Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 359: Magic War (5)

"You let me go?"

"Ha ... hahaha ..."

When Superman in Science heard Li Mo's words, he first hesitated, then couldn't help laughing, and laughed louder and louder.

Li Mo wasn't angry, he just looked at him quietly.

Gradually, the laughter of Scientific Superman stopped and the expression on his face became richer and richer.

Self-mockery, anger, sorrow ... all turned into a long sigh, "I don't want you to let me go, I just kill you, or you kill me."

"If what you said is true, let this universe also become dust ..."

After speaking, he lifted the cosmic cube high.

The blue glow diffused instantly, forming a large field of rules, which even surpassed a stellar system.

Li Mo brought the scientific superman to the multi-universe gap in order to reduce the damage of the cosmic cube to the structure of the universe.

However, here, the cosmic cube seems to have lost some restraint, and its power has increased significantly.

With a wanton euphoria on his face, Scientific Superman instantly wrapped Li Mo in the field of rules of the cosmic cube.

Li Mo didn't care, and he waved his hand, a spot appeared in the blue field of the cosmic rules, and then it became bigger and bigger, and an equally large field of rules appeared around him.

This area is no longer the appearance of the dark starry sky, but an extreme esoteric, but when you stare carefully, it seems that when you see the big bang, the light that engulfed everything instantly appeared.

From the moment he absorbed all the infinite gems, Li Mo stepped into a completely new and completely new field.

Eternity and infinity They are called the five great creation gods because they represent the five important orders that make up this multiverse: time, space, destruction, nothingness, and balance.

They are the foundation of this universe, correcting reality, holding rules, and representing the highest strength.

However, this extreme also limited them, making them united with this universe, and it was never possible to recreate the universe alone.

However, Li Mo is completely different. He created his own small universe from the beginning, and absorbed infinite gems to complete the rules of the universe.

It can be said that in the field of the rules of this small universe, Li Mo is the real creation god.

In a sense, Li Mo has now fully matched the Five Gods of Creation.

There are collisions between two ambitious fields of rules, one representing strength beyond this cosmic space, and the other with complete cosmic rules.

A weird scalp sound was constantly produced, and the nearest universe between them was affected, the stars were annihilated, the space was broken, and finally all the universe was bubbled into the sky.

Li Mo's face was not getting better. Although intuitively it was just a cosmic bubble destruction, he instantly heard the bitter shout of trillions of trillions of lives.

He also heard this voice in the realm of Superman.

Any confidant life will not continue down at this moment, but he has been completely mad, and his face has an abnormal distortion: "Destroy ... destroy ..."

"The end of the multiverse is today!"

Li Mo had no empty words, but immediately used his full strength to control the two people's battles in areas that would not affect those cosmic bubbles.

The strength level of the cosmic cube is indeed beyond imagination. Although Li Mo is now completely fearless, the two are now in a stalemate.

Just then, all the horrible tentacles suddenly protruded from the void, and then big eyes sprang up, and one eye shone with the light of resentment.


A dark and obscure light that seemed to be able to corrupt the universe was shot out of the big-eyed cute eye, and along with the terrible roar, bombarded the field of scientific superman's rules along the way.

Immediately afterwards, countless tentacles waved like spinning wheels, hitting the realm of science superhuman wildly.

Big Eye Meng obviously uses full strength, but its strength level is significantly worse than the cosmic cube. The tentacles are broken and broken, which only slightly interferes with the scientific superman.

"Hahahaha ... I'm looking for you ..." Science Superman smiled with big eyes and said with a smile: "I don't have the strength to kill you, but when this universe is completely annihilated, can you survive alone?"

Big eyes Meng's big eyes blinked and looked around again, then disappeared instantly.

"Hahaha ... isn't this your ally, even he ran away, who else can help you?" Science Superman twisted a smiley face.

"He's not afraid of you." Li Mo shook his head. "It's hiding some guys who should have come."

As soon as Li Mo's words fell, several figures appeared around him. One was composed of cosmic stars, the other was endless layers of space, one had a red cloak and looked like an endless abyss. There was also a woman and wearing armor Facial paralysis male.

It is the five gods of creation.

Li Mo had long foreseen this kind of result, no matter what they usually do, but always represented the order of this world.

When this universe is facing a threat of destruction, they will certainly come forward to ban it.

