Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 336: Interstellar annihilation (4)

"Negative space is a special cosmic region formed after the Big Bang. It is the result of the action of the Big Bang particle fluid electron cloud. All the materials in it are negatively charged."

"It is independent of the main universe and is isolated by the cosmic membrane. Only special spatial channels and beacons can be opened ..."

In the quiet room of Li Mo of the Hydra Academy, Reid talked face to face with the many leaders of the Galactic Council.

我们 "We analyzed the atomic structure of the genes brought back by the Zerg corpse, which is completely different from us and therefore has completely different technologies."

Nova Supreme thought for a moment and asked, "If they should not adapt to our cosmic environment in this way, why should they invade?"

"I have already figured out the reason for this problem on my way." Reed said while opening a three-dimensional map of the universe.

In fact, Li Mo told him that after the invasion of the negative space Zerg, Reed had doubts. Even if the space door was opened, the Zerg only needed to plunder resources.

What is the reason for such a comprehensive invasion?

He remembered a piece of data he had obtained, and suddenly had a guess in his heart.

"It is well known that dark energy has the opposite repulsive force, and our universe is constantly expanding because of this. The direct result is that the negative space is constantly compressed."

因此 "So I suspect this is a war for territory!"

After hearing Reed's explanation, everyone looked at each other.

They didn't expect it to be this reason at all. If Reed's guess is true, this war will only have one winner!

"We must form a coalition as soon as possible to expel the Zerg!" Speaker Gallo of Soverin was anxious.

The disadvantages of bringing the entire civilization together have appeared. They are completely fearless when facing enemies of the same strength or slightly stronger, but in the face of such terrible forces like the Zerg, the risk of being attacked by one pot is sharply increased.

Black Bat King and Queen Medusa exchanged a bit. Medusa solemnly said, "We will send 3/4 of the military force into the galaxy, but we will also guard the star gate. If the battle worsens, it will immediately blow up the star gate. Please be considerate. . "

Everyone nodded and understood that if a crisis really occurred, at least the hope of civilians in the Kerry Empire could escape.

Queen Lilandra said blankly, "The Shia Empire is still in a state of civil war, and only a small number of troops can be sent under the balance of power."

All the people were a little surprised. The speaker of the Garo Speaker of Soverin was even more angry. The Skulu Empire and the Kerry Empire had just suffered. At this time, the most powerful Shia Empire was picky. Then what is the purpose of the Galactic Council!

The others then looked a little bad, but they didn't speak, and it is not wise to argue in the current situation of the enemy.

莫 Li Mo tilted a glance at Empress Lilandra, her body was covered with that strange energy armor, she should have used the Dark Vortex to develop cosmic energy.

他 In his impression, Queen Lilandra and the Shia Empire have always been that kind of domineering and responsible image. How did her personality suddenly change?

Could it be a side effect of the Dark Vortex ...

But Li Mo is not thinking about it now, he has reminded many times that everyone is responsible for his choice.

I thought of this and ignored Empress Lilandra and said to everyone, "I don't think it's a wise choice to rush to gather the army now."

"Zerg enter the Milky Way is a foregone conclusion. We are not familiar with their technology and specific conditions. The most troublesome thing is that they have the technology to shield signals and transmit."

"Blind decisive battle, although it will temporarily have a military advantage, but it is like a blind but clumsy beast, ran in vain with its nose. If it fails, the entire galaxy will be buried."

"I will send my Nether Masters into the signal shield area to collect data to crack and study their weaknesses."

"As long as the time is ripe, immediately gather forces, capture the star gate in one fell swoop, clear the remaining Zerg after truncating the source, and eventually regain the fairy galaxy."

Everyone fell into contemplation and began to seriously consider Li Mo's plan.

Puppet Speaker Romandler suddenly asked, "What if a civilization is attacked or even destroyed during this process?"

莫 Li Mo calmly replied, "There is no way, I will organize an elite team to rescue as much as possible, and let the civilians evacuate."

"This is not a question of who to sacrifice. In the face of disaster, every civilization is facing the same risks. All we can do is stick our teeth together and fight for the final victory ..."

Li Mo's heart is full of helplessness. The virtual air force regiment, which had already been numbered, should be able to end this turmoil.

