Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 344: Magic disaster

Pharaoh's face paled a lot.

"They ... how did they do that?" The old king murmured.

Stranger pursed his lips. "I don't know."

Inside the hall, the two were silent.

在 At this moment, a purple light ball suddenly appeared in the hall. After gradually expanding and disappearing, the crimson witch Wanda and the evil knight Johnny Blazer came out.

The scarlet witch Wanda saw the blood on Strangie and asked with a little worry: "We received your distress signal immediately, what happened?"

It turned out that Strinch pulled the Scarlet Witch and they formed a magical alliance, agreed to attack and defend each other, so they got the news in time.

I haven't waited for Strange to answer, Pharaoh's dim eyes suddenly stared at the thief, "You ... can you still use magic?"

The Scarlet Witch frowned. "Your magic is also out of order? It seems that something really happened. Our strength has weakened to varying degrees, and many mantras have failed."

Strance shook his head. "Unlike us, both Johnny's Spirit of Vengeance and Wanda's Chaos Magic are rooted in themselves. So they will not lose all magic immediately."

Seeing the doubts on the faces of the crimson witch Wanda and Johnny, Strange informed the two of the material empire.

The Scarlet Witch and the Evil Knight looked at each other.

"The Materialistic Empire ..." Johnny Blazer opened his mouth. "These guys seem to only target magical creatures. What is their purpose?"

"I've sent a signal to Li Mo." Strinch raised the signaler in Yang's hand. "This guy's power now covers all dimensions, maybe he knows the essence of this material empire."

After hearing about it, Wanda and Johnny looked much more relaxed, waiting patiently.

10 minutes…

20 minutes…

30 minutes…

Twenty-five hours passed, and everyone finally felt something wrong.

I usually receive the information. At the slowest 10 minutes, Li Mo will help them open the door to the dimension of the void, but the time is obviously longer than that.

Is something wrong there?

"Can't wait any longer!"

Stranger looked a little ugly. "Let's go to the Earth Federation and conduct ultra-long-range communications through confidential channels."

As soon as they were about to leave, a green door of dimension suddenly opened and a member of the Cree Void Master came out.

His look was a little anxious, "Everyone, too late to say, please follow me!"

After saying that, he turned and walked into the door of dimension.

Everyone in the hall was staring at each other, and quickly followed.

The door of the dimensional dimension opened directly in the city of truth. After everyone entered, a horrible scene appeared in front of them.

"G23 Alchemy Array Line Failure!"

"Morbi Dimension Corps lost contact!"

"Hurry up, we need more manpower!"

"Damn, pull all those apprentices up!"


Within their sights, the city of truth was full of flashing red lights and alarms. A team of mages hurried on the floating skateboard, and there were busy intelligent robots everywhere.


A violent explosion occurred in the dwarf building Ironforge on the left side of the 一群, a group of dwarves ran out with ashes and faces, "The boiler exploded!"

Jonny Blazer opened his mouth wide. "Here ... are you fighting?"

Strance grabbed a mage next to him, "What happened here? Where did McQueen go, he is the dimensional demon, and here is his omnipotent field, how could this happen?"

"A lot of magic lines have failed, and Void God has fallen asleep. I have something urgent, don't stop me!"

After the mage answered hurriedly, he struck Stranger away and ran towards a smoking building.

在 At this moment, a levitation robot flew over: "Please follow me, everyone, the master is in the dome area."

In a floating car, turn left and right, and after passing through a maze-like defense system, they came to the cerebellum in the void.

On the front is a wall of huge brain tissues thousands of meters high. After a long time recovery by McQueen, these already petrified brain tissues have turned into blue jelly-like tissues, like scale ripples on the ocean. It kept flashing.

Li Mo had a serious face suspended in mid-air, and a starry light curtain covered the place where the original magical array of McQueen's soul could not see what was happening inside.

Strinch They saw the seriousness of the situation and waited quietly and patiently.

After about three hours, Li Mo finally stopped and flew in front of them.

