Marvel World Mixed Life

: "Wandering Earth", cool!

I was too busy a few days ago and just saw the stray earth when I was free.

Just a word, cool!

I'm used to watching American science fiction movies, and I'm really annoyed by the US military's hoisting of the entire universe.

At the beginning, the movie was full of hope, not only hoped that this film can truly open the era of Chinese science fiction movies, but also feared that they would smash the pot.

Seeing half of it, two thumbs up!

Completely different experience,

True Chinese science fiction!

Although some plots are flawed, remember that this is just the beginning of Chinese science fiction.

喷 Some sprayers on the Internet have been kneeling for a long time, and it's tempting to see their comments.

Forget it, not to mention those people.

The movie that made me cry the most was the plan of Wu Jing ’s narration of the Wandering Earth: It took thousands of years, more than a dozen generations, and finally found a new home.

This is the history of the Chinese people.

什么 What's the scariest in the universe?

Destructive stars, monsters, unknowns are not,

The most terrifying thing in the universe is time.

Only with this kind of background and spirit can we fight against the horror of cosmic time with the continuation of civilization.

The sun is finished?

Limping, let's run with our mother star!

Jupiter blocking the fangs?

Detonate it!

Open your eyes wide, this is called China scale!

I waited so long,

This day, finally here!

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