Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 360: balance

Life court ...

Since Li Mo became the **** of the universe, he knew that he would one day meet the Supreme Order Balancer of the Marvel universe.

And now it's finally time.

Li Mo looked around. Due to the cube of the universe, the damage to the spatial structure caused by the war with Scientific Superman could not be repaired, just like a hole appeared in perfection.

As of today, he has learned many mysteries of the universe.

One of them is about structure. Everything in the universe is certain by chance.

Like a natural boulder pagoda on the top of a cliff, each one is an independent boulder, but stands there with the most stable structure, and has not been destroyed for thousands of years.

Planets, galaxies, black holes, time, space, life ... everything from the moment of the Big Bang to the real world, determined that they would emerge in the most perfect posture.

At the same time, the structure is the least stable.

Thousands of kilometers of **** will gradually be destroyed in the ant hole, towering giant trees will be collapsed by insects, even the human body and even the cells will have a profound impact due to a small problem.

If it is the cause of the universe, even if the universe bubble disillusionment will gradually recover, the strength of the cosmic cube has caused this kind of perfection to regret and cannot be repaired, and one day will cause irreparable disaster.

Sighing, Li Mo closed the cube of the universe, and then flickered towards the depths of the endless multiverse ...


This is a high-dimensional space.

Here time and space lose meaning, everything returns to its origin, and the infinite universe is at hand.

If it were to be described from the perspective of low-dimensional creatures, it would probably be such a scene: great and tiny darkness, everything has no concept, and consciousness gathers and flows like light particles.

Standing in Li Mo's sight is another scene: the court of life, eternity, infinity, annihilation, death, star swallow, master of chaos and order, eternal life, entropy ...

In the dark void, the gods of the sky hung between heaven and earth, staring at him quietly and coldly like the universe.

Such a big battle?

Li Moben thought it was a personal invitation, but did not expect to see all the rules and abstract gods of the Marvel universe.

Is it just an ordinary party, or is there no intention?

Li Mo didn't look at other gods, nodded to the court of life and waited quietly.

"You finally came here ..."

The lips of the court of life did not move, but its message was large and broad, shaking space and soul.

There is something in the words ...

Li Mo asked lightly, "Is this not allowed?"

The life court was silent, "Let's talk about the cube of the universe first."

Li Mo raised his hand, and the cosmic cube emerged in his hand. "Do you want this thing, exactly? This is a burden to me."

The life court replied: "Trust you also see its damaging power to the structure of the universe. From your attitude, I trust you to be a good custodian."

Li Mo pouted his lips, and the cosmic cube disappeared instantly.

Just as he thought it was over, the sculpture-like life court spoke again.

"The reason that the cube of the universe can cause damage to the multiverse is because of its power beyond this universe."

"And this kind of strength beyond the universe, you also have it, although very weak, but it is higher than the rules of the universe."

When Li Mo's pupils shrank, a lot of things became clear instantly.

The life court refers to the vampire vine that accompanied him.

It can be said that he can survive in the Marvel universe and grow step by step to this day. Vampire is the biggest help.

The court of life said that Vampire Vine is a force beyond this universe.

Thinking about it now, he was right.

From the beginning of the world to absorb electric energy and materials, to later draw thousands of dimensions and the rules of the multiverse.

It can be said that the cheating degree of Vampire Vine is no less than that of infinite gems.

No one used to control it. What does it mean to mention the court of life now?

Li Mo looked at the gods in the sky, and had a bad guess in his heart, "Are you going to ban me?"

He had already made up his mind. If this group of indecent stuff really had this meaning, he would definitely take the Universe Cube and do a good job with them.

Fortunately, the life court gave him another answer.

"There is no need. The strength of your out-of-rule force is very weak, and it has been united with the rules of the universe, not as much as the persecution of the cosmic cube."

"But I must remind you that no matter how weak it is, it does not belong to the rules of this universe. When you are weak, the impact is small, but your current energy is almost better than the Genesis Five Gods. Every shot will definitely leave an impact . "

"So my ruling is: Only in the future, you can take a shot in a crisis of the same level as you."

Li Mosong sighed, and he wasn't the only one who had nothing to do to find people fighting.

Hmm ... at least every time someone else messed with him.

However, it is obviously a disadvantage to agree so easily.

Li Mo looked around, "I can promise, but I have a few requests."

The life court was silent, "One!"

Li Mo: "Well, let me think ..."

Life court: "..."

Li Mo looked left and right, suddenly staring at the dead goddess.

"If I remember correctly, there is also a cosmic cube in Exterminator, and this guy is too troublesome. Death must end all tricks!"

