Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 343: Material empire

After 3 months ...

Latitude of Void, Laboratory of Truth.

"Ganata, that can't be eaten!"

Li Mo looked at the beautiful girl with a headache.

Uncle Lu Tun's daughter grew up quickly, and instantly became a big girl, and her appearance had a divine charm.

She inherited most of the knowledge and abilities of Uncle Tun, calling herself Gannata, but who can think that under the beautiful skin, there is a cricket-like fierce beast.

When she first came here, the little girl directly looked at the life energy extracted from the father of Star Jue and scared the famous void **** McQueen into liver tremor.

In the end, Li Mo and the little girl reached an agreement to feed regularly.

The purple armor was scattered, and the mouth of the rebellious girl who had changed into a Void Master's robe was raised. The face of the rebellious girl looked like, "It's just a giant starry worm. The biological experiment has been scrapped. Don't worry, I don't think Pollution."

莫 Li Mo is just a brain bounce, "The problem is, this is the last one you intentionally scrapped, and the inventory is gone."

"It's stingy, I'll catch it again!"

Gannata snorted, turned away, and Skorchi nodded and drew along with several big devil, followed by dog ​​legs.

Li Mo exhaled for a long time, he decided to count all the accounts on Uncle Swallow's head, it is best to wait until the goods are full, and pull him to the void dimension to spread the planet of life.

After this little magic star left, the truth laboratory finally quieted down, and many members of the Nether Masters felt their sweat, and finally they were able to concentrate on the experiment.

Li Mo then teleported to the empty command room, "McQueen, did you find the trace of the tyrant?"

McQueen showed a silvery-white figure, "No signal of annihilation was found in the 3,000 dimensions that the Eye of the Void can scan, nor could the fortune-telling circle obtain its information."

"It's okay, as I expected." Li Mo touched his chin. "This lunatic has the shelter of death. We can't take him for the time being, but sooner or later I will remove this thorn."

"What's going on with Hella?"

McQueen waved a real-time picture, "He is leading the Air Force Regiment to fight the Dimension Demon in the Moore Dimension. Since she joined us, she has been engaged in continuous warfare and has not stopped for a moment. I do not understand that We are just means, but she seems addicted to it. "

Li Mo shook her head lightly. "Since she has such a divine nature, her achievements are also trapped."

McQueen was silent, "Boss, what's the end?"

"This question, I want to know ..."

Uh ...

Earth, New York, the Most Holy Place.

After checking the Earth Defense Network again, the fat Pharaoh sat in front of the 3D TV with a cup of dessert.

Three months have passed since the war between Pupae and Puppet Exterminators, and the pain of the war has gradually subsided, followed by long and various celebrations of victory.

In this war, the Earth people let the entire Galactic Council see their energy:

They have a super-daring player Tony Stark, a star captain magical captain, a horrible civilization weapon Sun Hammer, and most importantly, Li Mo.

Therefore, after the war, there were no more threats from space, and the solar system has never been so safe.

A large number of interstellar stray races who lost their homes chose to settle in the solar system. Their arrival has not only accelerated the development of the Earth's science and technology and culture, but also accelerated the pace of the Earth's people's integration into the universe.

What makes Pharaoh and Strinch comfortable is that under the prestige of Li Mo, even the old hooligan of Mephisto has completely stayed away from the earth, not to mention the big and small devil from other dimensions, their hometown is It's about to be copied.

Pharaoh finally enjoyed a feeling of retirement, and Strangi had time to come to Kama Taj to guide new mages and from time to time on a dimension trip with his girlfriend.

Leisure time is simply beautiful.


Suddenly a noise came from the floor, Pharaoh stopped and looked up, and asked aloud, "Strand, Kerry, are you back?"

However, there was no answer upstairs, and the air was a little heavy, and the sound of the TV seemed to be quiet.

Pharaoh's face changed, slowly stood up, put on a stance of defense, and walked upstairs gently.

The Most Holy Sanctuary is generally safe, and the magic defense enchantment has not been touched, but it does not mean that it will not be invaded.

However, after walking up the stairs, Pharaoh was somewhat square. The New York Sanctuary was too old, and the wooden stairs crunched, just to remind the enemy of his position.

