Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 337: Interstellar annihilation (5)

An unknown galaxy near the Scullu Gate.

The place where the fourth planet originally orbiting the star was, at this time, only a large meteorite belt remained, dull and desolate.

Here was originally the mother star of a medium-sized civilization. The energy bred by the planet of life attracted the swarms of negative space zerg, and the planet collapsed after it squeezed out the required material.

A group of cruising negative space Zerg spaceships whistled past in the void, and left the star field after wandering around a gaseous planet.

没 It didn't take long for them to leave, and a tentacle-shaped spaceship slowly rose from the gaseous planet. It was the City of Truth spacecraft piloted by Baldt.

He did not hesitate, and drove towards the meteorite belt formed by the broken planet.

星 In the cockpit, the Star Lord kept pointing the position.

等等 "Wait, it's here, I need to look carefully."

"He was badly injured at the time, we dug open an asteroid, hid him in, and then led the chase ... wait, this is it!"

The irregular asteroid, which was only 20 meters in diameter, was then towed into the spacecraft.

The ravaging Mars is splashing,

The plutonium engineering robot opened the sealed opening of Xingjue with a laser, and then carried out the silver glider still in a coma.

The strength of the silver glider comes from his skateboard, and his skateboard has not been lost for a long time, and the glory of his whole body is obviously a little dim.

"It's really hard to imagine, who can make him like this." Rocket shook his head, "I heard that this guy is very powerful."

"Can you treat him?" Kamola asked Void the Nether Master.

Baldert, while directing the engineering robot to place the silver glider on the orange platform, said to the crowd: "He has obviously undergone the transformation of cosmic energy, and I will analyze it first."

With the continuous exposure of the alchemy detector, various data of the body of the silver glider are continuously displayed, while Bardet is obsessed with research, he still remembers to store duplicate data.

"Oh, that's it ... it's incredible!"

Looking at the frantic expression on Baldette's face, everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy had some toothache.

The City of Truth has a lot of good equipment, and the reason why they rarely go is because they are afraid to see these mad men of science.

"Hey man, we don't have much time, so quickly wake him up." Xingjue reminded helplessly.

嗯 "Well, okay." Baldet was sober now. "His body structure is driven by the cosmic energy. We happen to have a dark energy engine. Let me try. It should work."

As the spacecraft's energy input continued, the silver glider slowly opened his eyes.

虽然 Although his expression was calm, his eyes were full of anxiety, struggling to get up, but then he fell to bed again.

"Calm, envoy of the stars." Baldet said solemnly, "I am Her Majesty the Great Master Li Mo, Nether Master Baldet, have you heard of the Zerg?

With the start of Li Mo's dimensional war, his reputation has spread throughout the universe, and the silver glider, who has recovered his sense, certainly knows.

After all, I was also pitted once.

A hint of joy appeared in his eyes, a wave of his hand was stretched out, and a three-dimensional scene appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone's eyes widened unbelievably, and Baldette's mouth became a little uncomfortable,

"This ... this is impossible!"

Uh ...

恒 A stellar galaxy 05 light years away.

中等 A large civilized planet is undergoing a general evacuation.

This humanoid civilization has a toad-like skull and four pairs of eyes. Although it looks shabby, it is notoriously peace-loving and kind-hearted.

More than 100,000 spacecraft have slowly departed from the orbit of the planet, the observation windows are full of heads, and their tears are staring at their mother star.

At this moment, the alarms on the various ships suddenly sounded suddenly, these residents were panicked.

"Zerg is here!"

The dense black dots suddenly jumped to this galaxy, and there were countless horrible insect-shaped spaceships, which surged towards them like the tide.

They fired all their weapons in vain, laser light and missiles poured down to the Zerg spaceship group like a rainstorm. Unfortunately, there is no trace of rules in the panic, and it poses no threat to the Zerg.

As soon as the two sides were approaching, a huge portal suddenly appeared in the center, and the black and purple flames sprayed out continuously.

That is more than 200,000 virtual air force units. These tall magic maggots stretched out of the suspended alchemy wings behind the void, dragged huge slashing swords, dodged left and right, and rushed towards the Zerg spaceship group.

As if two waves collided fiercely, fierce fighting began in the starry sky.

The Xunxu Air Force Regiment seems to restrain the Zerg by nature, and the Nether Flames outside their bodies can block the corrosiveness of Zerg rays, even if they are wounded, they can quickly repair themselves.

