Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 335: Interstellar annihilation (3)

"Fight now and warn Parliament!"

道 Commander Dawn of the Third Fleet ordered loudly.

But immediately the operator said pale: "Ultra long-range quantum communication is disturbed by unknown signals."

"Hurry up and block Stargate connection!"

"We can't do it, the other party has seized control of the Star Gate!" The station staff shouted in despair, and at the same time released a monitoring video of the Star Gate.

The other party stayed near the star gate, and the giant spacecraft like 蜈蚣 released a thick black smoke. After zooming in, it showed that there were countless strange calf-sized insects.

昆虫 These insects crawled all over the nearby star gates in an instant, and while surging, they turned into a thick black liquid and covered the surface of the star gates.

The star gate, which has a diameter of thousands of kilometers, has 1/3 of its surface covered with a layer of black, and is expanding at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

Daoen gritted his teeth and immediately evacuated the space station under the **** of the guard. He drove to his flagship in a small spacecraft.

He was gloomy, and the Stargate was captured. I can imagine how much disaster his country has suffered.

Hundreds of thousands of large and small spacecraft jumped out from the space station 30,000 kilometers away. It was long ago that they arrived at the nearby Galaxy Council Third Fleet. They quickly formed a formation to meet the overwhelming worm-shaped spacecraft.

This is an unknown enemy, and many people immediately think of the Brude Zerg, which once caused a devastating disaster.

But this seems to be another Zerg, which is much larger and better at interstellar operations.

No one thinks this is a friendly enemy who can negotiate.

From a distance of more than 3,000 kilometers, the two sides launched an attack almost simultaneously.

Missiles suitable for long-range attacks were ejected from the third fleet of small and large ships in an instant, and the blue tail flames of the missiles formed the effect of flying stars, towards more and more Zerg ships.

The Zerg spaceships were not to be outdone. They also ejected a large number of spore bombs glowing green and ticking mucus.

The tadpoles and spores met in the air, and collisions and explosions produced a wave of spherical light that continued to flash and burst, as if a beautiful firework was released.

The two sides soon launched an attack at a close range. The joint fleet used the current universal space technology, laser rail guns, and dense blue beams to form a storm-like strike effect.

The Zerg spaceship relies on the mouthpiece to emit a bluish red energy beam. The strange thing is that these beams have a viscous sputtering effect like magma.

At the same time, there was also a chaos inside the space station.

The sirenous red alarm sounded continuously, and the chaotic crowd fled, rushing to Xinggang, trying to enter their own spaceship.

Shouts and screams kept ringing. These daring businessmen and mercenaries licking blood were also anxious at this time, and even took out guns to kill pedestrians blocking their way.

Because of the closure of the Star Gate, there are countless trade and **** ships gathered here, and the crowded Star Harbor also has chaos.

Someone tried to flee the spacecraft, but found that the channel was very blocked by others. A little more careful would slowly hit other spacecraft, and selfish people would even open fire to clear a channel.

The fires exploding near Pingxinggang kept sounding, and the wreckage of the destroyed spacecraft sometimes hit the huge interstellar space station, killing a large number of people and triggering a larger explosion.

The Guardians of the Galaxy have naturally boarded the Milan for a long time. Although they are also Star Rangers and are known as superheroes, they do not play any role in this level of disaster and can only flee.

"What kind of monsters are these things!" As he drove Milan's flexible spacecraft to avoid the explosion, he shouted at the rocket: "Contact Li Mo and let him notify the Galactic Council."

Rocket pulls the control screen a few times, and two claws grip the furry head and yells, "All communication is disturbed!"

"Using your transmitter, you can reach McQueen!" Star Lord roared, and then quickly looked at the front compartment of the spacecraft.

"Shit!" He cursed, twisting the joystick sharply, avoiding a huge piece of debris flying on his face.

The cabin tilted sharply, and the rocket that had just released the seatbelt jumped off and suddenly fell into a big heel, whispered a whisper and ran to its own locker ...

On the other side, the Third Fleet, which had not been in contact for a long time, suffered heavy casualties.

The jet rays of the maggots are obviously weird, and even a long-term burning effect will appear on the shield. As long as it splashes on the armor, it will quickly erode a large hole.

They do not have energy shields, and the thick worm-shaped spacecraft shells can also be crushed by the Third Fleet's orbital guns. However, as long as they are not destroyed, the muscles under the shells will continue to wriggle to repair and maintain combat capabilities.

完全 The completely different technologies of the two sides have suffered a great loss for the Third Fleet, and the number advantage of the Zerg spacecraft is still growing. It seems that the densely packed zigzag spaceships from the Stargate will never be interrupted.

