Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 371: Li Mo

Earth, New York ...

Countless vehicles are speeding at a speed of 300km per hour on a magnetically levitated highway across Manhattan.

Through intelligent brain control, all vehicles maintain a certain distance and automatically design the route without human operation at all.

When this highway system was first introduced to the earth, people were scared to ride it, but they gradually accepted and got used to it.

Since the operation of this system, there has never been a traffic accident.

However, there are always exceptions.

On a suspended car, Sean stared out of the window with a dumb look, a hint of sarcastic sagging in the corner of his mouth.

He is a scientist who has devoted almost half of his life to this highway system.

However, because of internal struggles in the construction company, he was kicked out, and will carry the scandalous scandal for the rest of his life.

This made him completely lose hope in life.

Looking at the homemade electromagnetic bomb next to the seat, Sean's face showed a hint of pleasure.

"You ... will all pay the price!"


A blue electromagnetic ripple quickly spread around his vehicle. All the vehicles along the way failed and the highway system was disrupted.

Each high-speed floating car swiveled across the center of the road, and then was hit by the numerous floating cars that were catching up behind.

Just as the rapid-flowing pipe was suddenly cut off, tragedy happened, and an unprecedented traffic accident occurred on this highway.

Ambulances, fire engines, police ... a large number of professionals arrived and quickly launched a rescue operation.

Ten minutes later, the rushed city government official asked the medical commissioner in a bad mood: "What about the casualties?"

"Slightly injured 273 people and severely injured 78 people."

"No one's dead?" A government official's face surprised, "It's a miracle!"

"This is not a miracle at all." A terrified expression appeared on the medical commissioner's face. "Have you ever seen someone with only half his head left to die?"

At the same time, the same thing is happening all over the world and the entire universe.

Many people who are seriously injured or sick, who should have died, simply cannot rest.

Some indigenous planetary tribes are at war, but both sides find it impossible to kill each other.

The worst thing is that people who are wrecked in space travel can't breathe and are frozen into ice sculptures by the severe cold in the void of the universe.

However, it is impossible to die.

For them, it was worse than in hell.

This wide-ranging anomaly affecting the entire multiverse caused alarms from watchtowers to continue to sound.

McQueen looked worriedly into the distance. "In this case, there must be something wrong with the death."

"Boss ... what exactly happened there?"


In the dead space universe.

Heaven and earth seem to be shrouded in overcast clouds, without any color, only black and white can be distinguished.

Countless souls walk between heaven and earth, and finally merge into a weird gray river, which leads to the depths of the universe.

Li Mo glanced at the scenery calmly, then immediately broke through the space and headed towards the depths of the death universe.

Before long, he came to the Temple of Death.

This is a weird and crooked mountain peak, piled with countless bones and rugged mountains and stones, and its aesthetic is really daunting.

"Goddess of death, I'm Li Mo, please see me."

Although there have been all kinds of unhappiness with death, but the other party is the five gods of the universe after all, Li Mo politely sent a message.

However, the other party did not respond for a long time.

Li Mo frowned. Isn't Death at home today?

This is impossible.

Except for Uncle Swallow, although death is a lot more active than several other gods, but she is only walking in the multiverse, her true body has been here to maintain the operation of the death universe.

What happened?

Thinking of this, Li Mo immediately teleported into the temple.

This is a magnificent hall carved from white bones. Almost all the bones of various races in the universe can be seen. They form a mysterious mural like exquisite artwork, telling the death that has occurred since the birth of the universe. secret.

But Li Mo didn't care, he was attracted by the strange scene in front of him.

A sturdy figure wearing a red bone armor sits high on the throne. The full-covered cricket helmet blocks Li Mo's thoughts, but he can't see who this guy is.

What's important is that he was holding his head in his left hand and dying under the throne to destroy the tyrant's head, while his right hand held the goddess of death in his arms.

The true body of the goddess of death is wearing a black robe composed of unknown black material, and a slender female body can be seen vaguely under the windless black robe.

Under the hood is a skeleton face.

Although there was no expression on the skull's face, Li Mo felt that she was looking at the tall figure with affection.

What is this situation?

Large Empathy Do Not Love Scene?

Li Mo pumped the corner of his mouth, stared at the tall figure and asked, "Who are you?"

The figure did not answer, but the half-dead tyrant under his feet opened his eyes and said tiredly:

"he is me…"

Immediately after the extermination of the tyrant, the tall figure flung him out.


The wall of the temple collapsed instantly, like a horrible mountain of bones, countless ghosts screamed and fluttered, and the tyrant was buried in it.

Li Mo glanced calmly at the tall figure.

He is waiting.

Since the other party did not evade, he will definitely give him an answer.

Sure enough, the tall figure slowly stood up from the throne, and death was still in his arms.

The face armor was automatically separated, revealing another face of the tyrant.

It's just that this annihilator's body is much taller than the one thrown out, his eyes are broad and ancient, his face is calm and cold, like the ice that will never change for thousands of years.

Starlight circulated in Li Mo's eyes, "From the future?"

He looked at the two tyrants.

Well, the paradox of time and space has proven to be untenable in the Marvel universe.

Li Mo began to examine the future eradication of tyrants.

