at her pace.

As soon as Garuo was about to be reprimanded, he shut up and shook his head with a bitter smile.

女人 This woman is Kola, Li Mo's former sexual partner.

She is not only the most powerful and favored female officer around High Priest Ayesha, but her relationship with Li Mo is well known.

As Li Mo's reputation continued to grow, this woman became no one to dare.

Although the Sovilins are notoriously arrogant, their pride will turn to reverence before facing deeper wisdom and genetic species than them.

尽管 But despite this, Kola dared to tear her face and make such an act of breaking into the enemy camp alone. It can be seen that High Priest Ayesha was also anxious.

After all, she also gave birth to a cocoon, who can successfully hatch means the victory of the power struggle.

Li Mo is a little funny, "Kora, why are you here?"

Kola smiled slightly. "As an ally from the beginning, the High Priest has never met you. She thinks it is the best time."

"No!" Speaker Gallo was anxious. "We have something important now."

Kola's face was calm. "Your cocoons should not hatch until tomorrow. At that time, the Grand Master will definitely appear here. This is the last request of the High Priest!"

Speaker Jacarlo was silent. He heard the meaning of the words, and either agreed, or everyone took a moment to complete it.

When there is no advantage, open and tear without reason.

Is this the advantage of women playing politics?

Although the speaker 10,000 was unwilling, Speaker Jia Luo could only help but nodded and agreed.

Li Mo doesn't matter, because both sides are taking advantage, so they are not good at helping, they can only decide for themselves.

The palace of the High Priest is also glittering. Although the Asgard's buildings are also splendid, the interior is mostly stone, while the Sauvelins are all golden in color, just as this race has a somewhat extreme character.

科 Led by Cora, Li Mo went through all the corridors into a well-decorated room.

Not only has a large number of beautiful sculptures, but also a variety of high-tech items for daily life. Most importantly, there is a huge golden round bed in the center, and a translucent golden tent is suspended from the top.

Isn't this a living room ...

Li Mo looked at Cora amused, and just wanted to ask, the woman rushed up, entangled with crazy crazy kisses.

How long has this been?

Li Mo smiled and let Corasch do it.

科 Just as Kola took off his clothes and squatted down, another woman appeared behind Li Mo, and his long, perfect golden hands stroked his chest from behind.

Li Mo doesn't need to look at it to know that it is the high priest Ayesha. This woman is more terrifying and perfect than Kola. Li Mo is now 1.9 meters, and this woman is even taller than him.

Do you want to use beauty?

Li Mo smiled casually, "High priest Ayesha, this meeting is really unique."

磁性 A magnetic voice sounded in the ear: "The best way for women and men to meet is to meet frankly."

Li Mo was helpless, "I won't promise you anything, after all, it's the parliament that makes the contract first."

大 The high priest of Ayesha did not answer his question, but just obsessedly looked at Li Mo's body: "What a perfect genetic structure, I want to learn more ..."

Nothing for a night ...

The next day, the Parliament House Laboratory.

In the face of the two men and women who are not comfortable with each other, Li Mo clapped his hands helplessly.

好 "Well, I decided to take care of two cocoons at the same time."

"But ..."

As soon as Speaker Jia Luo was about to speak, he was interrupted by Li Mo.

"The contract did not bar me from looking after another."

Li Mo looked at High Priest Ayesha and Speaker Garrow, and said calmly: "The reason why you are conducting this experiment at the same time is to explore the way for the future of the race, and the second is to avoid a full civil war."

想法 "The idea is good, but sometimes war is not controlled by people, so let's settle things on the table."

"More importantly, the results of this experiment, success or failure, whether it breeds hope or creates uncontrollable monsters, everything is unknown."

大 The high priest of Ayesa and Speaker Garo looked at each other, but found that Li Mo's method was probably the best solution at present.

After reaching an agreement, everyone's attention focused on these two cocoons that are about to mature and emit a heart-beating light.

After 1 minute and 1 second, Li Mo's eyes brightened when the light of the two cocoons grew brighter, "It's coming out!"

In the eyes of everyone, the top of the two cocoons began to crack, and from the cracks, more and more golden light was emitted.

Suddenly, the energy frequency of the two cocoons suddenly reached the same, forming a resonance effect.

The golden light from the cocoon began to twist and entangle, and then the two cocoons slowly lifted off and slammed into each other.

