Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 59


Chapter 59 Taking refuge
“Work for me?”

Wang Bert thought for a while and turned towards Earth Demon asked: "I seem to have heard a saying somewhere that you elemental demons are actually fallen angels."


Everyone was shocked, This guy used to be an angel?
Earth Demon some bitter nodded and said: "I used to be an angel indeed, following the Archangel Michael, and then fell, was driven out of heaven by Michael and became a demon of exile."

Coulson Excitedly, he asked, "So, does heaven really exist?"

Earth Demon glanced at Coulson and said, "Of course it exists, but it's completely different from what you think."

"We'll talk about it later, let's get out of here first, so as not to be entangled by the media and the police, Coulson, call someone to deal with the matter here!"

Wang Bert said: "The bill is sent to Watchmen Company!"

Coulson is speechless, you are a Blood Race, is it really good to command SHIELD like this? People who don't know, think you are the top of SHIELD!
However, Coulson did not refuse, and walked aside to make a phone call. Wang Bert turned to Frank and shouted, "Frank, put Hero One back in the trunk."



Frank nodded and started to work, Damon looked at Hero One with bright eyes, but he didn't ask Wang Bert because he knew he couldn't afford it.

500 million USD, how many rascals does he want to rob?
Wang Bert said: "Let's go first, I found Ghost Rider."


Damon was overjoyed, and soon, everyone packed up and drove Get out of here, where Frank is driving the big truck, and everyone else, including Earth Demon, is in Wang Bert's silver white sports car!
It is worth mentioning that Frank's Hero II has been modified so that it can be opened directly from the middle, no need for special machine assistance!

Coulson sat in the back seat and asked in surprise: "Mister Wang, your sports car is not ordinary, there is no vibration at all!"

Wang Bert laughed heartily: " Of course not ordinary, this car is worth 500 million USD!"

"500 million USD?"

Coulson and Damon are both startled, even Earth Demon is no exception, this car The value is actually comparable to a battlesuit?
Wang Bert saw Earth Demon's expression in the rearview mirror, and asked inexplicably: "It's okay for other people to be surprised, Earth Demon, what are you surprised about? The devil doesn't need money, right?"

"How can I live in Earth without money? Although I don't need to buy food, I have to pay water, electricity, internet, and also the damn rent every month!"

The Earth Demon complained: "You humans are too dark. You exploit me when you know I have no identity. You don't even pay me the minimum wage. Compared to me, you are the real devil."

" en?”

The three Wang Bert were full of question marks, aren’t you a devil, how did you become an illegal worker?
Damon can't help asking: "Isn't it right, you are so powerful, how can you be exploited by humans?"

"My ability is very strong, but do I dare to use it? I just When I came to the world, I was arrogant for a while, but Kamar-Taj's sorcerer chased down half Earth with two space knives!"

The Earth Demon sighed and said: "Since then, I don't dare to use my abilities anymore, obediently and honestly to be an ordinary person, lest I be found by Kamar-Taj again."

"Is Kamar-Taj's sorcerer so cruel?"

Coulson smacked his tongue, actually hacked a devil forcibly into illegal labor?
While this is reassuring from a human perspective, it's not good news from a SHIELD perspective, after all, SHIELD likes to be in control!
Wang Bert said with a smile: "If Kamar-Taj wasn't murderous, how could Earth be so peaceful? You can't see any demons and ghosts!"

Damon thought of something and asked, "Wait. Wait, that's not right, you used your ability to hunt me down before, didn't you use it quite happily?"

"That's because I found a backer, and his power can prevent me from being attacked by Kamar-Taj. Found!"

Earth Demon said: "However, I don't dare to be too arrogant, otherwise those former agents would not be as simple as being seriously injured."

Coulson then understood that Earth Demon had Why show mercy, I am more and more amazed at the deterrent power of Kamar-Taj!

Wang Bert asked, "Who is your backer? He asked you to kill Damon?"

"It's him!"

Earth Demon honestly replied: "My patron is Blackheart, he is Mephisto's son."

Damon is confused: "I am the Knight of Mephisto, why did Blackheart kill me?"

"Because Blackheart wanted to snatch the contract and build a new hell on earth, I saw him destroy Mephisto's projection with my own eyes."

Earth Demon replied: "The devil doesn't talk about kinship, Blackheart most wants to It was Mephisto who was killed, otherwise he could only be Prince for a lifetime!"

"How could there be a Prince in the world? It's really depressing to meet a Demon King who won't die."

Wang Bert laughed and said, "How many people does Blackheart have?"