The slashing knives that burned the black flame can easily break the Zerg spaceship, causing a very destructive killing effect.

But helplessly, there are too many Zerg spaceships, and soon the virtual air regiment was wrapped in the center.

A large group of robots flew out of the portal. They had purple bodies and silver limbs. They were the cutting-edge weapons of the Kerry Empire and sentry robots.

Although the strength is not as good as that of the virtual air force, it has also attracted a large number of Zerg spaceships.

Li Mo's elite team subsequently appeared.

Under the leadership of Richard Ryder, the members of the Puppet Star Corps dragged a long flame and instantly pierced the Zerg spaceship group. Energy waves were continuously emitted in their hands, destroying a spaceship.

Their goals are small and fast, and the Zerg are helpless for a while.

The Black Batman flew to the densest Zerg area, opened his mouth with his fists clenched in the void, and the ripples visible to the naked eye spread out, and the Zerg spaceship along the way turned into powder.

斗剑 and Captain Marvel unveiled a magical speed almost the speed of light, turning it into two lights, one blue and one red, and constantly shuttled through the Zerg spaceship group, destroying and destroying a spaceship.

Li Mo and Tony finally came out.

"It's the Grand Master!"

飞 A spaceship of medium civilization suddenly cheered.

"You haven't shot yet, why are everyone just cheering for you?" Tony rolled his eyes.

莫 Li Mo said calmly, "Do you remember the name of General Napoleon?"

Tony: "Kellerman, Lana, Sirte, Ney ..."

Li Mo: "..."

Tony: "I even remember their age of award."

Li Mo: "Shut up!"

Tony poked his mouth, hit a light wave with his hands wearing the special cosmic armor, a dimension space was quickly opened, and the 2,000-meter-high Tenjin armor slowly flew out.

Tony quickly drilled into it, and the huge armour of the Tenjin group moved its body, rushing into the Zerg spaceship crowd like a tiger into a flock.

Although only one empty shell has lost most of its power, the Zerg attack has no effect on the armor, and the light waves released by the armor can easily destroy a large area, which immediately sets off a monstrous wave in the swarm.

Li Mo did not rush forward, and squinted his eyes to observe.

As Li Mo stopped them from attacking the swarm, this medium civilization spacecraft quickly evacuated in large numbers.

The swarm of swarms continued to send more troops, and quickly filled the entire sky.

Li Mo suddenly moved, and flickered to the rear of the swarm. There was a huge spaceship with a length of 20 kilometers, a head like a crab, but a body like a cricket.

Is the flagship of the Zerg command.

This is Li Mo's tactics, which attracts the attention of others, while Li Mo goes to break through the command center.

On the command ship, Li Mo's appearance immediately caught the attention of the Zerg.

Unlike the strongness of the Bruder Zerg, the Negative Space Zerg relies more on unique Zerg technology, and ordinary members are not powerful.

Their appearance is strictly graded. The lower zerg is about 1.8 meters tall and is a humanoid creature resembling a tadpole skull with a ray gun in their hands.

The higher the level of 的, the larger the size of the members, the more complicated and hard the exoskeleton, and even the sharp wings like chips.

The commander of the Tatars quickly issued orders, and countless worm-shaped spaceships swarmed at Li Mo, and tens of millions of red rays were ejected simultaneously.

Li Mo's face showed no trace of fluctuations. He took out the black dead sword calmly and held his right hand on the hilt.


The sound of the sword pulling sounded as if it sounded in the souls of all people. At this moment, time seemed to be frozen, and even the red rays emitted by the Zerg spacecraft were frozen.

After a circle of black light spread out, the Zerg spacecraft along the way turned into powder, and eventually the 20-km-long Zerg flagship began to disintegrate and crack, and finally became cosmic dust.

Within thousands of kilometers around Li Mo, an empty vacuum zone formed.

Suddenly, the swarm that lost the command system immediately rioted. Without a steady stream of reinforcements, it quickly retreated and was broken up by the elite team.

However, neither Li Mo nor the other members of the elite team had a smile on his face.

This is their third rescue in a short period of time. At present, it seems that this large Zerg spaceship group is only a cruising squad level.

The members of the Elite Squad began to gather together quickly, and the Magic Air Force of the Virtual Air Force also burned flames one by one to heal.

The rescue lost about several hundred Nether 傀儡 and Sentinel robots, and the team members also died a dozen.

