Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 372: Trial day

Marvel World Mixed Days Chapter 372 Judgment Day Audiobooks Listen Online

Deep in the universe, the stars are dim.

The big and small Marvel abstract gods stood in the void, waiting quietly for the order of the life court.

Among them are not only the great gods such as eternity and infinity, but also chaos and order that are inferior to them, eternal life, etc., and other small gods like love and hatred are countless.

The only thing that wasn't there was Uncle Swallow.

He was devouring a huge planet and planned not to go anywhere until he had finished eating.

For him, the world is big and the meal is the biggest.

These gods represent the various orders of the universe, and they each perform their duties, thereby maintaining the normal operation of the Marvel universe.

Unlike gods like Li Mo, the abstract gods gathered here rarely have the ability to adapt.

They were born of rules, and they were also trapped by rules.

The same is true of the court of life. Although he knew that Li Mo's death was an accident, he must be tried because of the rules.

The court of life did not rush to order, but cast its eyes on the death universe.

In the death universe, Li Mo, who was a little regretful, suddenly looked at him, and then looked into the void.

He was instantly euphoric, "What? The future tyrannical plan to end this universe, secretly there is a surpassing protoss, but you have to judge me at this time?"

"I've got water in my head one by one!"

After speaking, Li Mo quickly broke through the space, and instantly came to the deep space of the universe where the gods were, and a blue-rayed vampire appeared in his hands.

He looked at the abstract gods who were expressionless like sculptures.

"I'll see how you plan to judge me!"


Void dimension.

The confusion caused by the fall of the goddess of death has attracted all the high-level officials and even Tony's attention, and they gathered anxiously in the central command room of ignorance.

"What the **** is going on now?"

"Where did the boss go?"

"What shall we do now?"


McQueen watched them sinking and said, "The goddess of death has fallen and was killed by the boss by mistake."

"What's more troublesome is that the gods now have to judge the boss ..."

After listening to McQueen's story, Tony was annoyed, "Hey guys, don't make sense, they don't have the right to do this!"

There was a taunt of ridicule on McQueen's calm face, "They need no reasoning. They are gods. For them, the rule is the right."

The impact of the death of the goddess of death was too great, and the news that Li Mo was being judged by the gods spread throughout the universe in a short time.

Of course, ordinary life forms will not know, but for high-level power, they will start to face one choice.

On an unknown planet ...

Master Gu Yi and Kronos, the **** of time, looked at each other silently and sighed.

Kronos "I'm leaving. As the **** of the eternal god, I must follow in his footsteps."

Master Gu Yi smiled. "No matter how Li Mo is my disciple, at this time, I must stand by his side."

Kronos face was a little sad. "Old friend, the universe has reached the most critical moment. Now no **** can determine the future destiny of the universe. We can only adhere to our own principles."

After speaking, Kronos disappeared instantly.

Master Gu Yi sighed, "See you later, old friend ..."

The original dark universe ...

With the help of Li Mo, Big Eye Meng, who has recovered her freedom, blinked, and countless planet-like thick tentacles began to creep slowly ...

Crimson Universe ...

A thick red giant shadow that traverses the heavens and the earth blew a horn that has not been moved for hundreds of millions of years.

Yalfheim ...

In the worries of countless elves, the guardian Angelina kneeled on the ground with one sword on her knees, and her left hand was holding the necklace on her chest tightly.

"Master Sirte, I know this request is a bit excessive, but I still hope you can do something, this is the wish of all the elves ..."

With her words, deep in the heart of Musbelheim, the fire giant Sirteer pulled the Twilight Sword from the eternal fire ...

Multiverse gap ...

The giant snake body entangled with several universes slowly released, and the zombie Setter looked deep into the universe with a rare excitement in his eyes.

As an evil god, his powerful information collection and event deduction ability allowed him to see what would happen next.

He turned to look at Sisorn, who was in the dark, and his eyes were secretive, and he didn't know what to do.

The two guys seemed to have some tacit understanding in an instant, "This is an opportunity!"

At the same time, similar things continue to happen in every corner of the universe.

The death of the goddess of death was like a sharp blade that completely separated the higher life of the Marvel Universe and divided into two camps.

Whether it is out of gratitude, friendship, or hatred, all higher life makes a choice at this moment.

At this moment, even the chaos caused by the fall of the goddess of death seems less important.


Dark universe starry sky.

Li Mo calmly looked at the gods in front of him, and the blood-sucking vine with blue light in his hand twisted gently.