However, this disaster came too suddenly and completely deviated from his plan. The dimensional warfare of the Virtual Air Force Regiment is in full swing. If this time the military force is adjusted, it will face a crazy counterattack of the **** demon dimension, and even McQueen will sit in the void. Dimensions cannot be lowered into the battle.

This war can only be resolved by the Galactic Council.

After the meeting, every civilization moved quickly.

As Li Mo said, the blind zone of the star signal near the gate of the Skulu Empire is constantly expanding. With the vastness of the space in the universe, sending heavy troops to defend has become a nonsense.

This makes every civilization like an enemy.

When Reid returned to Earth, he informed the federal government of this information.

I watched the Zerg video that drowned the sky like a tide, and the Earth people finally understood Tony's original fear.

At this time, we saw the importance of the Sun Hammer plan. The Earth Federation immediately devoted all its energy and materials, and strived to complete the Sun Hammer plan quickly.

Other civilizations are also actively building defense facilities to fight the crisis smoothly in this catastrophe.

Uh ...

Milky Way, Sagittarius arm spins in the middle.

The Sylvia civilization is a small civilization that has only entered the universe for 200 years. It mainly cultivates special crops as its interplanetary trade advantage.

At this moment on their mother star, each star port is overcrowded, and a small spacecraft constantly shuttles back and forth, sending residents to dozens of large escape mother ships that stay near the space orbit.

People's faces are full of bewilderment and pain. Yesterday they still live and work on their beautiful mother star. Today they were suddenly told to leave everything and become interstellar refugees.

Only when I want to stay away from my homeland will I find out how much I love the land under my feet.

Someone sobbed softly, someone knelt down and kissed the ground reverently, saying goodbye to their mother star.

Many unsophisticated children laughed and chased each other in Xinggang, but when the adults were surprised, they did not stop, because maybe this is the last happy time for the children.

A child noticed something and nestled in her mother's arms, "Mother, where are we going? Will we return?"

母亲 However, his mother couldn't answer a single word.

They do n’t know where they will go,

更 They don't even know if they have a chance to return to their mother star in this life ...

This situation is happening on countless civilizations and countless planets.

Without exception, they are the closest civilization to the Skulu Gate.

Because of signal interference, the Galactic Council could not detect the strength and whereabouts of the negative space Zerg, but they launched a large number of detectors. Those who lost the signal were labeled as Zerg activity areas.

And this area is constantly expanding. Some small and medium civilizations without the slightest resistance have to evacuate to the rear before the disaster.

A small spaceship belonging to the earth was mixed in the huge spaceship group evacuating to the rear.

On the spaceship, Tony and Pepper looked at everything in front of them, feeling a little heavy.

"My dear, I'm sorry, our honeymoon trip is ruined, and I wanted to take you to other galaxies to play around." Tony said to Little Pepper with a bitter smile.

Little Chili reached out and held Tony's hand, smiling gently, "I will always support your decision!"

Tony nodded his head, looked steadfastly forward, quickly set the coordinates, and the small spacecraft quickly flew towards Sandar Star.

The elite team formed by Li Mo has drawn the most important members of the Nova Legion, as well as the Black Batman and Ronan of the Kerry Empire, Tony and Captain Marvel of the Earth.

Of course, there are some other superheroes on the planet, but their strength is generally relatively low.

托 And Tony was selected because he has the armor of the Tenjin group, which is a powerful killer.

After coming to Sandar Star Hydra Academy, Tony naturally chatted with Li Mohan. He looked around and the personnel were basically there.

At this moment, the door of the meeting room suddenly opened, and Dou Jian came in calmly.

Li Mo is a little strange, "Don't Queen Lilandra have refused to send reinforcements, why are you here again?"

Wu Doujian gave a bitter smile, "After they have the Dark Vortex, their strength improves and their personalities become more and more strange. I am kicked out of the Royal Guard if I do not want to use the Dark Vortex.

"I'm more willing to participate in this fight for justice than to fight in the back."

Li Mo didn't know how to comfort, so he patted the shoulder of Dou Jian.

The door of the meeting room slowly closed, and in the park woods not far away, Peter Parker's eyes were a little lonely.