"Is McQueen all right?" Stranger asked worriedly.

莫 Li Mo shook his head calmly. "The situation is temporarily stable, but McQueen is still asleep. His biggest weakness is artificial life, and his soul is still based on the magic circle. This time he almost lost his life."

Then, Li Mo looked at the crowd, "You are here for this one too. This is something that affects every dimension of the universe, and it's a bit of a surprise."

"It's a ghost called a materialist empire," Strinch said.

"The material empire?" Li Mo frowned, "Let's talk to another place."

After saying that, he waved his hands and took everyone to the huge command center.

Stephenie saw him anxiously and walked up and said, "The fire of the void cannot provide a long-range energy transmission channel, and the magic maggots of the Legion also have problems in a large area. The war in all dimensions is at a standstill."

Li Mo waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, this incident has a wide scope, and those dimensional deities are not much better. Your first goal is to reduce losses as much as possible."

Stephanie nodded and turned busy.

Li Mo took the others to a secret conference room, and listened to what happened to Strange ...

Not long after the war between the puppet and the zerg, Strang took his wife, Kerry, to and fro in all dimensions, while playing and meeting great magicians, it was also a honeymoon trip.

However, just a few days ago, several of their mage friends suffered unfortunately, some were killed at home, some simply disappeared, and no message was heard.

They searched in various directions and finally tracked a suspicious robot.

He followed the robot to a hidden half-plane, heard the term material empire for the first time, and knew their primary goal: to completely destroy magic.

As they continued their hidden investigation, an unexpected situation arose.

玛 Domam, who had not been seen for a long time, was put into a cage and transported to the base. His condition was very bad, and he was basically on the verge of hanging.

Kristian's wife, Kerry, is the current Lord of the Dark Dimensions, and is the niece of Domham.

But the relationship between the two is very bad, it can be said that the kind of life and death is the moment they meet, Kerry immediately emotionally exposed the track.

Both of them are superb mages. As a supreme mage, Strange is not to say that Kree is a dimensional territory, and magic is even more powerful.

However, to their surprise, these robots not only possess weapons that restrain their magic, they also have powerful machines that can generate magic forbidden realms.

After a fierce battle, Klee was arrested, and Stranger ran out of his life ...

"That's the case," Strangt said to Li Mo with a dignified expression after telling. "Look for your help and hope to save my wife."

Li Mo nodded, closed his eyes for two seconds and opened, "I have information on forces in most dimensions of the universe, but I have never heard of this material empire."

"Did they come out of nowhere ... Is it ..."

Strinchton gave an incredible expression, "They are from other universes?"

"Do not rule out this possibility."

Li Mo stood up and stood up, "Give me the coordinates of the half-plane you have detected."

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斯特 After Strangy told about the dimensional magic coordinates, Li Mo reached out to open a portal and walked directly in. Others followed.

However, this situation of the semiplanar disappointed Stranger, in which there was a void and all matter was reduced to dust.

Li Mo looked for 4 weeks, "There was a strong explosion here, and the space and time are actually blank."

After searching for nothing, everyone returned to ignorance.

"Damn!" Strang hit the metal wall with a fierce punch, and the flesh suddenly flickered.

"Don't worry." Li Mo patted Strange's shoulder. "Let's find out the details of this material empire first."

Strange said fiercely, "But these guys don't know where to hide. They have a forbidden magic area, and great divination is invalid."

"Relax." Li Mo smiled, "All purposeful actions will be flawed ~ ~ these guys can't hide for long."

"What plans do you have?" Strinch asked.

"It's simple." Li Mo looked at Strance and said, "I need a bait and a great spy."

Strange nodded. "This bait is without a doubt me, but what about a spy?"

Li Mo smiled, "She's here."

As soon as his words fell, a small figure grew out of nowhere.

This is a streamlined black armor, which blurs from time to time. Suona's figure can be seen as a female.

Armored face armor lifted, and the black, widow Natasha's **** husky voice sounded:

"Everybody, long time no see."

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