"Besides me, also Water Demon and Wind Demon!"

The Earth Demon said: "Because With the existence of the three Sanctums, the devil cannot enter Earth, so Blackheart came to us and promised us a lot of benefits, we lived too hard, so we decided to be a big vote with him!"

Earth Demon Thinking of the current situation, he said dejectedly: "As a result, the moment I took the action, it fell into your hands. If I knew earlier, I might as well continue to be an illegal worker. Hey, my rent for this month hasn't been paid yet, the damn landlord, plus Rent!"

Everyone was speechless, feeling that the three views were about to be shattered! This is the devil, can you believe it?
Coulson can't help asking: "The devil can't get in, why can you and Blackheart? You are also the devil!"

"The protective net formed by the three Sanctum will not intercept weak life. "

The Earth Demon explained: "When we were expelled from heaven, we were only weak souls, so the protection net did not stop us. Later, we merged with the elements on Earth and became elemental demons. With the current strength.

As for Blackheart, I don't know how he did it, not only did he get in by himself, but he also kept us from being discovered by Kamar-Taj when we started!"


"Is that so?"

Coulson's face was a little ugly: "Doesn't that mean that Blackheart can summon a large number of demons to Earth at any time?"

Earth Demon shook his head: "No, if he really has this ability, why would he need the help of our three demons?"

Wang Bert asked: "Water demons and wind demons are also illegal laborers like you?"

"The Wind Demon is similar to me. I work at the construction site. He is responsible for delivering the courier. He often complains that those people don't give tips."

Earth Demon said: "As for the Water Demon, he has been hiding in a swamp. When otaku, I usually choose things that humans don't want to use!

To be honest, human things are really interesting, such as comics, novels, etc. I can't help buying it every time, and Fengma likes to watch movies , every night in the movie theater all night, it's cheaper!"

"You are not three devils, you are three poor devils!"

Damon can't help complain, these three guys are the shame of the devil!
"What can I do? If you don't keep a low profile, your only end is to be hacked to death by Kamar-Taj!"

Earth Demon helplessly said: "You have no idea how cruel Kamar-Taj is, especially It's Sorcerer Supreme. Back then, even Hell Lord and Archangel chose to back down in front of her and no longer continue to use Earth as the battlefield!"

Coulson was stunned: "Sorcerer Supreme is so powerful? What exactly is it? ?"

The Earth Demon said, "What about the specifics, how would I know as a soldier?"

"Is that so?"

Wang Bert thought for a while , said to Earth Demon: "Officially introduce, my dear Bert Wang, the Chairman of Bloodgod Group and Oscorp, one of the richest people in the world!"

"Oscorp who makes battlesuits? No wonder you can So many battlesuits are dispatched!"

Earth Demon was stunned at first, then said excitedly: "Mister Wang, I really want to work for you, please, no, please give me this opportunity !"

Damon couldn't help turning his head, this is too embarrassing, isn't it?
Wang Bert said: "Sincerely, okay, follow me in the future!"

"Mister Wang!" Coulson hurriedly said: "It's not safe!"

Wang Bert said, "He's going to make something happen, and I'm responsible."

"Thank you Boss!"

Earth Demon was overjoyed. At this time, he thought of something and asked hesitantly. : "BOSS, can you help me hide from Kamar-Taj? The ability Blackheart gave me can only last for a while!"

Wang Bert said: "Small problem, I'll get you a government Or the temporary identity of SHIELD, Kamar-Taj has never interfered in worldly affairs, seeing that you have been incorporated by human beings, he will definitely not hunt you down!”

Coulson glanced at Wang Bert helplessly, SHIELD It's not your home!
"This is fine!"

The Earth Demon was overjoyed, he said: "Boss, if you have something to do in the future, just give me the minimum wage!"

Everyone was speechless and demanded It's really low, it's unprecedented for the devil to be like you!

Wang Bert said: "Don't worry, I can't lose you, you can control the soil, this ability will come in handy in the future!"

In the near future, Manhattan will be alienated by aliens. Ruined.

The devil is engaged in construction and has a head!
"very good, BOSS, I can help you to persuade the water demon and the wind demon, we were unable to work for Blackheart before, and now we have you as a Big Boss, who also cares about him!"

Earth Demon said excitedly: "Blackheart has no future at first sight. His father has been in the business for so many years and can't fight Sorcerer Supreme, let alone him!" Also said that Blackheart is your backer?
Damon couldn't help shaking his head: "This Blackheart is so pitiful, I finally found three subordinates, but all three were rebels!"

