Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 60


Chapter 60 Blackheart

A gravekeeper's house is naturally not very good, the most conspicuous among them Yes, is a Michael's Angel!

Seeing the angel statue, the Earth Demon was frightened at the door and didn't dare to come in. He shouted, "This is a blessed angel statue with Holy Power on it!"

"Of course, with Holy Power, without the Archangel's protection, I was discovered by Mephisto long ago!"

Seeing the Earth Demon, Shi Lei taunted: "It seems that you should be a fallen angel!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Lei turned his head to look at Wang Bert who walked in, and asked, "What are you? Why aren't you affected by Holy Power?"

"Maybe because I often donate money to the church!"

Wang Bert said with a smile, everyone was speechless, do you think angels can also bribe? also, you are a Vampire, why donate money to the church?

Wang Bert didn't talk nonsense, pointed to Damon and said: "He is the Ghost Rider of this generation, we came to you to ask how to get rid of Mephisto!"

Slay Putting the shovel aside, he asked, "Aren't you for the contract?"

Wang Bert sat down without speaking, and Damon said, "Mephisto asked me to get the contract back, but I won't help Him!"

Slay lit the top cigar with a match, took a puff of enjoyment, and said, "The Archangel told me that you would come to me, but I didn't expect it to be so much. Man, and you came earlier than I thought!"


Coulson asked hastily, "Can angels come to Earth?"


"Although you are human, the breath on your body is disgusting!"

Sly snorted, said: "When I pray, the archangel occasionally says something to me , He once told me that the new Ghost Rider will be pulled down to this cemetery by fate."

paused, Shi Lei continued: "And I will be responsible for guiding him to the right path, which is My mission!"

"Fate? I think it's money!"

Damon spread his hands and said, "Mr. Slay, I don't know what the right path is, I just want to get rid of Mephisto!"

Slay said, "I can tell you something, but are these people trustworthy?"

"Bert is definitely trustworthy, as for this A SHIELD agent..."

Damon looked at Coulson and said hesitantly, "I don't know if he is trustworthy!"

Coulson was not angry, He said very kindly: "SHIELD's goal is to protect the world, you can trust me!"

"I've heard a lot of stupid things like this, you people are best at saying stupid things and doing stupid things. , be a fool."

Slay was very disdainful, but he did not drive Coulson away, he said: "First of all, you must first understand one thing, your soul was not taken away by Mephisto, It's still in your body!
Just like me, all Mephisto did was put a Spirit of Vengeance into my body!"

Damon was stunned: "My soul is still In the body?"

"Yes, still!"

Slay said, "That's why I can betray Mephisto, if my soul is in his hands, He killed me long ago, how could he let me I live to this day?
However, we all signed a contract that Mephisto can take our souls whenever he finds us. "

Damon looked thoughtful: "So we can't let him find us?" "

"Yeah, this is a sanctuary, Mephisto can't sense it, so I've been fine all these years!" "

Shi Lei nodded and said: "If you want, you can live here with me. As long as you sincerely believe in the Archangel, the Archangel will definitely protect you!" "


Damon hesitated, this wasn't the solution he wanted, it was just an escape!

"Mephisto" Seduce the believers of God to fall, the archangel seduces Ghost Rider to betray, it sounds like angels and devils are playing chess! "

Wang Bert's eyes flashed, and he asked Shi Lei, "Mr. Shi Lei, what is Spirit of Vengeance?" "

"They are the angels sent by God to judge the sins of Penalty, but they are lured to fall by Mephisto!" "

Slay let out a puff of smoke and said, "That's why the Spirit of Vengeance keeps trying sinners." "

"So that's how it is, I thought Ghost Rider's style was obviously different from the devil!" "

Damon suddenly realized, he asked: "Mr. Slay, is there a way for me to get rid of Spirit of Vengeance and Mephisto completely?" "

"If there is a way, I would have used it long ago, and I would still use it to keep here every day?" "

Shi Lei said angrily: "In addition, the Archangel once told me that the Spirit of Vengeance on you is different from other Ghost Riders. It is always in your body, and no one can separate you." , including Mephisto! "

Damon was stunned: "What, Spirit of Vengeance has been in my body? This is impossible! "

Shi Lei said: "You are very different, even the archangel is paying attention to you!" "