"Your request to participate was rejected by the principal?" Fatty Ned asked aside.

The little spider nodded.

Ned patted Peter Parker's shoulder comfortably. "You are still young, after all, the principal certainly doesn't want children to participate in the war."

"No." The spider's face yanked down.

"The principal said that I was not strong enough, and if I went there, I would die ..."

In the guest room, Li Mo and the others began to study the combat plan in various situations.

Captain Marvel asked suddenly, "What if the Zerg's strength is far more than estimated?"

Li Mo calmly said, "I have already made a few negative wave bombs. If there is no choice, I will wipe out all the light-years near the Skulu Gate."

The crowd took a breath, and Captain Marvel swallowed and continued to ask, "Passive defense always misses. When will the final battle be fought?"

Li Mo looked at the distance, "wait for my men to crack the Zerg technology!"

Uh ...

In the starry sky near the Zerg Occupied Area, a green door of dimension slowly opened, and a spacecraft as high as a thousand meters flew out of it.

飞 This ship has a skull-like hull, burning purple and black void fire, and the tentacles below are constantly curling, which is just McQueen the smaller one.

With McQueen completely formed, all the spaceships of the City of Truth have been built into this picture, walking through the dimensions, making the enemy frightened.

In addition to the 30 Hydra members on the puppet spacecraft, there was also a member of the Nether Mage, Valdette.

Bardet was originally a Skulu scholar. He was unexpectedly selected by the Nether Masters because of his outstanding magical talents when he was chased down by dual theism.

Although the Skulu Empire brought him endless suffering and suffering from an early age, hearing the empire's bad news still filled his heart with anger.

I therefore snatched this task.

"Lord Baldt, has entered the negative space Zerg occupation area." A Hydra crew interrupted his memory.

的 Bald, wearing a white gold-patterned robe, nodded and waved his hand, and the spherical space analyzer produced by the truth laboratory automatically rotated in the air.

After a few minutes, the analysis results were quickly displayed on a three-dimensional screen, and Baldett's eyes widened with only a glance, "How is that possible!"

He thought it was some kind of special signal interference wave, but he didn't expect that the structure of the entire space had changed, and even some cosmic dust kept squirming like living creatures, like little strips of bugs.

This is by no means an ordinary signal interference, even most of the dimensional demons are not capable of this.

Is this a miracle ...

巴尔 While Baldert's scalp was tingling, the Hydra crew suddenly sent a message, "The magic detector shows that a large number of spacecraft are approaching!"

"Immediately zoomed in." Baldet ordered.

Due to changes in the spatial structure, many of the detectors on the technology side have almost completely failed. Fortunately, there are magic detectors, otherwise they would not know if they were attacked by the enemy.

The long-range image soon showed that a small, dilapidated spaceship was running away in the forefront. Thousands of Zerg spaceships were chasing after it, firing scarlet rays from time to time.

If it wasn't for the driver's superb skills ~ ~ keep rolling and dodging, it would have been beaten into powder.


Baldett frowned, and he recognized the ship because Guardians of the Galaxy had been a guest in the City of Truth.

He didn't hesitate, and Baldett immediately ordered a rescue operation.

Skull-shaped spaceship quickly turned, two purple-black void fire rays suddenly shot out from both eyes, swept through the Zerg spaceship group.

The Tatars are all biological spaceships. The Nether Fire has a powerful effect of corroding and destroying vitality. Therefore, as soon as they touch, they cause a series of explosions.

At the same time, thousands of virtual air force magic maggots invaded the nest, pulled out the slasher knife and flew to the Zerg spaceship group.

They dodged the attack flexibly, and the slashing sword of the Nether Fire continued to attack, and the battle was solved in only two minutes.

After the torn and ragged Milan was dragged into the warehouse, the Guardians of the Galaxy walked out, lying on the ground panting heavily, looking like the rest of their lives after the disaster.

Except for one of the golden Sauvelins, he looked left and right curiously.

When did you recruit new people?

Although Baldette was a little weird, he quickly asked the machine nurse to treat them.

是 The wounded Star Lord pushed the machine nurse away and said anxiously, "You are Li Mo's. Let's go back and save the silver glider who swallowed the star."

"He knows the secret of Zerg's space blockade!"


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