大部分 Most of these people are superheroes of other stars, and basically have the ability to fly in space and energy projection.

But to be honest, they are too weak, with heavy casualties. Li Mo has begun to consider letting them perform lower-level tasks.

Alas, the sound of the communicator on the personal terminal sounded again, and the three-dimensional image of Nova Supreme appeared. Her expression was a bit tired. "The ancient civilization encountered the Zerg and asked for assistance to evacuate."

Li Mo nodded and said nothing, and opened a portal directly. Through the portal, you can see that there was another **** battlefield opposite.

The virtual air regiment and sentry robots got in first. Although the other members of the elite squad were tired, they did not hesitate to follow.

莫 When Li Mogang was about to enter, he suddenly frowned and received the message from McQueen.

"What's wrong?" Tony asked quickly.

"The men I sent to carry out scientific research tasks encountered siege. They have important information in their hands." Li Mo answered.

Tony was anxious, "Let's go to the rescue!"

This is a long-established plan. They are here to delay time, also to wait for the Zerg technology to crack, so as to carry out the final counterattack.

"I'll go alone, you continue to rescue." Li Mo looked at the portal and said.

When Tony looked, he found that the war on the opposite side was stuck, and he resigned into the portal.

Li Mo didn't hesitate. After closing this portal, he opened another portal and walked in.

Opposite the puppet is a starry sky that has been out of the Zerg-controlled star field. A wounded skull-type spacecraft flies ahead, and behind it is a Zerg-type spaceship that can't see the head.

The number of Zerg spaceships is even several times more than just now.

It turned out that after Baldert rescued the silver glider, he should have notified Li Mo of the news as soon as possible, but because of signal interference, he had to leave the Zerg area first.

即使 However, even if he was careful, he was finally found and surrounded by the crazy Zerg.

Li Mo flashed, appeared between the Skull Ship and the Swarm, and passed a message to Baldet.

On the spacecraft, Bardett yelled: "Turn off all observation systems, everyone closes his eyes!"

The highly disciplined members of the Hydra quickly executed. Although the Guardians of the Galaxy were a little strange, they closed their eyes with interest when they saw the anxious appearance of Baldt.

Only that golden Cancan Soverin, dubbed Adam, opened his eyes and opened a slit, looking out the window.

The starry sky outside the window seemed to be distorted, and Adam's inexplicable perception gave Adam a headache, and he closed his eyes quickly.

In the void, Li Mo has revealed his body.

I can't see the black starry sky light film at a glance. The entire swarm of spacecraft is instantly enveloped, and countless black tentacles twist and tear the space ...

It seems that a long time has passed, and it seems that it is only one second. When Li Mo recovered the human form, the Zerg army has become countless fragments and stubbles, wandering in the entire star field.

A series of space cracks visible to the naked eye, such as broken glass spots, appeared in this starry sky, and there was no intention to repair it by themselves.

Li Mo is a little helpless. Although his body is powerful, it can easily cause damage to the main space, and it usually takes hundreds of years to repair it.

Therefore, he will not do this until the necessary moment.

The body shape flashed again ~ ~ Li Mo has entered the spacecraft command cabin.

He first greeted the Rockets and then looked at Baldet.

Baldert immediately opened up the data, "Zerg rely on some kind of pheromone for signal interference, as long as the reverse derivation can be solved, but the trouble is that they convert all the control area into negative space."

Li Mo was a little surprised, "How can they have this ability?"

"I can explain this problem!"

The silver glider stepped forward and said, "Nerus, the worm of negative space, has an artifact called the Universe Control Stick, which can not only provide him with infinite cosmic energy, but also can change the structure of any object at will. The main cosmic space in the control area has turned into negative space. "

Li Mo still has some doubts, "The more powerful the artifact, the higher the requirements on the user, does that insect king have such a great ability?"

The silver glider's face was a little awkward, and he waved his hands to release a three-dimensional image.

A strange starry sky, densely lined with all kinds of strange and weird Zerg buildings, including a round blockhouse with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers.

The crickets were covered with sharp, sharp worm limbs, which had shrunk to a height of only 500 meters, and the planet devourer was tied in the center in a large font, with a hungry and adorable expression.

A wave of energy visible to the naked eye was extracted from him, and was continuously sucked into the Zerg bunker.

I swallowed this uncle and was used as a battery ...

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