Space, time, death, annihilation, balance, the five forces of order form a larger field of rules, and Li Mo instantly compressed the field of the universe cube to become smaller and smaller.

Li Mo quietly walked forward in the void, each step is tens of thousands of kilometers, and each step, the field of rules of the cosmic cube will be compressed back to the container.

"It's not fair ... it's not fair!" Science Superman shouted wildly.

However, no one ignored him, the Genesis Five Gods looked coldly and quietly, and Li Mo walked forward firmly.

"Wait a minute!" The Superman shouted at Li Mo: "My master is waiting for the order, go one step further, your void dimension will be completely reduced to dust!"

However, as if Li Mo hadn't heard it at all, he still walked forward without stopping.

"Offense! Offense!" The Superman shouted in a husky voice.


Void dimension periphery.

The materialistic empire robotic division of more than 13 cosmic bases has leaked the water surrounding it.

After receiving the order of the Scientific Superman, the weapons of the planetary space station began to be charged instantly, and the horrifying fluctuations almost became a piece.

On the Void Continent, countless people prayed in horror.

In the command room of the center, the boss couldn't help but advise: "We still have a dozen negative wave bombs, although the void dimension will also be affected, but this time is the best choice."

Everyone was waiting for Stephanie's order, they would rather die in war than wait for death.

However, Stephanie still did not speak, her forehead was sweating, her right hand was dead and she was holding the hem of her military uniform, but her eyes were still staring firmly at the screen.

Just then, the robot in a certain planetary space station suddenly stopped moving, and its eyes quickly changed from blue to red.

Immediately after that, the robot eyes around it also turned red, and stopped.

This change is happening on many space stations, covering all the materialistic robotic robot masters at the speed of light.

Each of the energized space annihilation weapons stopped in an instant, and the atmosphere that was on the verge of dissipation disappeared instantly.

Stephanie finally relaxed, don't look at her rigidity, she was scared to breathe.

She got up from the command seat, straightened her collar, took a deep breath and ordered loudly, "Now the third phase of the battle."

"Assimilate the robot master, unite the universe, and end the dimensional battle!"

The others looked at Stephanie with surprise, "Is this going to be B, what's the matter?"

Stephanie's mouth showed a slight arc.

Half a month ago, in a class at Hydra Academy ...

"How should we define our lives?"

"Is it retrospective? Action? Or experience?"

"This is a subject I leave for you. I have to leave for a while. I look forward to seeing you submit a paper of no less than 50,000 words. It must be original!"

A philosophy professor who had finished teaching took off his golden glasses and wiped them.

The students immediately mourned, and a girl asked curiously, "Professor Obote, I have never seen you take a vacation. What are you going to do?"

Professor Opter slowly put on his golden glasses and said quietly with a magnetic voice: "At the invitation of your dean, we will end a battle."


Cosmic gap space.

Science Superman opened his eyes wide and asked aloud, "What's going on, what's happening?"

However, Li Mo did not reply to him, and he continued to compress the universe cube.

"I don't agree! I hate!"

"What **** god, what **** universe ..."

"You all should die!"

The scientific superman, who had lost his mind, roared wildly, but could not forbid Li Mo from moving forward.

The space in the space of the cosmic cube is compressed and getting smaller and smaller. When reaching the last 100 meters, Li Mo walked especially hard, but he didn't stop.

50 meters, 10 meters, 5 meters, 1 meter ...

Li Mo finally came to the eyes of Scientific Superman, looked at him quietly, and took away the cosmic cube.

"I hate…"

The Superman of Science didn't even have time to say a word and was completely decomposed by Li Mo's field of rules.

Li Mo looked at the cosmic cube in his hand ~ ~ I did not expect that just such a gadget, only half-charged waste products, caused such a big turmoil.

What is there in that unknown space?

When all this was over, the five gods of creation each glanced at Li Mo and dissipated in this space instantly.

"Hey, hey, where are you in a hurry?" Li Mo threw the cosmic cube in his hand dissatisfied, "What should I do with this stuff?"

"And Uncle Swallow, don't you want your daughter?"

"Where did you hide the Exterminator?"

Just then, he closed his mouth suddenly, his eyes looked at the endless depth of time and space.

He received an invitation in his mind,

From the court of life ... The latest chapter in the novel Marvel World Mixed Day Chapter 359 Chapter Three Wars of Magic and Law (5) Website: https: //

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