There is no doubt that this guy is amazingly strong now, Li Mo even felt a small threat.

Look at the red bone armor of his body ...

Li Mo's face was suddenly ugly.

He felt a familiar power on this red bone armor, if it was not wrong, it was from Setorak.

And if you look closely, aren't the big eyeballs inlaid on the chest of the armor?

Li Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, "Can you tell me how you came back, and what happened to your armor?"

Future Fighter did not answer, but directly transmitted a piece of image information to Li Mo's brain ...

The goddess of death did, according to the agreement, imprison the exterminator until the end of time and space.

But no one thought that the potential of annihilation was endless.

Without the restraint of death, although in prison, his strength continued to grow year after year.

Finally, someday after some billion years.

The horrific destroyer emerged from the trap. He first killed death, and then slaughtered all the gods and lives of the Marvel universe one by one.

Eventually, the end of time and space, the end of the universe, ushered in the boundless mountain of bones.

But at the moment when the doomsday came, this guy came to this ancient time in the space-time spaceship that he had snatched from Time Traveler Kang.

Li Mo squeezed his fist. "What am I doing in the future?"

"I believe you will not be my opponent at that time, and I will definitely kill you."

There was a sneer in the corner of the future annihilation, "If you are here, this may be the case, but in the future you will leave this universe very early and go to a higher level of space."

Li Mo's eyes flashed slightly, but the words of extermination proved that his next strength development method was correct.

He glanced at the goddess of death like the idiot and provokedly said, "Death, you hear nothing, your lover will kill you in the future."

But death turned a deaf ear, but gave a deep affectionate kiss to future tyrants, "My boy, I knew from the moment you were born that you finally became the real you."

Future tyrants looked at Li Mo calmly, "I have seen many things in endless time, and I have also known many mysteries of the universe. Now I am almost childish at this time."

"What extincts half of the universe's life, and what is for the future prosperity of the universe, are all ridiculous ideas."

"The world will eventually be destroyed, and when I saw the end of time and space on the corpse mountain, I realized that it was my real destiny to completely end this universe."

"Okay." Li Mo smiled. "Isn't your goal already achieved? What are you back for?"

Li Mo thought that this guy came back to get some treasures, but he did not expect that he would give him an unexpected answer.

"For you."

The future tyrant said staring at Li Mo.

"for me?"

Li Mo couldn't laugh or cry, "No."

The future tyrant stared at him and said, "When I completed my mission, looking at the collapsed universe, I thought I would be calm, but I thought of you."

"You are the only person in my life who has frustrated me. I have been imprisoned here for hundreds of millions of years thinking about how to defeat you, but I find it impossible."

"So I came back."

"Why do you think I want to tell you all this?"

"Because I want to destroy all this in front of you, whatever you care about and what you care about, will disappear."

"And you will just watch it all helpless."

"I understand…"

Li Mo said calmly, "Observers probably know what you want to do before they are killed."

"Since the conspiracy will be hidden, it means that you have not defeated my confidence at all, so what I have to do is simple ..."

"Kill you!"

Immediately after the discourse, Li Mo immediately came to the front of the future annihilation. The horrible twisted starry sky rules were compressed on the fist, and a fierce punch hit the annihilation face.

This is the first time he has used his power to fight after his recovery.

Although stripping out the Vampire Vine has greatly damaged its strength, the small universe rule power built by infinite gems is no less inferior to the five creation gods, and even better.

With the collapse of a large area of ​​space and time, the future extermination of tyrants was blown out like a rag doll.

I don't know how many light years away, the future Exterminator has stabilized its shape.

Of course, Li Mo knew that he would not be killed so easily. He almost appeared in front of the future annihilation almost instantly, and was punched again.

boom! boom! boom! ...

Continuous bombardment, each time concentrated all the strength, along the way the galaxy was broken, time and space destroyed, and the universe of death was stirred upside down.

After not knowing how many punches were bombarded, Li Mo stopped.

He felt something was wrong, Exterminator didn't fight back, and the guy seemed to have only suffered a minor trauma.

"Is this the only degree ..."

After stabilizing his body, future tyrants calmly wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, "Since you can't kill me, I will do my own thing."

"Where do I start?"

"Just start with your home planet ..."

Li Mo narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words of future tyrants. "You heard me in the court of life, but I was forced."

After that, he suddenly appeared in front of Mieba, raised his right hand high, and a vampire vine flashing with dazzling blue light appeared between his fingers.

This can be said to be his strongest weapon at the moment. The vampire vines hatched by the cosmic cube can kill anything you want to kill.

Looking at the blood-sucking vine full of devastation, Deba greeted him with no worries, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Do not!"

Time seemed to be frozen ~ ~ Death suddenly appeared between them.

Li Mo looked a little embarrassed by the death that was gradually decimated by the power of Vampire Vine.

Exterminator gave affectionate kiss to death, "Farewell, my lover."

After speaking, it disappeared instantly ...


Master universe.

The chaos caused by the disappearance of death alarmed all the universe gods.

They reunited into the life court space.

The life court squeezed his fist, and he saw everything, although he was a little overwhelmed, but couldn't get rid of his mission.

"Death is dead. The murderer is Li Mo."

"The balance of life and death in the universe has been disrupted and he must be judged!"


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