咚, 咚, 咚.

Pharaoh ran up without saying a word, but the scene in front of him surprised him.

Dr. Strange Strange, lying on the ground in blood, seemed to have passed out.


Pharaoh screamed and rushed forward, but his face changed a lot just after raising Strange, waving his hand with a magic shield.


A green, unknown light bombarded the magic shield, and Pharaoh was struck out with Strange.

Pharaoh's ears were all roaring, and he sat up with a dull head. He first looked at the injured arm, and then looked at the wooden floor in which the rune was shattered. It was incredibly mumbled: "No may…"

机械 Heavy mechanical footsteps sounded, and the enemy finally showed his face: a silver-white robot with a beautiful streamlined body, inlaid with beautiful geometric patterns.

"Who are you?" Pharaoh asked hard.

However, the other party did not answer him, just raised his arm, his arm armor cracked like a floating cannon, exposing the laser cannon tube that was already charging, and a cold voice came.

"Magic, destruction!"

The green light shot over, and Pharaoh hugged Strange and rolled down the broken staircase, while a portal appeared under him.

The unknown robot looked at it two steps forward. "The mission failed. Target A1003 escaped."

He then seemed to receive some kind of instruction, turned around and walked deep into the stairs, disappeared after entering a geometric portal.

Drip, Drip, Drip, Boom!

A strange ball-shaped suspension bomb was left by him, and a violent explosion blasted the New York Sanctuary in half.

Uh ...

Nepal, Kama Taj.

Pharaoh fell out of the portal holding the **** Strance, and yelled madly: "Come, come here!"

A few senior magicians who stayed behind Kama Taj rushed over and launched first aid on the spot.

Seeing Strangy's condition has been stable, Pharaoh quickly sounded the magic alarm, no matter the disciples or formal magician heard it, they went to the hall.

Puppet King looked at the crowd seriously and said, "There is an enemy invasion, a powerful enemy never seen before. Now it is in a state of emergency. The first task is to protect the earth from the magic circle!"

A gray-haired monk asked, "Who is the enemy? Devil of dimensions?"

Pharaoh squeezed his fist, "It is some kind of high-tech robot, and more importantly, their weapons, restraint magic."


"Only magic can restrain magic!"

"You must be wrong!"


Many magicians seem to be unbelievable. Most of them come from modern society. They firmly believe that magic is far higher than technology. Pharaoh's statement has caused their beliefs to collapse.


Puppet King paused with the wand in his hand, a shock wave came, and the hall gradually became quiet.

Pharaoh looked around the crowd and said, "It's not the time to say that impossibility is magic doubt in itself."

A magician hesitated for a moment, "Master Wang, we don't even know who the enemy is, what kind of battle preparations should we make?"

"The Material Empire ..."

A weak voice came from behind Pharaoh, and Strance came over with the help of two magicians. "They call themselves the Material Empire."

"Material Empire, why have you never heard of it?"

Everyone talked about this unknown enemy.

Strange did not explain too much, and said weakly to the mage in the hall: "The pharaoh is right, their weapons do have a lot of magical effects on magic, and they have a combat plan that seems to be directed at magicians . "

但是 "But don't worry, their primary goal is me, and there is no intention to invade the earth, so you better turn to zero and hide for the time being."

Stranger's face became serious when he saw the crowd preparing to oppose: "This is an order from the Supreme Master!"

The majesty of the Supreme Master can not be disobeyed. There is no way, many magicians have to disperse.

Only Pharaoh and Strange left in the Great Hall.

Strange said anxiously: "We must go to Li Mo for help ~ ~ Cree was taken away by them."

Pharaoh nodded and asked, "What is the purpose of these guys?"

Strange paused. "They want to destroy magic."

"Destroy magic?" Lao Wang chuckled, "Do they think they are the five creator gods?"

Strange's face was a bit bad. "According to the information we probed, they seem to have this ability and have started a plan."

Then, what seemed to feel, looked at the palm of his own hand, "they did they do it?"

Pharaoh glanced at Strange incredulously, and immediately used a few general magic.

However, none can be released ...

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