One has a golden carapace, and one has a golden high-tech texture, all of which are entangled into a liquid, forming a larger cocoon.

"Oh ... no need to argue now."

Li Mo smiled, "Maybe God's will, this is the result of your joint efforts."

大 The high priest Ayesha and Speaker Garo looked at each other, and then nodded, as if some tacit agreement had been reached.

In Li Mo's perception, the new cocoon has not yet broken, and a pure and transparent soul has been born, which begins to perceive the outside world like a baby.

I saw so many people at the scene, as if a little scared, the whole cocoon flew a few meters away.

"Just a little, don't scare this little guy." Li Mo quickly reminded.

"This is impossible!" Speaker Gallo was a little confused.

"We have input all the knowledge and memory of Soverin into his genes, and the High Priest will surely do the same."

大 The high priest Ayesha nodded with a grimace on his face.

Suddenly, the cocoon produced a spatial fluctuation and violently oscillated.

Li Mo waved his hand to block the space, and said to the High Priest Ayesha and Speaker Gallo, "The little guy wants to run away, but he doesn't seem to want to recognize you. What should I do?"

闻 After hearing the words, High Priest Ayesha and Speaker Garro discussed for a while, and although there was some pain, they seemed to have reached an agreement.

"Mr. Li Mo, destroy it. It almost contains the energy of the Soverin civilization for several years. If it gets out of control, the consequences will be serious."

Li Mo hesitated for a moment, this little thing has given birth to a soul, to him, like a baby, he can't handle it.

At this moment, he suddenly looked up to somewhere in the void, and then let go, letting the cocoon disappear instantly.

He turned to the crowd and said, "I can't do anything, some great being is watching me."

"I'm sorry that I didn't succeed this time because of my reasons. I will keep the promise to you. When your civilization needs help, I will be there as soon as possible."

Speaker Jacarlo was helpless, "Do you know where this cocoon has gone?"

Li Mo shook his head, "It is beyond my perception."

Uh ...

The Milky Way frontier.

Here is the gate to the Fairy Galaxy.

Around the huge space station near the Xingmen Gate, there are dense moorings, and the various spaceships at the margin cannot be seen at a glance.

后 Since the civil strife in the Skulu Empire ended, trade between the two galaxies has reopened, and because of the more enlightened political system of the Skulu people, galaxy trade has flourished in a short period of time.

But a few days ago, the Skulu Empire on the other side of the Star Gate suddenly closed the connection, causing countless caravans and **** ships to stay on the space station.

They can't change course, because the fuel cost will be far overrun, and they can only wait for the star gate to open here.

A bar at the Space Station was crowded with space mercenaries, cheering, drinking, and fighting madly.

Space trade is a very boring and dangerous thing. Those who are not sure will not give up any opportunity for enjoyment.

Dangerous careers and wanton lives, maybe that's why people keep joining this industry.

Among the confusing crowd, Xing Jue sat on the bar and was surrounded by a woman. He drew a Tai Chi pattern with wine seriously and mysteriously, "This represents Yin, which is a woman, and this represents Yang, which is a man. This picture It means that it is God's will that men and women blend together! "

女人 The women around gave out admiration.

的 The philosophy of the earth brought by Li Mo has formed a trend in the universe ~ ~ Whether it is understood or not, the mention in the conversation will always improve the force.

Facing the praises of the women, Xingjue said proudly, "Why do I know?"

"It's simple, because I'm earthly, pure!"

Not far away, Kamo Ramen looked at him expressionlessly, and his face seemed to be dripping with water.

On the other side, the youthful grout virtual fighting game defeated the opponent, and then pressed the angry opponent to the ground to rub.

Rocket and Drax celebrated with laughter and toasts.

库 The Space Station Stargate Management Office, the commander of the Third Joint Fleet of the Galactic Council, Skulu Dawn is a little bad, "have not been contacted yet?"

The management staff wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Sorry, Your Excellency, there was no response from the other side."

Suddenly, a beep sounded, and one inspector said loudly, "A space fluctuation was detected and the interstellar door opened!"

"This is impossible!"

The head of the management office widened his eyes, "We didn't start at all synchronously, how could it be opened ..."

He soon stopped talking, and the Stargate opened quickly at an unprecedented rate.

Densely packed like bee swarms, the spaceships were covered with scale armor, compound eyes and sharp blades, like giant insects, and soon occupied the entire starry sky.

"This ... what is this?"

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