The rapid and ferocious fighting style of the strange Zerg made the commander of the Third Fleet Daun a little flustered, and responded quickly and loudly and commanded: "Cluster fires black hole bombs to block the space!"

Black hole bombs are the most powerful conventional weapons in the Star Fleet. Because the explosion location is fixed and sometimes can be avoided in advance, it is usually used as a tactical weapon to block space.

的 The central brain of each destroyer began link calculations. Black hole bombs were ejected and exploded in the void to form a black hole 1 km in size.

黑 Originally, a black hole could not be observed with the naked eye, but a beautiful halo outer film was formed around it due to light ejection. Therefore, in the void of the universe, it seemed to form a barrier made of black pearls in series.

What they didn't expect is that the Zerg are not used to this technology, and they are still rushing up the brain. As a result, a large number of Zerg spacecraft are smashed into the black hole.

恩 Donne, the commander of the Third Fleet, was overjoyed and immediately issued the second order: "Preparing an anti-material bomb group for a second attack!"

After more than ten seconds, the black holes in the void disappeared one by one, and the Zerg who lost a large number of spaceships stormed the 3rd Fleet with a more fierce attitude.

This madness of no fear of life and death caused a little panic in the hearts of many members of the Third Fleet.

"Are these guys ... afraid of death?"

闭 "Shut up, those are bugs and beasts, they are all ready. After the antimatter bombs are cleared, we will occupy the star gate!"

There seems to be only one type of spaceship attack for these zerg, which is dense invasion.

Insects such as bees and marching ants will swarm up whenever they find a target, relying on a huge number of advantages to occupy the upper hand.

The face of Commander Dawn of the Third Fleet and many of his lieutenants couldn't help showing joy, because the more concentrated the Zerg, the better the killing effect on map weapons such as anti-material bombs.

And anti-material bombs, like black hole bombs, have also been made into extremely flexible small aircraft that can avoid most interception attacks.

After the Zerg spacecraft arrived at the intended location, anti-material bombs exploded, and the dazzling rays of light suddenly turned on, forming horrible light spots in the dark void.

This light is so dazzling that after the explosion, many people still have afterimages on their retinas, and they spend almost everything.

After the puppet explosion, Commander Daun and the Third Fleet were stunned by the sight.

"how is this possible?"

After the anti-material bombs were cleared, a Zhonghe area should have appeared, but most of these Zerg spacecraft remained.

Although the shells of many Zerg spaceships were blown up, and some of them even dragged their long intestines, they seemed to retain their combat capabilities and plunged into the Third Fleet formation frantically.

Strong corrosive rays, and can bite the spacecraft like a monster, the Third Fleet suddenly fell completely into the downwind and was in danger.

Squinting watching more and more, covering the entire Zerg Zerg, in despair, many captains of the Third Fleet immediately blew up the spaceship, and all the bugs covered with the spaceship were gone.

As the commander of the Third Fleet, Dawn, pressed the self-explosion command button, the central flagship also issued a dazzling brilliance.

The Third Joint Fleet, which was established not long ago, is annihilated ...

The Tatars spaceship group did not hesitate, and immediately stormed fiercely to the interstellar space station and the caravan spaceship groups that had time to escape in the future.

民 The speed of these civilian spacecraft is not fast. In despair, some people choose to flee madly, and some people drive the spaceship towards the bug in vain.

Many people continue to send surrender messages to the Zerg spaceship in horror, but all they receive is a messy murmur.

际 The Stargate is still pouring out worm-shaped spaceships like the tide ...

Uh ...

Sheshan Daerxing, Hydra Academy.

Li Mopan, who had just returned from Soverin, was sitting in the quiet room. He was still thinking about the gaze staring at himself.

I have no malicious intentions, no good intentions, no trace of emotion, and I can't even detect the meaning of warning.

But Li Mo somehow is clear that this unknown **** is conveying a meaning to himself: don't disturb the little guy in the cocoon.

During the fire in London, he helped Mrs. Agatha to save Newton and heard the son of destiny.

Is the life bred in the cocoon the son of the fate of the universe?

While he was thinking, McQueen suddenly sent a message: The rocket was contacting him, and the cross-dimensional signal was very unstable.

Li Mo frowned and connected immediately.

A bust of the rocket appeared on the three-dimensional image. The Milano, which was used as a background, was constantly bumping, and from time to time, there were horrible rays that illuminated the cabin.

"There are unknown ... enemies ... the Milky Way!"

Rocket did not say nonsense, directly showed a video to Li Mo.

Looking at the horrible Zerg in the video screen, although the signal was very unstable, the memory once came to mind, Li Mo still distinguished.

"Negative Space Zerg!"

Li Mozhen stood up and looked a little bad.

No wonder the Skuruans couldn't send information, it turned out to be this horrible race.