The life court responded directly: "Death and death are not a trick, but her responsibility to maintain the balance of the universe's life and death. No one can interfere."

"As for the mad Titan Salos, the cosmic cube in his hands will also be entrusted to you, and he himself will be placed under eternity, under house arrest to the end of time."

Li Mo looked at the gods who were cold in the sky, and smiled slightly, "The deal!"


Void dimension.

Above ignorance, McQueen floated quietly.

He now has a blue, sculptural energy entity, with white light radiating from his eyes, as if looking into the depths of the endless universe.

After careful inspection, it will be created. The white light in McQueen's eyes is made up of countless flowing data streams, which is the characteristic of his intelligent life becoming a god.

McQueen was blessed by misfortunes this time, not only removing the flaws of the soul and deepening the potential, but also completely controlling the rules of numbers in the universe.

At present, this body was obtained at the prompt of Li Mo by going to the micro-space dimension.

Since McQueen woke up, Stephanie has given up her commanding power. After all, only McQueen can control the multi-dimensional hero and the void dimension, and arrange all aspects properly.

The void dimension at this time ushered in an explosive development.

Since the demon gods in those dimensions were liquidated, the virtual air force began to expand rapidly, sweeping all the dimensions of the heavens at a terrible speed.

Some of the damaged dimensions are slowly restored under their conditioning, and all the remaining life forms are also included in the rule of the void dimension.

They broke all slavery and monarchy, and built a livable city with the technology of the city of truth. Not only did they improve the lives of the indigenous people, but they also received excellent training opportunities for visiting Hydra Academy.

After a terrible battle, the entire universe ushered in the most peaceful period of time.

To say that the busiest is the Nether Masters, they have all the power to take over all the property of the Material Empire.

From the spaceship to the laws of energy operation, from robots to space skills, the technical foundation of the constructors is quickly absorbed and learned by them.

Everyone reports a goal: they want to advance to a true god-level civilization!

Office of the Principal of Hydra College.

Already hiding all strength, Li Mo, who has become like a mortal, is playing chess with Austrian man dressed like an old human professor.

Naturally, they will not play ordinary chess games.

This is a three-dimensional structure of Go. Even high-dimensional time and space calculations are performed every next step. Ordinary people have no idea what they are doing.

Although Ultron is stronger and has more computing power, it is obviously a bit worse than Li Mo, the real deity.

Seeing that Qilu was sealed and passed away, Ao Chuang's brow had been twisted deeply.

But what he didn't know was that Li Mo had been working with one mind and heart, although he was playing chess with him quietly, but there was always a terrible energy stripping in his body and deep in his soul.

After returning from the life court, Li Mo made a decision after careful consideration: to strip the vampire from his strength system and soul.


Ultron patted his forehead in distress, "Lose again."

Then he turned off the virtual electronic chess board and put on a fighting posture, "Let's discuss the issue of life itself."

As he spoke, Li Mo's body gradually returned to silence.

"Okay, it's okay to discuss it for ten and a half months ..." Li Mo replied indifferently, while looking down at his right hand.

A verdant green rattan slowly grew out of his hand, twisted against the wind, filled with terrible lush vitality.

Ultron couldn't help but wonder, "What is this?"

"Blessings from my hometown!"

Li Mo died and stared at the rattan. He actually felt a contact from afar and time.

Is it ...

Li Mo couldn't help but fall into meditation, and he closed his mouth and stopped disturbing.

After a whole day and night, Li Mo finally moved.

The rattan in his hand grew rapidly. First, a strange flower bloomed, and then the rattan and flowers withered, leaving a seed in the wind.

Li Mo reached out his left hand, and the cosmic cube emerged.

After getting another half-powered cosmic cube from Exterminator, he combined the two into one to form a complete cosmic cube.

The power of this complete cosmic cube is really terrifying ~ ~ Li Moyou feels that it can directly challenge the life court without fear of siege.

It is just that the damage to the universe after application is also magnificent.

Li Mo held the Vampire Seed in his right hand, took a deep breath, and stuffed it directly into the Cosmic Cube.

This seed is soaked in a thick liquid, floating up and down slowly in the cosmic cube, without being attacked by the energy rules in it.

Bet right!

The rules of the real universe in which he lives are higher than that of the cubic space of energy origin.

"What are you doing?" Ao Chuang asked with wide eyes, and he felt that he could easily kill his own life from the seeds or from the cube.

"Nothing." Li Mo smiled slightly.

"Just one more choice ..." The latest chapter of the novel Marvel World Mixed Chapters 360th chapter Ping Liuheng Website: https: //

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