Wang Bert said: "Then you should persuade him to surrender. Well, if you can successfully persuade surrender, I will give you a new cellphone produced by Oscorp!"

"BOSS, I will not disappoint you!"

Earth Demon said happily : "It's a pity that our cellphone was destroyed before, otherwise we can persuade them to surrender now!"

Coulson looked at Earth Demon and wanted to tell him that if he wanted to come to SHIELD, let alone a cellphone, it would be Two, they are also willing to give!
Of course, Coulson didn't say anything in the end. After all, when it comes to spending money, they can't beat Wang Bert, a dead tycoon!

Wang Bert thought of something and asked: "By the way, what did you mean when you said Blackheart was looking for a contract?"

"In Texas, there is a village named Shengfan In the village of Gangza, the whole village believed in God, Mephisto set up a trick to make them kill each other, in the end, the whole village died, their souls turned into wraith, could not leave the village, could not go to heaven, and perished forever !"

Earth Demon introduced: "Contract of San Venganza, which is the contract Mephisto made with those villagers, as long as you hold this contract, you can take away all the wraith there!

More than 100 years ago, after the successful design of Mephisto, Mephisto sent Ghost Rider to the village of San Venganza to collect souls. Who knows that Ghost Rider thought all this was too evil, and ran away with the Contract of San Venganza, Mephisto's plan, so All in vain!
What Blackheart wants is those thousands of wraiths! He told us that once he gets these thousands of wraiths, he can create a new hell on earth, and then he will be the new Demon King of hell."

"Create a new hell on earth?"

Coulson sucked in a breath of cold air, although also a lot of can't figure it out, but this thing certainly won't make Blackheart successful!
"Does thousands of wraiths have such a big effect?"

Wang Bert asked suspiciously, more than a thousand souls, and it is not difficult to find, Wang Bert is a tool that does not collect souls, Otherwise, as long as you spend a little money, many people are willing to collect souls for him.

The Earth Demon shook his head: "I'm not quite clear either, Blackheart said, those wraiths are extraordinary."

"Anyway, don't let Blackheart succeed!"

Damon said: "Bert, did you really find Ghost Rider? I've been looking for months and can't find it!"

Coulson also looked at Wang Bert, Wang Bert shrugged, and said, "What is this? Difficult? Post a bounty on Twitter to collect Ghost Rider legends, and then find a group of intelligence experts to analyze the intelligence.

Finally, get the Texas Mounted Police data more than 100 years ago, cross-reference, and then I can analyze who Ghost Rider is."

paused, Wang Bert continued: "After analyzing the identity of Ghost Rider, I will offer a reward to find his intelligence, and analyze them one by one. As long as the luck is not too bad, I will definitely be able to. Found it!"

Damon and Coulson were both shocked: "Is this really possible?"

"Of course! The Ghost Rider's name is Carter Slade, a hundred Mounties from over fifty years ago!"

Wang Bert said: "In a cemetery near Houston, Carter Slade's tomb was found, and that tomb has been maintained, which shows that Carter Slade is Hidden there!
Besides himself, also who would remember a man from more than 150 years ago? You know, he has no descendants!"


Damon sighed, if the police had such resources and manpower, would they still be afraid of not being able to solve the case?
Damon asked: "Where is that cemetery?"

Wang Bert said with a smile: "It's coming soon!"


There was a cemetery outside the city, Frank was guarding outside, Wang Bert three and a demon strode in, a tomb guard with a shovel saw Wang Bert and Earth Demon, and shouted: "Dirty things , get out of here!"

"It seems that this is the goal, it's really easy!"

Wang Bert laughed and said to the tomb guard: "This piece of land, I I bought it a few days ago, so you are not entitled to chase me, on the contrary, I can chase you away at any time, Carter Slade!"

The old cowboy Carter Slade face changed, he shouted: "Who is Carter Slade? Also, this land doesn't belong to anyone!"

"Stop pretending, there are devils, SHIELD, and Ghost Rider here, you can't keep it up!"

Wang Bert took out a top Cuban cigar from his arms and threw it to the other party, saying, "Have a cigar, let's talk, don't worry, we are not enemies!"

Carter Slade caught the cigar, unhappy Said: "How did you find me? I have been hiding for more than a hundred years, and even Mephisto can't find me!"

"Mephisto can't use cellphones!"

Wang Bert said with a smile: "Let's go into the room!"

"Okay, come with me!"

Shi Lei didn't talk nonsense, he carried the shovel and led the crowd to his place. room.

(end of this chapter)

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