"You know ... that's good, ... inform the Galactic Council ..."

"And ... can ... teleport us away?"

Rocket asked with anticipation.

Without Li Mo asking, McQueen gave the answer: "The rules of space are disturbed. If they are forced to teleport, they will be distorted into elementary particles."

Rocket also heard it at the same time, obviously a little disappointed, but then a look of ruthlessness, "Forget it, want ... our life, these bugs are still ..."

The signal was abruptly interrupted and the connection was completely lost.

With a somber face, Li Mo immediately connected the secret signal channel of the Galactic Council and simultaneously pressed the black alarm button.

This is the highest level alert of the Galactic Council, meaning a crisis that affects the entire universe.

Soon, the leaders of the Galactic Council appeared, including Speaker Romandler, Rising Star Supreme, Queen Lilandra of Kia Empire, Black King of the Kryid Alien Royal Family, and Speakers of Medusa and Soveringaro.

Li Mo looked a little bleak at an empty place. The warlord Carter, who belonged to the Skulu Empire, had a good sense of this courageous Skulu hero.

Carter worshipped him as a prophet, but unfortunately it is now unknown.

各位 "Everyone, Skuru's abnormal cause is known, and now the enemy has invaded the galaxy."

Li Mo said solemnly, and at the same time released the video from the rocket.

I watched the ferocious Zerg spaceship group on the video screen, and everyone's eyes were dignified.

After seeing the destruction of the Third Fleet, Speaker Romandler couldn't help but say, "What kind of race is this? I have never seen such an enemy."

它们 "They are a kind of zerg in negative space. I once happened to negative space and almost lost my life."

Li Mo did not conceal and explained carefully.

"Negative space? Our scientists once speculated that there is such a place, what is the nature of the space there? What are the characteristics of this race? How powerful is it?"

The Speaker of the Gallo, Sauvignon, raised a series of questions.

Li Mo is not surprised. When he arrived in the universe, he found that most civilizations did not know about negative space, and Reed also got the space coordinates by accident.

"I'm not quite sure." Li Mo shook his head. "Let's go, I'll get an expert and he's researching there."

I finished speaking, opened a portal and walked in.

Uh ...

Solar system.

The temperature on the surface of the sun is only five or six thousand degrees Celsius, but the outer corona layer can reach millions of degrees. Solar winds formed by high-energy particles and electrons can instantly melt most spacecraft.

In the vicinity of the corona, huge solar sails have been propped up, each of which is ten kilometers in diameter, densely forming a larger circular shadow area.

Behind the is a cylindrical energy concentrator with a diameter of 100 kilometers. It can be seen that it has not been completed yet. Numerous remote high-temperature resistant robots are working on it.

This is Reed's plan for the Sun's Hammer. Originally, Tony proposed a scientific and technological concept. Reed gradually improved after making breakthroughs in space science.

Originally just a fantasy, but with the magic technology research of the truth laboratory, the concept of this horror weapon has become a reality.

The Sun's Hammer can absorb up to millions of degrees of solar wind in the corona area, absorb and store in the open space of different dimensions, and conduct space shuttle strikes within the solar system.

Like the sun god's weapon, not only the horrible solar wind will burn everything, but the pressure of space jets will also cause powerful physical strikes, like a sledgehammer burning in flames, whose range can cover the size of the earth.

Of course, this thing is a little powerful, as large as the Earth Federation, there is some liver tremor, for fear that a lunatic will steal control ~ ~ Turn around and give the earth a look.

However, in order to obtain the absolute strength to defend themselves, the Earth Federation still approved this plan after voting, except that it designed countless insurance systems and even handed over the function of one-click self-destruction to Li Mo for custody.

In the orbit of Mercury, 57.9 million kilometers away from the sun, the circular space station specially constructed for the hammer of the sun is slowly rotating.

In the lab, Reed looked at the data on the three-dimensional screen, and couldn't help showing a hint of joy in his eyes.

After Tony retired, he suddenly felt all kinds of pressure, and now the completion of this weapon can finally make people breathe a sigh of relief.

A space door suddenly appeared, and Li Mo stepped out and asked about the negative space coordinates.

"Skulu Empire ..." Reed hesitated and said, "Remember the spy back then, could he steal it?"

"It's very possible!" Li Mo also expressed doubt, and immediately asked Reed to sort out some negative space data and prepare to leave.

When he left, he solemnly instructed Reed: "You can't tell anyone about the stolen space coordinates!"

Riedela cleared her mouth.

When I looked at the white-skinned scientist, Li Mo suddenly felt a little emotional.

Ultron created by Tony unintentionally destroyed the Kerry Empire. Because of Reed's research, the Skulu Empire may have ended, and the entire galaxy is in crisis.

What the **** is this ...

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