Damon smiled wryly: "I don't want it to be different!" "

"It seems that Mephisto didn't find you at random. There is a connection between you and him!" "

Wang Bert touched his chin and said, "Ignore this for the time being, let's get your soul ownership back first." "

Shi Lei said vigilantly: "Don't tell me you want to exchange the contract for his soul, I won't give the contract to you!" "

Wang Bert said: "I didn't intend to use the contract to exchange it. Little hell or something, it sounds very dangerous and can't make Mephisto successful!" "

"Exactly!" "

Coulson searched the house without a trace while nodding - something as dangerous as a contract, of course they should SHIELD to keep it!
Shi Lei shook his head: "Without that contract, Mephisto would not Return the ownership of the soul to Ghost Rider, in fact, even if there is, he probably won't return it! "

Wang Bert said: "Not necessarily, his son Blackheart is coming from Earth, we can catch him and trade him for Mephisto!" "

Sley sneered: "You think the devil cares about his son?" "

"If he doesn't change, I'll take Blackheart to the global exhibition and make all the lords and Demon God laugh at him." "

Wang Bert said: "Son is not important, what about face? "

Everyone looked at Wang Bert speechlessly, all of them came up with this idea, in fact, you are the devil, right?

Shi Lei thought for a while, then shook his head: "This method Not necessarily useful, Mephisto is not as simple as you think! "

"Always try, and we were meant to deal with Blackheart!" "

Wang Bert said, "Mr. Shi Lei, do you mind if we take a night's rest around here?" "

"I mind, but would I mind being useful?" Didn't you already buy this place? "

Shi Lei said angrily: "Hey, that special agent over there, this alien is so arrogant, you don't care? "

Coulson spread his hands: "No way, he has too much money, we can't handle it!" "

"You institutions are really unreliable! "

Shi Lei scolded and said to Damon: "You stay here, I will teach you some experience, in fact, Spirit of Vengeance can be controlled, as long as your will is strong enough, after all this Your body is yours! "

"Thank you, Mr. Shi Lei!" "

Damon is overjoyed, what he needs most now is the senior's teaching!
"You can go!" "

Slay started chasing people, Wang Bert didn't care, and left with Coulson.

As soon as they left the door, Earth Demon reminded nervously: "BOSS, Blackheart is not so good." Easy to deal with, don't be careless! "

Wang Bert asked, "He's strong? "

"Of course the Demon King's son is strong!" "

Earth Demon said: "Although he has sealed most of his powers in order not to be discovered by Kamar-Taj, he will definitely not control so much when it is in a crisis. "

"Son of the Demon King?" "

Wang Bert coldly snorted and said: "It's okay, it's really hard to beat, also Kamar-Taj helps us finish!" "

Earth Demon first nodded, and then smiled bitterly: "That's true, I'm afraid Kamar-Taj will clean up with us!" "

Coulson suggested: "Mister Wang, maybe we SHIELD can send some people to help!" "

"No need, Coulson, the reason why you are allowed to follow this time is mainly to let SHIELD know the truth of this world, lest you continue to be so arrogant." "

Wang Bert shook the head, he said, "All you have to do is keep your eyes open, that's all. "

Coulson was stunned for a moment, then said: "I understand, this time, I will trouble you, Mister Wang!" "

Wang Bert is satisfied with the nodded, this guy is better at talking than Nick Fury, he patted Coulson's shoulder and said: "Coulson, I'm optimistic about you, SHIELD's next Director is you!" "

"Mister Wang, don't be joking, Director Fury did a great job." "

Coulson smiled wryly, once these words reach the World Security Council, let alone this life, he will never be a Director in the next life!
"It's not that he did a bad job, he did it." Too much, I say, why would you let a persecuted paranoid be Director? Do you not have regular psychological examinations? "

Wang Bert snorted, said: "By the way, Coulson, I take care of you like this, if the Kamar-Taj people really come, you remember to block me." "

Coulson ridiculed: "Mister Wang, that's the real reason you've been with me?" ”

Wang Bert laughed heartily: “No, I have been carrying you because I admire you! "


In the evening, Shi Lei rushed out of the house anxiously, looking around, he seemed to have lost something important!