After sprouting and re-growing from the transcendence energy of the cosmic cube, Vampire Vine has shown amazing terror.

From the perspective of killing the goddess of death in one shot, this seemingly weak energy plant already has the power to easily destroy the rules of the universe.

Even though he has long become a god, Li Mo has never been a great selfless saint.

He can help others as much as he can, and even maintain order and peace in this universe.

But when the order of this universe becomes his own enemy and even threatens his life, he does not mind destroying everything in front of him.

At that moment, Li Mo suddenly turned his head and looked at it with a stun.

A space door was opened, and many people appeared one after another, McQueen, Tony, Sol, Hulk, Master Gu Yi, Strange, Wanda, Earth Supreme Priestess Agatha ...

"What are you doing here?"

Li Mo shook his head. "You can't get involved in things here."

Then he looked at McQueen, "Bring them back, no matter what happens, guard the void dimension."

"Sorry, boss."

McQueen violated Li Mo's order for the very first time, "I know your concerns, but to be honest, I don't care about other things."

"Even though I have become a god, my happiest time since birth was the time during which you wandered through the universe."

"This time, I must be here!"

Li Mo was silent, nodded and said nothing, then looked at the others.

Tony, driving in the armor of the Tenjin group, smiled jokingly, "Tentacles, what would I do without me?"

Sol touched his stomach. "You are my friend."

Hulk hammered his chest. "Hulk is never afraid of anyone."

Although the others were not talking, they all looked at Li Mo firmly.

Looking at a pair of trusting eyes, Li Mo suddenly moved, and then there was a little worry.

Yes, he can carelessly destroy the universe, but his friends may lose their homes and even their lives.

There may be ways to restart, but will they still be after the restart?

Just then, the space behind them suddenly twisted, and in the dark, big eyes appeared, twisting their tentacles and eager to try.

He sent a message to Li Mo, "Hit!"

Immediately afterwards, Laosi in red armor appeared, and then seven similarly distorted figures.

The eight demon gods appeared together for the first time, and under the leadership of Setolak, stood firmly behind Li Mo.

They also have their own considerations. In fact, the dimensional demon and the cosmic **** have long been vaguely opposed, but because of a weak reason, they rarely leave their dimensional activities.

This time, it may be an opportunity.

Sirte also appeared, and Li Mo guessed the behavior of the elves, so it was no surprise.

But the ensuing zombie Seth, the big devil shadow West Thorne, and a mess of evil gods made him confused.

These guys are standing on the opposite side of the universe gods, but they are not with Li Mo and they are just trying their best.

Li Mogang wanted to ask, these guys shouted one by one.

"Hurry up!"

"Yongshi, don't try to escape this time!"

"Eternity, you sealed me hundreds of millions of years ago, today is the day you fell!"


Looking at a black line of Li Mo, the zombie Seth said darkly, "Don't worry about the other, you fight, today our goal is to avenge the gods."

This group of guys seem to have a lot of resentment, and each has their own old rivals.

And some of the gods in the opposite universe also began to change their faces ~ ~ The horrible energy began to surge, and the atmosphere at the scene became more and more tense.

In front of the same forces, the gods and evil gods who had been supreme in the past seemed to have torn off their camouflage, and finally became a touch of humanity.

Tony, they have never seen the gods behave like this, their mouths widened in surprise.

Facing the increasingly chaotic situation, Li Mo calmed down instead.

He remembered the future performance of Domineering. Is this happening in his calculations? What is this guy trying to do?


"This is not in accordance with my plan."

In a gap between time and space, future tyrants frowned.

"Why are there so many people willing to support Li Mo? Now the strength of the two sides is about to be equal, and it is impossible to force him to exhaust the power of the space beyond the vampire vine."

"I said that you can only succeed if you rely on me."

A blue-light figure appeared beside him, and the surrounding cosmic structure continued to collapse.

We can vaguely see that this is a human figure in white armor and green skin, which is the transcendent protoss who entered the main universe.

His name was Lavin, and he was a nobleman beyond the Protoss.

Raven didn't look at the exterminator next to him, but just stared at the void, and a little greed appeared in his eyes.

"It was just a stupid journey, but I didn't expect that higher levels of power would also appear in this lower space."

"I can vaguely feel that the rules of this thing go far beyond transcendence. No matter what kind of power you gain in this universe, you will be killed when you face him."

"Only by our cooperation can we achieve a win-win situation. If you wish, you can destroy this universe and kill Li Mo."

"And I get that higher regular plant ..."

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