It's here At that time, a voice suddenly sounded: "O old tomb keeper, did you lose this tattered shovel or this 10 million check? "

Shi Lei turned his head sharply and saw Wang Bert holding a shovel in one hand and a check in the other, looking at him with a smile!

Shi Lei cursed, walked over and tore down the 10 million check, and asked, "Is it really possible to cash it? "

Wang Bert ridiculed: "I thought you could take a shovel, old grave sweeper, you're not being honest!" "

"You got it all, what's the use of me taking it back?" "

Snorted, asked: "How do you know the contract is in the shovel?" "

"Because I can see through!" "

Wang Bert shrugged, said: "The 10 million check can definitely be cashed. When this matter is over, you can use this money to enjoy!" "

"It's a must. After so many years, I should enjoy it." "

Slay put the check in his pocket and asked, "What are you going to do with the contract?" "

Wang Bert said: "Find a place to seal it up!" I don't need this thing at all, I just take it because I'm afraid you won't be able to keep it. "

"I can't keep it, or I won't be taken away by you!" "

Shi Lei looked at Wang Bert and said, "This contract is not a treasure, it is a responsibility." "

"I know!" "

Wang Bert waved his hand, turned and returned to the van. Frank had the tools ready, and he asked, "Why not just break this contract?" "

"If it could be destroyed, Shi Lei and the others would have been destroyed long ago!" "

Wang Bert shook the head, broke the shovel, took out the contract, and said, "Don't talk about this, seal the contract in Vibranium!" "

"Good! "

Frank no more nonsense, put the contract into Ivan's special instrument, then took out a can of Vibranium and started working!
The Vibranium bought from Ulysses are all source stone, processed It's not that difficult - when Wakanda first got Vibranium, she was a primordial person and could still process it!
Soon, the contract was sealed in Vibranium, Wang Bert picked up Vibranium and integrated it into his body!
"Okay, Frank instructor, now it's your turn to make a plan! "

Wang Bert said with a smile: "Tomorrow's Battle of Blackheart, you are solely responsible for it!" "

Frank said: "Earth Demon doesn't understand Blackheart's strength, I'm only 70% sure about this battle!" "

"Seventy percent? enough! "

Wang Bert is satisfied with the nodded, Punisher never disappoints!

At noon on the second day, a church outside Houston, a black clothed Blackheart Wang Bert With Divine Idol above, disdainful smile, I killed your followers in church, what can you do about me?

"Blackheart! "

At this time, a gust of wind turned into a human form in front of Blackheart, and said nervously: "The Earth Demon has been captured and is coming this way!" "

Blackheart asked, "Who caught it, Ghost Rider?" "

Feng Mo said: "Except for Ghost Rider, also an alien who doesn't know what race, he has a strong bloody air on him, but he is not afraid of the sun!" "

"hmph, act recklessly, it's daytime!" "

Blackheart coldly snorted, strode out, he dignified hell Prince, how could he be afraid of mortals and aliens?

The wind demon and the water demon followed, and the wind demon quietly used the wind Writing on the water demon, the water demon was stunned for a moment, the wind demon made a movement of counting the banknotes, the water demon quietly nodded, and a line of words appeared on the clothes: "Who has money, who is the boss! ”

Blackheart didn't know the little movements of the two demons behind him. As soon as he got outside the door, he saw the Earth Demon being held by two people and walking towards this direction.

Wang Bert stopped More than ten meters away from Blackheart, he slapped his nose and said disgustedly: "Dude, you smell so strong, you haven't showered for a few days? You can't get a girl like that! "

Blackheart recognized Wang Bert's identity and said with a sneer: "trifling Vampire, dare to mess with me?" "

"Aren't you just a second generation in hell who relies on your father's shadow, arrogant in front of me?" "

Wang Bert cursed with disdain: "Without Mephisto, you are nothing! "

"Shut up, I don't need to rely on him! "

Blackheart angrily roared: "When I get the contract and build a new hell, I will go back and kill him, and I will let everyone know that I am blackhearted and more powerful than Mephisto!" "

"My foolish son, you have really let me down!" "

At this moment, an old but powerful voice suddenly sounded: "If you really have the ability to kill me, then I won't say much, after all, you are my son, the problem is, you are stupid." How can you kill me if you don't even know the betrayal of your own subordinates? ”

(end of this chapter)

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